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2019 Feb 17, 4:30pm   3,238,475 views  44,205 comments

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4660   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Jan 26, 10:02pm  

marcus says
It's pretty hard to imagine a rapists defense attorney getting away with a strategy to deny evidence from being brought forth in a trial, or for that matter a judge allowing it.

What's this damning evidence?

Mind reading and conjecture by Obama Appointees?
4661   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Jan 26, 10:07pm  

What deed that is a high crime or misdemeanor IS Donald Trump being accused of?

4662   Onvacation   2020 Jan 27, 5:47am  

marcus says
Abuse of power and obstruction of congress. Exactly the kind behavior impeachment is meant to be for.

So it's not the Russians?
4663   CBOEtrader   2020 Jan 27, 6:08am  

marcus says
It's not a CNN/NYT conspiracy.


Hand picked texts from people who are neither Trump nor presidential Z, to paint a narrative that isnt there? Lolz, sure its not a CNN/NYT conspiracy. There is literally nothing here, but you've been told to see something by your masters, so you do.

Please show us exact what messages you think are damning and we can discuss.

marcus says
You aren't objective - so I'm pretty much done here.

I've been totally objective, asking for facts and evidence. Schiff cant provide anything but hear say and fake narratives. You are parroting his nonsense, but cant seem to see it. Let's at least be clear who isn't objective.

marcus says
CBOEtrader says
What about the evidence this weekend that directly thrashes your narrative? You dont care about actual facts that contradict your tapestry of lies used to build the Schiff narrative.

Boltons written confirmation of what Trump did ?

Lol, as if we needed more proof that you are full of confirmation bias. You would see evidence of trump guilt in your morning dump. No, this is the actual evidence you are ignoring:

4664   CBOEtrader   2020 Jan 27, 6:08am  

marcus says
Abuse of power and obstruction of congress. Exactly the kind behavior impeachment is meant to be for.

Both thrashed as nonsense to anyone who paid attention on saturday.
4665   CBOEtrader   2020 Jan 27, 6:25am  

marcus says
there is a witness (Sondland) to that fact.
marcus says
such as Willianm Taylor saying that SOndland told him that the release of the aid was conditional on the announcement of investigations.


Sondland admitted everything he testified to was personal "presumption".

You probably dont care about that, or about the fact that Sondland was cherry picked to share his presumptions specifically for his unique and biased perspective.

You also don't care that Trump was checking up on every country for corruption and effectiveness of the aid for the american people. This has been Trump's thing since the beginning with every country he interacts, and its exactly what a president should be doing.

Trump SHOULD make sure Ukraine cooperates with our investigations into corruption. Trump SHOULD make sure the american people are getting a fair shake with aid $$. Trump SHOULD find out what happened in Ukraine regarding our 2016 elections!

You are seeing orange man bad. Meanwhile, actually unbiased voters see a POTUS doing what he should be doing. Results? Trump is more popular every day, despite 98% negative MSM fakenews from the establishment.

Be part of the old establishment if you like Marcus. By definition that makes you a conservative corporatist cheerleader. I'm for the people.
4666   CBOEtrader   2020 Jan 27, 6:31am  

marcus says
CBOEtrader says
Both thrashed as nonsense to anyone who paid attention on saturday.

Hahahaha. So you only listened to the republicans arguments.

no. you only listened to adam schiff though, a proven liar. actual lies, not like "burgers stacked to the moon" fake lies.

you are making shit up because you cant admit you are wrong and deeply biased. ad hom = you lose.
4667   Onvacation   2020 Jan 27, 7:01am  

marcus says
the democrats have nothing but "made up facts."

There is hope!
4668   CBOEtrader   2020 Jan 27, 7:09am  

marcus says
Can you show me the most objective summary you can find

Lol, ok you show us how this is done.

Heres my objective summary:

Schiff is afflicted w TDS and most likely hiding corruption by his buddies, therefore orange man bad. Things that noone would've cared about any other POTUS is ora ge man bad w Trump. Considering the proven coup attempt that schiff was involved with, schiff cant allow investigations into Ukraine... therefore he is cooking up this newest orange man bad scheme w no actual evidence. (Please note you still have not provided any actual evidence, nor will you discuss any. Try to be better)

Summary of the defense: discussing corruption and value to "US" as the american taxpayer has been Trumps foreign aid focus, as it should be. It is agreed by everyone involved, D's and R's and foreign diplomats alike, that ukraine was a heavily corrupt place w many many many organizations and individuals worthy of investigation. The first and most relevant is wtf happened with our 2016 election?!

It is Trumps job to investigate and get to the bottom of this, but the D's dont want him to so they are calling foul to stop him. Easy.

Now you go.
4669   CBOEtrader   2020 Jan 27, 7:11am  

marcus says

You consistently use ambiguous words so that noone knows what you are saying. Try using proper nouns and perhaps actual descriptive terms, so maybe someone can follow your rambling all caps rants.
4670   CBOEtrader   2020 Jan 27, 9:17am  

marcus says
I don't believe any other POTUS would be so stupid and such a loose cannon as to to insist on a public statement being made about another country investigating a political rival, as a condition for release of $400 million in military aide.

He didn't. There is zero evidence of this.

marcus says
But no ability to break it down one by one.

Um... they did. Trumps legal team went into each 3rd party claim, showed actual perspective and reasons why those claims were just biased presumptions.

I've also asked you to show us the evidence, piece by piece but you cant. You offer links of gossiping text messages that are misinterpreted and used to stuff into your pre-existing narrative. It's called confirmation bias, and you got it bad.

I'm asking you to actually break down your facts one by one, and you cant. There is literally no actual evidence, just hear say and mind reading.

The only mind reading is happening from Schiff and those who buy into his mind reading narrative.
4671   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Jan 27, 11:03am  

marcus says
Abuse of power and obstruction of congress. Exactly the kind behavior impeachment is meant to be for.

None of the those are crimes. About as relevant as the old crime of "Mopery", which was loitering in an area possibly thinking about prostitution or larceny. It was, as Democrats love, a mind-reading "crime" where motives were assigned without cause. "You might have been thinking about robbing the house, you often loitered outside of it." Mopery has long since been dropped as a criminal charge, no judge will countenance such a "Crime".

To Abuse Power, there has to be an underlying crime.

Using Constitutionally or Statue granted powers, to fire Ambassadors, to review and withhold Foreign Aid pending a review, etc. can never be Abuse of Power nor Obstruction of Congress.

Obstruction of Congress is particularly toothless and retarded. Example: "You vetoed our budget! You're obstructing the House from carrying out it's fiscal duties!"
4672   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Jan 27, 11:09am  

CBOEtrader says
He didn't. There is zero evidence of this.

Yep. In fact, in the closed door testimony that Schiff kept secret from the Media, the Executive, and Congress generally, the hostile witnesses admitted Ukraine corruption was a concern, stated that Corruption would not instantly disappear the moment Zelinsky was elected, and that this and other Presidents can and have delayed aid pending a corruption review, etc.

This thing is pretty much over. The Senate will not impeach. The only question is whether it gets instantly dismissed, or the Republicans have fun with Vindman, Hunter, etc.
4676   HeadSet   2020 Jan 27, 4:59pm  

Obstruction of Congress is particularly toothless and retarded. Example: "You vetoed our budget! You're obstructing the House from carrying out it's fiscal duties!"

Or how about "The President submitted a budget to Congress, yet the Constitution puts tax and spend authority with the House. The President is trying to usurp power!"
4677   CBOEtrader   2020 Jan 27, 5:12pm  

HeadSet says
Obstruction of Congress is particularly toothless and retarded. Example: "You vetoed our budget! You're obstructing the House from carrying out it's fiscal duties!"

The truth is even more flimsy. Its, "We (the HOUSE) didnt want to either properly serve subpoenas NOR did we want to ask a judge to make a ruling in favor of our subpoenas... NOR would we allow Trump to respond to or bring any witnesses of his own, BUT its totally obstruction of congress when Trump wont do exactly as we demand including but not limited to ignoring his executive privilege. Also due process is just a silly thing Republicans say, its not the best way to ascertain truth or anything. Nah, you know Orange man is definitely bad."
4678   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Jan 27, 5:38pm  

So excited for the 12 Days of #Acquitmas

"Quid pro quo alone is not a basis for abuse of power, it's part of the way foreign policy has been operated by Presidents since the beginning of time." Alan Dershowitz
4679   CBOEtrader   2020 Jan 27, 5:44pm  

NoCoupForYou says
So excited for the 12 Days of #Acquitmas

"Quid pro quo alone is not a basis for abuse of power, it's part of the way foreign policy has been operated by Presidents since the beginning of time." Alan Dershowitz

They are mind readers and also know Trump's intent...and somehow pleasing the people to increase his chances of election is SO BAD!

Its amazing how many hoops they have to jump through to still get to "meh, nothing here is even wrong, much less impeachable".

Schiff deserves jail time for this actual attempt to manipulate the election.
4680   RC2006   2020 Jan 27, 6:02pm  

CBOEtrader says
Schiff deserves jail time for this actual attempt to manipulate the election.

Schiff should have been kicked out of the Senate when he made up what Trump said on the phone infront of the whole world.
4683   CBOEtrader   2020 Jan 28, 3:12am  

marcus says

John Bolton doesnt mention any crimes. You are far too slippery w your words to find the truth.

Bolton's accusation is neither a crime, nor is it even a problem.
4684   Onvacation   2020 Jan 28, 6:36am  

marcus says
Assuming Trump is not removed from office. It doesn't mean that he is exonerated from doing exactly what everyone knows he did

Trump attempted to root out corruption at the highest levels. You can see how nervous the Democrats are getting. I support Trump's attempt at draining the swamp.
4686   Onvacation   2020 Jan 28, 6:43am  

The truth is Trump is your president. If you want that to change in less than four years you had better find a candidate whose platform is not TDS. Trump did not win as much as Hillary lost. If your campaign is socialism or "orange man bad" you're a loser.
4687   CBOEtrader   2020 Jan 28, 7:33am  

"Subversion of democracy" means literally nothing. The meaningless feels verbiage of the left is insufferable
4688   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Jan 28, 7:52am  

marcus says
"Subversion of democracy" means literally nothing. The meaningless feels verbiage of the left is insufferable

US Code "Subversion of Democracy"?
US Code "Abuse of Power"?

Clinton and Nixon were impeached by the House because of an underlying crime (Perjury and Criminal Conspiracy).

Johnson was not impeached, and later court rulings sided with Johnson, for whom most of the charges centered around Congress trying to prohibit the President from firing Cabinet members and other officers as per his Executive Powers.

What underlying crime is Trump accused of?

What happened to "Clear Quid Pro Quo" and "Russian Collusion"?
4689   CBOEtrader   2020 Jan 28, 8:19am  

Now they are suggesting that requiring action on known corruption involving that country before agreeing to aid is an impeachable offense. "OMG Bolton might maybe have said Trump wanted to be sure investigations into corruption involving past aid were moving forward before we give them more aid. The monster!"
4695   CBOEtrader   2020 Jan 29, 2:43am  

marcus says

What is "IT" marcus?

Your mind has been propagandized w slippery words, slippery concepts, so as to allow you to do these mental gymnastics w your thoughts. Its deeply illogical and you refuse to see it.

4696   CBOEtrader   2020 Jan 29, 3:23am  

marcus says

It's not too late
4697   Onvacation   2020 Jan 29, 5:37am  

CBOEtrader says
marcus says

What is "IT" marcus?

Your mind has been propagandized w slippery words, slippery concepts, so as to allow you to do these mental gymnastics w your thoughts. Its deeply illogical and you refuse to see it.


So sad.
4699   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Jan 29, 7:35am  

CBOEtrader says
What is "IT" marcus?

Trump's Crime?

What is it?

What's it?


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