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That's the fastest rate of the growth since the 4.9 percent in the third quarter of 2014 and the third-best growth rate since the Great Recession. In addition to the strong second quarter, the Commerce Department revised its first-quarter reading up from 2 percent to 2.2 percent.
It's easy for President Traitor to take a victory lap when he hasn't done the math.
Everyone make your comments about how MAGA this is so I can blow you out of the water.
HEYYOU saysIt's easy for President Traitor to take a victory lap when he hasn't done the math.
Everyone make your comments about how MAGA this is so I can blow you out of the water.
Life sucks, doesn't it?
They said it couldn't happen. How is this possible?
But but but the audio tape. Cohen. Russia collusion...aaaaahhhhhhh
They said it couldn't happen. How is this possible?
Strategist saysThey said it couldn't happen. How is this possible?
Shortly I'll post why it could happen.Hint: Can I borrow a dollar?
Come on with the comments.
It's easy for President Traitor to take a victory lap when he hasn't done the math.
Everyone make your comments about how MAGA this is so I can blow you out of the water.
Bring your MAGA hats & rythmatic ignorance.
Hope you wash your foot before you place it in your mouth.
ISIS Defeated
NK voluntarily abandons Nuclear Bomb and Ballistic Missile programs
Ongoing DPRK-ROK Peace Talks at a pace and goodwill hitherto unseen
Unemployment at multi-decade lows
4.1% GDP Growth
Russians read riot act in Syria and Ukraine
NATO humiliated into paying the minimum amount.
Euros abandon tariffs, promise to buy more Soybeans and LNG.
Ridiculous Iran Deal suspended.
Two pro-#2A Supremes
#MeToo Rebounding on Media Shills
African American Males leaving the Dems in droves.
Ban on Civil War Infested Nationals Migrating (whom are mostly military age males)
Saudis liberalizing at a rapid pace
JEWrusalem recognized as capital of Israel
Top Oil Producer
The question is, is this worth the massive deficits we're running right now ?
Paying for economic growth with massive deficit spending is nothing new.
Often, the President's hyperbolic assessment of his own performance is at odds with the facts. But Friday's announcement that the economy grew at a 4.1% pace in the second quarter, the best showing since 2014, is genuine cause for celebration.
Now it's time.
"Oh Look! More Horsecrap (GDP)"
"The current annual run-rate of the economy is $20.402 trillion. In 2008, Quarter 2, it was $14.805 trillion, or an actual increase of $5.60 trillion per year from then to today -- in nominal, that is, "dollar-denominated" terms."
"Federal government debt added alone was more than double the net increase in nominal GDP over that same period."
"In other words the facts are that the economy has actually contracted, not expanded. That's why the common American is finding food more expensive, fuel more expensive, health care and housing more expensive, cars are more expensive etc etc etc when one looks at the number of hours of effort required to pay for each of such things, that is, in an actual "SI" (or invariant) unit."
The GDP is funded by debt.
You think debt doesn't matter,then don't pay your bills.
Strategist saysHey You, lets start a business advising peasants on how to get rich.
The path to riches is drugs!
I drugs my ass out of bed & worked for myself.
Where’s that economic crash everyone seems to be predicting?
In addition to the rise in consumer and business spending, increases in exports and government spending also helped. Personal consumption expenditures rose 4 percent while business investment grew 7.3 percent while federal government outlays increased by 3.5 percent.
The tariffs as well as last year's massive tax cut both were key factors in the growth.
Consumer spending accelerated to a 4% annual pace of growth after a sharp pullback in the first quarter.
The trade gap narrowed, boosting GDP.
Big picture: Activity boomed in the second quarter and the growth does not seem to be due to one-off factors, as some economists had feared.
Over the past year, the economy has expanded at a 2.8% annual pace, up from a 2.6% annual rate in the first quarter. Economists say this is strong enough to keep putting downward pressure on the unemployment rate.