Just a few years back, when America was great

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2018 Aug 25, 7:31pm   6,421 views  41 comments

by marcus   ➕follow (7)   💰tip   ignore  


RIP John McCAin, and thank you for your service to our country.

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2   MrMagic   2018 Aug 25, 7:52pm  

marcus says
when America was great

Really, Liberals think America was great??

Not according to one of the nation's biggest Democrat.

3   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Aug 25, 7:59pm  

My condolences to the Media, who lost a valuable leak and BBQ partner.

4   marcus   2018 Aug 25, 8:00pm  

TwoScoopsOfSpaceForce says
Here's how McCain's service was Celebrated

Yeah, he had flaws and he was involved in modern American politics. Mud Slinging happens. But compared to most politicians these days, he had a lot of class in many ways, and he sometimes earned a reputation as a "maverick" not always adhering to right wing policies he didn't agree with.

I didn't vote for him. But I liked him and for the most part admired his character.
5   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Aug 25, 8:09pm  

marcus says
Yeah, he had flaws and he was involved in modern American politics

What does that mean? Al "Tawana Brawley" Sharpton, David "Plasticface" Duke, Louis Farrakhan, and Benedict Arnold were involved in US Politics.

What Character? Blasting POW-MIA concerns down so it wouldn't come up during Free Trade negotiations with Vietnam? Warmongering? Voting for every Financial deregulation bill? Getting off for his role in the S&L Scandal?
6   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Aug 25, 8:17pm  

When America was Great...

7   marcus   2018 Aug 25, 8:17pm  

TwoScoopsOfSpaceForce says
What does that mean?

IT means you're an idiot for posting hit pieces from 2008 on McCAin. Becasue:


B) He had flaws and some of the criticisms were legit.

Why can't you just let me say something nice about the guy who just died and who I respected without puking your petty bullshit all over the thread ?
8   marcus   2018 Aug 25, 8:20pm  

TwoScoopsOfSpaceForce says
When America was Great...

You're pissed becasue there's a microscopic aspect of you, deep down inside, (however small and underdeveloped) that understands and cares about the class and dignity displayed in that video. And becasue it's an extreme example of one of many character traits that your messiah lacks.

It's worse than that. Trump hates that kind of classy behavior and would assume it was nothing more than virtue signaling. How can a self involved sociopath understand such things?
9   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Aug 25, 8:27pm  

marcus says
Why can't you just let me say something nice about the guy who just died and who I respected without puking your petty bullshit all over the thread ?

Do it.

Name some major Big Things that helped America that McCain did during his many, many, many years in the Senate. Prior to 2015.

Not about his family, not that he petted his dog or told a joke once. Name some things he did as years upon years of being Senator.

Jesus, he was a Senator since I was a child and I'm a middle aged man now.
10   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Aug 25, 8:31pm  

marcus says
It's worse than that. Trump hates that kind of classy behavior and would assume it was nothing more than virtue signaling. How can a self involved sociopath understand such things?

To me, Honesty and Actually Doing Some Good is far more important than "Classy".

To the Media and our Elites, telling mean jokes or being insensitive on Twitter are horrible crimes. Being a horrible Senator is not.

He was a loyal Neolib/Neocon Status Quo Senator, so the Corporate, Globalist Media is going to make a "Mandatory Reverance" fiesta out of his death. Anybody who questions McCains record as being pretty much Shitty despite it's longevity, will have their "Patriotism" questioned. Bullshit!
11   marcus   2018 Aug 25, 8:41pm  

TwoScoopsOfSpaceForce says
not that he petted his dog or told a joke once

The behavior McCain demostrated in the video, which I'm sure you don't get, is not symbolic or trivial. He knew even then that the polarization was killing us and wanted to move the needle in the other direction. IT seems too late now. A third of the country is so fucking deplorable they don't even know what dignified behavior looks like.

Do your own research. McCAin was a republican by the way, and I never have been.


12   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Aug 25, 8:43pm  

marcus says
Do your own research. McCAin was a republican by the way, and I never have been.

I already put up plenty of research as to why McCain was a horrible Senator in the other thread.

If he was so great, you can name some reasons.

I think most people know the reason Democrats and the Left have fallen in Love with McCain over the past year or so, and it has bupkiss to do with "Classy" or "Virtue" or "Temperament" or any such BS.
13   MrMagic   2018 Aug 25, 8:50pm  

McCain, a harsh critic of President Trump who hand-delivered the controversial "Steele dossier" to FBI Director James Comey, returned to the Senate in July 2017 after emergency brain surgery to become the deciding vote that killed the GOP's repeal of the Affordable Care Act.

McCain specifically requested that President Trump not attend his funeral, instead insisting that Vice President Mike Pence attend the service in Washington's National Cathedral.
14   marcus   2018 Aug 25, 8:56pm  

TwoScoopsOfSpaceForce says
I think most people know the reason Democrats and the Left have fallen

This is bullshit. I know a lot of democrats that liked McCain better than most republicans 12 years ago, becasue he voted as an independent for a while even after that sort of thing made you a "Rino."

You can say this is media fawning over him for your typical transparent and dishonest reasons. Sound factual to me.


He voted against the Bush tax cuts and for reducing greenhouse emissions, and he spoke out against the use of torture by the U.S. post-9/11. While he was a vocal proponent of the Iraq War, his stance against torture was deeply personal
McCain’s reputation for breaking with his party was made more stark by his contemporaries increasing unwillingness to do so. McCain never wavered too much in how often he broke ranks with the GOP, but over the course of his Senate career, his colleagues became much more partisan in how they voted:

I'm done here. Didn't post this for an argument about McCain. If you want to make a CBOE type argument suggesting if I don't answer I lose ("I'm waiting"), I'll be thinking "fuck off" and that's if I even see it.
15   marcus   2018 Aug 25, 9:17pm  

Came back to share one observation that's relevant to my argument above. It was an observation a guy made in a reddit thread, and it's right on the money. My own version:

There's nothing Trump fan boys hate more than republicans that aren't spineless. Examples: McCain, Mueller, Rosenstein, and Comey.
16   CBOEtrader   2018 Aug 25, 9:23pm  

marcus says
I didn't vote for him. But I liked him and for the most part admired his character.

He's on the same team as HRC and GWB so this makes sense.
19   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Aug 25, 9:39pm  

marcus says

It sure is!

Marcus, how can you and MSNBC so solemnly mourn the death of a White Supremacist?
20   MisterLefty   2018 Aug 26, 4:17am  

With that Hank Paulson news flash? Oh, the irony....
21   CBOEtrader   2018 Aug 26, 4:23am  

marcus says
IT means you're an idiot
marcus says
petty bullshit

Take a look in the mirror.

@marcus, you consistently misrepresent those you disagree with in the most blatantly simple-minded way. marcus says
There's nothing Trump fan boys hate more than republicans that aren't spineless. Examples: McCain, Mueller, Rosenstein, and Comey.
Lol. This allows you to smugly remain in your echo chamber while thoughtlessly judging outsiders with this bigoted misrepresentation. I know the world seems easier that way, but maybe, just maybe do you think it may be better to try to understand those you disagree with?
22   marcus   2018 Aug 26, 11:55am  

CBOEtrader says
@marcus, you consistently misrepresent those you disagree with in the most blatantly simple-minded way

I know you are capable of comprehending the context. I also know that you didn't even bother trying.

You're right up there with the great minds of Patrick.net like Mr. Magic, who take three words out of contest of a back and forth of hundreds of words, and think it makes some kind of point.

CBOEtrader says
. I know the world seems easier that way, but maybe, just maybe do you think it may be better to try to understand those you disagree with?

This from the guy who has on this forum made the generalization countless times that liberals are nazis.

"Googoo ga ga."

Should we now have an "I know you are but what am I" contest ? Typical Trumpeter. SO fricking childish and stupid.
23   CBOEtrader   2018 Aug 26, 11:59am  

marcus says
You're right up there with the great minds of Patrick.net

Thanks for the recognition! We should start a poll
24   marcus   2018 Aug 26, 12:03pm  

IF you had even an ounce of honesty and integrity, even if you disagreed with McCain's policies, you would simply agree that the behavior McCAin showed in that video was hororable and sorely lacking in your messiah (on pretty much a daily basis).

But instead you get all triggered and defensive, just like all the other idiotic Trump Cucks.

And I guess maybe also, that since Obama is black, it makes t difficult for you to admire McCain's behavior in that video.
25   marcus   2018 Aug 26, 12:04pm  

I know that last part was stupid and low. Just trying to bring the conversation down to your level.
26   CBOEtrader   2018 Aug 26, 12:55pm  

marcus says
But instead you get all triggered and defensive, just like all the other idiotic Trump Cucks.

marcus says
IF you had even an ounce of honesty and integrity
marcus says
And I guess maybe also, that since Obama is black, it makes

This is called projection. When you are ready to give us an example of Trump's big lie and defend it as such, let us know.
27   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Aug 26, 5:24pm  

marcus says
you would simply agree that the behavior McCAin showed in that video was hororable and sorely lacking in your messiah (on pretty much a daily basis).

You mean it was honorable for the guy who ran Millions of Campaign Ads just in his own state promising to nix Obamacare- with no qualifications - to suddenly vote against getting rid of it? Not years later, but literal months later.

No, that's dishonorable voter betrayal. He also campaigned against his own party's candidate (unlike the Dems far more democratically selected without Superdelegate domination), and circulated a fake dossier created by oppo research from the Dem Candidate.

Then he refused to resign despite his cancer, putting himself before the State's Representation. Also dishonorable.

John McCain was the archetype of the "Third Generation". The Reagans and Perot were stunned by the way he treated his first wife, too. Especially the latter who paid for much of her reconstructive surgery before McCain ditched the mother of his kids for a younger model.
28   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Aug 26, 5:25pm  

By the way, McCain's media treatment in 2008 proves that every Republican Candidate, no matter who, will be labelled a racist.
29   Strategist   2018 Aug 26, 6:40pm  

I liked McCain. He would have made a much better President than Obama.
I also liked Obama and Carter, but democrat Presidents tend to be weak when it comes to confronting Islamists, dictators and commies.
Reagan was awesome. Clinton was pretty good. Bush senior was fairly good. Bush jr. was OK.
30   WookieMan   2018 Aug 26, 7:47pm  

MrMagic says
McCain specifically requested that President Trump not attend his funeral, instead insisting that Vice President Mike Pence attend the service in Washington's National Cathedral.

At lest he's got someone to ask to attend. Not sure the point of the comment. There are a lot of people out there that have no one that loves them to attend a funeral. Mirror.
31   MrMagic   2018 Aug 26, 8:09pm  

WookieMan says
MrMagic says
McCain specifically requested that President Trump not attend his funeral, instead insisting that Vice President Mike Pence attend the service in Washington's National Cathedral.

At lest he's got someone to ask to attend. Not sure the point of the comment. There are a lot of people out there that have no one that loves them to attend a funeral. Mirror.

Is there a particular reason why you're following me and trolling me from thread to thread? Is this the new behavior and requirements to be a moderator?

Oh, and what's a "lest"?
32   WookieMan   2018 Aug 26, 8:14pm  

MrMagic says
WookieMan says
MrMagic says
McCain specifically requested that President Trump not attend his funeral, instead insisting that Vice President Mike Pence attend the service in Washington's National Cathedral.

At lest he's got someone to ask to attend. Not sure the point of the comment. There are a lot of people out there that have no one that loves them to attend a funeral. Mirror.

Is there a particular reason why you're following me and trolling me from thread to thread? Is this the new behavior and requirements to be a moderator?

Oh, and what's a "lest"?

Lol! I'm not on(e) to make mistakes often. But I sure do. Thanks for catching that. FYI, just returning the favor you've been dishing out to the forum for years. Can dish it, but can't take it.

Again, @Patrick can pull me off as moderator at any time. Or maybe you can stop being a complete ass to almost everyone here?
33   MrMagic   2018 Aug 26, 8:20pm  

WookieMan says
MrMagic says
WookieMan says
MrMagic says
McCain specifically requested that President Trump not attend his funeral, instead insisting that Vice President Mike Pence attend the service in Washington's National Cathedral.

At lest he's got someone to ask to attend. Not sure the point of the comment. There are a lot of people out there that have no one that loves them to attend a funeral. Mirror.

Is there a particular reason why you're following me and trolling me from thread to thread? Is this the new behavior and requirements to be a moderator?

Oh, and what's a "lest"?

Lol! I'm not on(e) to make mistakes often. But I sure do. Thanks for catching that. FYI, just returning the favor you've been dishing out t...

Nah, I think your adult behavior as a moderator is awesome.

All the other moderators should inspire to act and respond exactly the adult way you are recently. It will make the forum grow yyyuuuugggee and attract tons of new members.
34   WookieMan   2018 Aug 26, 8:28pm  

MrMagic says
All the other moderators should inspire to act and respond exactly the adult way you are recently. It make make the forum grow yyyuuuugggee and attract tons of new members.

What's great is the other moderators can behave the way they want to. Unfortunately, dealing with certain commenters makes life more difficult for them all.

Your actions and words on this site are CLEARLY meant to help Patrick grow the site. LOL. If I'm the bad guy, Patrick can ban me at any time. He's done it before..... just not to me.....
35   FortWayne   2018 Aug 26, 8:35pm  

marcus says

It's nature of politics call someone names like you fucking hate the guy. But once htey die, pretend it was all a silly joke.
Yeah, I call that bullshit. Typical liberal politics... fuck honesty, PC crap and mudslinging horseshit at opposing views is all they are about.
36   komputodo   2018 Aug 26, 9:01pm  

marcus says
RIP John McCAin, and thank you for your service to our country.

For how many minutes will you mourn? I gave him about 7 seconds.
37   FortWayne   2018 Aug 26, 9:04pm  

Funny enough dude used to bash McCain.

This would be like me praising Hillary all of a sudden...

komputodo says
marcus says
RIP John McCAin, and thank you for your service to our country.

For how many minutes will you mourn? I gave him about 7 seconds.
38   marcus   2018 Aug 26, 9:20pm  

FortWayne says
Funny enough dude used to bash McCain

Typical TrumpCuck, lies out his ass constantly, just like his hero.

I may have criticized McCain on occasion, but as republicans go, I've always thought he was one of the good ones (relatively). Sure, he's a little hawkish for my taste, but he often voted his conscience and wasn't wholly owned to the extent most of them are.

One thing he's never been is a republican robot that believes whatever Rush, Limbaugh and Sean Hannity or Brietbart tell him believe, like some of the ingrates on this forum.

FortWayne says
This would be like me praising Hillary all of a sudden...

Not even remotely. For one thing the left hasn't sold the kind of toxic hate of McCain at anything remotely close to the propaganda from the right on Hillary. For another, even if they did, I'm not gullible to that noise the way you and so many are on the right, from the likes of Glenn Beck, Alex Jones, Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh, not to mention so many other talk radio personalities I don't even know.
39   MrMagic   2018 Aug 26, 9:43pm  

WookieMan says
Your actions and words on this site are CLEARLY meant to help Patrick grow the site.

Yes they are, thanks for noticing.

I regularly start threads for discussion, so other members can participate. This helps keep the site fresh.

The last thread you started for discussion was like 4 or 5 months ago. Not sure how that helps move the forum forward and keep it interesting. Plus, for the last several days, the majority of what you've contributed to the forum has been derogatory comments about other members. Don't believe me, take a scroll and read the comments just from today and please point out the quality, educational ones:


Definitely a strange way to contribute to a quality forum. Who exactly would that attract to this forum?

Is that the new policy for moderators? Just wondering.
40   WookieMan   2018 Aug 27, 4:02pm  

MrMagic says
The last thread you started for discussion was like 4 or 5 months ago.

Reading comprehension again. Read. My. Comments. When you're stalking them at least. I've actually been out doing stuff this summer instead of sitting in front of a computer all day, moisturizing my right hand. You know, having fun with my kids and doing shit that will make them better people.

And if you call parroting the same propaganda day in and day out a good contribution, I guess we have a difference of opinion on what GOOD content is. You're a top ignored user here. It's not a popularity contest, but the data speaks volumes. And changing usernames every year wipes out the people that ignored you and were driven away by your trolling. Frankly, I'm giving you too much attention here. So I'll stop.
41   FortWayne   2018 Aug 27, 4:10pm  

Oh please I still remember the election and constant name calling against McCain.

Pretending that liberals were do nothing wrong innocent lambs is childish.

Protip, you liberals overuse “toxic” as a word, like a 16 year old who just learned an SAT word and is really proud of it.

marcus says
FortWayne says
Funny enough dude used to bash McCain

Typical TrumpCuck, lies out his ass constantly, just like his hero.

I may have criticized McCain on occasion, but as republicans go, I've always thought he was one of the good ones (relatively). Sure, he's a little hawkish for my taste, but he often voted his conscience and wasn't wholly owned to the extent most of them are.

One thing he's never been is a republican robot that believes whatever Rush, Limbaugh and Sean Hannity or Brietbart tell him believe, like some of the ingrates on this forum.

FortWayne says
This would be like me praising Hillary all of a sudden...

Not even remotely. For one thing the left hasn't sold the kind of toxic hate of McCain at anything remotely close to the propaganda from the right on Hillary. For ano...

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