Political Humor Thread

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2019 Feb 17, 4:30pm   3,238,423 views  44,200 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (59)   💰tip   ignore  

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4723   Tenpoundbass   2020 Jan 30, 1:15pm  

Yes it's a real picture

4724   Tenpoundbass   2020 Jan 30, 1:17pm  

So this Cowboy picked up a barfly who'er and gets her home and she pulls down his pants, and he has a tattoo of Loretta Lynn on his right leg and a tat of Dolly Pardon on his left leg. She says wow tattoos! He said yeah, do you know who they are? She I'm not sure about the ones on the leg, but the one in the middle is Willy Nelson.

I don't know why he's mad at Republicans, it was the Clinton Administration that the IRS went after and broke him, and made him do three tours for free to pay back what they said he owed hem.

jazz_music says
4725   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Jan 30, 2:34pm  

The Atlantic already had a piece today basically bemoaning impeachment, saying the Dems never found a "Hero" - apparently they are still protecting Eric Ciaramella for some reason - and that it'll be over by the weekend.

Well, add that to the rubbish pile of "WE GOT DRUMPF NOW... evil cackle "
4726   Onvacation   2020 Jan 30, 3:38pm  

jazz_music says

What is this thing called healthcare that the republicans are going to take away?

Is it a band aid to stop the bleeding or a cast so broken bones can heal? Is it screening so that we might catch diseases at the stage where their progress can be stopped. Is it good diet so that we are properly nourished and physical education so we don't become obese?

What is healthcare and how can the GOP take it from us?

Is it that card in our wallet that says we have paid our premiums and outlines how much our co-pay will be? Is it the overhead of insurance companies and management that must employ many that have nothing to do with treating patients? Is it that gun pointed through our wallet that forces us to pay so that everyone can have one of those cards?

How do you define health care and how can the government take it from us?

Mostly rhetorical but I would appreciate an answer.
4732   Onvacation   2020 Jan 31, 6:42am  

marcus says
Damn Liberal media. Why are they always working overtime trying to make Trump look bad ?

Becasue (just be CAUSE for people that can spell) they are owned by the globalists that care more about their own power than any particular country.
4739   CBOEtrader   2020 Feb 1, 2:24am  

marcus says
jazz_music says

Yeah, you're absolutely right.

Your orange man bad brainwashing validates your hate. All those stupid, inbred wrongthinkers don't deserve rights! Amirite?
4756   Onvacation   2020 Feb 3, 5:52am  

marcus says

Isn't this the flag of Baltimore?
4757   Onvacation   2020 Feb 3, 5:54am  

marcus says

Russian collusion, Easter bunny, global warming; some day you have to leave these childish beliefs behind.
4758   Onvacation   2020 Feb 3, 5:56am  

marcus says

Nobody's innocent. But Trump is not guilty and the Democrats have utterly failed to prove otherwise.
4759   Onvacation   2020 Feb 3, 5:57am  

marcus says

TDS is real! Seek professional help.
4760   Onvacation   2020 Feb 3, 5:59am  

marcus says

Thank God we are a constitutional republic and not a democracy.

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