Global Cooling 1/2 degree in last 2 years.

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2018 May 18, 1:27pm   62,112 views  430 comments

by Onvacation   ➕follow (4)   💰tip   ignore  


The average global temperature dropped by more than half a degree Celsius from February 2016 to February 2018, according to recent NASA data.

Read Newsmax: NASA Data: Earth Cooled by Half a Degree Celsius From '16-'18

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201   LeonDurham   2018 Jun 8, 9:41am  

Malcolm says
f you don't actually believe the science is settled relating to human caused climate change, then it is you who are trolling by asserting that we are all ignorant and wrong about something that you are apparently open to because you say the science for part of it is settled but you aren't so sure about the rest of it.

Nope. I don't think you read very carefully. The science of the greenhouse effect is settled. It was discovered in the early 1800s and proven in mid 1800s, completely unrelated to and prior to any discussion of the Earth warming. That is not a model.

I've consistently posted that one can argue the validity of the models. Most open minded people who look at all of the agreement in data showing a warming Earth believe that the climate is changing, but like I said earlier--models are models. They are not facts.
202   Malcolm   2018 Jun 8, 9:48am  

LeonDurham says
Nope. I don't think you read very carefully. The science of the greenhouse effect is settled. It was discovered in the early 1800s and proven in mid 1800s, completely unrelated to and prior to any discussion of the Earth warming. That is not a model.

Sorry, but you have just precisely rephrased my point. You are just wanting to alarm for no actual reason. That is precisely what an alarmist is.
203   LeonDurham   2018 Jun 8, 9:51am  

Malcolm says
Sorry, but you have just precisely rephrased my point. You are just wanting to alarm for no actual reason. That is precisely what an alarmist is.

Could you please point out where I'm alarming? Pointing out the existence of the greenhouse effect discovered in the 1820s is alarming?
204   Malcolm   2018 Jun 8, 10:05am  

Since you are not digesting what I am telling you let me be clear, with your own words.

CBOEtrader says
I think you're confusing things. Science is settled on CO2's effect in the atmosphere. The models are obviously just that--models.

LeonDurham says
Nope. I don't think you read very carefully. The science of the greenhouse effect is settled. It was discovered in the early 1800s and proven in mid 1800s, completely unrelated to and prior to any discussion of the Earth warming. That is not a model.

Now with my words:

Malcolm says
asserting that we are all ignorant and wrong about something that you are apparently open to because you say the science for part of it is settled but you aren't so sure about the rest of it. The problem there is that the rest of it is the point of the discussion. The atmosphere obviously holds in heat like a blanket. The effect of CO2 is not understood, ergo bad model result, and more likely it is the amount of water vapor and clouds that determines how much heat is trapped.

The reason you think I missed something is because you don't understand the effect of CO2 in the atmosphere because the predictive theory on its relationship to temperature didn't pan out. Therefore I simply go to the main point, the effect of human activity. The reason some of your comments are keepers is because of the bizare logic of admitting that the predictive theories might be flawed, even due to circumstances yet unknown (some consider it settled science), yet you still believe there is an actionable crisis.

That is why some of us are taken aback.
205   Malcolm   2018 Jun 8, 10:08am  

LeonDurham says
Could you please point out where I'm alarming? Pointing out the existence of the greenhouse effect discovered in the 1820s is alarming?

curious2 says
LeonDurham says
The only thing that can argued is how self correcting the Earth's ecosystem is. Maybe it will self correct and stop the temperature rise. But, the consequences are so dire if not, is it really something we want to leave up to chance?

Just preserving this...

Also preserving this.
206   LeonDurham   2018 Jun 8, 10:20am  

Good. I think that is a perfectly reasonable statement. No fear mongering.
207   Onvacation   2018 Jun 8, 12:38pm  

Malcolm says
Rather than objectively reevaluating and actually learning something, the religious mindset takes over and the desired result becomes a goal to prove instead of a theory to test.

Well said!
Is it a coincidence that many alarmists are atheists that badly need to believe in something?
208   Onvacation   2018 Jun 8, 12:42pm  

LeonDurham says
You are basically saying that the existence of gravity isn't "settled science" because one cannot precisely predict where a feather will land when dropped outside.

Newton's law of universal gravitation states that a particle attracts every other particle in the universe with a force which is directly proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between their centers.

Is there a law of co2 planet heating?
209   LeonDurham   2018 Jun 8, 12:51pm  

Onvacation says

Is there a law of co2 planet heating?

Nope--as I've said time after time, we only have models that attempt to predict how the additional radiation that is re-emitted will ultimately change the climate on Earth.

Sure seems like you guys are arguing against a strawman.
210   Malcolm   2018 Jun 8, 3:15pm  

Onvacation says
Is it a coincidence that many alarmists are atheists that badly need to believe in something?

Similar behavior by followers and similar behavior by those controlling the followers. It’s almost like they follow this model like the Bible. Don’t you dare question the contradictions, that is heracy.

Yes, people need a belief or a cause to feel complete.
211   LeonDurham   2018 Jun 11, 9:37am  

Quigley says
The fact that you consider something unproven and fairly uncertain to be proven science just proves that you neither understand what science is, nor are humble enough to admit your ignorance.

Or this one Goran? Sure seems like a repeat offender to me.
212   Onvacation   2018 Jun 12, 5:14am  

LeonDurham says
The fact that you consider something unproven and fairly uncertain to be proven science just proves that you neither understand what science is, nor are humble enough to admit your ignorance.

The fact that one considers something unproven and fairly uncertain to be proven science just proves that they neither understand what science is, nor are humble enough to admit their ignorance.

213   LeonDurham   2018 Jun 12, 6:01am  

Onvacation says
The fact that one considers something unproven and fairly uncertain to be proven science just proves that they neither understand what science is, nor are humble enough to admit their ignorance.


Not according to the moderator. If a poster is clearly directly the attack at a user then it's still against the rules, regardless if they use "one" or "Trumpkins" or "libtards"
214   Onvacation   2018 Jun 12, 1:21pm  

The fact is that earth is not warming uncontrollably, the arctic is not melting faster than ever, and the ocean level is not rising to flood Manhattan and Florida. Anyone that tells you it is, is ignorant or trying to scam you.
215   LeonDurham   2018 Jun 12, 1:30pm  

Onvacation says
The fact is that earth is not warming uncontrollably, the arctic is not melting faster than ever, and the ocean level is not rising to flood Manhattan and Florida. Anyone that tells you it is, is ignorant or trying to scam you

I'm not sure about the melting rate at the arctic, but the other two are correct. For now. The question is looking at the trends and models, what is going to happen in the future?
216   Onvacation   2018 Jun 13, 6:22am  

LeonDurham says

I'm not sure about the melting rate at the arctic,

The melting between decades is much less than the melting between seasons. Unless you mistake the seasonal variations as an iwogian asymptote to hell!
217   HeadSet   2018 Jun 13, 7:18am  

iwogian asymptote to hell!

Iwogian? Is that a "canard? (Yes, I know, a pun is the lowest form of humor).
218   LeonDurham   2018 Jun 15, 6:22am  

Onvacation says
he melting between decades is much less than the melting between seasons. Unless you mistake the seasonal variations as an iwogian asymptote to hell!

#1-- It's the trend that matters, not the seasonality.
#2-- You should be worried about the Antarctic, not the arctic.
#3-- The ice in Antarctica is melting faster than modeled.

219   Onvacation   2018 Jun 15, 12:29pm  

LeonDurham says
#3-- The ice in Antarctica is melting faster than modeled.

Then why is Florida still above sea level?
220   LeonDurham   2018 Jun 15, 12:38pm  

Onvacation says
Then why is Florida still above sea level?

Can you show me the model that predicted Florida would be under water in 2018?
221   Onvacation   2018 Jun 15, 12:47pm  

LeonDurham says
Onvacation says
Then why is Florida still above sea level?

Can you show me the model that predicted Florida would be under water in 2018?

I'm not the one posting links that say the ice is all melting and the sea level is rising.
222   Onvacation   2018 Jun 28, 8:00pm  

Saved by volcanoes!
"If we have volcanic cooling, it does buy us a little bit of time. So does extra solar cooling," Folland told Haaretz. "It buys us a little bit of extra time to respond through mitigation or adaptation to global warming."

223   Malcolm   2018 Jul 3, 8:12am  

Again, if someone could show me with photographic proof that oceans are rising, I would be open minded. Here is another bit of photographic proof of basically no change, certainly no rise.

224   Malcolm   2018 Jul 3, 8:45am  

Here’s another one. Please take note, absolutely no change in the high water line, almost perfect match where the grass grows.

225   Onvacation   2018 Jul 7, 10:17am  

Arctic ice levels are at their 10th lowest levels since records have been kept!

And it's only June!
226   Onvacation   2018 Jul 11, 9:05am  

Onvacation says
Arctic ice levels are at their 10th lowest levels

How can the alarmist continue with their hyperbole when the sea ice is thicker than it was 12 years ago?
227   Onvacation   2018 Jul 15, 8:21am  

"Image result for june world temperaturewww.ncdc.noaa.gov June 2018 was warmer than average, though its temperature was similar to the June values for several recent years. The European-average anomaly is 0.9°C for June 2018; this compares with 1.4°C for June 1999, the warmest June on record."

So Last month was a half degree cooler than 1999. Except in Siberia. Siberia was 50 degrees warmer than average yesterday.
228   Tenpoundbass   2018 Jul 15, 8:59am  

...eh hem!

"Oh Yeah and just that half a degree is a huge difference in the average global temperature."

Or so I've been told.

Funny you never get it coming back in the other direction.
229   Onvacation   2018 Jul 26, 4:55am  

2018 is promising to be the 6th warmest year since we have been keeping record!
230   Onvacation   2018 Jul 27, 6:55am  

the theory of man-caused, catastrophic, global warming is embraced not because of any “science,” (that sham is for the “useful idiots,”), but because it is a justification for a government takeover of the energy industry, with massive increases in regulation, taxes and government spending. The United Nations loves it because it inspires fantasies of the UN growing up to be a world government, with real government powers of global taxation, spending and regulation, all “to save the planet.” Scientists who go along with the cause are rewarded not only with praise for their worthy social conscience, but also with altogether billions in hard, cold cash (government and environmental grants), for their cooperation in helping to play the “useful idiots.” Moreover, many academic scientists are “progressives” themselves, and so favor sharp increases in government spending, taxes and regulation, because they are certain they know how to run your life better than you do.

Old article but interesting.
231   MrMagic   2018 Jul 27, 7:06am  

Onvacation says
2018 is promising to be the 6th warmest year since we have been keeping record!

I just can't figure out why it gets hot every Summer. Maybe one of the GW Alarmists can explain.
232   Onvacation   2018 Aug 2, 12:16pm  

MrMagic says

I just can't figure out why it gets hot every Summer. Maybe one of the GW Alarmists can explain.

It is August and 2018 IS projected to be the 5th ( maybe 6th) hottest year EVER.
233   Onvacation   2018 Sep 12, 6:11am  

NOAA's temperature numbera are out for July 2018. It was the 11th hottest July on record, tied with 1998.
235   Onvacation   2018 Sep 12, 7:01am  

The trend is down.
Wetbulb death may take a little longer.
236   HeadSet   2018 Sep 12, 7:13am  

Pollution is real, and the damage is obvious. AGW may or may not be real, but the same steps to abate pollution and resource depletion would also abate AGW. The obvious action to take is to limit 1st world population. The fertility rate in 1st world countries was actually decreasing, and the coming smaller population (along with improved efficiencies) would allow sustainable measure such as wind and solar to actually work. Unfortunately, the opening of borders to unfettered immigration makes good politics for the leftist politicos who fake actual concern for the ecology.

True environmentalists (left or right) would support:
1. 1st world nations ending immigration from 3rd world
2. Banning any imports from a country that manufacturers products with lax environmental laws.
237   Shaman   2018 Sep 12, 7:18am  

Onvacation says
was the 11th hottest July on record, tied with 1998.

August and September here in SoCal have been cooler than usual. September especially! I’ve been here fifteen years and never seen a September that wasn’t stinking hot! This one has been cool and comfortable! Something is definitely different!
238   CBOEtrader   2018 Sep 12, 7:28am  

Onvacation says
NOAA's temperature numbera are out for July 2018. It was the 11th hottest July on record, tied with 1998.

How would one go about measuring the temperature of November?

Serious question
239   RWSGFY   2018 Sep 12, 8:32am  

HeadSet says
AGW may or may not be real, but the same steps to abate pollution and resource depletion would also abate AGW.

R u sure about that? The push for diesel passenger cars in Europe under the AGW abatement agenda has worsened local pollution, for example.
240   HeadSet   2018 Sep 12, 9:24am  

HeadSet says
AGW may or may not be real, but the same steps to abate pollution and resource depletion would also abate AGW.

R u sure about that? The push for diesel passenger cars in Europe under the AGW abatement agenda has worsened local pollution, for example.

When I was in France in the 90's, diesel passenger cars were common place. I even drove a diesel Chrysler minivan. This was done for economics, I was not aware that diesel polluted less than gasoline. Maybe the higher mileage of diesel means less pollutants per mile driven.. Even so, my point is that fewer people means less driving (diesel or otherwise) and less pollution/carbon footprint. Enough fewer people would go a long way to making a nationwide fleet of electric vehicles supportable by wind/solar/hydro/nuke generating capacity.

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