Standard Freemason police stooge. He was also designated as the coroner, so they could cover up the DEW blast damaged corpses. They had the portable crematoriums in Lahaina, another signatory of cover up.
Of course, he was also the police chief in Las Vegas where Trump saved the life of the Saudi Prince during the patsy false flag concert shootings. He was supposed to steer the prince into the lines of fire through the police department comms, like the Secret Service steered JFK into the lines of fire.
Not just that many have phony investigations a millimeter thick, the information is subject to internet scrubbing after the fact to guarantee the disinformation. Most of the information from Trump's PA assassination attempt came out in the first 12-24 hours and then was disappeared.
Maybe the autopen is mightier than the sword in vanquishing the Biden Actor. They have him between a rock in a hard place. They can't admit Biden Actor was always an imposter, so they have to allow that the autopen documents are invalid since they aren't from a 'real' Joe Biden. One fraud admitted to cover up the bigger fraud.
She'll be back sooner when she realizes that nobody gives a shit that she's gone and being an obnoxious, insane proselytizer from Ireland isn't the same. Maybe she'll get arrested for 'harmful tweets' on social media in her Great Socialist Paradise of Globalist Cuckdom.
Are avatars simply too valuable for all sides to use to expose them creating an odd detente honoring the fakes, or will there eventually be a reveal of the name stealing scams? It would seem some simple tests routinely used to segregate the imposters would work, but that's too easy.
Biden had to be provably 'present' and consenting during any use of an autopen or what is signed is invalid and unconstitutional. Obviously, the fake actors playing Biden can't forge worth shit, and it has already been shown that the Biden Actor signatures did not match the real Biden's signatures. It's a double bind when you have an imposter who wasn't even present when the autopen was used for the signatures on important documents. They were all 'signed' by the CIA.
First thing my wife said when she saw this was that 'Michelle' was a fake. The voice is also weird. It puts light the idea that Michelle might have been deep sixed and now replaced with avatars. Look at the narrow shoulders. Guess the original and Obama couldn't settle it like men.
Here's a nice synopsis of the US Corp stuff from 1871 after the Civil War, and why we have to have a 'new' 'Declaration of Independence' and the Republic coming back since being dormant since 1860 or so.
Are they going to go with 'cognitive decline' instead of 'the guy was an actor playing senile while the CIA and the SES ran amok with the government'? They still protect the avatar/body double/imposter theme. Maybe it's like getting Al Capone on tax evasion instead of his real crimes.
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