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2   bob2356   2018 Oct 11, 1:38pm  

Meet the new boss, same as the old boss. Nice to see the new reformed KSA is working out so well. . Yep those 15 saudi military guys that flew in and out the day he disappeared were just on quick sight seeing trip. Can't wait to see the televised be headings of the campaigners for women's rights.
3   Strategist   2018 Oct 11, 4:34pm  

Where in the world is Kashoggi?
International espionage. Spies. Assassins. Disappearance. Murder mystery. Who dunnit?
Paramount Pictures. Coming soon to a screen near you.
4   Patrick   2018 Oct 11, 5:54pm  

My greatest disappointment with Trump is that he does not call out the Saudis for their lack of democracy, lack of freedom of speech, lack of freedom of religion, etc etc.

Their leverage over our government is that they own a significant fraction of US Treasuries and price their oil in US dollars. They could sell the Treasuries, which would force interest rates upward. And they could choose to price their oil in some other currency, making other countries less dependent on dollars and weakening US economic power abroad.

But these are risks worth taking in defense of basic human rights.
5   Patrick   2018 Oct 11, 6:00pm  

APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostikovitch says
Trump's people are watching the case to figure out how to make all journalists disappear.

We don't seem to have real journalists anymore, only partisan hacks who write up the Democratic party line of hate for Trump every day.

Why Saudi Arabia wanted Khashoggi gone: Journalist knew about kingdom's links to al-Qaeda in run-up to 9/11, snubbed the Crown Princeā€¦ and walked away from an inner circle nobody gets to leave
A former colleague of Jamal Khashoggi revealed why Riyadh wants him dead
John R. Bradley says Mr Khashoggi 'had dirt' on Saudi ties to Osama bin Laden
He also says Crown Prince considered him a threat to his vision for the kingdom
Mr Khashoggi vanished after entering the Saudi consulate in Istanbul last week



(UK journalists are generally less partisan than US sources.)
6   Strategist   2018 Oct 11, 6:39pm  

Patrick says
My greatest disappointment with Trump is that he does not call out the Saudis for their lack of democracy, lack of freedom of speech, lack of freedom of religion, etc etc.

Don't get disappointed. Trump never hesitates to bash anyone. He has harshly spoken out against the Saudis on several occasions eg. Stating they would not last 2 weeks without US support. He has also without hesitation spoken out against Islamic terrorism.
I think there is more going on here with the Saudis than meets the eye. Iran, Palestine, Israel, Syria, Russia and oil are all pieces of a large puzzle. The goal is to control them like puppets, and engage in divide and conquer one entity at a time. Treating every Islamic country as an enemy at the same time will backfire. They cannot change their culture or religious values overnight. Russia and China could end up controlling them making things even worse for the West.
We as ordinary citizens may never know all the facts, but Trump knows all the facts, and unlike Obama we can trust him to deal with rotten Islam.
7   HeadSet   2018 Oct 11, 6:39pm  

And they could choose to price their oil in some other currency, making other countries less dependent on dollars and weakening US economic power abroad.

The last major oil exporting country that threatened that ended up with a "regime change."
8   Strategist   2018 Oct 11, 6:46pm  

HeadSet says
And they could choose to price their oil in some other currency, making other countries less dependent on dollars and weakening US economic power abroad.

I don't think it makes much of a difference if the Saudis decided to price their oil in Euros, British Pounds, or the Yen. They will never price their oil in substandard currencies like the Ruble, and these major currencies are fully exchangeable in the blink of an eye.
9   NoYes   2018 Oct 11, 6:48pm  

what's the big deal of losing another fake news left wing nut globalist Soro's funded journalists? Dime a dozen. Buh Bye. We're over stocked in USofA
10   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Oct 11, 7:45pm  

.bob2356 says
Meet the new boss, same as the old boss. Nice to see the new reformed KSA is working out so well. . Yep those 15 saudi military guys that flew in and out the day he disappeared were just on quick sight seeing trip. Can't wait to see the televised be headings of the campaigners for women's rights.

Tell me about the sanctions the Obama administration imposed on the KSA. Oh, and did Hillary give all the Saudi campaign donations back? Or to the Clinton Foundation?

Asking for a friend.
11   LeonDurham   2018 Oct 11, 7:47pm  

12   Strategist   2018 Oct 11, 7:58pm  

bob2356 says
Meet the new boss, same as the old boss. Nice to see the new reformed KSA is working out so well. . Yep those 15 saudi military guys that flew in and out the day he disappeared were just on quick sight seeing trip.

Look Bob, I trust Trump to deal with the Islamic threat. I never trusted Obama to do the same. It's as simple as that.
13   LeonDurham   2018 Oct 11, 8:08pm  

Strategist says
Look Bob, I trust Trump to deal with the Islamic threat. I never trusted Obama to do the same. It's as simple as that.

This reminds me of when someone posted a fake news article on here. When several posters pointed out that the article was a lie, the Trump supporters responded, even though the article was proven to be fake, they believe it anyway.
14   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Oct 11, 8:58pm  

LeonDurham says
Mr, Whataboutism strikes again!!

Nope. Pointing out the pot is calling the kettle black on the same exact subject, when there is a binary choice isn't whataboutery

Whataboutery is "Gee, you Soviets put a lot of people in Gulags."
"Oh yeah, well, 100 years ago you had slavery and a few blacks got turned away from the polls."

So that being said, how would Hillary's stance have been different? Would she sanction Saudi Arabia? What did Obama do about Raif?

If she would have not initiated any serious criticisms or punishments for Saudi Arabia, and indeed continued to take their donations, then you have no point to make.


I'm not so sure the Saudis were involved and not Erdogan, who helped plot a coup against himself in order to imprison the opposition.

I find it very, very, interesting that all of a sudden so many members of the Elite are now Anti-Saudi after firmly defending or at least exhibiting "benign neglect" on the issue for a generation or so.
15   Strategist   2018 Oct 11, 9:05pm  

LeonDurham says
Strategist says
Look Bob, I trust Trump to deal with the Islamic threat. I never trusted Obama to do the same. It's as simple as that.

This reminds me of when someone posted a fake news article on here. When several posters pointed out that the article was a lie, the Trump supporters responded, even though the article was proven to be fake, they believe it anyway.

Are you saying you trusted Obama to deal with the Islamic threat? OMG. The man who made us less safe from Islam?
16   bob2356   2018 Oct 12, 4:44am  

TwoScoopsOfSpaceForce says

Tell me about the sanctions the Obama administration imposed on the KSA. Oh, and did Hillary give all the Saudi campaign donations back? Or to the Clinton Foundation?

Asking for a friend.

Strategist says
Look Bob, I trust Trump to deal with the Islamic threat. I never trusted Obama to do the same. It's as simple as that.

Oh my Obama. Obama, Obama. WTF does Obama have to do with the fact the the new KSA that the syncopates have been drooling over turns out to be still the same old KSA?

So when is Trump going to start "dealing" with KSA? Looks to me like more KSA ass sucking going on as far as I can see. Saudi's are still the number 1 financier and promoter of terrorism around the globe no matter how much the ideologues cry Iran, Iran, Iran. .
17   LeonDurham   2018 Oct 12, 4:36pm  

18   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Oct 12, 4:59pm  

Khashoggi is butt buddies with Islamists and likely an Muslim Brotherhood Members. There's a pic of this "Journalist" writing a glowing interview with OBL and holding an RPG standing right next to him in 1988.

Erdogan is talking all kinds of shit, but doesn't know where the body is.

Call me dubious.
19   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Oct 12, 5:00pm  

bob2356 says
Oh my Obama. Obama, Obama. WTF does Obama have to do with the fact the the new KSA that the syncopates have been drooling over turns out to be still the same old KSA?

Not the same old KSA. Women didn't drive or go to events in the old KSA. Nor was there a drive to reform Islam in the Old KSA.

THAT KSA, Obama and Hillary and the Foreign Policy Establishment and their WaPo Leak Outlet all loved.

Mighty strange that Saudi Arabia became bad since Trump became President, and we're taking Erdogan BS seriously. Even though this Journalist is to Osama Bin Laden what Ken Livingstone was to the IRA.

Saudi must have clawed wayyy back on the Pundit and Think Tank dollars. "We'll show our former financier who really has the influence!"
20   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Oct 12, 5:01pm  

LeonDurham says
What are you talking about? Nobody brought up Obama under your usual bit of whataboutism.

You're whataboutering on your incorrect use of Whatabouttery.

Saved for posterity.
21   LeonDurham   2018 Oct 12, 5:21pm  

TwoScoopsOfSpaceForce says
Mighty strange that Saudi Arabia became bad since Trump became President, and we're taking Erdogan BS seriously. Even though this Journalist is to Osama Bin Laden what Ken Livingstone was to the IRA.

The only strange thing is that you are now somehow a Saudi backer. Saudi has been bad since before 9/11. Did you forget where the terrorists are from?

Did you forgot everyone writing about how ridiculous Trump's Muslim ban was when he excluded Saudi? The #1 backer of terrorism.
22   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Oct 12, 5:24pm  

LeonDurham says
The only strange thing is that you are now somehow a Saudi backer. Saudi has been bad since before 9/11. Did you forget where the terrorists are from?

Uh, Saudi Arabia embarked on a pretty aggressive reform plan starting a couple of years ago.

Women not only were permitted to attend events, but shortly after to do so without male accompaniment.

First Driver's Licenses were issued this past summer. Wasn't even on the table a few years ago.

The long promised reforms in Saudi Arabia by the American Foreign Policy Fuckup Establishment began happening - under Trump.

I suspect MbS has clawed back some of the Think Tank largess and redistributed some of it to Pro-Trump Actors, so I'm sure the FP/CFR/Ex-State Brigade is Livid.
23   LeonDurham   2018 Oct 12, 5:25pm  

TwoScoopsOfSpaceForce says
Uh, Saudi Arabia embarked on a pretty aggressive reform plan starting a couple of years ago.

lol--you fell for the typical political theater. It's OK, you'll learn how these things work eventually.
24   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Oct 12, 5:27pm  

LeonDurham says
lol--you fell for the typical political theater. It's OK, you'll learn how these things work eventually.

LOL - You fell for typical Political Theater. You don't understand that the Iran Deal and the Saudi Support for Trump and Criticism for the intervention against Shi'a Jihadis in Yemen and Erdogan's new pals in ISIS are all inter-related.

Now, you probably think Saudi Arabia should allow Burka-free living and legalize Gay Marriage all in one fell swoop tomorrow by 10AM, but you've never heard of reaction when you impose something people aren't ready for.
25   LeonDurham   2018 Oct 12, 5:39pm  

TwoScoopsOfSpaceForce says
Now, you probably think Saudi Arabia should allow Burka-free living and legalize Gay Marriage all in one fell swoop tomorrow by 10AM, but you've never heard of reaction when you impose something people aren't ready for.

How about we start with no State sponsored murder of pro-reform journalists? Is that too much to ask?
26   LeonDurham   2018 Oct 12, 5:39pm  

27   LeonDurham   2018 Oct 12, 5:42pm  

28   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Oct 12, 5:43pm  

LeonDurham says
How about we start with no State sponsored murder of pro-reform journalists? Is that too much to ask?

How about we start with Khashoggi with OBL?

This looks like a Tough "Democratic Reformer's" Piece: "Arab Youths Fight Shoulder to Shoulder with Mujahadeen" by Jamal Khashoggi

He's the tall guy in the middle smiling between Jihadis, cradling the Democratic Reformist Journalist's favorite unbiased journalist tool, the RPG.

29   LeonDurham   2018 Oct 12, 5:44pm  

30   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Oct 12, 5:58pm  

The book, The Looming Tower, was published in 2006 and is about the history of Al Qaeda. This is the segment where Khashoogis friendship with OBL is discussed.

Khashoogi was sent by the bin Laden Clan, with the blessing of the Saudi Government, that if he renounced violence he could "come home". This is before 9/11, of course.

His duties as an "Envoy" to offer OBL a chance to return to Saudi Arabia if he helped distance the Kingdom from Jihadi VIolence was because he was a regime insider at the time. Not a "Democratic Reformer".

This should dispense with the bullshit that Saudis and Don Jr. are "Smearing" Khashoogi.
31   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Oct 12, 6:04pm  

Khashoogi joined the Muslim Brotherhood in the 1970s.
He was a personal friend of Osama Bin Laden, and many other "Saudi Dissidents", many of whom were "Reformers" of the Religious Kind (ie Islamists)
He never criticized Erdogan, who shut down countless media outfits and imprisoned journalists, at any point.
He has heavily criticized MBS, of course.
He recently praised the Muslim Brotherhood as a WaPo Employee
He backed "Moderate Rebels" in Syria, many of which are AQ/MB affiliates.
His best friend in Turkey is part of the Turkish Branch of the MB called AKP. It was that man who told his girlfriend to call the authorities is Kashoogi did not 'emerge from the Embassy'.
32   LeonDurham   2018 Oct 12, 7:49pm  

lol at whoever marked my last comment personal.

@Patrick--can you share what was personal about it?
33   LeonDurham   2018 Oct 12, 7:50pm  

MBS had a pro-reform journalist murdered.
34   Patrick   2018 Oct 12, 9:04pm  


The Turkish government has told U.S. officials that it has audio and video recordings that prove Washington Post columnist Jamal Khashoggi was killed inside the Saudi consulate in Istanbul this month, according to U.S. and Turkish officials.

The recordings show that a Saudi security team detained Khashoggi in the consulate after he walked in on Oct. 2 to obtain an official document before his upcoming wedding, then killed him and dismembered his body, the officials said.

The audio recording in particular provides some of the most persuasive and gruesome evidence that the Saudi team is responsible for Khashoggi's death, the officials said.
35   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Oct 12, 10:32pm  

Turkey released the Pastor that was in prison today. Strange timings.
36   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Oct 12, 11:10pm  

When was the last time the US Media gave a shit about RIsen or anybody else Obama pursued with the Whistleblower Act?

When was the last time large and influential Media and Financial companies boycotted a Saudi Arabian Conference based on an allegation?


Why now? Why this incident? The US Press hardly mentioned all the years Saudi Arabia was a big wig in the UNHRC, the teenage Shi'a activists they executed, etc. At best a soft sigh and mild criticism with assurance the country was reforming. Now actual groundbreaking reform confirmed by on the ground evidence is being dismissed, and criticism is bold and heavy.

My suspicion: the Sauds and Trump have a deal to do reform Globalist Institutions. WTO, GATT, etc. This is a plot to weaken Saudi's influence ahead of that.

Be very skeptical.
37   LeonDurham   2018 Oct 13, 7:56am  

TwoScoopsOfSpaceForce says
When was the last time the US Media gave a shit about RIsen or anybody else Obama pursued with the Whistleblower Act?

Is it possible to talk about Trump's flaws without referencing Obama?

Asking for a friend.
39   LeonDurham   2018 Oct 13, 8:26am  

40   Ceffer   2018 Oct 13, 11:02am  

A codicil to the Patriot Act needs to state that we no longer need to pay for plane tickets to Saudi Arabia to have these twats tortured and killed, Saudi embassies will do.

Why burden GITMO with treacherous scum providing them with free room and board when we have dissident vego-matics in every Saudi consulate and embassy.
41   Patrick   2018 Oct 13, 11:25am  

100% guarantee: if you can stick to the point and not attack the person then that comment will be very welcome and always visible.

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