What has the U.S. come to when it's impossible to have even a rough death toll from Hurricane Maria ?

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2018 Sep 16, 1:54pm   4,176 views  21 comments

by marcus   ➕follow (7)   💰tip   ignore  

That is in Puerto Rico. What is the rough estimate of the number of people who died as a result of the hurricane ?


Apparently the death toll that has been established by a totally non partisan study done by George Washington University is total fake news, made up by people that want to destroy Donald Trump. This is almost as bad as when the Chinese made up global warming, just to mess with us.

I miss the days when we had facts, don't you ?

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1   marcus   2018 Sep 16, 2:14pm  

Hurricane Maria is just one more in a long series of reasons we need to sympathize with Trump and the way reality is mean to him.
2   Tenpoundbass   2018 Sep 16, 2:31pm  

The death toll is assuming every death after the storm until now. If an old person left on the island today loses power and dies of heat exhaustion. They go in the death toll, because the electric grid even as crappy as it was. Gets full blame for being spotty and not working 100% as it has been for the last 20 years. These death toll numbers show more dereliction of duty and neglect from the local officials and the relatives that fled to America to get free Liberal schwag in exchange for their votes.

Even the people that died in the clean up are also considered in the death toll. The Tropics is a petri dish for airborne sickness and any open water breeds Denge, Malaria and other bad disease. If 3000 people were killed by those ailments and the WHO said and did nothing, then that's on them. Trump is in Washington all he can do is try to organize the recovery.
I remember vividly the TDS brigade resisting Trump on everything he did. He even had a guy that was going rebuild their infrastructure and electric grid.
The guy was outed unfit because Liberal's Feelz. The fucking Liberals own that now. Trump had a guy with a printer and computer that got the contract, he was on the hook to organize all of the workers and provisions to put PR back on track. It was thwarted and derailed. It's a shame he might have pulled it off and you wouldn't have any thing to be fake outraged about. OR he might have been as crooked as the Dems feared but at least for once Liberals would have been right. If they would have JUST let the Truth play itself out, instead of injecting the reality. Like they always fucking do about every damn thing.

You guys are always robbing reality with your bullshit. Like the PR narrative that Liberals created for themselves.
3   Evan F.   2018 Sep 16, 2:33pm  

marcus says
Hurricane Maria is just one more in a long series of reasons we need to sympathize with Trump and the way reality is mean to him.

Dude, shut the hell up. Puerto Ricans aren't even real Americans, so who cares anyway. #Trumphasfeelingstoo
4   marcus   2018 Sep 16, 2:55pm  

Tenpoundbass says
You guys are always robbing reality with your bullshit. Like the PR narrative that Liberals created for themselves.

Trump is so afraid that this will be like Katrina was for GWB that he's lying up a strorm. IT's just what he does. It would be smarter if he realized the media can't touch him over negative stuff like this, becasue the media consuming public is totally worn down and shock proof to any Trumpian fuck ups.

Given that, if he was smart he would exercise some honesty for once and some humility (even harder for him) and own up to how bad it was and say we're going to work on doing better next time. Then when he talks about the obstacles that were there, the mayor, or corruption in PR or whatever, it would be more believable.

If he wants to take credit for the continuing rally in the stock market, he has to own disasters and flaws in FEMA handling of disasters that occur on his watch.

That's how a dreaded liberal would handle it. Have a little dignity for once in your life Trump !!

Instead he's patting himself on the back and denying the deaths and giving himself an A+. It would be funny if it were some movie about a pathologically narcicistic President. But this is reality. IT's pathetic. IT's as if he doesn't know how to do things in a way that won't make himself look bad.
5   Evan F.   2018 Sep 16, 3:16pm  

APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostikovitch says
Evan F. says
we need to sympathize with Trump and the way reality is mean to him.

LOL I didn't say that! But who cares it's just an internet forum, it doesn't count anyway
9   clambo   2018 Sep 16, 8:12pm  

Who knows how many people died in Puerto Rico, and who cares?
10   marcus   2018 Sep 16, 9:44pm  

Why is that anderson cooper photo a lie ? Is he standing somewhere that's usually dry. Is the cameraman on the top of an embankment or is cooper on lower level ground ?

I guess if he's sitting then that would be lying, but I doubt he is, the photo gives no evidence of that. I don't know about you, but I've been places where the ground is lower a few yards away.

People are so fucking stupid. It makes sense to not make the camera guy be in deep water too, if it's doable.

12   Evan F.   2018 Sep 17, 8:06am  

Booger says
seems legit
13   Shaman   2018 Sep 17, 8:14am  

marcus says
Trump is so afraid that this will be like Katrina was for GWB that he's lying up a strorm

Admit the truth. You and the rest of the Lying Democrats were desperately HOPING for another Katrina, preferably with thousands of sad dead black people.

Hoping the country loses just to make its current leader look bad is reason #391 why Democrats are unfit to lead anything.
14   marcus   2018 Sep 18, 9:48pm  

Quigley says
Admit the truth. You and the rest of the Lying Democrats were desperately HOPING for another Katrina, preferably with thousands of sad dead black people.

Wrong. I only wish you were capable of comprehending how much of a hateful and evil lowlife prick someone has to be to project that on to me.
15   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Sep 18, 10:49pm  

Quigley says
Admit the truth. You and the rest of the Lying Democrats were desperately HOPING for another Katrina, preferably with thousands of sad dead black people.

Hoping the country loses just to make its current leader look bad is reason #391 why Democrats are unfit to lead anything.

That's about right.

I've never heard of a President being blamed for deaths that happened beyond the immediate aftermath of a hurricane.

If old people - and the GWU study looked at 65+ older males as one of the groups - weren't provided with additional care, assistance getting to checkups, hospitals, pharmacies, then the blame lies with the municipal and territorial government whose responsibility it primarily is.

Puerto Rico is where the San Juan truckers and dockworkers went on strike rather than work 120% like Americans or Brits or Canadians would have done, and then Strike AFTER the aid had been delivered. In fact after Fukushima workers were volunteering extra hours and many showed up without being asked, looking for a way to help. I have never heard of teamsters, longshoremen, etc. striking in the immediate aftermath of a natural disaster among decent people.
16   LeonDurham   2018 Sep 19, 6:40am  

Quigley says

Hoping the country loses just to make its current leader look bad is reason #391 why Democrats are unfit to lead anything.

Give me a damn break here. You've got to be kidding. Republicans were open about how they did anything and everything to block Obama regardless of whether it was good for the country. They didn't give 2 shits about the country as long as it made Obama and the Dems look bad.

Pot, kettle, black.
17   Shaman   2018 Sep 19, 7:13am  

LeonDurham says
Republicans were open about how they did anything and everything to block Obama

Blocking policy and legislation they felt was bad for the country is normal.
Wishing and hoping for harm to befall the country because they hate the “Dotard in Chief” is not normal. It’s hateful and selfish and demonstrates a clear lack of concern for their constituents. Americans should take note of this and vote accordingly.
18   LeonDurham   2018 Sep 19, 7:57am  

Quigley says
ishing and hoping for harm to befall the country because they hate the “Dotard in Chief” is not normal. It’s hateful and selfish and demonstrates a clear lack of concern for their constituents. Americans should take note of this and vote accordingly.

Unfortunately, that's what Republicans did for 8 years. I agree and hopefully Americans will vote accordingly.
19   Tenpoundbass   2018 Sep 24, 6:56am  

I was talking with my Bass player Saturday night about the blame Trump got for everything.
He told me his father who is 92 still on the island. Told him, just yesterday(at the time) they found several tractor trailers of medical supplies and equipment.
He also told me about a Ships from several countries not just America came to help the island after the storm they were all turned away over bogus immigration issues.
He said there was so much help extended to PR that if the politicians weren't so corrupt and crooked it would have been better than ever. The issue was the Politicians were worried the clean up and rebuild was going to happen so fast that they wouldn't get their cut. They control and pinch everything that comes to the island.
He also said typically in PR the Dems shit on the Republicans every turn they can, and vice versa. The storm happened after an election and both sides were worried a positive clean up would have reflected good on the opposition party rather than their own. So they sabotaged every effort at every turn.

He said the most seasoned Riccans that have always swore to be sovereign and not America's 52nd state are now screaming the loudest for it. The corruption has become so unbearable.

He said his father loves Trump more than the Pope.
20   HeadSet   2018 Sep 24, 7:10am  

Apparently the death toll that has been established by a totally non partisan study done by George Washington University

It seems this count is readily believed or readily discounted based on whether one is for or against Trump. Even the phrase "total non-partisan" tries to impart a "fact" you cannot know.

The proper way to evaluate the study would be to look at the methodology. Did the study do an actual count of death certificates and reported found bodies? Or did the study use "computer simulations" based on data and factors form other storm events. If so, what were the assumptions and inputs use in the model? Without knowing how the studies were done, this "3,000 deaths" is just a Rorschach blob that reveals the bias of the person reading the number. Another "credible study" puts the toll at "Near 5,000," and that is a Harvard study.


But if you examine the methodology, it gets a bit iffy. They even rounded up 4,645 to "nearly 5,000" for dramatic effect.
21   HeadSet   2018 Sep 24, 7:29am  

The issue was the Politicians were worried the clean up and rebuild was going to happen so fast that they wouldn't get their cut.

Shades of Ray Nagin in New Orleans.

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