by tovarichpeter ➕follow (7) 💰tip ignore
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Traditional Judiasm, the Orthodox kind, is an extremely "Blut und Boden" (blood and soil) kind of nationalism which is so far right, it's, well... you fill in the blank. Talk about getting into trouble for speaking the truth! This one is off the charts.
I also agree that the real solution to anti-semitism is the State of Israel. In fact, the people who live there are much more "normal" in terms of habits than diaspora Jews.
Yes, eventually there will be no Jewish leftists because they are quite busy at the moment with self-extermination as a distinct group. No coincidence that the most militant feminists are usually Jewish.
The Truth is Israel survives because of Christian Evangelical Zionists, God Bless Them.
Liel Leibovitz, writing today in Tablet, a "a daily online magazine of Jewish news, ideas, and culture," was less measured in his criticism. "Shame on Starbucks for giving in to bigotry," he said.
But Starbucks' Riley denied the company cut the organization loose because of political pressure, saying in an email, "We are architecting a multi-phase approach to addressing bias."
Almost immediately after the April 17 announcement, activists attacked Starbucks over the ADL's involvement, citing the ADL's support for Israel and its arms-length relationship to the Black Lives Matter movement.
“The ADL is CONSTANTLY attacking black and brown people,” Women’s March organizer Tamika Mallory posted on Twitter. “This is a sign that they are tone deaf and not committed to addressing the concerns of black folk.” Mallory came under fire earlier this year after attending a Feb. 25 speech by Louis Farrakhan in which the Nation of Islam leader said “the Jews have control over" the FBI."
Cat Brooks, the co-founder of the Anti Police-Terror Project, told ABC News that she agreed with Mallory, saying, "You can't be a piece of an anti-bias training when you openly support a racist, oppressive and brutal colonization of Palestine."
I'm sure there are Christians out there who are anti semetic. But I've never seen it. I grew up in the Lutheran Church, as an adult have attended VERY conservative (in terms of adherence to literal translations and applications of the bible), and also had strong exposure to the Catholic faith.
The Catholics don't speak about the Jews too much, but I've never heard anyone say anything negative.
The Christians, both the Lutherans and the conservative congregations, are unfailingly staunch supporters of the Jewish claims on Israel, perhaps more so than anyone but the most orthodox of Jews.
If the US ever had to go to war on behalf of Israel, I doubt you'll hear any objections from middle America and red states.
The Truth is Israel survives because of Christian Evangelical Zionists
Both my Grandfather (whose own Father, Conrad, was such a militant Prussian Lutheran anti-Catholic anti-Clerical he refused to attend his son's wedding to a Catholic) and my neighbors when I was a teen (the O'Malleys, and Irishman married to an Italian lady, both were from like 5+ kid families) told me not to abandon my religion and be proud.
So yes, the hostility to Jews doesn't come from actual Christians.
I'd say it comes mostly from Black Nationalists (see above), Muslims, and Liberal "Christians". I put Christians in quotes because both the Unitarian and Espicopalian Churches' attachment to Jesus is weak if not non-existent. Particularly since the latter couldn't even pass a simple "Jesus is God." resolution at a conference of Leaders.
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