Global Cooling 1/2 degree in last 2 years.

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2018 May 18, 1:27pm   62,114 views  430 comments

by Onvacation   ➕follow (4)   💰tip   ignore  


The average global temperature dropped by more than half a degree Celsius from February 2016 to February 2018, according to recent NASA data.

Read Newsmax: NASA Data: Earth Cooled by Half a Degree Celsius From '16-'18

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227   Onvacation   2018 Jul 15, 8:21am  

"Image result for june world temperaturewww.ncdc.noaa.gov June 2018 was warmer than average, though its temperature was similar to the June values for several recent years. The European-average anomaly is 0.9°C for June 2018; this compares with 1.4°C for June 1999, the warmest June on record."

So Last month was a half degree cooler than 1999. Except in Siberia. Siberia was 50 degrees warmer than average yesterday.
228   Tenpoundbass   2018 Jul 15, 8:59am  

...eh hem!

"Oh Yeah and just that half a degree is a huge difference in the average global temperature."

Or so I've been told.

Funny you never get it coming back in the other direction.
229   Onvacation   2018 Jul 26, 4:55am  

2018 is promising to be the 6th warmest year since we have been keeping record!
230   Onvacation   2018 Jul 27, 6:55am  

the theory of man-caused, catastrophic, global warming is embraced not because of any “science,” (that sham is for the “useful idiots,”), but because it is a justification for a government takeover of the energy industry, with massive increases in regulation, taxes and government spending. The United Nations loves it because it inspires fantasies of the UN growing up to be a world government, with real government powers of global taxation, spending and regulation, all “to save the planet.” Scientists who go along with the cause are rewarded not only with praise for their worthy social conscience, but also with altogether billions in hard, cold cash (government and environmental grants), for their cooperation in helping to play the “useful idiots.” Moreover, many academic scientists are “progressives” themselves, and so favor sharp increases in government spending, taxes and regulation, because they are certain they know how to run your life better than you do.

Old article but interesting.
231   MrMagic   2018 Jul 27, 7:06am  

Onvacation says
2018 is promising to be the 6th warmest year since we have been keeping record!

I just can't figure out why it gets hot every Summer. Maybe one of the GW Alarmists can explain.
232   Onvacation   2018 Aug 2, 12:16pm  

MrMagic says

I just can't figure out why it gets hot every Summer. Maybe one of the GW Alarmists can explain.

It is August and 2018 IS projected to be the 5th ( maybe 6th) hottest year EVER.
233   Onvacation   2018 Sep 12, 6:11am  

NOAA's temperature numbera are out for July 2018. It was the 11th hottest July on record, tied with 1998.
235   Onvacation   2018 Sep 12, 7:01am  

The trend is down.
Wetbulb death may take a little longer.
236   HeadSet   2018 Sep 12, 7:13am  

Pollution is real, and the damage is obvious. AGW may or may not be real, but the same steps to abate pollution and resource depletion would also abate AGW. The obvious action to take is to limit 1st world population. The fertility rate in 1st world countries was actually decreasing, and the coming smaller population (along with improved efficiencies) would allow sustainable measure such as wind and solar to actually work. Unfortunately, the opening of borders to unfettered immigration makes good politics for the leftist politicos who fake actual concern for the ecology.

True environmentalists (left or right) would support:
1. 1st world nations ending immigration from 3rd world
2. Banning any imports from a country that manufacturers products with lax environmental laws.
237   Shaman   2018 Sep 12, 7:18am  

Onvacation says
was the 11th hottest July on record, tied with 1998.

August and September here in SoCal have been cooler than usual. September especially! I’ve been here fifteen years and never seen a September that wasn’t stinking hot! This one has been cool and comfortable! Something is definitely different!
238   CBOEtrader   2018 Sep 12, 7:28am  

Onvacation says
NOAA's temperature numbera are out for July 2018. It was the 11th hottest July on record, tied with 1998.

How would one go about measuring the temperature of November?

Serious question
239   RWSGFY   2018 Sep 12, 8:32am  

HeadSet says
AGW may or may not be real, but the same steps to abate pollution and resource depletion would also abate AGW.

R u sure about that? The push for diesel passenger cars in Europe under the AGW abatement agenda has worsened local pollution, for example.
240   HeadSet   2018 Sep 12, 9:24am  

HeadSet says
AGW may or may not be real, but the same steps to abate pollution and resource depletion would also abate AGW.

R u sure about that? The push for diesel passenger cars in Europe under the AGW abatement agenda has worsened local pollution, for example.

When I was in France in the 90's, diesel passenger cars were common place. I even drove a diesel Chrysler minivan. This was done for economics, I was not aware that diesel polluted less than gasoline. Maybe the higher mileage of diesel means less pollutants per mile driven.. Even so, my point is that fewer people means less driving (diesel or otherwise) and less pollution/carbon footprint. Enough fewer people would go a long way to making a nationwide fleet of electric vehicles supportable by wind/solar/hydro/nuke generating capacity.
241   RWSGFY   2018 Sep 12, 9:33am  

HeadSet says
HeadSet says
AGW may or may not be real, but the same steps to abate pollution and resource depletion would also abate AGW.

R u sure about that? The push for diesel passenger cars in Europe under the AGW abatement agenda has worsened local pollution, for example.

When I was in France in the 90's, diesel passenger cars were common place. I even drove a diesel Chrysler minivan. This was done for economics, I was not aware that diesel polluted less than gasoline. Maybe the higher mileage of diesel means less pollutants per mile driven.. Even so, my point is that fewer people means less driving (diesel or otherwise) and less pollution/carbon footprint. Enough fewer people would go a long way to making a nationwide fleet of electric vehicles supportable by wind/solar/hydro/nuke generating capacity.

They pollute more in every measure - NOX, particles, ozone, etc. - except CO2. The latter was the reason to promote them as "less polluting". This is my main beef with the AGW hysteria: downplaying real, immediately harmful pollution and overhyping the emissions of harmless gas.

Have no problem with "less people is good" idea, but this means "wasist" immigration laws will have to be written and enforced. Don't really see the current AGW champions - the left - embracing such policy.
242   HeadSet   2018 Sep 12, 10:28am  

Don't really see the current AGW champions - the left - embracing such policy.

True, if you really believed in AGW, you would not be for unfettered immigration.
243   Onvacation   2018 Sep 13, 7:22am  

CBOEtrader says

How would one go about measuring the temperature of November?

Serious question

That is a great question. How do the climate change believers calculate worldwide average temperature?

The alarmists claim that 2016 was the hottest year ever, exceeding 2015 by 4/100 of one degree. Since then the temp has gone down. NOAA reports it, I repeat it.
244   LeonDurham   2018 Sep 13, 9:09am  

Onvacation says
The alarmists claim that 2016 was the hottest year ever, exceeding 2015 by 4/100 of one degree. Since then the temp has gone down. NOAA reports it, I repeat it.

LeonDurham says
245   Onvacation   2018 Sep 13, 11:34am  

LeonDurham says
Onvacation says
The alarmists claim that 2016 was the hottest year ever, exceeding 2015 by 4/100 of one degree. Since then the temp has gone down. NOAA reports it, I repeat it.

LeonDurham says

And the trend is down...
246   LeonDurham   2018 Sep 13, 11:44am  

Onvacation says
And the trend is down...

Nope. It sure isn't.
247   Booger   2018 Sep 13, 5:04pm  

Washington Post blames Trump for Hurricane Florence. I guess they think he can do this:
249   Onvacation   2018 Sep 14, 6:07am  

LeonDurham says
Nope. It sure isn't.

When do you suppose Florida is going under water? What's the wetbulb death count this year? Is there any ice left in the arctic?
250   LeonDurham   2018 Sep 14, 6:33am  

Onvacation says
When do you suppose Florida is going under water? What's the wetbulb death count this year? Is there any ice left in the arctic?

Do you understand trending now?
251   marcus   2018 Sep 14, 6:39am  

god forbid, you even try to understand this, or put it in perspective. Here's a gragh from the source of that data.

The high you see on the orange (land only) graph is the feb 2016 data point. It's not updated, but you can easily figure out that the down spike since then takes us to about the 2012 lows. .

I wish you were right. with your fantasies. I really do.
253   Onvacation   2018 Sep 14, 7:10am  

marcus says
god forbid

So what's your guess for an ice free arctic?
254   marcus   2018 Sep 14, 7:18am  

Onvacation says
So what's your guess for an ice free arctic?

Ice free ? In the middle of winter ? Let's hope never. These down spikes will be harder to come by if arctic ice was completely gone in the winter. We're totally fucked if that happens.

But gone in the summer ? Sadly I definitely think probably less than another decade before we see that. I hope I'm wrong.

When is your guess for when the land and ocean (combined) graph can be seen to be in an actual clear down trend ?
255   Onvacation   2018 Sep 14, 7:30am  

marcus says

But gone in the summer ? Sadly I definitely think probably less than another decade

I'll put you down for 2028. Iwog guessed 2022 and Gore predicted 2013.

Smart alarmists are putting the doom out into the distant future.
256   CBOEtrader   2018 Sep 14, 7:43am  

marcus says
god forbid, you even try to understand this, or put it in perspective. Here's a gragh from the source of that data.

Ok help us understand it. How does one measure "global surface mean air temperature"? Then explain how they did it in the 1880's.
257   HeadSet   2018 Sep 14, 7:58am  

So Marcus, LeonDurham,

Since AGW is such a real threat, what do propose should be done? Wind/Solar are already on the way.

Tolls on all roads? (Encourage local sourcing, consolidated trips, more efficient logistics). Euro style gasoline taxes may help here as well, but eventually a tax would have to apply to the increasing number of electric/hydrogen vehicles.

Daylight laws? Have truly non-essential business close at night to save on electricity cost and take advantage of natural sunlight and solar power. The region I lived at in England in the 90s was like that, if you did not get gas/groceries/merchandise by 6PM you waited until the next day. Not as bad as it sounds, you just had to plan.

Return to deposit bottles? Have all milk and sodas in recyclable glass. Much less energy needed to clean a bottle than make a new one. In fact, easy open aluminum cans take more energy to make than the old style cans without a pop top. Using the old "church keys" would save energy.

And the biggy - severely curtain immigration and let the natural lower fertility rates bring the population down to a sustainable level. Only a sustainable level of people will allow solar/wind/geothermal/thorium/hydro energy production take the place of fossil fuels. And even with a lower population, that may require new efficiencies in energy use.
258   LeonDurham   2018 Sep 14, 7:59am  

HeadSet says

Since AGW is such a real threat, what do propose should be done? Wind/Solar are already on the way.

I certainly don't have all the answers, but denying reality makes finding them much more difficult. If we can't even agree on the facts, how can we agree on the best solutions?
259   marcus   2018 Sep 14, 8:09am  

Onvacation says
Gore predicted 2013

If we're going to be honest, he didn't predict that. He said others had said arctic ice would be gone possibly as early as 2013 or 2014 (both years - because he referred to this POSSIBILITY on multiple occasions - sometimes citing 2014).

So he was quoting one of the scientists with the most agressive models. Not a lie. It's called a quote. Unless he made it up in a sort ot Trumpian way. Then it was a lie.

But his motive was to get us moving away from fossil fuels. That's a good thing. As Elon Mush recently pointed out. Even when all the new cars being sold are electric, we'll have another 20 years of gas burning cars on the road. If you hate politicians that lie or bend the truth to move their agenda forward, then you must REALLY despise Trump.
260   marcus   2018 Sep 14, 8:13am  

CBOEtrader says
Then explain how they did it in the 1880's.

Red herring and a troll. Great job.

As for the question of resolution of individual readings versus average, at some point I'll do a simulation to prove my point. But I'm done with that argument for now.
261   HeadSet   2018 Sep 14, 8:13am  

I certainly don't have all the answers, but denying reality makes finding them much more difficult. If we can't even agree on the facts, how can we agree on the best solutions?

That is a straw man. There are enough AGW believers to start taking action without the need to convince all remaining "deniers." Plus, even "deniers" would like to stop pollution and resource depletion. The issue is that AGW has become a Democrat canon, with the mere "belief" being sufficient to show one's moral/intellectual superiority. Don't even consider solutions, just argue with deniers and vote Democrat.

If we want a 1st world lifestyle, we will have to limit population. That is the uncomfortable truth to the AGW crowd that also supports unfettered immigration.
262   HeadSet   2018 Sep 14, 8:18am  

you must REALLY despise Trump.

Trump is the only one who is actually doing something about curtailing illegal immigration and bringing manufacturing back to the US where US environmental laws apply. The AGW people must love this aspect of Trump.
263   LeonDurham   2018 Sep 14, 8:23am  

HeadSet says
That is a straw man. There are enough AGW believers to start taking action without the need to convince all remaining "deniers." Plus, even "deniers" would like to stop pollution and resource depletion. The issue is that AGW has become a Democrat canon, with the mere "belief" being sufficient to show one's moral/intellectual superiority. Don't even consider solutions, just argue with deniers and vote Democrat.

If we want a 1st world lifestyle, we will have to limit population. That is the uncomfortable truth to the AGW crowd that also supports unfettered immigration.

Uh, it's nowhere close to a strawman. Our President is a GW denier ffs.

How can we have a real discussion about solutions when half the population denies it's a problem?
264   HeadSet   2018 Sep 14, 8:32am  

How can we have a real discussion about solutions when half the population denies it's a problem?

How about the half that does believe start talking about solutions?
265   FortWayne   2018 Sep 14, 8:33am  

It’s colder, it’s hotter, it’s colder, it’s hotter.

Sounds like normal weather to me.
266   LeonDurham   2018 Sep 14, 8:37am  

HeadSet says
How about the half that does believe start talking about solutions?

You're not aware of the proposals? There have been lots of potential solutions bandied about...

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