Lanny Davis Destroys CNN's "Bombshell" Report On Trump Tower 'Collusion' Meeting

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2018 Aug 23, 10:33am   3,329 views  16 comments

by MrMagic   ➕follow (2)   💰tip   ignore  

Crap... how can we continue to push the Russia, Russia, Russia false narrative NOW?

In an odd disturbance in the 'resistance' farce, Michael Cohen's lawyer, longtime Clinton friend and Bill Clinton's special counsel, Lanny Davis crushed CNN's hopes and dreams of a smoking gun over Trump's awareness of the Trump Tower meetings and blew up the Russia collusion narrative by confirming that the Steele dossier was entirely false with regard Cohen's alleged trip to Prague.

As The Daily Caller's Chuck Ross details, a CNN report in July that Michael Cohen has information that President Donald Trump was aware of the infamous Trump Tower meeting before it occurred got “mixed up” and was inaccurate, Cohen attorney Lanny Davis said Wednesday night.

“So Michael Cohen does not have information that President Trump knew about the Trump Tower meeting with the Russians beforehand or even after?” CNN’s Anderson Cooper asked Davis.

“No, he does not,” replied Davis, a longtime Clinton insider who started representing Cohen earlier this summer.

Davis’s bombshell statement severely undercuts a July 27 CNN report that Cohen was willing to tell special counsel Robert Mueller that he was in a meeting when Donald Trump Jr. told his father about an offer to meet with a group of Russians who wanted to provide dirt on former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.


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1   lostand confused   2018 Aug 23, 11:54am  

Somehting is not adding up here-this is weird?
2   MrMagic   2018 Aug 23, 1:07pm  

APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostikovitch says
And that one misquoted burp from one guy makes decades of active collaboration disappear?

Nope, but insiders at CNN (like Van Jones and produces) have said the exact same thing... there is no "there" there regarding Russian collusion.

Davis is just telling us what we already know.

But hey, just go back to your regularly scheduled Liberal koolaid drinking show with Rachel Maddow, you'll feel so much better.
3   MrMagic   2018 Aug 26, 7:57pm  

The narrative is falling apart.... again....

Michael Cohen's lawyer backs off claim that Trump knew of Russian interference.

Lanny Davis, a lawyer who represents former Trump attorney Michael Cohen, walked back his assertion that Cohen could confirm that Donald Trump knew about Russian efforts to interfere with the 2016 election, the Washington Post reported Sunday. Last week, Davis made headlines by claiming Cohen wanted to tell special counsel Robert Mueller that Trump knew about the now-infamous meeting with Russians at Trump Tower ahead of time.

Davis told the Post this weekend that while that may still be true, he cannot confirm what Cohen knows, and said he regretted not being more clear. Last week, Cohen pleaded guilty to eight counts of campaign-finance violations, and directly implicated Trump in directing him to make hush-money payments.


Of course, they can't even regurgitate the 8 charges correctly. No, WaPo, Two made up campaign finance charges. The other six were tax fraud charges (all on Cohen) that were going to get him 35 years unless he plead to the made up "crimes".
4   clambo   2018 Aug 27, 6:14am  

All I can remember was meeting a Russian dude in a Cuban cafe in West Palm Beach before the Nov. 16 election.

He handed me an envelope with 10 nice $20 bills.

"Voteski for Trumpski" he whispered in my ear.

I paid for the cafe con leche and sauntered off. I quickly called a female I know "I have some cash to spend, help me." She agreed.

I for one was pleased with the "interference."

Strangely, almost none of my friends will even admit that they were paid to vote for Trump. Even that girl I just mentioned said she never got any money.

Why should politicians all get the free money out there? Voters need some too.
5   lostand confused   2018 Aug 27, 6:41am  

I went to the Russian river area in Sonoma County on the way to Sonoma coast-Special counsel going to throw me in jail? The way they are going-they probably will.
6   bob2356   2018 Aug 27, 7:01am  

Another BOMBSHELL BOMBSHELL BOMBSHELL BOMBSHELL does this mean hillary/obama are finally going to jail?

Last year Cohen testified before congress under oath that he didn't know whether Trump had foreknowledge of the 2016 Trump Tower meeting with Russians. Why are you people stupid enough to watch CNN? CNN viewers are just as ignorant and uninformed as Fox viewers. Amazing.

Here is what passes for reporting at CNN. https://www.cnn.com/2018/07/27/politics/donald-trump-reacts-michael-cohen-mueller/index.html
"Sources told CNN that Cohen claims that then-candidate Trump had advance notice of the June 2016 meeting"

OMG sources told CNN. That's certainly the highest legal standard there is. Then idiots believed it, then the opposing idiots chimed in when davis said it's not true that it disproves what he never said in the first place. The average IQ in America is dropping fast in the trump era.
7   CBOEtrader   2018 Aug 27, 7:03am  

bob2356 says
CNN viewers are just as ignorant and uninformed as Fox viewers.
bob2356 says
OMG sources told CNN. That's certainly the highest legal standard there is. Then idiots believed it, then the opposing idiots chimed in when davis said it's not true that it disproves what he never said in the first place.

You just explained the standard daily news cycle between fakenews MSM and its retarded little sister the conservative offshoot almost-MSM.
8   Tenpoundbass   2018 Aug 27, 7:24am  

How deep did the Strzock insurance policy go? How many of Trump's people did he have on ice ready to make stories up and entrap Trump?

If this were a criminal case the defendant would have been cleared already and City of that case, would have the FBI investigating their whole City Hall.
The Prosecutors, the Police the Mayor everybody.
9   bob2356   2018 Aug 27, 8:07am  

Tenpoundbass says
How deep did the Strzock insurance policy go? How many of Trump's people did he have on ice ready to make stories up and entrap Trump?

I rest my case.
10   MrMagic   2018 Aug 27, 11:10am  

bob2356 says
Another BOMBSHELL BOMBSHELL BOMBSHELL BOMBSHELL does this mean hillary/obama are finally going to jail?

Looks like CNN will need to find ANOTHER bombshell this week, as this TDS one fizzled out, again, just like all the others.

Wanna take a guess what's next?
11   bob2356   2018 Aug 27, 11:56am  

MrMagic says
bob2356 says
Another BOMBSHELL BOMBSHELL BOMBSHELL BOMBSHELL does this mean hillary/obama are finally going to jail?

Looks like CNN will need to find ANOTHER bombshell this week, as this TDS one fizzled out, again, just like all the others.

Wanna take a guess what's next?

Another BOMBSHELL BOMBSHELL BOMBSHELL BOMBSHELL that means hillary/obama are finally going to jail? When will we get the big one that puts those criminals where they rightfully belong?

OH wait I see. . You mean another CNN nothingburger based on what someone''s uncles cousins boyfriends brothers, ex wifes grandmother said? Followed by all the totally predictable fox/breitbart junkies apoplectic outrage about something that anyone with a room temperature IQ would have no trouble finding out wasn't true in about 10 seconds? Got me, I don't try to predict what idiots that are totally incapable of thinking for themselves will do.
12   MrMagic   2018 Aug 27, 7:49pm  

So much for credible "unnamed sources".....

Lanny Davis Admits Being Source For CNN Trump Tower "Bombshell" Fake News.

Davis increasingly backed away from the story in recent days, telling the Washington Post that he is not certain if the claim is accurate, and that he could not independently corroborate it.

Destroying CNN's "bombshell" story, crushing the hopes of millions of 'not my president'-ers.


Now, after all that pre-amble, double-talk, and utterly bullshit fake news reporting, Lanny Davis - who we perhaps need to remind readers once again is an extremely well-paid f**king lawyer and communications expert - has told Buzzfeed that he was the anonymous source in a July CNN story.

Tonight, Davis told BuzzFeed News that he regrets both his role as an anonymous source and his subsequent denial of his own involvement.

Well Brian, what type of sauce you want to go with that Crow that you need to eat?

As Buzzfeed concludes, Davis' role in the CNN story also offers a window into the kind of anonymous sourcing common across newsrooms. Some news outlets have a policy to not let sources speak "on background" — that is, as a “person familiar with the matter” or some other unnamed moniker — and also be allowed to decline to comment on the record.

Indeed - but what will be more fun is CNN's official response to this, Brain Stelter's squirming, and President Trump's tweet.

13   bob2356   2018 Aug 27, 8:55pm  

bob2356 says
Followed by all the totally predictable fox/breitbart junkies apoplectic outrage

MrMagic says
Lanny Davis Admits Being Source For CNN Trump Tower "Bombshell" Fake News.

Davis increasingly backed away from the story in recent days, telling the Washington Post that he is not certain if the claim is accurate, and that he could not independently corroborate it.

Destroying CNN's "bombshell" story, crushing the hopes of millions of 'not my president'-ers.

I rest my case.
14   MrMagic   2018 Aug 27, 9:33pm  

bob2356 says
I rest my case.

You never had one.

How does Rachel Maddow feel about this?
15   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Aug 28, 10:53am  

CNN refuses to issue a correction or retraction for a story where their primary source says he misspoke and that it never happened.

CNN is now proven Fake News
16   Goran_K   2018 Aug 28, 11:06am  

Brian Stelter was severely bullied as a child, you can tell by his body language.

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