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2019 Feb 17, 4:30pm   3,236,424 views  44,107 comments

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36419   Ceffer   2024 Apr 28, 6:58pm  

"And, we call this baby the 'Lahaina Paradise'. It was suggested by our Masonic redevlopment sponsors."

36420   Ceffer   2024 Apr 28, 7:02pm  

Such a chip on their shoulders. How come they can't have a little forgiveness of our being lying, cheating, backstabbing, murderous scum who never can be trusted, lie about everything, and saber our way through their societies when they do not heel? The silver or the bullet is such a straightforward way of doing business.

36421   Ceffer   2024 Apr 28, 7:05pm  

Just who do these common miscreants think they are? The Royals and the Rothschilds?

36422   Ceffer   2024 Apr 28, 7:06pm  

Been feeling a little 'coughy' lately? How are your lungs for flushing out particles?

36423   Ceffer   2024 Apr 28, 7:20pm  

Crisis actors for hire, psyops independent contractors. I guess we need some Tavistock outreach businesses and MKUltra kiosks in the shopping malls.

"You too can be a master media manipulator and Roofie Black Belt Master. Give your neighbors a mickey of LSD and Captagon and watch for hours of fun!"

36424   Ceffer   2024 Apr 28, 7:23pm  

"And now, for some improvisational Russian battlefront survival skills..... Thank God he didn't bring it down with a full vodka bottle."

36425   Ceffer   2024 Apr 28, 7:30pm  

Are we going to see some of those Israeli (American) rockets leveled at the ICC? If only a rocket could throttle the First Amendment with a single neck.

36426   AmericanKulak   2024 Apr 28, 7:33pm  

I guess the ICC is done investigating COVID.
36427   richwicks   2024 Apr 28, 7:45pm  

Ceffer says


You refuse to read his earlier bullshit, and continue to print it's current bullshit here. I've given you links before:


Shown you it's bullshit, that he's a fraud, and you continue to post his bullshit anyhow, over and over again. You don't give a fuck about being right, or truthful.

I used to respect you were trying to find the truth, you don't. You don't care you're part of the problem. You're just another propagandist.

I've given you enough time, I'm going to actively oppose you. You actively misinform people. You are a propagandist. Your PURPOSELY spread false information, as truth. You are evil. Consider what you are doing, and I'm speaking as an atheist. You're damaging all of society. You whine and moan about sellouts in the Republican Party or Democratic Party, you're just like them. Have some principles. We're the ones that keep society from falling apart. You're the ones destroying it, but temporary gain, right?
36429   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2024 Apr 28, 8:42pm  

Ceffer says

we don’t got either
36432   charlie303   2024 Apr 29, 12:20am  

You refuse to read his earlier bullshit, and continue to print its current bullshit here.

Shown you it's bullshit, that he's a fraud, and you continue to post his bullshit anyhow, over and over again. You don't give a fuck about being right, or truthful.

The truthers are the bullshitters.
Nothing has happened.
It’s not even entertaining, it just gives me a headache.
I checked out a long time ago.
36433   richwicks   2024 Apr 29, 1:29am  

charlie303 says

You refuse to read his earlier bullshit, and continue to print its current bullshit here.

Shown you it's bullshit, that he's a fraud, and you continue to post his bullshit anyhow, over and over again. You don't give a fuck about being right, or truthful.

The truthers are the bullshitters.
Nothing has happened.
It’s not even entertaining, it just gives me a headache.
I checked out a long time ago.

You are misquoting charli303 as me.

I'm tired of @Ceffer's indifference to being correct or incorrect. He doesn't care. He's a passive liar. I don't mind a propagandist, but somebody that works for free to spread bullshit? That I object to. How can I respect that? I've corrected him, shown him multiple times he is repeating lies, he won't stop. He has no respect for the truth, he doesn't care if he repeats lies.

How can I respect somebody that does that? If he was paid, at least he was paid, instead, I think he's just mindless.

Real information is a very important thing, he doesn't appear to think this is true. It's a real fucking effort to be correct, he makes no effort at all. He's an enemy to what I'm trying to do.
36434   charlie303   2024 Apr 29, 1:57am  

I wasn’t trying to misquote @richwicks. The quote link doesn’t work for me. It says selected text too large. When I select a smaller piece of text nothing happens.

The so called truther community is lost and a little bit sad imo. They are similar to vaccine retards in a sense that they are addicted to their viewpoint even though nothing, literally nothing has happened nor makes sense. They can’t escape the rabbit hole they have fallen into.
Just a cursory glance at what they were posting just 3 months ago and it becomes clear they are a hopeless bunch of contradictory nonsense hopium, copium addicts. We must be on the umpteenth incarnation of Hilary Clinton by now whose avatar/actor in a mask/cgi hologram/clone/reptilian shapeshifter keeps rising from the dead after being executed at Gitmo over and over again.
Any new world event, like Gaza, is just woven into their vast narrative as just part of the plan. The same excuses are trotted out as to why absolutely nothing verifiable has happened, for instance the ongoing war is fluid and dynamic. Or the white hats have to bs us most of the time to fool the bad guys too.
It’s a world full of grifters and chancers trying to make a buck off the gullible. If the believers were to put it down and leave it alone for 30 days they would see they would be better off.
The truthers are the sad bullshitters.
36435   Ceffer   2024 Apr 29, 2:20am  

LOL! I guess rw has cycled back to me to expend his mouth foaming bug eyed wraths? I seem to find these things reflected from other posts.

Why doesn't he just stop reading the posts? Is that too easy? There are a few of the members who seem to like my posts. However, I seriously doubt I can contaminate the information universe with my humble shares on a blog with restricted exposure. It ain't CNN. Can't Wookie step in and shield me?

I have rw on super ignore due to personal attacks, threats and ad hominems but he keeps burrowing down with magic programming skills to read the posts anyway. Masochist: "Beat me, beat me". Sadist: "No."
36436   richwicks   2024 Apr 29, 5:04am  

charlie303 says

The so called truther community is lost and a little bit sad imo. They are similar to vaccine retards in a sense that they are addicted to their viewpoint even though nothing, literally nothing has happened nor makes sense. They can’t escape the rabbit hole they have fallen into.

You aren't aware. We've been in 7 "wars against terror". "We don't do body counts", but from what I've read, 5 million.

I wish I could be as inhuman as you are. This is a terrible tragedy.

I wish I could be religious, I wish I couldn't feel. I wish I was less aware, I wish I was less educated. I wanted to know at 30 even at the detriment of my happiness, seriously. I honestly know that ignorance is bliss, and I'm not being flippant with that. Awareness is just pain. I thought I'd be able to do something with it in my youth. It just burns whatever I might have as a soul. It really is painful.

charlie303 says

Just a cursory glance at what they were posting just 3 months ago and it becomes clear they are a hopeless bunch of contradictory nonsense hopium, copium addicts. We must be on the umpteenth incarnation of Hilary Clinton by now whose avatar/actor in a mask/cgi hologram/clone/reptilian shapeshifter keeps rising from the dead after being executed at Gitmo over and over again.

That's not me, that's Ceffer who is impossible "to correct", because I no longer think he makes errors, I think he lies.

I had a fascination with propaganda when I was in my 20's and how it was spread, and now I know how it's spread.

He's either a propagandist purposely lying or a victim of it, repeating it "as truth". If only I was a sociopath, I'd do fine - I don't want to jump that gap.
36437   charlie303   2024 Apr 29, 5:11am  

Inhuman? Thanks.
No I see it as an acceptance that as one man, in my current position, I’m not changing anything. In fact pretty much all attempts in trying to change the world has been counter productive and led to blowback.
I’m not adding to the problem I’m just focusing on myself.
36438   richwicks   2024 Apr 29, 5:19am  

charlie303 says

Inhuman? Thanks.
No I see it as an acceptance that as one man, in my current position, I’m not changing anything. In fact pretty much all attempts in trying to change the world has been counter productive and led to blowback.
I’m not adding to the problem I’m just focusing on myself.

I'm trying to pull myself out of a horrible depression.

I started my career out in the expectation that once all of you fuckers could talk to one another you could avoid war and resolve your differences, since then, I've seen my country tell the stupidest fucking propaganda to lie the nation into war after war after war. Companies I worked for censor me now, and promote government propaganda. What have I done?

You stupid animals will just continue to believe the most ridiculous bullshit, if it's on the fucking propaganda box, if 1000 AI bots or a PR agency repeats it. Knowledge isn't power. It's debilitating if you don't have the sociopathy to use it and I don't. I'm trying to find that will. Beware of me if I ever do. I have all the knowledge, and I'm dangerous if I change sides, and although I'm an atheist, I still worry for the future of the world, if not my eternal soul.

You assholes are easy to manipulate. How many people believe in Russian Collusion today? That's how fucking stupid you animals are. Do you believe that Assad was gassing his own people? That Qaddafi was causing a humanitarian crisis? That Putin attacked Ukraine for no reason at all? How many dead? That's all I can do with this as far as I can see, it's useful to a certain group of evil people. It will be done to you. Do I want to step away from you people to prolong my life? That's my dilemma. I see this as destruction but I have the knowledge, I have the ability. I know at least as much as Edward Bernays now, 70 years later.

My current thinking is life is short, and death is for eternity - I hang on to that. I don't want to switch sides. There's a real war between good and evil, and although I'm atheist, this is very apparent to me. I see most of you animals as evil. You are so trivially controlled, convinced to kill, thoughtless, purposelessly. You'd have injected draino into your veins over a fucking obviously fake pandemic, no ambulances, no great death toll, nothing, the propaganda box controls you. Most of you are inhuman, or I am. I think I'm the odd man out, I'm inhuman. But I know animals as well, but you're less than them, you're dangerous. I can avoid animals, I cannot avoid you.

So... do I work directly against you? I can. It's trivial, but I worry about the future of the world and my eternal soul, and it simply prolongs my short life, when I face eternity. That's the real war between good and evil, it's individual. I am clinging to one side still. Knowledge isn't power, unless you have the will to abuse it and I don't have the will, I hope.

But focus on yourself, right? You don't have the debilitating ability to have an overview. I wish I was like you. Just procreate, like an animal. Fuck. Make it the problem of the next generation, solve nothing now. Be thoughtless. I both hate you, and want to help you. You don't know what you are doing. You just continue, you don't improve the next generation, you're thoughtless, and your children are. Animals. We selectively breed animals. What are you being bred for?
36439   Ceffer   2024 Apr 29, 11:27am  

And now, back to our regular programming. Here we see two Baphomet elites, nominal males with tranny 'wives' again. Dunno if Sholz is a Monarch fag like Macron, or if the trannies are their handlers, but the theme seems to be ubiquitous amongst the 'elites'. Barry and Big Mike aren't alone. Henry the K and his tranny 'wife' were a bizarre sight.

36440   Onvacation   2024 Apr 29, 11:34am  

Ceffer says


At least two of them have pussies.
36441   AmericanKulak   2024 Apr 29, 1:01pm  

Ceffer says

LOL! I guess rw has cycled back to me to expend his mouth foaming bug eyed wraths? I seem to find these things reflected from other posts.

@Ceffer, I don't like as far-out stuff that you like, but I get your interest. I too liked the wild news of the weird, that's how I got into Alex and enjoyed Art Bell back when the Mexican TestTube Baby Closet Fascist and the Balding Bitchute Autistic were babies. I don't anymore not because I grew out of it, but because the reality of Obamaworld is spooky enough I don't need any more scary stimulation.

Some people have their humbug and no matter what, no matter how much a complex web with nothing more than the weakest (and sometimes fanciful) connections there are between the strands, they prefer their complex web to Occam's Razor.
36442   AmericanKulak   2024 Apr 29, 1:05pm  

charlie303 says

It’s a world full of grifters and chancers trying to make a buck off the gullible. If the believers were to put it down and leave it alone for 30 days they would see they would be better off.

Some are just aspies/autists that have glommed on to an obsession, and can't let it go.

David Irving rooted for the Germans as a kid and he saw dogfights over his home. No bad upbringing, no nothing. But from childhood he was Nazis Good and Misunderstood. Just because some synapse fires some way in his brain, and you'll never convince him otherwise. Even if he accepts something after decades of painful argumentation and abundant evidence, he'll simply twist it in a new way to conform to his humbug.

Some Truther, Denier, etc. will be like "Fine, Fine, there is Prussian Blue in the gas chamber, but the Soviets must have put it in there after the fact." And his followers will be all like "Irving conclusively proved the Soviets added the Prussian Blue to frame the Nazis", and 98% of the Public isn't anywhere that deep into the details and a few new suckers are born.
36443   Ceffer   2024 Apr 29, 1:41pm  

Occam's razor may get you out the door, but it's reductionism doesn't explain everything. The world and nature ARE complicated and phenomena are tangled. Most people's views and defense mechanisms reflect the world they prefer, not the world that is, and the gaslighting follows what they prefer.

From what I recall of rw's posts, his Overton window is a withered vestigial limb and novelty freaks him out. He doesn't present much in the way of meaningful content but mans a machine gun nest to strafe and sharpshoot everybody else, kind of like a glowie provocateur without compensating redeeming contribution to the community. At least most people present stuff that you can triangulate over time or just get a laugh out of. Raving paranoia gets boring.

I remember our conspiracy theory buddy Gary who is proving to be quite correct in a bunch of seemingly at the time outlandish theories and he took endless mockery for it. I told him I did not dismiss conspiracy theories, I just tabled them until I could do proper investigation, which is tedious and time consuming. If that investigation puts you at odds with 'the narrative', in some ways it can also put you in danger.

He thought I was on the payroll of the Rothschilds. I am still waiting for the checks.
36445   AmericanKulak   2024 Apr 29, 1:45pm  

Ceffer says

He thought I was on the payroll of the Rothschilds. I am still waiting for the checks.

I've never gotten a check from the JIDF or the Rockefellers, stingy cheap bastards for all the work I do to defend ZOG.
36446   Ceffer   2024 Apr 29, 1:57pm  

ZOG is rapidly descending into GOG vs. MAGOG. However, your defense perspective is necessary to the sorting of things, and the historical contexts are much appreciated.
36447   Ceffer   2024 Apr 29, 2:06pm  

Onvacation says

Ceffer says


At least two of them have pussies.

Four dicks and two pussies.
36449   Ceffer   2024 Apr 29, 2:38pm  

Fried brains is good eetz.

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