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Do you want deflation? A deflationary spiral is the surest way into a depression, and the Fed's actions in the mid-late 2000's did not lead to hyperinflation as everyone here was predicting.
Fiat central bank systems can only do one thing, print money. Inflation, and eventually hyperinflation, followed by replacing the currency and starting all over again. It will continue this year, same as it has every year since 1913. I think what you're really wondering is will there be another collapse this year, the answer is yes. Since 1913 we have had a major financial collapse in this country every single decade.
Deflation began, real estate dropped, but emergency measures that were unthinkable were taken to perform bailouts. Helicopter Ben to the rescue.
We are in the same position again, yes? Real estate prices are beginning the drop. QT has stopped. Jobs are getting cut. There is uncertainty everywhere.
Will we have deflation this time or more financial trickery?