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1   CBOEtrader   2018 Oct 15, 7:54am  

"Proves" is an interesting choice of words.

"Bustamante's analysis places Warren's Native American ancestor between six and 10 generations ago, with the report estimating eight generations."

Lol, so they are estimating that one of her relatives 8 generations ago was american indian, Haha Haha. What is that, .3%?

Sounds water proof.
2   Shaman   2018 Oct 15, 8:14am  

The absolute best spin is that an ancestor perhaps 300 years back fucked an Indian and started that line. By the time her later ancestor was ready to start herding cherokees down the trail of tears, doubtless his blood was pretty much white.
3   Al_Sharpton_for_President   2018 Oct 15, 9:12am  

And how did Harvard know she claimed Native American ancestry? Of course practitioners of affirmative action claim that the candidate was nonetheless as qualified as anyone else, and that “race” was just one factor.....

But the path forward is clear. Everyone should claim to be Native American or Hispanic. You can be whiter than white, no problem.

In the future, racists will need to ask for a DNA report before hurling their abuse. One we are all chipped, perhaps.
4   Heraclitusstudent   2018 Oct 15, 9:50am  

Oh no!... one more ad hominem narrative of the republican attack machine is collapsing.
Who would have guessed?
5   Heraclitusstudent   2018 Oct 15, 9:50am  

CBOEtrader says
Lol, so they are estimating that one of her relatives 8 generations ago was american indian, Haha Haha. What is that, .3%?

1 drop rule. hehe...
6   FortWayneAsNancyPelosiHaircut   2018 Oct 15, 9:51am  

1/1000 is not proof. That's same as everyone else.

Basically it proves that she lied.
7   Heraclitusstudent   2018 Oct 15, 9:54am  

Of course it is proof. Europeans don't get native Americans DNA by sharing their food.
8   Heraclitusstudent   2018 Oct 15, 9:56am  

It's funny to see right wingers hate this woman so much they desperately want to believe she lied once, like 30 years back.
9   CBOEtrader   2018 Oct 15, 10:04am  

Heraclitusstudent says
It's funny to see right winger hate this woman so much they desperately want to believe she lied once, like 30 years back

Lol you started the thread man.

Yes it is relevant considering the left wants to break everything into race/gender/sexuality boxes. However, this top progressives has a history of manipulating that system to help herself, rather than help the underprivileged.

My grandmother was raised on an indian reservation. My dad went to high school there. I still have cousins living there and I didnt claim heritage because it would take away from someone in need.
10   rdm   2018 Oct 15, 11:07am  

The most interesting and typical aspect of this is Trump is now trying to back out of the offer he made to give 1 mil. to a charity of Warren's choice if DNA testing proved
native american ancestry in her genetics background, the offer didn't quantify the %. Now he says he never said it but there is a video of it. He never was much for charitable giving, though we don't really know as he never released his tax returns.
11   Heraclitusstudent   2018 Oct 15, 11:13am  

CBOEtrader says
My dad went to high school there. I still have cousins living there and I didnt claim heritage because it would take away from someone in need.

Now you are moving the goal post: ok... she was entitled to make the claim... but she shouldn't have for moral reasons.

When put in comparison to Trump's actual business practices, this is not even the same ballpark. This is like a speeding ticket 30 yrs ago.
12   Heraclitusstudent   2018 Oct 15, 11:17am  

rdm says
Now he says he never said it but there is a video of it.

Trump is spewing enough BS to fertilize the Sinai.
But Pacahontas, there, is an evil woman.
13   Goran_K   2018 Oct 15, 11:18am  

It's weird that this was performed by an individual (probably friends with Warren) and not a company or unaffiliated 3rd party.

I'd say it's still inconclusive.
14   Goran_K   2018 Oct 15, 11:19am  

Also, 10 generations ago? WTF?

Can kids claim all the black/minority scholarship programs now too if they have 0.001% black or Hispanic blood?
15   Goran_K   2018 Oct 15, 11:31am  

Alright here's the REAL facts, I just read the actual study.

- The report states that Warren could be just 1/1024th Native American. What’s more, the study was based not on Native American DNA, but on Mexican, Peruvian, and Colombian DNA.

- She's claiming she could be 0.09% Native American, which is the average rate of half the U.S population.

- Fauxahantas claimed her parents ELOPED because of racism against her native american mother.

So all the lefties claiming that this somehow vindicates Warren are being ridiculous. This test proves Warren is exceedingly white and she lied about her heritage to Harvard (actually had their race changed from "white" to "native") to take advantage of minority status and all of its leftist provided perks.
16   CBOEtrader   2018 Oct 15, 11:33am  

Heraclitusstudent says
she was entitled to make the claim

No. An ancestor 8 generations ago does not entitle you to make that claim. Nor does silliness really "prove" that tiny amount of ancestry.

Furthermore even if making that claim socially (which would be suspect) SHE IS DESPICABLE for using the claim as part of an application process.
17   CBOEtrader   2018 Oct 15, 11:39am  

Lol at the totally, 100% made up eloped story.

FYI. Even if she takes the dubious 8 generations ago indian claim (which as Goran points out is dubious), she is STILL more white than the average white american, who on average have something like %.5 to 1.5 American indian. This is 1/3rd as much as the average american black and 1/10th as much as the average american hispanic.

Her claim would be more accurate if she said "90% of people in any given room I walk into have more american Indian blood than myself".
18   Goran_K   2018 Oct 15, 11:47am  

CBOEtrader says
Her claim would be more accurate if she said "90% of people in any given room I walk into have more american Indian blood than myself".

This is what's funny to me about the Dems/Leftist.

*unproven allegations from 30 years ago with ZERO corroborating evidence, two decades as a federal judge with zero incidents, 6 FBI background checks CLEARED, 1 FBI investigation CLEARED*

Dems: "I don't believe a word he says! He's a gang rapist!"

*1/1024th possibly native blood but probably mexican or peruvian as well*

Dems: "Totally proven! Wow, Warren is the second coming of the real Pocohantas! Take that Trump!"

What a bunch of fucking lunatics.
19   zzyzzx   2018 Oct 15, 11:57am

Elizabeth Warren’s DNA Results Disqualify Her from Cherokee Tribes

The DNA findings, regardless of their legitimacy, do not make her eligible for Cherokee Nation citizenship. Nor does the DNA test make Warren eligible to join the Eastern Band of the Cherokee or the United Keetoowah Band of Cherokee.

In 2012, The Atlantic provided a full breakdown of what it would take for Warren to be eligible to join any of the three federally-recognized Cherokee tribes.

For Warren to apply for Cherokee Nation citizenship, she would have to provide documentation proving she has a direct ancestor listed on the Dawes Rolls of the tribe. To this day, Warren has not provided any documentation that would make her eligible for Cherokee Nation citizenship.

In order for Warren to be recognized as Cherokee by the Eastern Band of the Cherokee, she would have to be at least 1/16 Cherokee — which she is not — and would have to provide documentation showing she is a direct descendant of someone listed on the tribe’s rolls.

To join the United Keetoowah Band of Cherokee, Warren would have to be 1/4 Keetoowah Cherokee — which she is not — and have a direct ancestor on the Dawes Rolls.

As Breitbart News noted, Warren is actually less Native American than many white, Hispanic and black Americans. Experts with 23andMe say the average black American is nearly one percent Native American, while the average Hispanic American is 18 percent Native American. Additionally, about eight percent of white Americans in Louisiana, for example, are at least one percent Native American.
20   zzyzzx   2018 Oct 15, 11:58am  

The Village People had more NA in them than Fauxahontas.
21   zzyzzx   2018 Oct 15, 12:04pm  

The REAL story is that she chose a leftist college professor to find DNA, Since 23 & ME and Ancestry tests wouldn't have registered any Native American DNA!

22   Heraclitusstudent   2018 Oct 15, 12:23pm  

Pocahontas released her DNA test.
Obama, his birth certificate.
Where are Trump tax records?
23   HeadSet   2018 Oct 15, 12:41pm  

Heraclitusstudent says
Pocahontas released her DNA test.
Obama, his birth certificate.
Where are Trump tax records?

Right here.

If you think this is not enough, you certainly cannot agree that "Bustamante's analysis places Warren's Native American ancestor between six and 10 generations ago, with the report estimating eight generations." is sufficient. After all, she claimed "high cheek bones," her mother being discriminated against, and preferential admittance to Harvard based on being NatAm.
24   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Oct 15, 12:41pm  

People realize that almost everybody who takes these tests comes back at like 1-3% African American/Native American/New Guinean/Aborigine/Smurf/Nubian/Lilliputian Blood, yes?

Even Assyrians or Asians whose parents moved to the US often get 1-3% "Odd" results like those.

Whitey McCeltic Gal with nice rack says:
"I'm 5% North African"

Can she apply for jobs and schools saying she's the victim of anti-Arab discrimination?
25   HeadSet   2018 Oct 15, 12:44pm  

People realize that almost everybody who takes these tests comes back at like 1-3% African American/Native American/New Guinean/Aborigine Blood, yes?

And maybe even Neanderthal.
26   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Oct 15, 12:50pm  

Brittany Vasseur, anyother White Chick.

First of all, her mom probably fucked an Italian Guy and her dad's a cuck, since she had "no idea" she was Italian but it came back 48% Italian.
Second, one test said she was 8% Ashkenazi, the other test said she was 0.3% Ashkenazi.

She was also, guess what? 1% Native American/Northeast Asian
27   Heraclitusstudent   2018 Oct 15, 12:52pm  

HeadSet says
Warren's Native American ancestor between six and 10 generations ago, with the report estimating eight generations." is sufficient. After all, she claimed "high cheek bones," her mother being discriminated against, and preferential admittance to Harvard based on being NatAm.

I think nothing could convince right wingers at this point.
Any proof will be rationalized out.
Just like they didn't believe Obama's birth certificate.
28   Heraclitusstudent   2018 Oct 15, 12:53pm  

zzyzzx says
The DNA findings, regardless of their legitimacy, do not make her eligible for Cherokee Nation citizenship. Nor does the DNA test make Warren eligible to join the Eastern Band of the Cherokee or the United Keetoowah Band of Cherokee.

She never asked for Cherokee citizenship or to join the Eastern Band of the Cherokee or the United Keetoowah Band of Cherokee, did she?
29   Heraclitusstudent   2018 Oct 15, 12:54pm  

TwoScoopsOfSpaceForce says
People realize that almost everybody who takes these tests comes back at like 1-3% African American/Native American/New Guinean/Aborigine/Smurf/Nubian/Lilliputian Blood, yes?

Hummm, I never took a test but 100% sure I don't have a drop of natAm blood in me. It would find more neanderthal than natAm.
30   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Oct 15, 12:57pm  

And some Latinos. Pretty much every single one has 1-3% Black and Ashkenazi ancestry, about the same as Warren is Native American.
31   Heraclitusstudent   2018 Oct 15, 12:58pm  

MockingbirdKiller says
Obama has never released his birth certificate...just the BS 'short one' the State of Hawaii let's people use.

Just like I said. You can prove whatever you want, right wingers will dismiss it as a lie and forget it.
32   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Oct 15, 1:00pm  

Heraclitusstudent says
Hummm, I never took a test but 100% sure I don't have a drop of natAm blood in me. It would find more neanderthal than natAm.

You'd be surprised. It's very hard to differentiate some North American Native Americans from Siberians.

I would think millions of Americans whose ancestors arrived before the Civil War probably show ~3% Native American ancestry.

If we counted people who were 3% Ashkenazi or Native America as biracial or accept their claims of Judaism or American Indian, they'd probably make up 15% of the population easily.
33   Heraclitusstudent   2018 Oct 15, 1:00pm  

MockingbirdKiller says
And who cares about Trump's tax returns?

I do.
Tax evasion schemes used, percent paid, fairness to other Americans...
34   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Oct 15, 1:03pm  

Heraclitusstudent says
She never asked for Cherokee citizenship or to join the Eastern Band of the Cherokee or the United Keetoowah Band of Cherokee, did she?

But she did select the Native American box and she was advertised as the first Native American faculty member, yes?

That no ancestor of her appears on any tribal role or census form going back well into the 19th Century?
35   Goran_K   2018 Oct 15, 1:06pm  

Heraclitusstudent says
I do.
Tax evasion schemes used, percent paid, fairness to other Americans...

He's been audited by the IRS and found to be clean.

Why do YOU care? You think the IRS would lie? Have you ever heard of the IRS "not" taking their share?
36   FortWayneAsNancyPelosiHaircut   2018 Oct 15, 1:07pm  

Legally you need to be at least:
6.25 Percent / One-Sixteenth Blood Quantum (One Great-Great-Grandparent)

She is 10 generations behind, which equals to nothing.


The Bureau of Indian Affairs issues the certificate after the individual has forwarded a finalized genealogy. The genealogy must be submitted with legal documents that include birth certificates, documents showing the applicant’s descents both from the maternal and the paternal sides.

Tribes do this to prevent bullshit like Elizabeth Warren from stealing benefits.
37   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Oct 15, 1:08pm  

I'm sure when Trump was complaining about Obama's birth certificate, that the Obama IRS was totally not giving special attention to Trump businesses and personal tax returns all those years.
38   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Oct 15, 1:08pm  

Here is an Armenian dressing up as a Native American.

Of the Sarkisian Tribe. (Yes, same family as Anita Sarkesian, variant spelling)
39   Heraclitusstudent   2018 Oct 15, 1:11pm  

Goran_K says

He's been audited by the IRS and found to be clean.

Why do YOU care? You think the IRS would lie? Have you ever heard of the IRS "not" taking their share?

Tax evasion schemes involving offshore bank accounts or shell companies are not necessarily illegal.
Just not the same as paying your fair share.
40   Goran_K   2018 Oct 15, 1:12pm  

Heraclitusstudent says
Tax evasion schemes involving offshore bank accounts are not necessarily illegal.
Just not the same as paying your fair share.

So you purposefully avoid deductions when you pay taxes? You rather give more of your money to the government than keep it in your pocket?

Tell me more about statism and it's benefits.

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