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The notion that men are getting a less-than-fair shake is one held by many, including women. Helen Smith, a forensic psychologist, libertarian/conservative blogger and author of Men on Strike, Why Men Are Boycotting Marriage, Fatherhood, and the American Dream — and Why It Matters, writes in her book’s introduction, “I used to consider myself a feminist but mistakenly thought feminism meant equality between the sexes. In today’s culture, it means female privilege, and I believe discrimination against men is every bit as bad as discrimination against women. Now men are the ones in need of justice and focus.”
One place Smith — and many, many, many others — points to as evidence is family court. ... Nearly all the attorneys (94 percent of the men and 84 percent of the women) felt that all judges exhibited prejudice against fathers at least some of the time.
When concerns over unfair favoritism like this are perceived to be falling on deaf ears, according to Smith, “people tune out and start to do their own thing.”
I know of a marriage where the wife 1. is nice 2. works and cooks 3. has not gotten chubby 4. shows her husband respect.
Let me qualify this statement; I know of ONE marriage like this.
What bargaining power does the man have after marriage?
Women are taught they are the prize,
Most men are observant enough to see what is around them;
It's called the battle of the sexes for a reason
It is clearly true that concerns over unfair favoritism are falling on deaf ears, and that we cannot trust universities, HR departments, or even the government to treat men fairly anymore.
Men are the new niggers.
Women are taught they are the prize, but it's actually (financially stable) men who are.
I won't be happy until I get a Telekinetic Seed Ray that impregnates women remotely by mind control alone. I'll be able to see them from a distance in a thong and, oops, pregnant!
Then some women would have a "seed extractor" ray to aim at you, steal some sperm and "Boom" - child support from you.
HeadSet saysThen some women would have a "seed extractor" ray to aim at you, steal some sperm and "Boom" - child support from you.
Ha, Ha! Won't work, my seed are encrypted.
she's amazed that her sister settles to hang around a guy who is so broke
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