How the Online Left Fuels the Right

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2018 May 11, 8:56am   8,448 views  25 comments

by Heraclitusstudent   ➕follow (8)   💰tip   ignore  


"But online life creates an illusion of left-wing excess and hegemony that barely exists in the real world, at least outside of a few collegiate enclaves. Consider, for example, how an online mob turned a Utah teenager who wore a Chinese-style dress to her prom into a national news story. The sanctimony and censoriousness of the social justice internet is like a machine for producing red pills. It makes people think it’s daring to, say, acknowledge that men and women are different, or pick on immigrants, or praise the president of the United States."

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1   Tenpoundbass   2018 May 11, 9:24am  

Aphroman says
I was red pilled- weak admission to having been ignorant and easily manipulated.

But but but Trump is better than Nothing!
The Liberals are a big fat Nothing. They project Loserhood. They are the inept ass corpuscle that wont go away.
2   Bd6r   2018 May 11, 3:17pm  

Aphroman says
Trump Fan Boys are on the level with the Hilldog’s at this point

Sad, but true - our Chosen Candidate can do no wrong, and even if xe does something wrong, it is because of swamp/conservatives/liberals/ten-dimensional chess/asteroid strikes/Fucking White Males/their wives who are intimidated. Pick your own explanation. And yes, Trump was the best outcome of previous election as Hillary would have been a complete and utter disaster.
3   Bd6r   2018 May 11, 4:53pm  

WarrenTheApe says
Here in the Bay Area, it is EVERYWHERE

It is common in hiring at any state institution or large company, and is called "affirmative action".
4   lostand confused   2018 May 11, 5:10pm  

This is not online. I shared my experience at the Trump rally where liberal goons put everybody at risk and chased us from a peaceful rally. Liberals have gone mad, it is time to fix the madness before they drag us down witht hem. These are actual people-liberals. We are one step away from leftoid authotitarian rule-Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot all are good examples of leftoid thinking gone wild.

5   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2018 May 11, 5:24pm  

Tenpoundbass says
Aphroman says
I was red pilled- weak admission to having been ignorant and easily manipulated.

But but but Trump is better than Nothing!
The Liberals are a big fat Nothing. They project Loserhood. They are the inept ass corpuscle that wont go away.

The leftists are worse than nothing. President Obama PAID HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS to the Iranians for an empty suit. He failed to challenge North Korea.

President Trump is wise. Much more so than we give him credit for. He recognized that with enemies, when you have the most powerful military on the planet, you make good use of it. He recognized that Kim Jung Un has had exposure to Western education, knows Western culture, even loves aspects of Western culture and even the United States. But Trump is also smart enough to implement trust but verify. With pressure from the US AND China, with an open embrace from South Korea, I think this can turn out well. I think N. Korea actually wants to join the rest of the civilized world. With Iran, again Trump is wise. The Iranians were using the money to continue to build nukes. As opposed to Obama, President Trump went to the Israelis, said that we the United States are allies and friends with Israel, and will back you by any means necessary. The Iranians MUST bend the knee, or face destruction.

Before all is said and done, the Iranians will bend the knee.
6   EBGuy   2018 May 11, 5:57pm  

Wow, I almost did a spit take. This poor woman, along with Michael Eric Dyson, is going to try to debate Stephen Fry and Jordan Peterson on the issue of Political Correctness: Be it resolved, what you call political correctness, I call progress…. Goldberg has already misrepresented Peterson's position on woman in the workplace (It’s 2018 and women’s place in public life is not up for debate!), so this should be fun.
7   Bd6r   2018 May 12, 7:46am  

Aphroman says
You need to focus on what’s most important: liking Trump. Liking Trump is of utmost importance and we need to know who doesn’t like Trump so we can castigate them. Daddy Trump loves us, he really cares about all these super important, unique, organic ideas that right wingers have to share, but the SJW crowds won’t let them!

Nice sarcasm (and true today), but a few years ago this was true:

You need to focus on what’s most important: liking Obama. Liking Obama is of utmost importance and we need to know who doesn’t like Obama so we can castigate them for being racists. Obama loves us, he really cares about all these super important, unique, organic ideas that left wingers have to share, but the racists, sexists, and Fucking White Males won’t let him bring Nirvana to us!
8   Bd6r   2018 May 12, 7:56am  

jazz_music says
And so the rich man's lies rule. PERIOD. You get to be a good-time-Charlie, maybe you can even get on a talk radio show or Fox.

And how is Left different? Talking about Fucking White Males who Oppress minorities, womyn, transgendereds, and should never be hired, and perhaps should not exist, will do wonders to drive them to the Right. Discrimination in hiring FWM's is now basically institutionalized. How does a poor Appalachian hillbilly opress everything, while Raines, Frazier, and Parsons can not oppress anyone due to their race? May be it would be better to have a distinction not about race, but about mega rich vs. the rest?

Worshiping Obama just as Right now worships Trump is as stupid. What did Obama do? Was it FWM's who thwarted his actions (just like SJW's now thwart Trumps' actions)? Did they put gun to his head to bail out banks (e.i. rich at expense of poor)? Did they force him to give money away to insurance companies (aka Obamacare)?
9   Bd6r   2018 May 12, 8:33am  

Aphroman says
I don’t see this anti White Male thing yous bleet on and on about,

I do see it all the time. I work at a university, hiring committee was told "hire minorities or womyn" for faculty position, otherwise search will not be approved. Among my students, I see that women and non-Asians/non-whites get preferences when hired for industry jobs. I have posted here scores for admissions to med schools for Asian, white, and minority applicants. Take a guess which races need the highest, and which need the lowest scores to be admitted to med schools and universities? Is that discrimination or not? These are FACTS and not feelings, and these are promptly ignored by anyone on the Left side of spectrum.

When Sanders said that he thinks class is more important than race, he got run down by Left with their identity politics.
10   Bd6r   2018 May 12, 8:39am  

Aphroman says
potential democrat voters i know are all successful white family men who simply seem to value our Freedoms and Liberties

Do these freedoms and liberties include blatant discrimination in hiring/school admissions (aka Affirmative Action)?

Aphroman says
he certainly knows how to get all the people that don’t like niggers and spics to support him

Probably true - I'd guess that racist individuals voted for him rather than Hillary. The backlash in media of white vs. black racism is rather different though. I recently saw on PBS a program called "roots" or something like that, where they did DNA and ancestry analysis of various celebrities. One of the black celebrities was visibly relieved (and expressed it verbally) that he had less white ancestry than black. What would happen if a white person would be relieved that he did not have black ancestry in DNA, or would show relief learning that he has less black ancestry. He would be paraded all around media as an evil, horrible person.
11   Shaman   2018 May 12, 8:41am  

Anti-FWM sentiment is SO prevalent across SO many different spheres from school to college to hiring for jobs, and most especially when it comes to hiring for public sector jobs, that it’s no wonder the FWMs are feeling resentful.

Wanna be a firefighter? Well, you can go to training school, get some EMT credentials, and work hard, but unless you have a vagina or dark skin, your chances are small. Unless, perhaps, if your daddy or uncle or whatever is a supervisor because nepotism works universally. Then you need only to show up.

Basically tho, as a FWM, there is absolutely no attraction for a party/ethos which has actively discriminated against me all my life based only on an accident of birth. Hatred of such is the rule, not the exception.

Democrats are about to experience their most savage and humiliating defeat in November since the rise of the tea party in 2010.

I’m bringing popcorn!
12   Bd6r   2018 May 12, 8:43am  

Quigley says
Anti-FWM sentiment

I'd say only willfully blind person, or someone living in a closeted/sheltered environment will not see this.
13   mell   2018 May 12, 9:20am  

Quigley says
Anti-FWM sentiment is SO prevalent across SO many different spheres from school to college to hiring for jobs, and most especially when it comes to hiring for public sector jobs, that it’s no wonder the FWMs are feeling resentful.

Wanna be a firefighter? Well, you can go to training school, get some EMT credentials, and work hard, but unless you have a vagina or dark skin, your chances are small. Unless, perhaps, if your daddy or uncle or whatever is a supervisor because nepotism works universally. Then you need only to show up.

Basically tho, as a FWM, there is absolutely no attraction for a party/ethos which has actively discriminated against me all my life based only on an accident of birth. Hatred of such is the rule, not the exception.

Democrats are about to experience their most savage and humiliating defeat in November since the rise of the tea party in 2010.

I’m bringing popcorn!

14   Bd6r   2018 May 12, 10:40am  

Aphroman says
And those outside of university education a/o San Francisco

What you are saying is that we should happily ignore state-sponsored discrimination? Perhaps it should have been ignored also in 1960's when it was rampant in the other direction? Were people who were discriminated against then also "failed losers"?

We need to buy a certain % from minority businesses. Is that discrimination or not?
15   Patrick   2018 May 12, 10:58am  

There are many great and true quotes in that article:

Here are some things that you will hear when you sit down to dinner with the vanguard of the Intellectual Dark Web: There are fundamental biological differences between men and women. Free speech is under siege. Identity politics is a toxic ideology that is tearing American society apart. And we’re in a dangerous place if these ideas are considered “dark." ...

some have paid for this commitment by being purged from institutions that have become increasingly hostile to unorthodox thought — and have found receptive audiences elsewhere.

“People are starved for controversial opinions,” said Joe Rogan, an MMA color commentator and comedian who hosts one of the most popular podcasts in the country. “And they are starved for an actual conversation.” ...

On April 21, Kanye West crystallized this problem when he tweeted seven words that set Twitter on fire: “I love the way Candace Owens thinks.”

Candace Owens, the communications director for Turning Point USA, is a sharp, young, black conservative — a telegenic speaker with killer instincts who makes videos with titles like “How to Escape the Democrat Plantation” and “The Left Thinks Black People Are Stupid.” Mr. West’s praise for her was sandwiched inside a longer thread that referenced many of the markers of the Intellectual Dark Web, like the tyranny of thought policing and the importance of independent thinking. ...

Today they have left their jobs, lost many of their friends and endangered their reputations.

All this because they opposed a “Day of Absence,” in which white students were asked to leave campus for the day. For questioning a day of racial segregation cloaked in progressivism, the pair was smeared as racist. Following threats, they left town for a time with their children and ultimately resigned their jobs.

“Nobody else reacted. That’s what shocked me,” Mr. Weinstein said. “It told me that a culture that told itself it was radically open-minded was actually a culture cowed by fear.” ...

Mr. Harris said something that he thought was obvious on its face: Not all cultures are equally conducive to human flourishing. Some are superior to others.

“Until that time I had been criticizing religion, so the people who hated what I had to say were mostly on the right,” Mr. Harris said. “This was the first time I fully understood that I had an equivalent problem with the secular left.” ...

“The moral confusion that operates under the banner of ‘multiculturalism’ can blind even well-educated people to the problems of intolerance and cruelty in other communities,” Mr. Harris said. “This had never fully crystallized for me until that moment.” ...

Before September 2016, Jordan Peterson was an obscure psychology professor at the University of Toronto. Then he spoke out against Canada’s Bill C-16, which proposed amending the country’s human-rights act to outlaw discrimination based on gender identity and expression. He resisted on the grounds that the bill risked curtailing free speech by compelling people to use alternative gender pronouns. He made YouTube videos about it. He went on news shows to protest it. He confronted protesters calling him a bigot. When the university asked him to stop talking about it, including sending two warning letters, he refused. ...

Debra Soh, who has a Ph.D. in neuroscience, self-deported from the academic track, sensing that the spectrum of acceptable perspectives and even areas of research was narrowing. Dr. Soh said that she started “waking up” in the last two years of her doctorate program. “It was clear that the environment was inhospitable to conducting research,” she said. “If you produce findings that the public doesn’t like, you can lose your job.” ...

“You have to understand that the I.D.W. emerged as a response to a world where perfectly reasonable intellectuals were being regularly mislabeled by activists, institutions and mainstream journalists with every career-ending epithet from ‘Islamophobe’ to ‘Nazi,’” Eric Weinstein said. ...

“Some say the I.D.W. is dangerous,” Ms. Heying said. “But the only way you can construe a group of intellectuals talking to each other as dangerous is if you are scared of what they might discover.”
16   Bd6r   2018 May 12, 11:34am  

Aphroman says
White Males drive around in taxpayer funded cars with union gigs and no accountability, harassing productive working people and shooting our kids and pets. Stop making excuses for Republicans selling our nation down the river

I'd say same about D's - you should stop making excuses for them. And I do not make excuses for R being stupid - such as War on Drugs or bombing everyone in order to increase profits for weapons manufacturers.

With respect to FWM police driving around harassing people - I wholeheartedly agree sans FWM part. I live in 4th largest city in US, and police is minority majority, whatever that means. The way how police gets off when they shoot or beat someone is the following - the police union (supported by D's) hired the most expensive lawyer in town (usually, a D supporter) and like in magic, video of six cops beating the crap out of a teenager who lies on ground does not matter any more! Or shooting a guy on porch of his house because he protested cop roughing up his mother - again, police union--->best lawyer in town--->cop goes free. In last mayoral elections, police union supported D candidate.

Aphroman says
some dumb black bitch gets some worthless government job

You are avoiding the point of systemic discrimination in hiring for govt, state, and large companies.
17   justme   2018 May 12, 11:47am  

It is complete bullshit that red pill is a right-wing ideology or even concept.

I hereby reclaim RED PILL as a metaphor for all lefties and progressives.

PS: Maybe it construed as progress that the expression "red pill" appears on the pages of the NY Times. But it is not progress when "red pill" is labelled as "alt-right".
18   Tenpoundbass   2018 May 12, 12:06pm  

The Real deal is, most Democrat voters have no idea just how evil Liberals are.

Tim, my Coworkers all laughed at me I told them Liberals were Evil these people are so far out of touch with the Democrats these guys think they are.
They thought that was unfounded. I've been told by these same people now, there's no other way to explain Liberals and Evil is the right word.
19   marcus   2018 May 12, 1:26pm  

Hopefully having a tyrant as President that any sane person should be terrified of, will undue all of this terrible left wing social justice talk.

Only by having a President that wants to tear down most of the institutions of American democracy, and who will do as much as possible to remove any and all regulations protecting the little guy, can we ever escape the incredible evil presented to us by a few crybaby naive children on college campuses.

Only by giving the oligarchs everything they want in terms of tax cuts and taking away safety nets as much as possible, can we ever hope to lower our middle class and working class standard of living to a level where our slave labor can compete with the slave labor of China, India (or soon), north Korea.

Only the right wing can bring us the true destruction of everything that makes America great. What do you say we start by using political correctness and social justice warriors as an excuse ?

I can't believe Obama thought that the fraction of one percent of people that are trannies should have a safe place as a rest room. That's the sort of thing that can get the right wing riled up supporting the oligarchs in their mission to create better gated communities for themselves and shanty towns for the rest of us.
20   Bd6r   2018 May 12, 1:40pm  

marcus says
tyrant as President

Just like Hitler eh? I'd argue that he is a Not Very Stable sociopath but not much more.
marcus says
Only by giving the oligarchs everything they want

Obama in tandem with Bush bailed out banks/car companies - bail out of rich at expense of poor. He introduced Obamacare, which is the biggest handout to insurance companies. I agree that Trump tax cuts were stupid (mostly because they increase budget deficit), but what is the difference from Obama actions.
marcus says
political correctness and social justice warriors as an excuse

If people on Left really care about issues that matter, then perhaps they can stop bashing FWM's and get to the crux of problem - which is that few mega-rich control more and more of everything.
marcus says
few crybaby naive children on college campuses

Crybabies on college campuses are irritating for sure, but they do not make laws and regulations that require discrimination of people by race/gender. See https://www.mbda.gov/ - is this crap also caused by a few crybabies on campuses?
21   mell   2018 May 12, 1:46pm  

This is entirely on the left. Not on the right or the original Liberals, which are today's Conservatives/Libertarians. Race baiting and discriminating by sex, race or sexual orientation is something we haven't had since slavery was abolished. The left wants to bring this shit back. That's why they keep losing elections and eating each other. They just need to nominate one common sense guy/girl from the heartland for the running to have a chance in elections again. It's up to them to save their party.
22   marcus   2018 May 12, 2:26pm  

drB6 says
Bush bailed out banks/car companies - bail out of rich at expense of poor.

The government (the peope) made a profit on that deal.

That's the opposite how the recent taxcuts are going to work out, unless you subscribe to the starve the beast theory which is that only by driving the debt up to the stratosphere can you deny the democrats the ability to spend govt money on the benfits that go to the people. You know, things like social security and medicare.

The idea of putting democrats in a position where they have to raise taxes in order to honor promises that were made to the people, is the stuff of republican wet dreams. SO sure, why not blow up the deficit ?
23   Bd6r   2018 May 12, 2:33pm  

marcus says
The government (the peope) made a profit on that deal.

Irrelevant - "moral hazard". Individuals who drove companies/banks into ground should have been bankrupted, and not given opportunities to give themselves mega-bonuses. Furthermore, Treasury apparently lost money on GM bailout, see http://money.cnn.com/2013/12/09/news/companies/gm-bailout-stock-sale/index.html.

If the mega-rich would know that govt will not backstop them, then perhaps we will have a more reasonable economic system and some of the mega-rich will drop into being not-so-rich-anymore.
24   marcus   2018 May 12, 2:51pm  

drB6 says
marcus says
The government (the peope) made a profit on that deal.


Not according to you. You said they were bailed out at an expense to the poor, when in fact it was a profit to us all. But I get it, that if the rich have no downside on the risks they take, it's ultimately a risk to the poor.

Just a bad example, and one that you pinned on Obama. I believe that at the time of those bail outs, there was no choice. As for who should have been punished ? That's a more complex and longer conversation. Not as simple as many wish it was. But sure. Some key heads should have rolled.

One disadvantage democrats have is that they feel like they have to prove that they are pro military and pro business. I'm not sure what all the reasons are that Obama didin't go after those that caused the crash. MAybe it's becasue it wasn't really specific individuals, but rather rather groups that played off of a combiation of factors.

For example, probably plenty of naive and semi innocent bankers thought that giving NINJA loans to individuals would work out based on recent history of double digit RE inflation. THe guys that designed the complex mortgage backed securities and the derivatives that were traded on them didn't neccessarily have bad intentions. It's all of the factors together that caused the crash. Not easy to pin it on specific individuals that deserve blame for the magnitude of what happened becasue of collective greed and stupidity.

MAybe those that removed regulations protecting us from ourselves are the ones that are the most to blame. Trump has pushed hard to undo all such regulation that came in the aftermath of the crash.
25   Bd6r   2018 May 12, 3:01pm  

marcus says
ou said they were bailed out at an expense to the poor, when in fact it was a profit to us all.

A short term profit, perhaps, but in a long term the mega-rich will keep driving companies into ground knowing that they are "too big to fail". Also, the car company bailout apparently was not profitable.
marcus says
I believe that at the time of those bail outs, there was no choice. As for who should have been punished ? That's a more complex and longer conversation. Not as simple as many wish it was. But sure. Some key heads should have rolled.

It is complex, but there always is choice. However, every choice govt makes involves bailing out mega-rich and not allowing them to go broke. No matter who is in power - D or R.
marcus says
Not easy to pin it on specific individuals that deserve blame for the magnitude of what happened becasue of collective greed and stupidity.

Sure, so it would be prudent to not bail them out - next time perhaps they would be more careful.
marcus says
MAybe those that removed regulations protecting us from ourselves are the ones that are the most to blame. Trump has pushed hard to undo all such regulation that came in the aftermath of the crash.

They definitely deserve blame - I believe it was R con-gress who repealed protections and Clinton who signed the repeal.

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