Global Cooling 1/2 degree in last 2 years.

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2018 May 18, 1:27pm   62,071 views  430 comments

by Onvacation   ➕follow (4)   💰tip   ignore  


The average global temperature dropped by more than half a degree Celsius from February 2016 to February 2018, according to recent NASA data.

Read Newsmax: NASA Data: Earth Cooled by Half a Degree Celsius From '16-'18

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376   CBOEtrader   2019 Mar 6, 4:00pm  

Heraclitusstudent says
CBOEtrader says
Source? There are VERY few data points of polar temperature sampling.


Much respect for the actual data sources, I'll check them out when I can! This seems to corroborate what I'm hearing though. 236 data sets covering regional data across 40 years? Doesnt seem like enough to be precise when discussing 20% of the globe.

For laymans' terms explanation, check out this article:


"HadCRUT4 and challenges in the Arctic
How do the datasets deal with missing data?

Nasa’s GISTEMP uses statistical methods to fill in gaps using surrounding measurements. How much each measurement influences the final value depends on how close it is geographically to the missing point. NOAA follows a similar process for the MLOST dataset.

HadCRUT4 is the only dataset to leave regions with missing data blank, rather than try to fill them in. This effectively assumes temperatures there are in line with the global average."
377   MrMagic   2019 Mar 6, 7:45pm  

CBOEtrader says
For laymans' terms explanation, check out this article:


A quote from article:

..."The temperature at each land and ocean station is compared daily to what is ‘normal’ for that location and time, typically the long-term average over a 30-year period. The differences are called an ‘anomalies’ and they help scientists evaluate how temperature is changing over time."

Many of these land stations have been measuring temperatures over decades, and reporting the results. The claim that is being made is that temps are rising based on these measurements.

One big reason for the rise is the growth of the population. Many of these measurement stations are in urban areas. What has happened to urban areas over the last 30 years? They have become more built up, more paved roads, driveways and parking lots, more asphalt. More buildings, less trees. What happens in that situation?

All those buildings and asphalt absorb heat from the sun much more than trees. This makes the surrounding areas retain heat, which these measurement stations record. Many recording stations are at airports. Has airline traffic increased in the last 30 years and have airports been increased in size, parking, etc?

So, is it any surprise temps have been rising at these recording stations?
378   Onvacation   2019 Mar 15, 6:21am  

NASA announced that global warming continues as 2018 was the 4th hottest year ever, EVER!
379   Expat01   2019 Mar 15, 7:52am  

Yeah, I can cherry pick data as well. Last August it was well over 35 degrees C here. Last month (February) it was consistently under 10 degrees C. Global warming is a lie! it's the Commies who want to destroy the world. It's Hillary burning her emails, but now that is done so the earth is cooling. It's Muslims running around and getting hot. It's liberals running their heaters in the summer just to prove the data right.

2016 was a record hot year.

Climate and all things geological/climatologcial are long term. But don't let science get in the way of screaming about stuff you know nothing about. After all, if science were so useful, then scientists would be rich or have their own tv shows...or be President. So fuck off with science. What has science ever done for you!!!
380   Shaman   2019 Mar 15, 12:56pm  

Expat01 says
So fuck off with science.

Hey, we are totally cool with science. Just not the junk science that goes along with climate change conspiracies. How many times does NOAA or NASA atmospheric scientists need to shut their dicks in the door until their “data” is forever called into serious question? And that’s not even getting into the perennially wrong computer models of the global atmosphere which forecast The End (TM) more often than a tv evangelist.

Science is a method, not a politically useful set of alternative facts.
381   Onvacation   2019 Mar 15, 2:09pm  

Expat01 says
Global warming is a lie! it's the Commies who want to destroy the world.

I don't think the Commies want to destroy the world, just control it.
382   Onvacation   2019 Mar 15, 3:46pm  

Expat01 says

2016 was a record hot year.

4/100ths of one degree warmer than 2015, the second warmest yearever. EVER!
383   Expat01   2019 Mar 15, 4:35pm  

I love ignorant fuckwits who try to comment on stuff they nothing about. Nitpicking as if that matters. Claiming that science is a leftist conspiracy. Claiming from their heights of their high school diploma that climate change is bullshit.
Well, I will say this to you all. Fuck you. Science doesn't care about your ignorance or stupidity. It's not a religious debate. It's beyond your limited mental capacity. I suggest you go back to Walmart and buy more lube and leave the real decisions to the intelligent, informed adults.
384   Onvacation   2019 Mar 15, 6:14pm  

Expat01 says
I love ignorant fuckwits who try to comment on stuff they nothing about.

We must educate the ignorant!
385   Onvacation   2019 Mar 28, 5:44pm  

It's snowing in the High Sierra RIGHT NOW!
Powder on April fools day?

The climate is definitely changing.
386   SoTex   2019 Mar 28, 8:42pm  

Expat01 says
Claiming that science is a leftist conspiracy.

Well, I'm a scientist and I find climate science to be dubious and greatly affected by Leftists. It's more political science these days.

Glad you left the fucking country.
387   Onvacation   2019 Mar 29, 6:12am  

Expat01 says
ignorance or stupidity. It's not a religious debate.

Are you a believer or a denier?
388   Onvacation   2019 Mar 30, 8:18am  

CBOEtrader says
The pure arrogance is in pretending we know enough to model climate changes into future decades, despite the lack of empirical support of the deeply flawed models.

To all of you alarmists: make a prediction.

"The temperature will go up multiple degrees by 2010"

"The arctic will be ice free by 2013."

"Expect mass wetbulb death by 2022."

"All life on earth will end by 2025 due to runaway global warming ".

Or the latest, "we only have 12 years if we don't do anything. "

So... If you are a true believer make your prediction. Put a disaster and a date.

I won't hold my breath because co2 is GOOD for life on planet earth.
389   Onvacation   2019 Mar 30, 8:31am  

*Greenland glaciers are growing.
*Arctic sea ice peaked out to the 7th lowest in recorded satellite history. (not first or second, seventh)
*Record cold and snowfall in USA
*Manhattan is still above water

How cold must it get for alarmists to admit they are wrong about global warming?
390   Malcolm   2019 Mar 30, 2:15pm  

Here’s a great NOAA chart to really make alarmists uneasy. Note almost all record high temperatures were set before 1960, and almost all record lows were set after 1960. This, at face value, disproves ANY USA warming, associated human activity, since 1960; the date used by alarmists as the beginning of AGW.

If you click the source links, you can even disprove higher rain fall records, correlating even more to a model of cooling climate and normall rainfall.

391   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Mar 30, 2:26pm  



Despite Global Warmist's propaganda that this was just tabloid nonsense, note the multitude of interviews with Land Grant University PhDs, some of whom explaining that the ice age already began 3000 years ago and will get worse "Now".

They even have a PhD on explaining that the Deep Sea Cores confirm an impending Ice Age.
392   Onvacation   2019 Apr 1, 6:24am  

Now that the weather is warmer I expect the alarmists to start alarming again.

So... If you are a true believer make your prediction. Post a disaster and a date.
393   Onvacation   2019 Apr 1, 7:24am  

Onvacation says
So... If you are a true believer make your prediction. Post a disaster and a date.

Found a prediction!


Anyone else?
394   Onvacation   2019 May 26, 9:23am  

Onvacation says
Now that the weather is warmer I expect the alarmists to start alarming again.

It's snowing in the Sierras right now! Over 50 feet total this year. Six to ten inches of new snow accumulation predicted for today.

We sure could use some global warming.
395   Shaman   2019 May 26, 9:38am  

Mammoth updated their skiing season to last through August...
August, people!
I think we should be more worried about the coming ice age!
396   RC2006   2019 May 26, 9:43am  

Wrightwood outside of LA still open.
397   mell   2019 May 26, 10:13am  

SFBA had the coldest winter and spring in many years. Still I cannot find any sites anymore just objectively listing avg. global temperatures per month without spin. Europe had a cold winter as well and only recently a very late decent spring. Who can link a site with global temperatures?
398   Onvacation   2019 May 26, 11:57am  

mell says
Who can link a site with global temperatures?

Who can even measure global temperatures?
399   mell   2019 May 26, 12:09pm  

Onvacation says
mell says
Who can link a site with global temperatures?

Who can even measure global temperatures?

There are worldwide stations which offee good enough approximation, esp. for detecting trends. Best taken a bit above the ground. The data was and is there it's just not being published anymore.
400   marcus   2019 May 26, 12:41pm  

Does the OP even realize that this is comparing Feb 2016 to Feb 2018. That is a hot feb compared to a cold feb 2 years later, and then trying to generalize that to an entirely different meaning, implying something that's actually a lie ? Again, I get it, it's fun right ? (for certain types of people)

Here is a the most recent graph I can find. If you can find something better ( showing average temp change ) NASA or NOAA, please post it.

401   marcus   2019 May 26, 12:42pm  

Let me guess, there I go again with that lefoid propaganda, as if it's based on real true factual data.
402   mell   2019 May 26, 1:47pm  

marcus says
Let me guess, there I go again with that lefoid propaganda, as if it's based on real true factual data.

We all know the temperatures have been rising over the past 20 years. The issue is that they are flattening even declining now and the hockey stick predictions utterly failed. I'm only interested in the last 5 years but mostly in 2019 as I expect it to be even solidly cooler than 2018. But I need updated monthly global temperatures which have been removed.
403   Shaman   2019 May 26, 6:57pm  

It’s cold bitches!
Btw Marcus graph there goes to 2020, so somehow it’s predicting the future. Fake news!
404   mell   2019 May 26, 7:04pm  

Quigley says
It’s cold bitches!
Btw Marcus graph there goes to 2020, so somehow it’s predicting the future. Fake news!

Well yeah and 2016 was the hottest year so 17 and 18 should show a drop off, and - my guess - esp. 19 so far but somehow this graph just projects the curve going up past 16. Probably not updated since then so the last 2 years were just blind al gore style hockeystick 'propaganda guesses' or yes, fake news.
405   CBOEtrader   2019 May 26, 7:22pm  

Onvacation says
Onvacation says
So... If you are a true believer make your prediction. Post a disaster and a date.

Found a prediction!


Anyone else?

I took both intro and advanced environmental economics in college :) I remember reading Al Gore and or other nonsense predictions. 2018 was the year they told us the world would end. That class was pure indoctrination, as is most of college these days.
406   HeadSet   2019 May 26, 7:40pm  

Yes, and those people who made the "by year 2000" prediction back in 1989 have already cashed the checks.
407   Expat01   2019 May 27, 7:34am  

408   Shaman   2019 May 27, 7:40am  

Expat01 says
In which we discuss weather vs. climate.
While I advocate learning for all the ignorant cunts here, I suggest you stop cherry-picking and reading only bits of articles or headlines that conform to your ignorant, pre-conceived opinions. You are entitled to an opinion, but it doesn't make your opinion any more than a load of bullshit. You can believe the earth is flat or that God exists, but that only proves you are ignorant and uneducated.
Basically, fuck off. If you have to try to win an argument you are unwilling to lose by making shit up, you need to go back to elementary school and start over.

Blah blah blah I’m a wanker with no argument so I’ll call you guys stupid and a bunch of names because I’m a Leftist tool douchebag.
409   Expat01   2019 May 27, 7:44am  

410   Onvacation   2019 May 27, 8:26am  

Expat01 says
you ignorant fuckwit.

I do believe you're projecting.

You have no facts to base your OPINION on so you use personal attack.

So make a stand, AOC says a dozen years before disaster, iwog claimed massive wetbulb death by 2022. What's your prediction of global warming climate change doom?
411   Onvacation   2019 May 27, 8:28am  

Expat01 says
If you have to try to win an argument you are unwilling to lose by making shit up,

You have no argument.
412   Onvacation   2019 May 27, 8:33am  

Expat01 says
In which we discuss weather vs. climate.

Weather is what we get everyday. Climate is the history of weather. Both are constantly changing. Many true believers don't understand these definitions. They also believe all the ice is melting from the poles and Greenland. Facts have no meaning to these pseudoscience religious zealots.
413   marcus   2019 May 27, 9:53am  

Quigley says
Btw Marcus graph there goes to 2020, so somehow it’s predicting the future. Fake news!

You're learning how to do the right wing troll thing pretty well. Hey I get it. If the facts aren't there, you might as well appeal to people stupid enough to believe your lies. Although in this case I'll assume you believe what you're saying. Congrats.

marcus says

You do know that 2019 is one year before 2020 right ? IT's hard to tell whether those graph go to 1018 or 2019, but they clearly and obviously don't go to 2020. The Bar braph looks to me like it goes to 2019, the other looks like it goes to 2018 - but not sure. Ill look for the actual data.

mell says
The issue is that they are flattening even declining now and the hockey stick predictions utterly failed. I'm only interested in the last 5 years

This comment was the next comment after I posted these graphs..
414   marcus   2019 May 27, 10:02am  

mell says
Well yeah and 2016 was the hottest year so 17 and 18 should show a drop off, and - my guess - esp. 19 so far but somehow this graph just projects the curve going up past 16. Probably not updated since then so the last 2 years were just blind al gore style hockeystick 'propaganda guesses' or yes, fake news.

Unbelievable example of todays right wing. Facts that don't support your beliefs are to be disregarded. NASA and NOAA are in on the conspiracy.

Only Donald Trump to save us !!
415   Onvacation   2019 May 27, 10:05am  

marcus says

Unbelievable example of todays right wing.

Let's start with the facts, do you acknowledge that the temperature peaked in 2016 and has been going down since?

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