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2019 Feb 17, 4:30pm   3,125,302 views  42,100 comments

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5797   Tenpoundbass   2020 May 2, 9:49am  

marcus says

God damn it Marcus for a Teacher you don't know FUCK!

The Republicans, and the NRA made damn sure that the Black Panthers had the right to exercise their second amendment right.
They protested the Racist Democrat towns, not Republicans. It was the Racists Democrats that wanted them on food stamps but not have rights.

Just like today!
5802   Tenpoundbass   2020 May 2, 12:17pm  

marcus says

Sharpton asked Trump if He wanted Sharpton to drum up some more bogus Women assault charges? It was a direct threat that if he doesn't back off, he'll dredge some up.

5804   Tenpoundbass   2020 May 2, 12:34pm  

marcus says
You say the well known assault charges against Trump are bogus

Wait there are well known assault charges? Does William Barr know about this? Someone needs to warn the man!
5805   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 May 2, 12:38pm  

marcus says
You say the well known assault charges against Trump are bogus.

How are they progressing in Court?
5806   Tenpoundbass   2020 May 2, 1:01pm  

marcus says
Some are just claims. Others have been paid off. You tell me ?

Well that's just plain stupid on Joe Biden's part. Pay offs aren't about justice, they are about getting a legally binding Nondisclosure Agreement Signed.

As Real Victims aren't interested in signing a contractual agreements of silence, they are interested in Justice.

I would say Biden was guilty as hell and couldn't pay Reid off, hence, there's no agreement made and no NDA legally binding her silence.
5807   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2020 May 2, 2:32pm  

marcus says

Might have merit but for the ignorance of believe all women.
5808   Onvacation   2020 May 2, 3:21pm  

marcus says

Eric grew up, made a fortune in real estate, screwed a punch of supermodels and a few porn-stars, wanted to make America great again, ran for president and won, started a new disease called CDS (Cartman Derangement Syndrome) which is chronic and appears to be terminal.
5809   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2020 May 2, 3:37pm  

marcus says

You know left is desperate for a meme when they recycle right wing louder with crowder material. :)
5810   Onvacation   2020 May 2, 4:03pm  

Fortwaynemobile says
You know left is desperate for a meme when they recycle right wing louder with crowder material. :)

And still get it wrong.
5811   Patrick   2020 May 2, 5:45pm  

marcus says

That's actually how this country was founded.
5812   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2020 May 2, 6:33pm  

marcus says


They already have a name. Garcettivilles. As in named after the Mayor under whose tenure the homeless population tripled in about 7 years.
5813   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2020 May 2, 6:35pm  

Patrick says
marcus says

That's actually how this country was founded.

It’s so important it’s even included in the nations constitution.
5814   richwicks   2020 May 2, 6:47pm  

marcus says

You don't understand that this is about pointing out the hypocrisy of the democratic party and the media. They aren't at all sincere.

If Biden did what Tara Reid claimed, she should have gone to the authorities. There's evidence she did go to the authorities, and they refused to do anything about it.

The problem is we have a two tiered justice system. You can't be OK with that, can you?

Biden is garbage not because of this, but his dealings with putting his cocaine addicted son on the BOD of Burisma. He's obviously corrupt, blatantly corrupt, and notice, our "justice system" ignores it.

There's no principles in federal government, other than power.
5815   richwicks   2020 May 2, 7:29pm  

marcus says
I don't know why US congress peoples kids end up with high level positions in Ukraine energy companies. Could it have anything to do with preventing Putin from swooping in and taking them ?

It's pure corruption. The United States overthrew Ukraines government to prevent the Nordstream II from going through without an American tax on it. This is the true reason the US is in Syria it is to put in a pipeline through the Golan Heights though Syria to Turkey. The United States government doesn't care about human rights.

The people placed on the BOD of these companies are there to control it.

marcus says
For some reason those energy companies want Americans on the boards of those Ukraine energy companies. Is there a reason Americans want them there too, other than pure corruption ?


marcus says
But if you don't see congress going after them for it, my guess is because there is more to it than simple greed.

You're looking at it the wrong way. Money doesn't matter, the Federal Reserve can print as much money as they wish, and they have.

It's control. It's power.

The Federal Reserve can literally create as much money as they wish but if the money isn't used properly it devalues the currency. You have to understand it is a balance of control. Print too much, and they lose power, but print just enough, and it's effective for bribery.
5816   richwicks   2020 May 2, 8:08pm  

marcus says
You think that's what the founding fathers intended ? You can't possibly be that stupid.

The founding fathers intended that if a powerful person broke the law, they would be punished, like any other citizen would be.

Hillary Clinton placed classified materials on a private, unsecured server, that was known to be broken into. The person that set this system up fled the country. Clinton hasn't been arraigned.

Do you think this is what they intended? Hillary Clinton is clearly above the law. We do not have a functioning judicial system.
5820   Patrick   2020 May 3, 12:08am  


WASHINGTON, D.C.—By all accounts, President Donald Trump has now gone completely mad with power. In a press briefing, he laid out his insidious plan.

“When I’m done with this country, everyone will be able to leave their houses whenever they want and do whatever they want,” Trump told the press with an evil grin. “They’ll be able to peaceably assemble in whatever size groups they desire! Muhahaha!”

“You’re a mad man!” a CNN reporter cried. “You don’t have the power to let people have freedom! You’re a tyrant!”

“My power is absolute!” Trump screamed. “No one can stop me! Soon everyone will be able to go back to work and buy whatever they feel like from the store even if bureaucrats don’t like it!”

“Noooo!” cried an MSNBC reporter. “You have to arrest people who don’t do what the government tells them! Who do you think you are? Someone stop him!”

But no one came to stop him, and Trump just laughed an evil laugh.

It is unknown if anything can be done about Trump, but many hope that the Constitution has enough checks and balances to keep one man from giving out freedom by fiat.
5821   CBOEtrader   2020 May 3, 1:58am  

marcus says
But if you don't see congress going after them for it, my guess is because there is more to it than simple greed.

Yes. Biden and Pelosi and Bush and Obama and Mccain and Romney are all part of the corruption class. They have license to steal with a mutually guaranteed destruction protection implied within their class. Therefore they are thick as thieves.

Trump isn't in their secret society.

Its that simple.
5822   HeadSet   2020 May 3, 6:46am  

There is no good reason for it to be about right versus left, other than Trump trying to make it a win.

Hardly. Dems are trying to keep the shutdown going for as long as possible, for a perceived political advantage.

If Trump was a decent human, he would step back, knowing that it actually happens faster without him pushing.

Despite Dems trying to keep the shutdown going, you are working in a way to blame Trump for not opening sooner. You must be seeing which way the wind is blowing, in that it is looking more and more how extending the lockdown is a bad approach.
5823   RC2006   2020 May 3, 6:51am  

marcus says
Right wingers are liars and they are evil.

Good to know.

CBOEtrader says
Yes. Biden and Pelosi and Bush and Obama and Mccain and Romney are all part of the corruption class. They have license to steal with a mutually guaranteed destruction protection implied within their class. Therefore they are thick as thieves.

Trump isn't in their secret society.

Its that simple.

This, and don't forget the Clintons.

This is one of the things I rarely see on the left, the ability to see the flaws on both sides because if they could there would be a massive purge on their side. I think many on here labeled right wingers are really independents that can't stand both sides. These politicians have made all their wealth on the backs of taxpayers abusing their position. You rarely ever hear anyone on the left go against there own side.

Trump is probably one of the most crass presidents we have ever had, but he is the only one to drive the subject on offshoring and immigration two things that have been wiping out the middle class. The fact hasn't been in any major conflicts is just a bonus I don't really see him as a warmonger like those before him. I think he is to old to be doing the job but wtf the only person the left could come up with was Biden, four more year. Left needs to stop blaming the right for their own shitty choices and clean house.
5824   HeadSet   2020 May 3, 7:22am  

only person the left could come up with was Biden

Yes, this is puzzling. It appears that the Dems have an Elite of the Elite, and only those select members are going to get the nod. Unfortunately, the best of that select group seems to be Biden and Clinton. The Repubs seem have an elite as well (i.e. Jeb Busch), but outsider Trump manages to shove them aside anyway. Maybe in 2024, the Dems will have a Bloomberg or Ted who will knock aside the Dem elite.
5825   Y   2020 May 3, 7:29am  

Cappata T, Tee!
Cappata R, Arre!
Cappata I, Eye!
Cappata G, Gee
...y'all git the rest. .
marcus says
Asshole right wing cretins know for certain this ends sooner or later.
marcus says
Since they are self centered assholes,
marcus says
get this, the brain dead cultists
marcus says
Right wingers are liars and they are evil.
5826   Y   2020 May 3, 7:36am  

Obama had some good and some bad ideas, but was semi corrupt at his worst moments.
Romney is a semi political stooge, but semi corrupt at worst.
McCains corruption was minimalist, but was the most honest among them whether you agreed with him or not.
The rest of the lot you can feed to the pigs. .

RC2006 says
CBOEtrader says
Yes. Biden and Pelosi and Bush and Obama and Mccain and Romney are all part of the corruption class. They have license to steal with a mutually guaranteed destruction protection implied within their class. Therefore they are thick as thieves.
5829   Onvacation   2020 May 3, 8:41am  

marcus says
Meanwhile you defend great one for trying to bride the President of Ukraine

What two consenting adults do is not my business. Is same sex marriage allowed in Ukraine?
5830   Onvacation   2020 May 3, 8:42am  

marcus says
investigation of Biden.

Lock him up!
5831   Onvacation   2020 May 3, 8:48am  

marcus says
Such total BS as was Benghazi. It was a republican congress that under funded security for Benghazi.

"We came, we saw, he died". Hillary Clinton upon Gaddafi getting brutally murdered and the Libyan slave markets reopening.
5832   Onvacation   2020 May 3, 8:50am  

Those who forget their history are condemned to repeat it.
5833   Onvacation   2020 May 3, 8:52am  

marcus says
Asshole right wing cretins know for certain this ends sooner or later. All all centrist and liberal pragmatists hope that it's as soon as is reasonable.

One symptom of TDS is an irrational hatred for anything Trump does.
5834   Onvacation   2020 May 3, 8:54am  

marcus says
I still hope for sane centrist voices to speak up, and make this about reasoned debate and science rather than politics.

Me too.

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