What happened to the border wall money Congress already gave Trump? ($1.6 billion)

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2019 Jan 14, 8:57pm   3,221 views  20 comments

by marcus   ➕follow (7)   💰tip   ignore  

Part of the answer is that it's use is being held up by Trump's brilliant govt shutdown.

There has been bipartisan building of walls along the border, but not making it some kind of big political issue that the republitards want to make it.

"Darrr, me say the democrats were for the wall before they were against the wall. "

No they weren't. Sure they've supported ongoing huge increases in "wall" and fences and border security in general, that has coincided with massive decreases in illegal immigration by Mexicans coming in that way.

But just becasue they don't support a 5 billion dollar down payment on an additional 25 billion dollar wall doesn't mean they are hypocrites.


And the border issue is complicated by the fact that in many of the places where a wall can be built a barrier is already in place. More than 650 miles of the 2,000-mile border already have some sort of wall or fence, CBP officials have said.

Don't worry TrumpCucks, I don't expect you to stop lying about everything any time soon.

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1   marcus   2019 Jan 27, 2:42pm  

Why hasn't the MSM talked more about this ?

Perhaps they wanted the stupid drama, and prolonged govt shutdown ?
2   Hircus   2019 Jan 27, 7:49pm  

marcus says
But just becasue they don't support a 5 billion dollar down payment on an additional 25 billion dollar wall doesn't mean they are hypocrites.

True, but you gotta admit that their prior support of walls, and then doing a 180 and calling them "immoral" is pretty darn hypocritical :p
3   MrMagic   2019 Jan 27, 8:31pm  

marcus says
What happened to the border wall money Congress already gave Trump?

Gee Marcus, if you read the article you link, you'd have your answer:

....."The $109 million “expenditure” figure there, however, does not take into account funds that are promised to companies through signed contracts that have not yet been completed (and therefore are not yet paid).

Nearly 60% of those funds have been promised in contract awards made through the Army Corps of Engineers via Customs and Border Protection (CBP), a Department of Homeland Security spokesperson said. That includes 35 of 40 miles of replacement wall funded by the fiscal 2017 budget and $700 million of the $1.2 billion funded in the 2018 budget, she said.

In other words, the DHS has committed about 60% of the money for physical barriers via new contracts, while 40% of the money remains uncommitted. In fact, the government shutdown over the wall is stopping the agency from committing more money to build it. “An additional approximately $300 million is ready to award as soon as the government reopens” the DHS spokesperson said.

Why it has been slow going

Fiscal 2017 DHS outlays were $2.2 billion less than appropriated, in part “due to slower-than-expected spending for procurements and construction for customs enforcement and border protection infrastructure projects,” treasury secretary Steve Mnuchin and federal budget director Mick Mulvaney said in October 2017. A year later, DHS outlays were nearly $10 billion less than appropriated, due in part to delays on the money actually being handed over to the agency—building the wall became such a political fight that DHS’s budget was held up in debate over last year’s government spending bill, too (it was finally approved last March).

What a surprise, The Democrats are obstructing progress...

Is TDS blind?????

It seems to be.
4   MrMagic   2019 Jan 27, 8:39pm  

Well, look Johnny, there's more: Can you say Democrat Obstructionists and Hypocrites?

....."The current spending bill grants DHS $1.6 billion for Trump’s much-discussed border wall, an amount that will allow the administration to build just 33 miles of new wall, while reinforcing other areas.

That figure was suggested by the White House in exchange for a three-year extension of the “DACA” program that allows nearly one million immigrants brought to the US as children to stay and work in the country.

Democrats countered that they wanted citizenship for 1.8 million people, a permanent solution, and both sides came to a standoff, again, mirroring the back-and-forth that has happened since Trump suspended the program last September. The spending bill passed the House Thursday afternoon and the Senate early Friday morning without either long-term wall funding or a DACA solution."

Another one of of Nancy's "NO DEAL".
5   MrMagic   2019 Jan 27, 8:42pm  

marcus says
And the border issue is complicated by the fact that in many of the places where a wall can be built a barrier is already in place. More than 650 miles of the 2,000-mile border already have some sort of wall or fence, CBP officials have said.

There you go Marcus. That supports why Trump is asking for only another 230 miles of barrier that the border patrol requested, not 1000 miles like you keep spewing...

Aren't FACTS fun!!
6   MrMagic   2019 Jan 27, 8:46pm  

Hey Marcus, here you go. You can actually watch NEW wall being built. You know, part of the $1.6 that you were wondering if it was being spent.

Isn't technology wonderful, we have videos of actual construction.

Imagine that!!

7   MrMagic   2019 Jan 27, 8:50pm  


8   MrMagic   2019 Jan 27, 9:03pm  

marcus says
Why hasn't the MSM talked more about this ?

Perhaps they wanted the stupid drama, and prolonged govt shutdown ?

Maybe the MSM hasn't talked about it, because they actually READ the article and can do math??
9   marcus   2019 Jan 27, 9:06pm  

Hircus says
True, but you gotta admit that their prior support of walls, and then doing a 180 and calling them "immoral" is pretty darn hypocritical :p

Actually, not as all.

Democrats in 2006: "We're for better border security too. We pass funding for 700 miles of fence
DEmocrats through most of Obamas term: "Yes we are for MASSIVE INCREASES IN BORDER PATROL PERSONAL AND ASSETS for border security, to the tune of billions"

Democrats in 2018: Passes bill to allocate $1.6 Billion for improvements extension and repairs existing fence

Trump End of 2018: (before that money is even spent) Now I need 6 billion to start THE BEGINNING of a wall investment that nobody even knows or talks about the true total price of. But estimates range up well over $100 billion.

Republicans: "Democrats are such hypocrits ?"

What the fuck ? Do these people even think through what they are saying ? I mean I get it, they're usually just talking to the other morons in the bubble, hat will agree with the most laughable nonsense, but really ?
10   MrMagic   2019 Jan 27, 9:32pm  

marcus says
Hircus says
True, but you gotta admit that their prior support of walls, and then doing a 180 and calling them "immoral" is pretty darn hypocritical :p

Actually, not as all.

Democrats in 2006: "We're for better border security too. We pass funding for 700 miles of fence
DEmocrats through most of Obamas term: "Yes we are for MASSIVE INCREASES IN BORDER PATROL PERSONAL AND ASSETS for border security, to the tune of billions"

Democrats in 2018: Passes bill to allocate $1.6 Billion for improvements extension and repairs existing fence

Gee Marcus, you missed 2013, when Democrats (under Obama) voted for 700 miles of wall:

...."All Senate Democrats united with two independent senators in 2013 to push through a comprehensive immigration reform plan to build a border fence and end “chain migration” and the visa lottery, positions they now oppose because they are in President Trump’s immigration package.

Led by Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, 52 Democrats and two independents OK’d the legislation.

It called for “no fewer than 700 miles” of border fencing.

The provisions that were included in the legislation sponsored by Schumer, S.744 - Border Security, Economic Opportunity, and Immigration Modernization Act, are very similar to those Trump is now pushing in his broad plan he will outline in tonight’s State of the Union address.

The bill was dubbed the “Gang of Eight” for those backing it, and it ultimately failed in the House.

But it it did win in the Senate, 68-32.


Hircus says
True, but you gotta admit that their prior support of walls, and then doing a 180 and calling them "immoral" is pretty darn hypocritical :p

Certainly is, and there's your hypocritical proof with FACTS!!

Marcus, do you know what FACTS are?
11   AD   2019 Feb 1, 9:21am  

Marcus stated on this board he is a public school teacher within Calfornia (i.e., during a topic discussion on CALPERS which he said he's covered under). I suspect a vast majority of public school teachers in California reliably lean to the Left and are supporters of Democrat Socialism, and they likely endorse essentially an open border. I suspect Marcus and his public school teachers cheered Gavin Newsom when Newsom declared that all of California will be a sanctuary state and will protect anyone requesting sanctuary.

Now the wall is just one layer of protection. Of course sensors and more agents are other layers. That is what the border patrol agents have stated.

If there is virtually no barrier than it is easy for illegal immigrants to cross over the border. The wall slows them down. If they try to climb over or cut through it, the sensors (i.e., smart wall technology) will detect that and give enough time for the border patrol agents and/or local law enforcement to apprehend them.
13   Tenpoundbass   2019 Feb 1, 9:57am  

Suits aren't cheap, what with onyx cuff links and all. Our Dear Leader has to look presentable when he gets his day in court. You brutal savages want him to go in there dressed in his shabby clothes?

What knuckle heads Liberals are. He's building wall segments as we speak and he's deployed the Army to the border. You think they work for free?
14   RWSGFY   2019 Feb 1, 10:20am  

Elgatouno says

This shit again? If narcos are reduced to delivering their junk by drones, bying a
gram of cocaine on the street would require a second mortgage.
17   Tenpoundbass   2019 Feb 25, 10:05am  

Every ExSenior official in any US Gov Agency, Bureau, or Staffer, even high ranking high profile Military Officers, has major plans to be in Politics when they retire.
You did say "Former" right?

marcus says
18   MrMagic   2019 Feb 25, 11:09am  

marcus says
What happened to the border wall money Congress already gave Trump? ($1.6 billion)

Walls are being built with it... duh...

What is now being installed is a much more sturdy, bollard steel 30-foot wall -- the same style as the 18 to 30-foot primary wall.

The walls are about 30 to 40 yards apart and will stretch 14 miles east from Imperial Beach. The secondary wall project includes 1.5 miles of new wall.

“Without those two layers, aliens and human smugglers can get across into a waiting vehicle in a matter of minutes. New infrastructure will take much longer and deter a lot more people just because of sheer size," said Francisco.

According DHS, so far this fiscal year, authorities have apprehended more than 18,000 people who crossed the border illegally in the San Diego area -- up nearly 70 percent compared to the same time last year.

But Border Patrol agents say there will be far fewer wall breaches with the new construction.

19   anonymous   2019 Mar 2, 3:05am  

Sen. Grassley: The president is 'a little bit wrong' on national emergency

“Where he is a little bit wrong (lied - again) and brought on a problem that he didn't have to bring on himself is about half of the money of the...$8 billion, he already has authority to transfer. So then why did he go to national emergency for another $4 billion?

I don't know why. Maybe just he wants to show the American people he's committed to what he stands for. But he brought on court cases that he wouldn't have to have,” said Grassley.

20   marcus   2019 Mar 2, 8:33am  

Tenpoundbass says
You did say "Former" right?

Yes. Former what ?

Answer: "former national security officials." I guess the use of the word former would imply that they were national security officials before doing whatever it is that they do now.

I know this might be shocking, but if a leader wants to do something stupid, one way it might be prevented is for all the people that have the best understanding of why its stupid (or at least a waste), to explain it to the rest of us.

Yeah, yeah, I know that's not the world we live in, and it's not the kind of world we should be fighting to have.

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