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You can make out whatever you want but Real men do not force themselves on girls.
That statement will be agreed with by everyone here, but that is a deflect from the issue. The issue is Kavanaugh facing a specious accusation with few details and no corroboration, about an event that supposedly took place 36 years ago. The accuser even says no clothes were removed, sort of like a dry hump at best between two drunken teens.
You can make out whatever you want but Real men do not force themselves on girls.
I think conservatives, like Trump, have become very disturbed persons with very low self esteem.
FortWayne saysThis isn’t fight for or anti abortion. It’s a fight of men vs feminist bitches.
You can make out whatever you want but Real men do not force themselves on girls.
The bullshit story from Ford is that the guy "tried" to assault her? What the fuck is that?
He touched her somehow? They were all drunk at the time and she wasn't actually raped evidently.
You can make out whatever you want but Real men do not force themselves on girls.
I know that the Democrats and Republicans are the enemy. Anything that thwarts their actions at this point is good.
Remember the Republicans actions from 2008-2016? Garland appointment?
Turnabout is fair play
What is a Dog Pile the Nigger flogging?
Trump haters are everywhere including in the Republican party , remember Never Trumpers
He's toast. At least one more accusation and maybe a 3rd.
Guessing he'll withdraw tomorrow. Republicans won't risk him failing and then running out of time to confirm someone else before the midterms.
The evidence is fairly overwhelming that the majority (perhaps all) of the cases of alleged recovered memory of abuse are in reality cases of false memory syndrome produced by gross therapy malpractice, utilizing disproved techniques that violate basic rules of investigation and flagrantly disregard the potential for harm.
The myth of repressed memories is likely one that we will have to debunk over and over, for each new generation.
Perhaps more importantly, the persistence of this myth and practice among some therapists indicates that the profession has a serious problem with self-regulation and maintaining a reasonable evidence-based standard of care.
Kavaunah must be confirmed
So if this is all a left wing conspiracy, why were there no accusers against Gorsuch?
lostand confused saysHow dumb are dems-if you are going to manufacture a he said she said-at least say it happened privately-that way you can keep the doubt-you claim this hapepend in aparty in front of people and all involved people deny the incident- even your lifelong friends.
Is Mark Judge going to testify? Last I heard he wasn't. Sounds like he doesn't want to lie under oath for his friend. If I had a friend who was so close to being confirmed I'd be testifying... Unless of course I'd have to lie.
If he didn't do nothing then why the rush to confirm?
Kavaunah is a sexual deviant w
None of this matters. There was no report back then and there's zero evidence. This is not Nazi Germany or Stalin's Russia, you cannot simply make up shit without any evidence and demand this to have any weight.
Rushing to judge is a sign of the mentally incompetent.
doik saysKavaunah is a sexual deviant w
And you lost me. Rushing to judge is a sign of the mentally incompetent.
Tenpoundbass says
Anyone who does that should be thrown in jail for a very long time. That does not excuse the bad behavior of people on your team.![]()
What is it called when one side makes up several fake incidents in an attempt to postpone a Supreme Court nomination?
CovfefeButDeadly saysWhat is it called when one side makes up several fake incidents in an attempt to postpone a Supreme Court nomination?
The Republican play book.
I miss the 90s. You know, the decade when Republicans were in a hissy fit about consensual sex acts between a president and fat slut instead of defending rapey acts of a Supreme Court nominee. Oh wait, Clarence Thomas.
The party of family values sure seems willing to compromise those values when inconvenient.
So if this is all a left wing conspiracy, why were there no accusers against Gorsuch?
Without other commentary, Monica Lewinsky did in fact suck on Bill Clinton’s cock in the White House and Bill Clinton factually ejaculated on Monica Lewinskys dress.
At least three women credibly accused Bill Clinton of rape. He was asked about it by the msm literally once.
LeonDurham saysSo if this is all a left wing conspiracy, why were there no accusers against Gorsuch?
Kavaunah is Kevin Spacey.
Putting a felon on the Supreme Court is the worst thing you could do. What ever happened to valuing law and order?
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This isn’t fight for or anti abortion. It’s a fight of men vs feminist bitches. The bitches who hate all men and want to accuse everyone of rape to gain power over them.