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2019 Feb 17, 4:30pm   3,132,493 views  42,156 comments

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2399   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2019 Aug 31, 6:20pm  

HonkpilledMaster says

Of course the whole Trump is a nazi thing is amoungst the more baseless allegations(along with the Trump hates gays stupidity).

There hasn't been a greater ally of the ONLY Jewish nation on earth than President Trump. President Trump is about as far from a nazi as it gets. I challenge one lefty on this site to denounce the labling of President Trump as a nazi.
2400   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2019 Aug 31, 6:24pm  

marcus says

The Supreme Court nominations are huge to the point of Democrats running to change the rules of appointing SCJ and making finite terms.

In other words, President Trump was hugely successful in NOT following precedent of prior Republican Presidents and nominating mealy mouthed half assed conservatives.

Very very good job Mr. President. He earned my vote for re-election soley on this matter.
2401   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Aug 31, 10:52pm  

CovfefeButDeadly says
Of course the whole Trump is a nazi thing is amoungst the more baseless allegations(along with the Trump hates gays stupidity).

Yep, he's the best friend of Israel and the Jews, this is without a doubt.

I was going for the whole TDS thing about Two Minutes Hate from 1984. It's like a Leftwing bonding ritual. But when you go back in the past, the Left has always been unhinged by Republican Presidents, at least since Nixon. It's just socially acceptable now and encouraged by the Media.

The new thing is that the Ashkenazi are Privileged Whites. This is the new thing from SJWs and the pro-Pali groups (although Linda Sarsour and Rashida Taliban aren't exactly Brown). Those Academic/Educator NY/NJ Secular Jews really need to make a decision. I'm confident, however, that most will keep their allegiance to the Left.

Ironic thing is that in the UK, Jews are hated for being loyal to the Tories by the Left.
2403   Tenpoundbass   2019 Sep 1, 10:57am  

Patrick says
As for rat infested black cities like Baltimore, t

He never called Baltimore a "Rat infested Black City"

He just said Cummings should focus more on his rat infested city and do something about the sanitation issues. Rather than stoking the flames of hate, and preaching impeachment.
Yeah so there was the whole context of that going on.

As for Howard Shit my Jeans Dean. He yehawed at the news his early polling numbers were going up. I don't think the actual Primaries were even happening yet.
But because he freaked out, he lost all of his support over night. I never cared for him, or any of the other candidate. I was voting for Nader. But I thought the Democrat voters were pretty shallow and chicken shit for abandoning a guy, because he was excited he was liked better than John Kerry.
2405   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Sep 1, 11:00am  

Patrick says
Wow, there are some impressively false falsehoods in that comic. Very dishonest.

I'd say that's comic is a reality distortion field.

The Media has flipped out over Trump's Diet Coke consumption, for crissakes.

The Author believes the Media is too easy on Trump.
2407   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Sep 1, 11:03am  

Avenatti, CNN Man of the Year 2018.

2410   Onvacation   2019 Sep 2, 9:05am  

marcus says

Got any links to this "SCIENTIFIC PROOF"?

Not holding my breath.
2411   Onvacation   2019 Sep 2, 9:08am  

marcus says

Trump said "Rat infested DEMOCRAT cities". Why do you want to make it about race?
2412   Onvacation   2019 Sep 2, 9:29am  

marcus says
The point of the cartoon is the crazy shit that Trump gets away with, without losing a lot of his his base.

But he didn't say any of those things...

marcus says

2413   Onvacation   2019 Sep 2, 9:30am  

marcus says

Looks like grocery shelves in a socialist system.
2414   CBOEtrader   2019 Sep 2, 9:43am  

marcus says

Do you really think cost of anything is zero? Think about that for a second
2415   Tenpoundbass   2019 Sep 2, 10:32am  

Patrick says
The economy may have been rising before his election, but his election clearly turbo-charged the economy.

NO! It was NOT!

I will never forget every single last young person I knew from the age 17 to 26, had never worked a day in their life, and had no prospects or hope to ever work. Because THEIR President laughed in their faces and called them clinger on's. Then told them the JOBS weren't coming back. Any Job under Obama, were 17 an hour min wage Job. At the new Economy Darling industries, the Corporate Fast Food business. Every company had a policy to NOT give more than 17 hours. Because Obama baked in a loophole in Obamacare to make damn sure our Youth were wasted and dependent on the Socialists. By making a law if an employee worked less than 17 hours they didn't have to have Obamacare.
2416   Tenpoundbass   2019 Sep 2, 10:35am  

Also I remember every professional and trade person I knew over 35, that was laid off during the Housing bubble and finance collapse under Bush. Never got a job earning anywhere near the income they had before those events. The parents were under employed and their adult kids were terminally unemployed. Not only that they were disinterested.

My Daughter's friends at the time, never saw a point in their lifetime they would be employed. They also welcomed the idea,(Why fight and resist what you can't change?).
Now they all have decent jobs, and are doing quite well. None of them work in the food industry.
2418   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Sep 2, 12:48pm  

marcus says
He said manufacturing jobs weren't coming back. And guess what ? No matter what Sean Hannity or Brietbart tells you, they haven't !!


More incorrect #LateNiteHost "News"
2421   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Sep 2, 1:12pm  

Did you see the article, Marcus?

Manufacturing Jobs are up.

marcus says
Can you read graphs ?

Sure can. I will label it with squiggley mouse written text for your convenience.

2423   Tenpoundbass   2019 Sep 2, 1:22pm  

marcus says
Tenpoundbass says
Now they all have decent jobs

They grew up. And the economic growth Obama set in motion for 5 years continued a couple more years (with a little help from Trump doing MASSIVE growth time deficit spending).

When I was 17 and you graduated. If you didn't go to college and didn't join the workforce you were a bum and a liability for everyone that knew you.

Marcus you might be part of the problem if you think, you're not grown up until 27. That was the average age of every super star in every business until the financial meltdown.
It wasn't that long ago if you were 45 in most industries, you were considered a dinosaur. Because all of the Talent was much younger. Today the older workers are the most valuable in companies.
2424   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Sep 2, 1:29pm  

marcus says
Typical Trump cuck. Can't handle his fuck up.

In other words, you don't like my graph, my article, and of course my meme.

2425   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Sep 2, 1:36pm  

marcus says
Do you get paid for this shit ?

I know you're not that stupid.

Marcus, when you go down this condescending-on-intelligence road with other posters, it's just not effective for you.

Just trying to help you out, man.
2428   Hircus   2019 Sep 2, 5:56pm  

marcus says
He knows his followers aren't smart enough nor do they care to look deeper than a sound bite.

Yes, and only Trump plays these games, right?

Kinda like the left has been doing for years upon years when they complain about the gender wage gap. Their stats saying "latina women make 51 cents on the dollar compared to men" is technically true, but it's misleading because they CHOOSE very different jobs and work life balances. When you correct for equal work so that job title and skill level are accounted for, that pay gap all but vanishes. In fact, last I checked I think women actually make more in their 20's. The gap reappears after age 35 when children come into play, but it's pretty clear this is again mostly a lifestyle choice that women willingly and happily CHOOSE. Obviously there's still some legitimate discrimination, but it's small, or focused in specific scenarios, not some crisis-level societal plague against minority womyn that they like to use to demonize straight white men.

But, the left, including both politicians and the lefty news, just keeps hammering out those misleading numbers because they know their followers aren't smart enough nor do they care to look deeper than a sound bite. It's fun to share this pay gap truth with lefties. Watching their facial expression when they go into denial and disbelief is satisfying. Then their mind starts flaying wildly while they whip up excuses or personal anecdotal evidence to the contrary. "My daughter deserved that promotion - she told me so!!" (lol)
2429   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Sep 2, 7:03pm  

The actual pay gap is 5 cents when considering equal qualifications, work experience, and age --- and that doesn't take into account the preference of mothers for flexible jobs that pay less with fewer hours.
2431   Onvacation   2019 Sep 3, 6:53am  

marcus says

All right.
Name one credible scientist that believes in catastrophic AGW?

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