It is easier to blame exclusion than to admit your own failure

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2018 Sep 17, 10:55am   5,708 views  49 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (60)   💰tip   ignore  

I've been looking for the true underlying explanation for leftist accusations of racism, sexism, etc, and I think the title of this post gets very close to the uncomfortable truth.

Maybe it cannot be fixed because their pain will always lead to rationalizations for their anger, but at least it can be understood.

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1   RWSGFY   2018 Sep 17, 11:13am  

I think it's not that simple. Let's take for example the latest "anti-racism", "anti-WP", "anti-SP" champion - that actress Anne Hathaway(sp?): by all accounts she's pretty successful, rich (world's highest-paid actress in 2015), straight, not a "minority" in any sense of the word, etc. So what's her reason? Maybe she has some loser friends?
2   Tenpoundbass   2018 Sep 17, 11:23am  

Liberals are failures. They want the lowest denominator to be the new normal.
3   RWSGFY   2018 Sep 17, 12:01pm  

Aphroman says
I've been looking for the true underlying explanation for leftist accusations of racism,

Occams Razor: accusations of racism occur because of actual racism

Occams Razor: reports about UFO abducting people and mutilating cows occur because of actual alien space ships visiting Earth.
4   MisterLefty   2018 Sep 17, 3:11pm  

Patrick says
So what's her reason?
Why did actors and writers turn in their colleagues as suspected Communists during the McCarthy era witch hunt? Job security and career advancement. You also have to realize that a significant amount of the population are clueless as well as reward motivated, and as they lack the wherewithal to find their on way, will take orders from those in charge.
5   Evan F.   2018 Sep 17, 7:10pm  

Aphroman says
That’s not the correct application for Occams Razor

Lol I was about to write the same thing.
6   RWSGFY   2018 Sep 17, 7:16pm  

Aphroman says
Aphroman says
I've been looking for the true underlying explanation for leftist accusations of racism,

Occams Razor: accusations of racism occur because of actual racism

Occams Razor: reports about UFO abducting people and mutilating cows occur because of actual alien space ships visiting Earth.

That’s not the correct application for Occams Razor

7   HeadSet   2018 Sep 17, 8:20pm  

Evan F. says
Aphroman says
That’s not the correct application for Occams Razor

Lol I was about to write the same thing.

How is it not? The idea that the simplest explanation is usually the best.

In the case of accusations of racism, you are saying the accusations occur because the racism exists (as the simplest explanation), and not the more complex issues involving politics, extortion opportunities, or excuses.

Your "Occam's Razor" call was was being parodied by DASKAA. Since stories about UFO abduction and cow mutilation also exist, the "simplest explanation" would be that the UFOs are real, rather than the complexities of nut cases, mushroom dreams, or fraudulent attempts at attention.
8   HeadSet   2018 Sep 17, 8:47pm  

The core ideology of the left is equality of outcome regardless of effort or talent. That appeals to people who will not or cannot compete.

Nailed it.
9   lostand confused   2018 Sep 17, 8:52pm  

HeadSet says
The core ideology of the left is equality of outcome regardless of effort or talent. That appeals to people who will not or cannot compete.

Nailed it.

Sad but true and it was tried and failed with the Soviets-will we have to go through decades of that crap too-or will the dems recede?
10   FortWayne   2018 Sep 17, 8:55pm  

To some degree it is. But I think it's also that Democratic party elite (liberal elite as I call them), that's how they control everything.

In CA when I look around, liberal elite owns everything, and they know how to sucker people here too.
11   steverbeaver   2018 Sep 17, 9:15pm  

So true, many (mostly) insightful comments. Add in the era of grape-skinned whiny bitching without pushback and viola, current era explained.
12   Shaman   2018 Sep 17, 9:15pm  

Aphroman says
accusations of racism occur because of actual racism

Much like you demonstrated earlier today. I guess if Leftists can’t find any conservatives being racist, they’ll say some racist things just to get the ball rolling!
13   NDrLoR   2018 Sep 17, 9:20pm  

HeadSet says
racism exists
It's endemic to humanity just like greed, envy, lust or any of the other bad qualities. Any member of a minority who claims their particular tribe can't be racist because of this or that reason is just fooling themselves.
14   Patrick   2018 Sep 17, 9:27pm  

The answer imho is to set up a balance between rewards worth working for, and a safety net for those citizens who are having trouble for one reason or another but are still part of our country.

My mother started a travel agency and it did pretty well for a while. Then she got a brain tumor and simply could not keep it going (along with the fact that airlines were cutting commissions). So she was winning from her own efforts for a while, but lost the business through no fault of her own in the end. I was really grateful that she had Medicaid for the last few months of her life. Private insurance failed her. Yet she was pretty well taken care of by the "socialist" medical program which worked as intended.

We can and should argue about where the line between one's own earnings and government support should be drawn, but it's not either-or.
15   marcus   2018 Sep 17, 9:41pm  

Patrick says
It is easier to blame exclusion than to admit your own failure

This is obviously true, for some specific people. But then there are literally millions of Black and Latino folks that agree with this 100%, while simultaneously also seeing racism out there (but not using it as an excuse).

There are those of us that are pretty balanced in our view. There are even a lot of republicans that agree with your statement here, but would never oversimplify the racism issue down to this, nor would they use the general term "leftists" in the way that you, CBOE and others do. There are many of us moderate democrats that more or less deplore identity politics, just as there are republicans that deplore racism in a way very different way than you do.

You never hear me generalizing that right wingers are racist ( although any thinking person knows that Trump doesn't get elected in 2016 without racism ).

Maybe thats what some on the far left are reacting to (not that it isn't stupid and only adding to the tribalism). These things aren't nearly as simple as many would make them.
16   Patrick   2018 Sep 17, 9:57pm  

You're right, I shouldn't generalize to "leftists". It's a convenient shorthand for the worst people on that side, but it is divisive.

I'll try to avoid that term and stick to specific issues.
17   Shaman   2018 Sep 18, 7:24am  

Patrick says
I shouldn't generalize to "leftists". It's a convenient shorthand for the worst people on that side, but it is divisive.

Yes it is a convenient shorthand for the ultra conservative Left which wants total government control to enforce Cultural Marxism and all the horrors which go with that ideology.

Marcus has made progress away from that sink hole. Sorry if I’m talking about users but I’m at least not being negative!
18   Shaman   2018 Sep 18, 9:13am  

Aphroman says
Need proof?

You have zero credibility so yes, every statement you make requires proof.
19   Goran_K   2018 Sep 18, 9:24am  

marcus says
although any thinking person knows that Trump doesn't get elected in 2016 without racism

Trump got elected because 200+ counties that voted for Obama in 2008 flipped and voted for Trump in 2016. Were they racist then, or just when they voted for Trump?
20   Goran_K   2018 Sep 18, 9:27am  

Here's a hard truth.

IN GENERAL, victimization ideology centered around race and gender are crutches that generally unsuccessful people use to explain shortcomings in their own lives.
21   LeonDurham   2018 Sep 18, 9:39am  

Goran_K says
Here's a hard truth.

IN GENERAL, victimization ideology centered around race and gender are crutches that generally unsuccessful people use to explain shortcomings in their own lives.

Good--remember that the next time someone complains about Harvard not accepting Asians. Or white men getting screwed.
22   mell   2018 Sep 18, 9:52am  

LeonDurham says
Goran_K says
Here's a hard truth.

IN GENERAL, victimization ideology centered around race and gender are crutches that generally unsuccessful people use to explain shortcomings in their own lives.

Good--remember that the next time someone complains about Harvard not accepting Asians. Or white men getting screwed.

Falae equivalency - there are no laws/governances favoring Asians or Whites amd discriminating against the other races. Vice versa though there are plenty.
23   LeonDurham   2018 Sep 18, 9:56am  

mell says
Falae equivalency - there are no laws/governances favoring Asians or Whites amd discriminating against thw other races. Vice versa though there are plenty.

No--perfect equivalency. One side complains about societal inequities causing them to fail, the other complains about law/governances. Both are excuses
24   HeadSet   2018 Sep 18, 10:24am  

Goran_K says
marcus says
although any thinking person knows that Trump doesn't get elected in 2016 without racism

Trump got elected because 200+ counties that voted for Obama in 2008 flipped and voted for Trump in 2016. Were they racist then, or just when they voted for Trump?

Yes, and Trump was going up against a white woman. Maybe next time try "Trump doesn't get elected in 2016 without misogeny" when you want to throw a slogan.
25   Goran_K   2018 Sep 18, 10:52am  

LeonDurham says
Good--remember that the next time someone complains about Harvard not accepting Asians. Or white men getting screwed.

That's real state sponsored Democrat racism though. Not fake imagined victimization.
26   Goran_K   2018 Sep 18, 10:53am  

LeonDurham says
No--perfect equivalency.

No, mell is correct. You're making a dishonest comparison about ACTUAL real racism versus "amorphous" imagined victimization.
27   LeonDurham   2018 Sep 18, 10:53am  

28   Goran_K   2018 Sep 18, 10:54am  

HeadSet says
Yes, and Trump was going up against a white woman. Maybe next time try "Trump doesn't get elected in 2016 without misogeny" when you want to throw a slogan.

That too!
29   Goran_K   2018 Sep 18, 10:55am  

LeonDurham says

You're wrong, completely and utterly wrong.

For instance, Harvard actually has an admissions policy that hurts asian admissions by artificially allowing less of them to enter the school.

Your claim is based on.... nothing... maybe something... but definitely nothing you can point to (because if you could, you would, just like I did without hesitation).
30   Goran_K   2018 Sep 18, 10:56am  

Also tatupu, keep your shit on topic and not personal. I really don't like having your crap deleted, I want you to participate, but as a good member who follows the rules and doesn't try to slide insults into every post when you disagree with someone. Thanks!
31   LeonDurham   2018 Sep 18, 11:55am  

Goran_K says
You're wrong, completely and utterly wrong.

For instance, Harvard actually has an admissions policy that hurts asian admissions by artificially allowing less of them to enter the school.

Your claim is based on.... nothing... maybe something... but definitely nothing you can point to (because if you could, you would, just like I did without hesitation).

Nope, I'm right. It's pure victimization.

Lots of Asians get into Harvard. If one doesn't make the cut, it's their own fault.
32   LeonDurham   2018 Sep 18, 11:55am  

Goran_K says
Also tatupu, keep your shit on topic and not personal. I really don't like having your crap deleted, I want you to participate, but as a good member who follows the rules and doesn't try to slide insults into every post when you disagree with someone. Thanks!

lol--nice trolling.
33   LeonDurham   2018 Sep 18, 11:56am  


Here's another example of your moderation failing. One of your moderators is purposely baiting a poster in an effort to start a "battle". This is typical.
34   Reality   2018 Sep 18, 12:03pm  

How many on the Right have been found to be sexual perverts? Kavanaugh?

The only proven pervert in this case so far is Christine Ford: suffering from rape fantasy (false memory of being gang-raped by 4 guys nearly 4 decades ago, as teased out by her therapist); how those 4 guys in her false memory merged into Kavanaugh is anyone's guess, perhaps having something to do with Christine's brother being a partner at the law firm that worked for Fusion GPS.
35   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2018 Sep 18, 12:33pm  

Patrick says
You're right, I shouldn't generalize to "leftists". It's a convenient shorthand for the worst people on that side, but it is divisive.

I'll try to avoid that term and stick to specific issues.


Reminder that this is what you are dealing with. One of the 3 MAJOR MSM networks, and this was their coverage:

When I say propaganda, I don't mean its from the fringe.
36   mell   2018 Sep 18, 1:07pm  

CovfefeButDeadly says
When I say propaganda, I don't mean its from the fringe.

37   Shaman   2018 Sep 18, 1:08pm  

LeonDurham says
No--perfect equivalency. One side complains about societal inequities causing them to fail, the other complains about law/governances. Both are excuses

Either argument is irrelevant. The civil rights act made it ILLEGAL to discriminate based on race. Not just if you feel like it. Not just if it creates a “bad” outcome. Not just if people don’t like you discriminating. It’s illegal. Do we have laws or don’t we?
38   mell   2018 Sep 18, 1:11pm  

Quigley says
LeonDurham says
No--perfect equivalency. One side complains about societal inequities causing them to fail, the other complains about law/governances. Both are excuses

Either argument is irrelevant. The civil rights act made it ILLEGAL to discriminate based on race. Not just if you feel like it. Not just if it creates a “bad” outcome. Not just if people don’t like you discriminating. It’s illegal. Do we have laws or don’t we?

That's the crux of it. These laws discriminating against Whites and Asians are unconstitutional (and racist) and should have been overthrown long ago. Citing socio-economical disadvantages - whether they exist or not - as a basis for enacting discriminatory laws is never ok, unethical and unconstitutional.
39   Rin   2018 Sep 18, 2:02pm  

LeonDurham says
Goran_K says
You're wrong, completely and utterly wrong.

For instance, Harvard actually has an admissions policy that hurts asian admissions by artificially allowing less of them to enter the school.

Your claim is based on.... nothing... maybe something... but definitely nothing you can point to (because if you could, you would, just like I did without hesitation).

Nope, I'm right. It's pure victimization.

Lots of Asians get into Harvard. If one doesn't make the cut, it's their own fault.

Let me see ... Al Gore Jr (white guy, son of a senator, rich & connected) got into Harvard undergrad. Afterwards, even with a C average, he'd attended Vanderbilt Law School only to flunk out. Yes, straight F's on his first year finals.

How many Asians, with high GPAs, who didn't make the cut to get into Harvard undergrad, can brag about flunking out of grad school?

The Asians who do get into HU undergrad have two things ... a mix of connections and silly extracurriculars where they get to show that they helped some stupid committee on Darfur relief.

I've worked with them in the past, none of them strike me as Goethe, Newton, and Einstein. HU undergrad is about professional resume padders.
40   Rin   2018 Sep 18, 2:19pm  

LeonDurham says
Lots of Asians get into Harvard. If one doesn't make the cut, it's their own fault.

BTW, I'd taken classes at Harvard as a special student ... all A's.

Seriously, aside from gaining admissions, there's nothing special about the school. This is why they need to mix the rich/connected crowd, athletes, musicians, along with those who'll make the academic numbers (papers, books, GPA/standardized scores) to make themselves look like a premier school.

Asians & whites, who're not from well off/connected families, are at a disadvantage here.

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