The Jihad on Christmas: Strassburg

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2018 Dec 11, 1:36pm   9,003 views  61 comments

by MisdemeanorRebel   ➕follow (13)   💰tip   ignore  

France. Now 2 dead, 11 injured. At another Christmas Market, like in previous years.


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10   mell   2018 Dec 11, 3:44pm  

Heraclitusstudent says
They've declared war and we will not answer that call with full force for good reasons:

There is no quandry here. Poland, Hungary and many other countries (Japan etc.) show you how it's done. Zero immigration from problematic cultures, zero problems for them.
11   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Dec 11, 3:50pm  

It's perfectly constitutional to turn away individuals based on their citizenship. Even Jimmuh Carter did it.

It's also possible to do so based on ideology, such as Anarchism and Communism - or Islamism.
12   Heraclitusstudent   2018 Dec 11, 3:51pm  

Poland is 40 millions and has fertility at, like, 1.3 (child/woman). They will be 15 millions by the end of the century, while the other side is reproducing like rabbits, with maybe 5 billions in Africa in 2100. I doubt Poland has the answer either. If you are 0.3% of the gene pool, then you are essentially extinct.
13   curious2   2018 Dec 11, 3:52pm  

Quigley says
And they know how to play along until they’re in position to really do us some damage.
These little attacks are just steam escaping from the pressure cooker. The real explosion is still brewing.


I've been following this latest incident on Google News, and it is interesting to see which channels report the details first. Mainly Arab and Russian sources are publishing details that NATO media have so far withheld.

First, the latest summary from NPR: "A gunman opened fire at a Christmas market in Strasbourg, France, killing at least four people and wounding nearly a dozen others, according to preliminary reports."

NPR links to Reuters, which reports: "The motive was not immediately clear but, with France still on high alert after a wave of attacks commissioned or inspired by Islamic State militants since early 2015, the counter-terrorism prosecutor opened an investigation.
Interior Minister Christophe Castaner said the gunman was known to security services, and the local prefecture said he was on an intelligence services watchlist.
The Christmas market was being held amid tight security this year, with unauthorized vehicles excluded from surrounding streets during opening hours and checkpoints set up on bridges and access points to search pedestrians’ bags.

The Paris prosecutor said the motive for the attack was not known. No group immediately claimed responsibility but the U.S.-based Site intelligence group, which monitors jihadist websites, said Islamic State supporters were celebrating the attack.
Sources familiar with the police operation said the suspect was a 29-year-old whose residence had been raided earlier in the day in connection with a robbery during the summer. The suspect was not in the building at the time.
Secular France has been grappling with how to respond to both homegrown jihadists and foreign militants following attacks in Paris, Nice, Marseille and beyond since 2015.

In 2016, a truck ploughed into a Bastille Day crowd in Nice, killing more than 80 people, while in November 2015, coordinated Islamist militant attacks on the Bataclan concert hall and other sites in Paris claimed about 130 lives. There have also been attacks in Paris on a policeman on the Champs-Elysees avenue, the satirical weekly Charlie Hebdo and a kosher store.

Almost exactly two years ago, a Tunisian Islamist rammed a hijacked truck into a Christmas market in central Berlin, killing 11 people as well as the driver.

From RT (warning: anyone who looks at RT even one time might be investigated by various federal officials for "Russian contacts"):

"Strasbourg gunman was on terror watch list, had grenades at home
“The author of these acts, listed as a security threat, had been sought by police,” the regional prefecture said in a statement, identifying the perpetrator as being on its notorious ‘Fiche S’. Yet he has reportedly managed to escape arrest earlier in the day, before carrying out the attack near the Christmas market at around 8 pm on Tuesday evening.
“There are so many people that are involved around the edges of this sort of terrorism if this is what it turns out to be, that you can't keep any sort of meaningful surveillance on them. Even just monitoring the use of communications and social media would be too much,” Peter Kirkham, former London police inspector, told RT.
As the manhunt continues, much of the city center remains on lockdown with authorities urging people to stay at home amid the developing “serious public security incident.”

So much for Christmas shopping: retailers will now have even more difficulty trying to pay taxes and rents. Western civilization cannot handle Islamic infiltration, which is what happens inevitably with Muslim immigration.
14   mell   2018 Dec 11, 3:56pm  

Heraclitusstudent says
Poland is 40 millions and has fertility at, like, 1.3 (child/woman). They will be 15 millions by the end of the century, while the other side is reproducing like rabbits, with maybe 5 billions in Africa in 2100. I doubt Poland has the answer either. If you are 0.3% of the gene pool, then you are essentially extinct.

Population size is not a predictor of winning - Africa has been breeding like crazy forever yet they have not advanced much. Israel is small compared to the hostile surrounding neighbors, but they have the military intelligence and power to take over the middle-east. In fact they would have done so long ago it it weren't for the West and the by now already decade-long negotiations which have been mostly fruitless so far (unfortunately). Plus even the Muslim states fight each other, heck even the sects inside countries do, see Iraq, Yemen vs SA vs Iran etc. I do agree though that the Western world should breed more, esp. of their own kin. We ain't that bad ;)
15   curious2   2018 Dec 11, 3:59pm  

Heraclitusstudent says
billions of them).

There are one billion Muslims and a few hundred million hostages who would love to be free of Islam, but Islam keeps growing. The west has a choice: either do to Islam what was done to communism, or fight another world war like against the Nazi/Muslim axis in WWII. If Petrodollar hypnosis continues spreading Sunni Muslims into NATO, then by demographics the west will fall to Islam sooner than we need ever worry about "global warming". NATO demographics would not be a problem in themselves, but deficit spending requires the assumption of increasing populations; the merchants of debt want immigration to prop up the deficit spending, but they will bankrupt the NATO republics in every way, and western civilization will get replaced by Islam (which prohibits lending at interest).
16   Heraclitusstudent   2018 Dec 11, 4:01pm  

mell says
Population size is not a predictor of winning - Africa has been breeding like crazy forever yet they have not advanced much.

Africa was not a large population compared to Europe 100 yrs back.
There are different kinds of winning: they don't need to win militarily or technologically. As long as they exist and reproduce and mix, Europe will leave a disappearing trace on the gene pool as surely as if they had beaten it and massacred its population. They are winning the Darwinian game as they are proving more fit to pass on their genes.
17   Strategist   2018 Dec 11, 4:40pm  

Heraclitusstudent says
Africa was not a large population compared to Europe 100 yrs back.

Africans would have 10 babies, with just 2 of them surviving. Nature controlled the population. Modern medicine is what allowed the populations to explode.
18   Tenpoundbass   2018 Dec 11, 4:40pm  

If the Liberals would stop promoting and mass importing head chopping Butt Sniffers that would be great.
19   Strategist   2018 Dec 11, 4:41pm  

I don't live in France but may move there

Take Jazz with you.
21   curious2   2018 Dec 11, 5:36pm  

Strategist says
Heraclitusstudent says
Africa was not a large population compared to Europe 100 yrs back.

Africans would have 10 babies, with just 2 of them surviving. Nature controlled the population. Modern medicine is what allowed the populations to explode.

Modern medicine and misguided western "aid" have enabled African populations to grow, and Islamic dysfunction drives emigration. Other factors increase migration, but Islam drives most of it.

When Africa sends disease, the west sends vaccines and cures in return. When the west sends "aid" $, Africans demand more $$$ as "climate justice." When the west sends volunteers and "aid" workers to try to help Africans build a livable civilization, Africa sends the west mostly Muslim migrants to destroy western civilization. The west has done well with (usually Christian) immigrants from South Africa, but the (usually Muslim) immigrants from central and north Africa tend to cause problems, e.g. Mohamed Atta, and the few (usually Christian) exceptions from those regions don't justify the terrible disasters.
23   Heraclitusstudent   2018 Dec 11, 6:09pm  

Macron must be breathing better!
People shot in the street focus minds and remind people that gas prices are not everything in life.
24   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Dec 11, 6:16pm  

Nw Macron has to make an appearance. He's been totally AWOL last few days.

And this is further proof that the French Authorities, are focused on passing carbon gas taxes, while letting known Jihadis roam free.

I see this as more straw on the camel's back.
26   Shaman   2018 Dec 11, 7:25pm  

Heraclitusstudent says
They are winning the Darwinian game as they are proving more fit to pass on their genes.

You can’t argue with results!
This is why Rin and his followers are LOSERS who will not matter to successive generations in the long run. They’re evolutionary dead ends, much sound and fury signifying nothing much. If you don’t have sons and daughters to continue your legacy, you’re nothing but a place holder for someone else.

Yes, it’s hard to have and raise kids. Everything worth anything is hard to do. Shirk this responsibility at your peril! It’s a lonely view from the top when nobody gives a shit when you lose your grip and finally fall.
27   Rin   2018 Dec 11, 7:34pm  

Quigley says
This is why Rin and his followers are LOSERS who will not matter to successive generations in the long run. They’re evolutionary dead ends, much sound and fury signifying nothing much. If you don’t have sons and daughters to continue your legacy, you’re nothing but a place holder for someone else.

Until you can legitimately stop feminism in its tracks, then Rin & his so-called followers, not that I have any (as of now), are winners in the game of extortion in the Femi-Nazi capitals of the USA, Sweden, and other western states which hate men.

Remember, Ben Franklin disowned his own 'Tory' son, back in the revolutionary times. But yet, old Ben is remembered but not Willy "the Loser" Franklin.

As for savages, Islam isn't raising children, they're raising terrorists.
28   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Dec 11, 7:48pm  

Classic. Imagine if this came out today.

You need to find a butt naked Zebra Bitch to impregnate.

29   Strategist   2018 Dec 11, 8:07pm  

Rin says
Until you can legitimately stop feminism in its tracks, then Rin & his so-called followers, not that I have any (as of now)

I'm your follower, Rin, but Quigley has a valid point. I understand some people just don't want the hassles of raising kids, and would rather spend their money on enjoying their limited life on earth on themselves. I too want to enjoy my limited time on earth, but it's my children who give me the greatest satisfaction in life. I would have loved to have three kids instead of two. I love my family, my extended family, and our pets.
Bottom line.....It's a free and country, and we are all free to do what makes us happy, as long as we don't hurt others.
31   Rin   2018 Dec 12, 3:22am  

Strategist says
it's my children who give me the greatest satisfaction in life

So far, I've only heard the above from less than 50% of the ppl I know and many of them were from the older boomer generation, not the younger ones.

Some of the others are fairly dissatisfied as they can't pursue additional degrees, start new careers, etc.

And then there are those, whose kids are sick all the time, trouble makers, don't do their work, etc.

Sure, if one's kids turn out to be the next Benjamin Franklin or Alexander Hamilton then the optimists are correct, it's great to have children. On the other hand, if they're the next Jeffrey Dahmer or James "Whitey" Bulger then it's another story altogether. If anything, the Bulger clan of Boston is a huge disgrace because even after everything was out in open, they didn't disown their mobster child. They kind of remind me of Muslims, who hide their terrorist cells in their own communities.
32   Strategist   2018 Dec 12, 7:12am  

Rin says
And then there are those, whose kids are sick all the time, trouble makers, don't do their work, etc.

No kid will be perfect. Their parents are certainly not perfect, you can't expect kids to be perfect. There comes a time when every parent will think the stork delivered that kid to the wrong address. There are times when you know kids are the best thing that ever happened to them. I am extremely proud of my two brats.

Rin says

So far, I've only heard the above from less than 50% of the ppl I know and many of them were from the older boomer generation, not the younger ones.

If that was true, 50% of the parents would not go for a second child. Anecdotal evidence of 50% that you present are people you hang out with who have similar views as you do.
33   Patrick   2018 Dec 12, 7:58am  

Rin says
As for savages, Islam isn't raising children, they're raising terrorists.

Yes, they want their children to be like Mohammed, the terrorist founder of Islam, who robbed, raped, and murdered his way to power. This is historical fact.

Islam does not belong in the West at all. It is the very opposite of peaceful coexistence, democracy, freedom of speech, and, ironically, freedom of religion. Anyone who attempts to leave Islam will be killed.

Funny to hear the report of yet another Muslim terrorist on NPR. They just would not say "Islam", "Muslim", or even give the guy's name because it's obviously Muslim.

NPR is complicit in the future murders of innocent people by Muslims.
34   Patrick   2018 Dec 12, 7:59am  

BTW, the Dutch have found DNA to be useful in finding a Turkish murderer:

35   Strategist   2018 Dec 12, 8:12am  

Patrick says

Yes, they want their children to be like Mohammed, the terrorist founder of Islam, who robbed, raped, and murdered his way to power. This is historical fact.

Mohammad is the "Perfect Muslim" why wouldn't Muslim parents want their children to be perfect?
To us, Mohammad was the perfect terrorist. We don't want people who want to be like him among us.
36   Shaman   2018 Dec 12, 8:22am  

You know... we could modify the 1st Ammendment to exclude Islam from religious protections. If we had the right kind of political will. They banned booze for a few decades for heavens sake! Surely we can ban followers of a creed which intends to subjugate Americans if they can manage it?
37   NDrLoR   2018 Dec 12, 8:54am  

Patrick says
Islam does not belong in the West at all.
As bad as both Nazism and Communism were, they at least existed within the western concepts that we could understand, the former justification of hatred based on race, the second justification of hatred based on class. No one in the west could understand a theocracy in which you were glorified by killing those who refused to knuckle under to your way of believing. No Nazi or Communist would commit suicide due to their beliefs, so Islam has been a far bloodier plague on humanity than either of those which were bloody enough in their own contexts.
38   Rin   2018 Dec 12, 8:56am  

Strategist says
Rin says

So far, I've only heard the above from less than 50% of the ppl I know and many of them were from the older boomer generation, not the younger ones.

If that was true, 50% of the parents would not go for a second child. Anecdotal evidence of 50% that you present are people you hang out with who have similar views as you do.

I don't know, my parents are miserable and they had two kids. I believe it's called doing what's expected, by the society of their times. A lot of ppl are like that, highly conditioned and susceptible to 'Stockholm Syndrome'.

Did you ever see the movie, 'The Graduate', with Anne Bancroft and Dustin Hoffman? That's what that was about. And I believe that director Nichols was onto something there, with the hidden misery of parents. I didn't write that screenplay using my friends as allegories.

As for birth rates, didn't it halve between the 1960s and today? I believe that a lot of ppl are quitting after 1 kid these days. The days of 2.x kids per household are over. And I believe in the past ten years, it's been trending down from even 1.8.
39   HeadSet   2018 Dec 12, 10:58am  

No Nazi or Communist would commit suicide due to their beliefs

No, but the Japanese did.
40   curious2   2018 Dec 12, 1:04pm  

HeadSet says
No Nazi or Communist would commit suicide due to their beliefs

No, but the Japanese did.

Numerous communists did commit suicide attacks, e.g. in Cuba and Viet Nam. Hitler expected 'death before dishonor,' i.e. he expected senior officers to die fighting hopeless battles rather than surrender, and he killed himself in his bunker.

The biggest difference with Islam results from percentages and sheer scale. With a high birth rate, Islam produces many thousands of suicide terrorists, and replaces them with even more. Also, Islamic beliefs (e.g. guaranteed eternal paradise for the martyr, plus he can intercede for up to 70 relatives to get into paradise too) cause more cultural support for suicide terrorists, including majority support among Palestinian Muslims, and so a higher percentage of Muslims either sign up personally or enable or encourage their relatives.

TwoScoopsOfSpaceForce says

41   Booger   2018 Dec 12, 2:22pm  


Strasbourg shooting: Gunman shouted 'Allahu Akbar' as he attacked
42   Bd6r   2018 Dec 12, 2:28pm  

Booger says
Strasbourg shooting: Gunman shouted 'Allahu Akbar' as he attacked

That clearly shows we have no idea what his motive was. Also, Strasbourg does not have enough "gun-free zone" signs posted
43   Bd6r   2018 Dec 12, 2:29pm  

HeadSet says
Numerous communists did commit suicide attacks

Alexander Matrosov
44   curious2   2018 Dec 12, 2:40pm  

Booger says

Strasbourg shooting: Gunman shouted 'Allahu Akbar' as he attacked

"The gunman shouted "Allahu Akbar" ("God is greatest") as he opened fire."

Literally a few hours ago, I heard France24 talking heads telling the audience that it was too soon to speculate about the motive, the gunman was on the terrorist watch list but not considered a serious terrorist threat, no known ties, blah blah blah.
45   HeadSet   2018 Dec 12, 2:42pm  

d6rB says
HeadSet says
Numerous communists did commit suicide attacks

Alexander Matrosov

If you are going to consider heroics in battle as "suicide attacks," then there are a few American examples where in Vietnam soldiers smothered grenades with their bodies.
46   fdhfoiehfeoi   2018 Dec 13, 10:53am  

This reeks of false flag. The timing is extremely convenient for taking focus off the French people who have been protesting for a month.
Also, if you're a terrorist, when is the best time to attack? When everything is quite and people are feeling safe, or when the whole fucking country is fighting? Let your enemy fight themselves, don't stop the ship from going down.

I'll say again, false flag!
47   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Dec 13, 10:59am  

Rin says
As for birth rates, didn't it halve between the 1960s and today? I believe that a lot of ppl are quitting after 1 kid these days. The days of 2.x kids per household are over. And I believe in the past ten years, it's been trending down from even 1.8.

It's better explained by three things:

1. Some have no kids.
2. Some wait to long and have to struggle to have one kid, then too old/infertile to have another.
3. Normal, Functional People, the robust and successful "Bourgeois Society" Rubes, still have 2-3 kids. That includes Gays adopting.
4. Immigrants receiving abundant welfare have tons of kids, which helps make babies unaffordable to native born Americans who pay the taxes and compete for affordable housing.
48   curious2   2018 Dec 13, 11:13am  

NuttBoxer says
if you're a terrorist, when is the best time to attack?

That depends on the motivation. For an Islamic terrorist, Christmas crowds are an ideal target. The same Christmas market had already been a target in 2000. The guy had reportedly grenades, and was likely part of a plan to stage a larger attack; then, the police raid might have caused him to accelerate his attack and then hide. There might have been a plan for the perpetrator(s) to go into hiding in order to prolong the terror throughout the Christmas shopping season, thus maximizing the damage to retailers and the economy. In general, distraction and weakness show vulnerability. Islam foments division, then exploits that division to strike, so the yellow vest protests present an ideal opportunity: crowds, division, security forces distracted by rioters, etc.

I do however respect your skepticism, because at this point we have only allegations about the perpetrator. They will take time to prove. Was he really the perpetrator, who else was involved, why was he out and about instead of incarcerated after so many prior convictions: all these questions require time to answer.

With Omar Mateen, we learned that the father had a relationship with the FBI (and I suspect CIA). That might explain why repeated FBI investigations including personal surveillance failed to identify him as a terrorist, even after co-workers had said specifically that he was a terrorist. We learned also that the soon to be merry widow knew about the plan, though the jury declared reasonable doubt as to whether she committed the specific crimes alleged: that raises another question, i.e. why didn't the FBI and DoJ investigate her more thoroughly?

It reminds me of the OJ trials for murder and wrongful death. The police might indeed have tampered with evidence, their chain of custody was definitely flawed, and the criminal prosecution failed to prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. Still, the civil jury found correctly that OJ had probably killed those two people.

Time will tell about the latest Strasbourg attack. I suspect the alleged gunman did probably perpetrate the attack, but that is not yet proved, and it leaves questions about who helped.
49   Rin   2018 Dec 13, 11:23am  

TwoScoopsOfSpaceForce says
It's better explained by three things:

1. Some have no kids.
2. Some wait to long and have to struggle to have one kid, then too old/infertile to have another.
3. Normal, Functional People, the robust and successful "Bourgeois Society" Rubes, still have 2-3 kids. That includes Gays adopting.
4. Immigrants receiving abundant welfare have tons of kids, which helps make babies unaffordable to native born Americans who pay the taxes and compete for affordable housing.

All true, however, for point number 4, I'd say that the increased Hispanic population has actually created a near bifurcated system where for the most part, the Anglos (which doesn't mean British WASPs, but non-Spanish speaking & non-Islamic Americans) produce far fewer babies than Latinos and thus, the fact that immigrant families have from 2 to 4 babies per household, makes up for those who have 1 or 0.

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