US patent system used to oppress world.

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2020 Mar 4, 2:02pm   4,585 views  68 comments

by indc   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  


People here keep talking about western superior technology and IP being stolen. Here you can see how the patent system is biased towards western nations.

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34   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Mar 5, 10:38am  

indc says

Did you see the riots in Delhi when trump was visiting India?

Yes, Pakistani Muslims were rioting because India decided that religious MINORITIES deserve assistance, not the MAJORITY in Pakistan or Bangladesh. This is the #CAA.

They're rioting in Greece, although the law of refugees states the first safe country - which is Turkey or Lebanon if you're from Syria - is where refugees must stop. Yet nobody is criticizing Turkey for expelling them against international law, only Greece for not letting all of them in. And, of course, the Media is as biased in the West as it is in India, full of secularist socialists, staging crying women when the vast majority are angry young single males. In India, they are not showing the violence of the Muslims, only criticizing people defending themselves.

Then there's Kashmir. Indian nationals have the right to live anywhere in India, just like people in all countries have the right to move to any part of the country they like. Jihad, Hitman, Taqiyya, and Hijrah (Migration Jihad) are all tactics of Islamic Supremacy.

Indians don't need Kashmiri politician's approval to live where they want.
35   WookieMan   2020 Mar 5, 10:39am  

indc says
American organizations and Bills passed by Congress that are hurting India internationally.

Pass bills in India that hurt Americans then. Not complicated. Stop complaining and do something about it to hit back. Otherwise this just comes across as whining and it's why Americans and the West generally win.
36   Rin   2020 Mar 5, 10:40am  

indc says
Why is an american organization talking about religious freedom in India.

Hello, it's called an opinion piece. Excerpt: “should consider sanctions against”

Does not mean that the US will put sanctions on India. Because really, aside from liberals, most Americans don't care about Muslims gaining citizenship in India.

And two, where is your glorious Silicon Valley, after billions of USDs were poured into Banglalore between the 90s and 00s? My Indian-American friend, recently kicked Wipro out of his firm because they didn't know how to conduct business and ran everything like a body shop instead of value added services.

20 years, billions of dollars, and India's tech edge vaporized within the first few years of the 2010s.
37   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Mar 5, 10:42am  

WookieMan says
Pass bills in India that hurt Americans then. Not complicated. Stop complaining and do something about it to hit back. Otherwise this just comes across as whining and it's why Americans and the West generally win.

The Ironic thing is that since the Socialist Congress has lost most of their old powers, India's exports, GDP, etc. has exploded. Yet all the secularists and socialists do is complain about trade. It is simply distraction from their historic failures to move India forward.

Modi and Trump are being tough with each other on yet more trade, but that is what leaders should be doing for their country.

Socialists and Secularists think that the US should not only give away Patents, but also allow one-way only trade with Indian Exports, but no American imports. "But you're rich! Therefore Oppressive!" Loser mentality.
38   indc   2020 Mar 5, 10:53am  

WookieMan says
indc says
American organizations and Bills passed by Congress that are hurting India internationally.

Pass bills in India that hurt Americans then. Not complicated. Stop complaining and do something about it to hit back. Otherwise this just comes across as whining and it's why Americans and the West generally win.

Is that what you tell your kids who get bullied?
39   WookieMan   2020 Mar 5, 10:55am  

indc says
Is that what you tell your kids who get bullied?

My kids don't get bullied, but thanks for bringing them into this.

They stand up for themselves which is what India should do if it feels like it's being wronged. Simple as that.
40   Bd6r   2020 Mar 5, 10:59am  

indc says

Is that what you tell your kids who get bullied?

yes, kick bullies in nuts and they will not bully you any more
that simple. Or you can go around and cry that you are oppressed, that the whole world is conspiring against you, or that because you were the dominant civilization 3000 yrs ago, you should get credit and respect for it while living in squalor today
41   indc   2020 Mar 5, 11:01am  

Rin says
indc says
Why is an american organization talking about religious freedom in India.

Hello, it's called an opinion piece. Excerpt: “should consider sanctions against”

Does not mean that the US will put sanctions on India. Because really, aside from liberals, most Americans don't care about Muslims gaining citizenship in India.

And two, where is your glorious Silicon Valley, after billions of USDs were poured into Banglalore between the 90s and 00s? My Indian-American friend, recently kicked Wipro out of his firm because they didn't know how to conduct business and ran everything like a body shop instead of value added services.

20 years, billions of dollars, and India's tech edge vaporized within the first few years of the 2010s.

It is an opinion piece because it does not affect you. But 20% population of India reads these reports and believe they are wronged and work against the country. The same organization even blocked modi from getting US Visa.
42   indc   2020 Mar 5, 11:11am  

rd6B says
indc says

Is that what you tell your kids who get bullied?

yes, kick bullies in nuts and they will not bully you any more
that simple. Or you can go around and cry that you are oppressed, that the whole world is conspiring against you, or that because you were the dominant civilization 3000 yrs ago, you should get credit and respect for it while living in squalor today

No worries dude give India some more time and it will be strong enough to stand up to bullies. Where did you get the statistic of dominant 3000yrs ago? it was dominant 1000yrs ago also. No one is crying here for being oppressed I am just asking them to leave India alone. You said I should stop complaining the whole world is conspiring against India. Show one good news printed about India in any international news paper.
43   RC2006   2020 Mar 5, 11:52am  

indc says
Show one good news printed about India in any international news paper.

India build a 110mil shitters in 5 years, progress.

At least they hit the moon, have to start somewhere.

More progress, Will the world's 'first male birth control shot' work?

44   WookieMan   2020 Mar 5, 12:22pm  

indc says
Show one good news printed about India in any international news paper.

There lies your issue. Who cares what the international community thinks of India? Kick ass and take names I think is the point of most here. The past is the past. Who cares if it was 100 years ago or 3,000 years ago. You've basically admitted that India is no longer dominant. Fix that. Users on Patnet aren't doing it for you.... lol.

OccasionalCortex says
You guys are just feeding another Bharat Troll, you know that right?

Everyone's gotta eat, right? I will say the India/China relationship with the USA is intriguing right now with Corona. India has potential to benefit from this. We'll see if they fuck it up.
45   RWSGFY   2020 Mar 5, 12:27pm  

WookieMan says
I will say the India/China relationship with the USA is intriguing right now with Corona. India has potential to benefit from this.

Even before Corona India had a chance to benefit from Trump's turn away from China.
46   indc   2020 Mar 5, 12:51pm  

WookieMan says
indc says
Show one good news printed about India in any international news paper.

There lies your issue. Who cares what the international community thinks of India? Kick ass and take names I think is the point of most here. The past is the past. Who cares if it was 100 years ago or 3,000 years ago. You've basically admitted that India is no longer dominant. Fix that. Users on Patnet aren't doing it for you.... lol.

OccasionalCortex says
You guys are just feeding another Bharat Troll, you know that right?

Everyone's gotta eat, right? I will say the India/China relationship with the USA is intriguing right now with Corona. India has potential to benefit from this. We'll see if they fuck it up.

I didn't bring up the past you did. Like Rin said its been only 30 years since India got true independence with lot of baggage. I know none of the dumb-asses here can change what american politicians do. But hoping that some atleast will ask their representatives to stop fingering other countries.

Just because someone gives you facts that you dont like doesnot make them trolls. How are you feeding me? Or is that a only when white man gives alms brown men can survive comment?
47   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Mar 5, 4:26pm  

indc says
I didn't bring up the past you did. Like Rin said its been only 30 years since India got true independence with lot of baggage. I know none of the dumb-asses here can change what american politicians do. But hoping that some atleast will ask their representatives to stop fingering other countries.

In return we'll get huge access to India for US Exports and Unlimited US access to Indian land and businesses, right? Because Indian people and companies can buy almost whatever they want (except maybe a Missile Company) in the USA, it's only equal treatment in return, yes?

There is no US guilt for anything that happened in India in All World History, so we don't owe India any reparations.
48   Ceffer   2020 Mar 5, 4:49pm  

Generating another fake news disgruntled victimization to sucker punch subscribers? It's the way of the self immolating Libby Land.
49   Shaman   2020 Mar 5, 6:37pm  

indc says
it was dominant 1000yrs ago also

India’s caste system worked for the Middle Ages, but it’s hampering progress now. It’s time to upgrade Indian culture to the modern era. Superstitious class rigor isn’t helpful
50   Blue   2020 Mar 6, 12:17am  

Ceffer says
Generating another fake news disgruntled victimization to sucker punch subscribers? It's the way of the self immolating Libby Land.

West media throw lot of stuff without verifying any facts particularly left and libby media. They support Muslim population for all the wrong reasons who are minority and commits 2/3 of violent crimes. Folks in India should learn to ignore western media trash and do not look for their assertion.
51   WookieMan   2020 Mar 6, 6:13am  

indc says
didn't bring up the past you did.

I actually didn't. I was referencing your comment that India was dominant as recently as 1,000 years ago (comment 47). You and others brought up that past.

I frankly don't care about India's past or most other countries for that matter. I'm not an ambassador or trying to personally trade with foreign countries. I stay focused on what I can do for my country and who is running my country first and foremost.

India can't fix anything by blaming the USA or the West which is seemingly what you are doing here and you're insinuating that it's a belief held by many Indians. If this is how you feel....

indc says
But hoping that some atleast will ask their representatives to stop fingering other countries.

You're not going to get much support from anyone with comments like this.....
indc says
I know none of the dumb-asses here can change what american politicians do.

Your issue is with your countries own inept foreign policy and handling of domestic issues. Pointing the finger will do no good.
52   CBOEtrader   2020 Mar 6, 7:17am  

WookieMan says
India can't fix anything by blaming the USA or the West

I suspect indc is a 1st generation american, taught to hate US and racist against white people from his SJW school propaganda.

India happens to be where his parents are from so he chooses that as his SJW battleground.

Just my suspicion.
53   Rin   2020 Mar 6, 9:28am  

OccasionalCortex says
indc says
Like Rin said its been only 30 years since India got true independence with lot of baggage

SquatShitterland got independence in 1947. That's 73 years ago.

Ok, let's say that we agree with Indc's assertion that the 1947 Independence, along with partition, was not a true independence but a handover between Lord Mountbatten to the Nehru clan, along some Islamist Jinnah on the Paki side.

With the above stated, the day zero for modern, post-independence India was 1991, the assassination of Rajiv Gandhi (Indira's son, no relations to Mohandas Gandhi).

All right, since Rajiv's passing, corporate America threw billions of dollars at India, to develop a Silicon Valley where for the most part, ALL software and data processing was suppose to have occurred for much of the US's global customer base. That cycle lasted between the 90s and 10s and finally came to an end when places like Wipro or even Infosys, only threw warm bodies at the issues, instead of developing centers for value added services. After 2010, corporate America seized to treat Bangalore Inc as the final stop for IT services.

So what happened? How is it the the great corporate USA, which tried to cut off work from its own continental citizens and grant it, practically free of charge to an entire subcontinent, wasn't able to pull it off? Was this also Rajiv Gandhi's fault, even after he was dead?

My answer ... India was not post-Meiji Japan.

In other words, when the once-in-a-century opportunity to become a tech empire was given, it didn't rise to the challenge. Instead, they expected work to be sub-compartmentalized and delivered, like making gears for some one else's machine. This is backward, colonial thinking. My Indian-American friend tried repeatedly with Wipro, to get their teams to look at problems and their computerized resolutions. They simply refused. They always went back to billable hours and how to maximize them with the least amount of work delivered. That's not how an information/tech business works. When my friend gave Wipro the boot, he told 'em all this. And while they were stunned, they didn't make any changes when they tried their rebid the following year.

Unfortunately, it's now 2020 and the rest of the world, from Manila to Bulgaria, all want that work. India lost its day in the sun.
54   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Mar 6, 9:54am  

Blue says
West media throw lot of stuff without verifying any facts particularly left and libby media. They support Muslim population for all the wrong reasons who are minority and commits 2/3 of violent crimes. Folks in India should learn to ignore western media trash and do not look for their assertion.

Much of the Indian Media is also Leftist/Congress Bourgeois intellectuals that emphasize Hindu responses, but not the Muslim Violence that tried their patience.
55   indc   2020 Mar 6, 10:45am  

WookieMan says
indc says
didn't bring up the past you did.

I actually didn't. I was referencing your comment that India was dominant as recently as 1,000 years ago (comment 47). You and others brought up that past.

I frankly don't care about India's past or most other countries for that matter. I'm not an ambassador or trying to personally trade with foreign countries. I stay focused on what I can do for my country and who is running my country first and foremost.

India can't fix anything by blaming the USA or the West which is seemingly what you are doing here and you're insinuating that it's a belief held by many Indians. If this is how you feel....

indc says
But hoping that some atleast will ask their representatives to stop fingering other countries.

You're not going to get much support from any...

Did you check comment 45? Instead of giving me counter point if people call my facts BS of-course I will hit back. I am standing up like someone suggested.
56   indc   2020 Mar 6, 10:50am  

CBOEtrader says
WookieMan says
India can't fix anything by blaming the USA or the West

I suspect indc is a 1st generation american, taught to hate US and racist against white people from his SJW school propaganda.

India happens to be where his parents are from so he chooses that as his SJW battleground.

Just my suspicion.

Well your point is correct about me being first gen. But me being SJW is stupid. SJW talk about past and ask for reparations.

I am quoting you what is happening in present and giving you facts. If you dont have to give counter points stop name-calling.
57   indc   2020 Mar 6, 11:50am  

Rin says
OccasionalCortex says
indc says
Like Rin said its been only 30 years since India got true independence with lot of baggage

SquatShitterland got independence in 1947. That's 73 years ago.

Ok, let's say that we agree with Indc's assertion that the 1947 Independence, along with partition, was not a true independence but a handover between Lord Mountbatten to the Nehru clan, along some Islamist Jinnah on the Paki side.

With the above stated, the day zero for modern, post-independence India was 1991, the assassination of Rajiv Gandhi (Indira's son, no relations to Mohandas Gandhi).

All right, since Rajiv's passing, corporate America threw billions of dollars at India, to develop a Silicon Valley where for the most part, ALL software and data processing was suppose to have occurred for much of the ...

I did not say all the problems in India are by USA. Like patrick said most of the problems are because of multi-culturalism. muslims, christians and communists working together to sabotage india. Muslims were rioting now christians joined them in rioting. And USA is not helping either because of its inherent hinduphobia. We can see few comments here which are hinduphobic. Left wing has become more hindu-phobic now. Atleast right-wing doesn't show its hinduphobia as before.
58   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Mar 6, 1:40pm  

indc says
And USA is not helping either because of its inherent hinduphobia. We can see few comments here which are hinduphobic.

Not really, being snarky in return to dopey accusations, yes. Hinduphobic, no.

Left wing has become more hindu-phobic now.

Indian Left wing was always Hinduphobic. Even Mahatma was Hindu (and especially Sikh) Hater; he always sided and apologized with Muslims, why not, his ancestors were courtier asskissers to Muslim Princes.
60   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2020 Mar 6, 1:58pm  

American excellence baby!
61   Rin   2020 Mar 6, 2:35pm  

OccasionalCortex says
Rin says
With the above stated, the day zero for modern, post-independence India was 1991, the assassination of Rajiv Gandhi (Indira's son, no relations to Mohandas Gandhi).

So what? That has nothing to do with independence.

Look, I'm trying to give the OP, Indc, his props for being upset as to how India never truly achieved Independence, transferring power from one Junta, Lord Mountbatten, to another, Jawaharlal Nehru.

With the above stated, after the death of Nehru's grandson, Rajiv Gandhi, in 1991, that story was over!

This doesn't explain away why the billions of dollars spent by corporate America, didn't result in the world's greatest Silicon Valley.

Read my post above on that ...


"All right, since Rajiv's passing, corporate America threw billions of dollars at India, to develop a Silicon Valley where for the most part, ALL software and data processing was suppose to have occurred for much of the US's global customer base. That cycle lasted between the 90s and 10s and finally came to an end when places like Wipro or even Infosys, only threw warm bodies at the issues, instead of developing centers for value added services. After 2010, corporate America seized to treat Bangalore Inc as the final stop for IT services.

So what happened? How is it the the great corporate USA, which tried to cut off work from its own continental citizens and grant it, practically free of charge to an entire subcontinent, wasn't able to pull it off? Was this also Rajiv Gandhi's fault, even after he was dead?

My answer ... India was not post-Meiji Japan.

In other words, when the once-in-a-century opportunity to become a tech empire was given, it didn't rise to the challenge. Instead, they expected work to be sub-compartmentalized and delivered, like making gears for some one else's machine. This is backward, colonial thinking. My Indian-American friend tried repeatedly with Wipro, to get their teams to look at problems and their computerized resolutions. They simply refused. They always went back to billable hours and how to maximize them with the least amount of work delivered. That's not how an information/tech business works. When my friend gave Wipro the boot, he told 'em all this. And while they were stunned, they didn't make any changes when they tried their rebid the following year.

Unfortunately, it's now 2020 and the rest of the world, from Manila to Bulgaria, all want that work. India lost its day in the sun."
62   Shaman   2020 Mar 6, 2:46pm  

indc says
Left wing has become more hindu-phobic now. Atleast right-wing doesn't show its hinduphobia as before.

Why... and I’m being serious here...should ANYONE be afraid of Hindus? I just don’t get how they’re scary. Backwards and isolationist, too many gods and not enough science, but scary? Puhlease!
63   Rin   2020 Mar 6, 4:26pm  

OccasionalCortex says

So WHY the fuck do you waste all the brain cells you just did coming up with ANY cogent reply to his troll, period?

Here's why ... because every non-Islamic majority nation-state, not run by shitheads like the Burmese Junta, should have a chance of joining the modern world.

When the OP realizes that, then he'll stop these rants against the USA, UK, or any other NATO ally trying "to keep his country down", against those Islamists, who want to destroy it.
64   Rin   2020 Mar 6, 4:29pm  

Remember, 500K ethnic Indians were kicked out of Burma, a part of British India, during the '62 uprising.

Again, was this the fault of the British or the west? The OP needs to learn these facts about his own subcontinent.
65   Rin   2020 Mar 6, 4:45pm  

OccasionalCortex says
I am VERY surprised you don't see the trollshit from the trees here, Rin. You're a smart guy.

I also recognize a man, defeated by past hurts and unfulfilled wishes.

Remember the Indian-American, in my post above, who lambasted Wipro, for being a bodyshop. In the end, he was hurt that India never became a Silicon Valley and that his parents' homeland was a joke. Yes, he wanted better but it didn't come to fruition unlike Japan, during the 70s and 80s, or South Korea in the 90s for electronics.
66   CBOEtrader   2020 Mar 6, 4:47pm  

indc says
most of the problems are because of multi-culturalism. muslims, christians and communists working together to sabotage india.

Maybe all the smart indians come here, leaving india a shithole.

67   Rin   2020 Mar 6, 7:30pm  

OccasionalCortex says
Since I had to deal with Wipro's crap and got one of my jobs outsourced to Tata...and I had to TRAIN the fuckers, too...I COULD REALLY GIVE A SHIT.

Ok Indc, did you just read this?

Yes, the United States of America or let's say Corporate United States of America, sent jobs to India in return for nothing.

Yes, the Empire asked for no lands nor military bases in terms for trying to create, a technology empire outside of the continental USA.

How did Bangalore Inc respond? ... by delivering nothing but a body shop.

What other dominate country does this? If anything, the USA was India's greatest modern era benefactor but to no avail. Bangalore Inc was a joke!
68   HeadSet   2020 Mar 7, 8:15am  

Left wing has become more hindu-phobic now

Yes, that must be why the Dems rejected Tulsi Gabbard in their Primary.

In reality, Americans give no more thought to "Hindu" than they do to "Jeti Knight."

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