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2019 Feb 17, 4:30pm   3,237,924 views  44,200 comments

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20539   richwicks   2023 Jan 9, 12:30pm  

Ceffer says

Disinformation lesson. DARPA funded flat earth movement is counter-intelligence of this sort:

And that's Alex Jones in a nutshell.
20541   Tenpoundbass   2023 Jan 9, 12:39pm  

Anyone with low IQ could tell what was going on there. I cut flat earthers no slack, I call them out for what they are.

Oh and the Giants and Flood canard as well. The Flood is the claim that all of the sediment around the world, over the layers of ruins of past civilizations, is from a great flood.
Those idiots are as misinformed as the morons that claims Global Warming as a blanket statement without putting together the event that tied into Global Warming.

I believe most of the over burden is from cosmic dust that peppers Earth every second of every day. Hundreds of years you get several feet, thousands of years you get 10's or even hundreds of feet. The mass extinction and die offs, they claim is Icy Earth, and Fireball Earth, I believe is bullshit as well. I believe Earth will trot along unscathed if a Manhattan sized chuck of space rock slammed into Earth. perhaps life within a 70 mile radius might not fare so well. But no it doesn't create a fireball that consumes the whole Earth. How that happens is every 100 million years or so, Earth's position in our Galaxy sends us right through all of that dust and debris that we call the Milky Way.
It boggles my mind that mainstream Science hasn't caught up yet, and realize it as the prime suspect that it really is.
A huge dust and debris cloud from space would be able to evenly blanket Earth with a THICK layer of sediment, a volcano or meteor strike not so much.
A cosmic dust cloud could block out the sun and destroy much of life, a volcano not so much.
20542   charlie303   2023 Jan 9, 12:56pm  

Ceffer says

Disinformation lesson. DARPA funded flat earth movement is counter-intelligence of this sort:

We in the know call them ‘Infiltrative Disruptors’.
Spread 1 bad apple amongst the good and hope that will taint all the apples.
20544   richwicks   2023 Jan 9, 1:08pm  

Tenpoundbass says

I believe Earth will trot along unscathed if a Manhattan sized chuck of space rock slammed into Earth

NOPE, just consider the energy involved in such a collision.

Bad enough when we have a massive volcanic eruption, but something the size of Manhattan striking the Earth - IF humanity survived, modernity wouldn't.
20545   Tenpoundbass   2023 Jan 9, 2:32pm  

richwicks says

NOPE, just consider the energy involved in such a collision.

Consider the energy lost long before it even hits our planet. Even before it enters our atmosphere. the sun and what ever large planets is passes by before it gets to us, will have slowed it down. If impacts were as much of an upheaval as they claim, then the moon would only have one or two craters, the rest would have been covered up and buried by the debris from last two impacts.
I think a large object like that would enter right through Earth's atmosphere with only the outer leading edge having any molten rock from any friction. It would still be a deep frozen chunk of rock. I don't think It would create the huge fireball that Discovery channel special effects would have us believe. Could be just a chunk of basalt rock, breaks apart on impact scatters around for a hundreds of miles. Big huge boulders sticking up out of a field. Leaving us wondering how did a huge bolder like that get out in the middle of a field hundreds of miles from any rock outcrops or mountains. Oh of course Old Man Winter did it, the ice age pushed every rock we don't know how it got there, to where it is today.

I think space gives Earth much more than we realize. We're still under construction, Water and building materials are always falling from the sky. Sometimes by the bucket load, sometimes the whole damn ship.
20546   Tenpoundbass   2023 Jan 9, 2:42pm  

I've been to many rock quarries and I have seen large chunks of rock fall from high up and land on other rocks below. Never have I seen a fire ball, like Discovery would have us believe.
Smash, Boom and dust is all you get. Along with what ever broke away and got tossed into the air.
Since earth is round and not flat, I don't believe that would make an Earth incumbering dust cloud that would block out the sun and case another ice age. I just don't see it.
The damage and debris field would be on the radial face of the sphere. And there's thousands of other radial faces on our planet. Not without going in orbit and reentering on another plane.
20547   Ceffer   2023 Jan 9, 3:40pm  

20548   Ceffer   2023 Jan 9, 3:41pm  

20549   Tenpoundbass   2023 Jan 9, 4:09pm  

Ceffer says

I disliked that, that's a Communist trope. Note the commie fist!
20550   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2023 Jan 9, 6:06pm  

Tenpoundbass says

Ceffer says

I disliked that, that's a Communist trope. Note the commie fist!

he isn’t wrong though. killing profitable = more killing… plenty of people there to take advantage of others, or to sell them what will kill em.
20551   Ceffer   2023 Jan 9, 6:31pm  

20552   richwicks   2023 Jan 9, 8:44pm  

Tenpoundbass says

Consider the energy lost long before it even hits our planet. Even before it enters our atmosphere. the sun and what ever large planets is passes by before it gets to us, will have slowed it down. If impacts were as much of an upheaval as they claim, then the moon would only have one or two craters, the rest would have been covered up and buried by the debris from last two impacts.

The thing is, we can tell by the other planets that large impacts are pretty rare, but they do happen. Mars is all fucked up because of a likely impact, but it's ancient - this is thought to have cast out Mars' atmosphere into space, and then its water all boiled off. It strongly appears that something hit Earth 65 million years ago and it ALSO f'ed up our atmosphere.

An impact the of something as big as Manhatten probably is unprecedented in our planet's history, and I really don't know if there's been any bodies identified that are that big.
20553   richwicks   2023 Jan 9, 8:47pm  

Tenpoundbass says

I've been to many rock quarries and I have seen large chunks of rock fall from high up and land on other rocks below. Never have I seen a fire ball, like Discovery would have us believe.

Every time you see a falling star, you're seeing something falling into the atmosphere that is travelling beyond the speed of sound. A rock STARTING in the atmosphere won't get beyond the speed of sound.

If you move something at the speed of sound, air causes friction, it doesn't cool off the object, and BEHIND the object is a near total vacuum. That's what makes the sonic boom of an airplane, that's the air collapsing behind the plane.
20557   charlie303   2023 Jan 9, 9:31pm  

Coming to a country near you soon!

20559   Tenpoundbass   2023 Jan 9, 11:34pm  

FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden says

he isn’t wrong though. killing profitable = more killing… plenty of people there to take advantage of others, or to sell them what will kill em.

That has less to do with profits and more to do with bad policy. Killing happens under any system, that gets hijacked by egomaniacal maniacs.
20560   charlie303   2023 Jan 10, 2:53am  

Ceffer says

Disinformation lesson. DARPA funded flat earth movement is counter-intelligence of this sort:

So is the QAnon patriot truther movement a counter intelligence psy-op?

It’s followers believe many stories on the back channels and, like a cult or religion, believe in the second coming of his Orangeness, martial law, secret tribunals, deep underground military bases, Hollywood pedo Satanic cults, etc.
Some of what they post is curious, like the many masks of Biden but almost all of it is non-verifiable information and therefore non-actionable.
And why is Trump still pushing vaccines? Isn’t that at odds with the QAnon counter narrative?
Ahh! they claim. We are in a war and it will take time. Yet nothing happens.
Is it a false misdirection psy-op?

Whatever the truth, if they are real, I feel they have left it way too long now for me to ever consider them effective.
20561   Tenpoundbass   2023 Jan 10, 9:17am  

richwicks says

The thing is, we can tell by the other planets that large impacts are pretty rare, but they do happen. Mars is all fucked up because of a likely impact, but it's ancient - this is thought to have cast out Mars' atmosphere into space, and then its water all boiled off. It strongly appears that something hit Earth 65 million years ago and it ALSO f'ed up our atmosphere.

As our planet travels through our Galaxy, and we enter the bad neighborhood of rogue bodies, and our orbital plane intersects the orbital planes of other stars. That's where things get messy and dicey. As our planets are tugged out of orbit, and collide with other bodies, or travel through their asteroid belt, that's when our Galaxy gets a face lift and a make over. That's how new moons are added or subtracted to our larger planets, that when the Earth is moved closer or further away from the sun to either create Ice Earth or Fireball Earth. Mars and Earth could have swapped places during one of these events. Our moon likely came from one of these events, and not some random rock from the Asteroid belt or the Kuyper belt crashing into us, that makes no sense at all.
Pluto might be a remnant from another Solar System, left behind when our paths intersected, or a moon pulled away from one of our planets. Perhaps Mars once had a moon.

I love having these discussions with Patnetters, they scoff and act like I'm nuts. But almost every time, a paper gets published a week or two or months later stating my exact theories.

Truth is none of what I'm saying can be taken away as exactly what happened, and can be the exact truth. But 90% of what Science claims about the Universe and Cosmos are no more grounded in fact and proof, than what I'm saying. We humans have been looking up at the starts wondering how in the hell did all of that shit get up there, and over the thousands of years. Some how we went with just one of those theories. Such is our academic system and science, it has been hijacked by feels a vote on who likes the guy with the biggest grant the most.

I'm just amazed that up until I started talking about the Galaxy being like a Hurricane with weak side and violent side, that our solar system rides through in millions of years cycles. How none of that factors onto the shaping of our planet, solar system, and galaxy. Before when they talked about violent bombardments, they described events coming from our Solar systems debris field. Now in recent past few years they are starting to talk about it. I think thanks to me.
You're welcome!

It amazes me that Discovery Channel Scientist believe that every major event on earth is caused by Sun Solar cycles. I guess because fear sells, you got an unpredictable star right there that any minute could go postal on the solar system and wipe out most species on Earth. It sounds more urgent, than suggesting that we have to wait 10 or 100 million years for our next upheaval.
20562   Tenpoundbass   2023 Jan 10, 9:22am  

richwicks says

Every time you see a falling star, you're seeing something falling into the atmosphere that is travelling beyond the speed of sound. A rock STARTING in the atmosphere won't get beyond the speed of sound.

Glad you mentioned that. Shooting stars zip by 100s times faster than a meteor locked into our orbit headed our way. gravitational pull degrades the inertia of those traveling rocks.
20563   Tenpoundbass   2023 Jan 10, 9:50am  

Lead is soft, very soft, and travels three times faster than the speed of sound. Why don't they create a nuclear explosion every time they hit a solid object at full force. They deform but for the most part if you can find the slug, they are intact.
Space shuttle can enter earths orbit because of a 3 inch thick insulation plate. The Earth's atmosphere takes less than 15 second to enter. That's simply not enough time to turn a huge body molten before impact. Smaller meteors yes, because there's not as much mass to super heat and turn to a ball of magma. And even then there's plenty of photos out there of people having meteors fall through their roofs, that are smaller than a grape fruit. A picture taken just seconds later show it's not glowing super hot. These events never cause a house fire. When has a house ever burned down because it got struck by a meteor?

I think Discovery Channel has put to much bullshit fear hype into the physics. And models are based on a few hand picked cherry picked parameters. I've seen guys on Youtube doing a model simulation of various size objects slamming into Earth. They never start out with an event, direction or course and factor in all of the tugs and pushes it might have had during that journey, or they might have found it would be impossible to slam objects into Earth at the speeds
they try. Anton once showed what it would be like to slam a grain of sand into Earth at the speed of light. Shit like that, starts out as a mental exercise out of curiosity, but gets adopted as science, and nobody questions it.
20569   Eric Holder   2023 Jan 10, 6:48pm  

Ceffer says

Funded by China, huh? That explains his waffling and foot-dragging when it comes to providing types and quantities of weapons necessary to kicking Chyna's unlimited partner - the CCCP - back into its legal borders...
20570   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2023 Jan 10, 7:05pm  

Tenpoundbass says

FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden says

he isn’t wrong though. killing profitable = more killing… plenty of people there to take advantage of others, or to sell them what will kill em.

That has less to do with profits and more to do with bad policy. Killing happens under any system, that gets hijacked by egomaniacal maniacs.

i just think all policy is driven by selfish motivation. if murder is orofit, theyll scale business to kill more. just like planned parenthood, etc…
20571   Patrick   2023 Jan 10, 7:33pm  

FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden says


@FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden Do you mean profitable?
20575   charlie303   2023 Jan 10, 9:50pm  

Always worth repeating to those who still believe in the narrative.

20576   Ceffer   2023 Jan 10, 11:47pm  

For thee, useless eaters, but not for me:


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