Why the Left can't meme

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2020 May 3, 7:18pm   8,481 views  97 comments

by MisdemeanorRebel   ➕follow (13)   💰tip   ignore  

Not a bad explanation, but I think it boils down to:

Humorless Prigs have a hard time being funny, and virtue signaling requires a long drawn out explanation of who is oppressed and who isn't that precludes humor

The only pithy leftist "memes" are basically unfunny insults, like OrangeManBad Ugly, or Conservatives are dumb.

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85   richwicks   2020 May 5, 2:47pm  

NoCoupForYou says

Then tell me, because I was talking about the West Bank which they have all but taken over since 1973.


Where is the West Bank? This is the land that Israel controlled in 1947:

And just so we're clear, here's the link to that:


That was UN Resolution 181, what the NEWLY FORMED JUST CREATED state of Israel controlled.

Whenever I discuss fucking Israel I get a shitload of propaganda relentlessly shoved up my asshole. Bunch of twats that either don't know history of just lie about it and I'm dealing with some jerkoff that either has absolutely no idea what they are talking about puking out evangelical bullshit propaganda or some fucking propagandist that knows what they are lying about. It's tiresome.

Yes, let's fucking pretend Israel is shrinking. Yes, let's just fucking lie. Settlements are getting smaller, not expanding.

You do realize that the use of a military to take over Lebensraum is banned by the Geneva Conventions because Nazi Germany did it? Right? I'm descended by Polish Immigrants, the plan, the WRITTEN plan was to first enslave the Polish, then exterminate them, then bring the Germans in.

I find it fucking hilariously ironic that Israel is attempting to do the same fucking thing.
86   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 May 5, 3:01pm  

Did you still miss the Sinai?

Holy shit.

It's a fact, not propaganda, that Israel returned an area larger than itself in return for a peace treaty with just ONE Arab Nation.

This utterly nullifies any claim that Israel is "Continually Expanding".

Only a militant ignorant can continue to insist on an expanding Israel.

The Settlements have actual proof of ownership where Jews were expelled by Jordan during that country's unilateral annexation of the West Bank. The settlements 100x over would not be anywhere near the size of the Sinai alone.

richwicks says
Where is the West Bank? This is the land that Israel controlled in 1947:

This plan was never approved by the Arabs. They rejected ANY area for Jews and immediately attacked.
87   Onvacation   2020 May 5, 3:01pm  

richwicks says

Israel has shrunk. The victors write the history and draw the maps.

88   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 May 5, 3:08pm  

Expanding Israel:

And bus stop rammings and random knife attacks.
89   Patrick   2020 May 5, 9:31pm  

richwicks says
What does your father think of the situation?

My father was Irish, and died in 2008, so it's hard to ask him.
90   mostly_reader   2020 May 6, 1:10am  

richwicks says
mostly_reader says
> richwicks

There are exactly two things that matter most about this conflict:

1) If Arab states lay down their arms, there is no conflict
2) If Israel lays down her arms, there is no Israel

It's as simple as that.

Oh what utter crap.

When is the last time the West Bank attacked Israel? 25 years ago maybe?

Then why do Israeli settlements in the West Bank continue to expand then?

Because Israel is going to exterminate them, slowly, but they will.

And do you know how many times I've seen what you just wrote, repeated, to me, verbatim? You're repeating propaganda to me, not a thought. If you want to talk about this issue, think, don't just repeat propaganda. It's not a land without a people for a people without a land. The entire nation was built on lies and propaganda.
Which of the two points that I stated do you dispute?

Do you claim that if Arab states lay down arms there will still be conflict, and submit settlements in the West Bank as proof?

Then you are either ignorant or intentionally misleading. Are you aware of the events of 1967, and how Jordan lost control of that land? How did that land become "subject to settlements"? Do you know what fedayeen made of it, until Israel got it under control? Do you know what King Hussein did with Palestinians who moved to Jordan, and why? This last point is relevant because it shows: fedayeen wreak havoc in any place where they find home. It later happened in Libya, which is no longer "Middle East Switzerland" and which may regret that they did not have their own King Hussein. When was the last time the West Bank attacked Israel, you ask? Here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palestinian_rocket_attacks_on_Israel#West_Bank It's one google search away, you are welcome. Also, google "terror attacks Jerusalim". "Settlements in West Bank" is as weak of an argument as they get.

Or do you claim that it proves that if Israel lays down her arms she'll be just fine? Then you are delusional, plain and simple.

That statement is both accurate and damning to your point of view. You'd need to try a lot harder than dismiss it by calling a name. So far, you've submitted hissy fit in lieu of arguments.
91   richwicks   2020 May 22, 3:25am  

mostly_reader says
Do you claim that if Arab states lay down arms there will still be conflict, and submit settlements in the West Bank as proof?

I claim that the West Bank HAS laid down its arms 25 years ago, and they will slowly be driven our, or exterminated as a result, possibly a combination of both.

The West Bank is going to be annexed shortly. I give it about 5-10 years. The Palestinians in the West Bank, they are fucked.
92   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 May 22, 7:16am  

richwicks says
I claim that the West Bank HAS laid down its arms 25 years ago, and they will slowly be driven our, or exterminated as a result, possibly a combination of both.

If it's laying down it's arms, why does it continue to pay the families of terrorists who have committed attacks since then with PayToSlay? From it's International Aid Money, no less.

richwicks says
The West Bank is going to be annexed shortly. I give it about 5-10 years. The Palestinians in the West Bank, they are fucked.

Yeah, they'll get without moving what all the Levantine Arabs want to do by claiming Rapefugee status - get into a high HDI country.

The solution is easily resolved - just treat Palestinians like all other Refugees, not the special inherited nobility refugees, where their parents, grandparents, and their children - are all considered Refugees despite having multiple citizenships and properties all over the world. Like Linda Sarsour, who is born in Brooklyn, to parents born in Jordan, and kids born in NYS, who own multiple properties in the US & Abroad - yet all are "Refugees".

All the Palestinians in Jordan, Lebanon (where the PLO caused the Civil War that resulted in the flight of Christians as to lose their plurality), US, UK will be correctly considered non-Refugees, because they aren't.

That being said, West Bank Palestinians should be forced out the next time there is a major world crisis and attention is elsewhere. Jordan is 75% of the Mandate of Palestine, that's their homeland. Gaza should be declared an independent country - and if any Gaza rockets should be launched at Israel, that's an attack by a sovereign state and an Act of War.
93   richwicks   2020 May 22, 12:41pm  

NoCoupForYou says
I claim that the West Bank HAS laid down its arms 25 years ago, and they will slowly be driven our, or exterminated as a result, possibly a combination of both.

If it's laying down it's arms, why does it continue to pay the families of terrorists who have committed attacks since then with PayToSlay? From it's International Aid Money, no less.

I don't know! Why did Trump collude with the Russians? Why did Iranians place limpet mines on oil ships, including a japanese tanker when Shinzo Abe was in Iran visiting to make a trade deal? Why did Assad keep gassing his own people? Why did Qaddafi threaten to cause a humanitarian crisis in Libya? How come Saddam Hussein had a weapons of mass destruction program in Iraq? Why did Ukraine have a revolution? Why did Iraqi soldiers invade Kuwait, to remove babies from incubators, to place them on the floor to die? Why did the Gulf of Tonkin Incident happen?

Gee whiz, I just don't know. Sometimes I suspect that the media might be lying to me, but how crazy and silly would THAT be!?!

Think it's possible you might be repeating propaganda?

NoCoupForYou says
The West Bank is going to be annexed shortly. I give it about 5-10 years. The Palestinians in the West Bank, they are fucked.

Yeah, they'll get without moving what all the Levantine Arabs want to do by claiming Rapefugee status - get into a high HDI country.

The solution is easily resolved - just treat Palestinians like all other Refugees,

They're already not considered human. They NEVER were considered human, not in 1947 and not today, at least by the Zionist supremacists.

As I said, the Palestinians will be wiped out and nobody will stop it, and it will happen slowly. It's on a clear, obvious 70 year trajectory now.
95   AmericanKulak   2021 Nov 28, 7:16am  

FuckCCP89 says

Put out by the Biden DOT, LOL.

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