New theme for this site: "Civil Debate"

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2020 Jun 2, 10:00am   3,573 views  169 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (60)   💰tip   ignore  

I'm very tired of the hate in partisan politics, and want to have productive discussions with people of good will on how we can improve life in the US and around the world.

So no more pictures of Trump as an insane clown or talk of his being raped by Putin. That does not address his policies specifically and helps nothing. It just divides us.

And no more phrases like "liberals". That immediately eliminates the possibility of a liberal wanting to have a polite discussion of his point of view here. Again, it just divides us.

We need unity, not more division. E pluribus unum.

I'm just going to flag posts and comments I find to be stirring up hate and division. Don't worry, you'll know what that means, and the author will be able to click the "edit" button to see just what it was that got the post or comment flagged. It will be clear and fair.

Yes, it's a kind of censorship, but my hope is that it will make this site more useful to people of good will who really want to understand their fellow citizens and improve life. While the MSM routinely censors "offensive" ideas like the Red Pill theory, or our innate differences by sex and race, I'm not going to do that. All ideas are still open for discussion in a civil manner. The tag-line "Freedom to Offend" was not being understood as I intended. It seemed to be generating posts that were deliberately and angrily offensive.

Sorry if it seems like the food-fight is over. Everyone is still very welcome to have their say, just treat others as you would wish to be treated, including other political parties and public figures, and you'll still be able to make any point you want.

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90   richwicks   2020 Jun 2, 4:48pm  

Patrick says
WineHorror1 says
What's with all the "false" add-ons at the end of everyone's comment?

Damn, that's was a bug I just introduced. Should be gone now. Thanks for telling me.

@Patrick - Are you developing on Apache? I can setup a virtual machine for you to develop on, and mirror your site. I have a GB internet speed.

But I would have access to your code - and you probably don't want that.

If it is Apache, I can setup a raspberry pi 4 for you, clone the enabled mods, and just send you an SD card or even the box. It's only $100. Then you have a local place to develop. You can even duplicate the site. 256GB of space should be enough.
91   Patrick   2020 Jun 2, 4:50pm  

NoCoupForYou says
Patrick says
Maybe the main thing should be unifying vs divisive. That may be even more important than civility.

Sorry Pat, that can't happen until at a minimum, we get control back of education from Intersectionals.

K-12 literally teaches that unity is Evil Whiteness and that every non-White group must be encouraged not to assimiliate, but all Whites must endorse (but not culturally appropriate or ignore)

I think it can happen here at least.

Comments about "Evil Whiteness" should be flagged by users, and a moderator should mark them as "divisive", a new category.

It's about as divisive as one can imagine.
92   richwicks   2020 Jun 2, 4:53pm  

WineHorror1 says
Actually, I don't think there should be any moderating or censoring on patrick.net. There are very few places on the internet where a person can say any damn thing they want anonymously. Free speech should be treasured.

I made a suggestion that Patrick mentioned he would follow. It won't really be moderated, it's an opt in moderation basically.

I don't generally like moderation, but sometimes I feel people post just to gunk up the conversation and they are doing it just purposely to destroy the ability to have a conversation.

Moderators do that as well, particularly on Disqus. I used to do screenshots on Disqus when I was "moderated" and post a picture to the person I was attempting to have a conversation. I got a lot of people to realize there really was political censorship on that site doing that because the script banning discussions didn't have OCR. I finally got banned from the entire site, then I blocked disqus from my hosts file. You can't contradict the official government story on Disqus in many cases.
93   Patrick   2020 Jun 2, 4:54pm  

jazz_music says
How does following a cult make you qualified...

That's divisive. It really is. And personal too.

Please don't do that. Debate ends at the very moment you type those divisive personal words.

To fix problems, we have to forget about The People's Front of Judea (the rival party) and concentrate on the Romans (the actual oppressor).

The Romans being global capital, imho.
94   GNL   2020 Jun 2, 4:56pm  

Are there banned words on patrick.net?
95   Patrick   2020 Jun 2, 5:00pm  

richwicks says
A thousand downvotes and one upvote and no explanation of why what was said is wrong, tells me it was right over the mark, and it just blew 1000 minds and they are upset and angry. It tells me one person had the courage to agree despite it being very unpopular.

That's why both counts should be kept.

I like the idea of needing to make a comment to have a downvote, but I'm not sure we need to measure the 1000 minds who downvoted just because they are upset and angry.

It does seem productive to ask people why they disliked a comment. Then maybe there can be some self-reflection by the disliker, who might conclude they don't really have any rational reason. And maybe there can be some good feedback to the author of the comment.

I always found that the negative Amazon reviews were more valuable than the positive ones.
96   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2020 Jun 2, 5:02pm  

No one should be able to simply link and quote an editorial or editorialized(IE Washington post) article and not themselves explain why it’s relevant or the point they are attempting to make.

Nearly all the leftists do this and it comprises most of their postings...Tim, Jazz, and the recurring guy who keeps coming back with different accounts every week. I think Marcus is the only left leaning poster who does not do this.

It’s a ton of work to debunk a false news article, and frankly disheartening for someone like me who has been working full time to see bullshit that poster takes five seconds to put up but takes substantial amounts of time to correctly disprove.

It’s why so many of my posts are one line or two and super dismissive...all I have time to do is refute one or two points and it has to be something I already know.
97   Patrick   2020 Jun 2, 5:04pm  

richwicks says
You're projecting a lot of venom on people. The main reason I like Trump, for example, is he's not started a new war. I'm not hard to please, but the last time we had a president that didn't start a new war in his first term was Jimmy Carter. I was 9 when he left office. I get tired of people calling me a "fanatic" or something similar just because I'm overjoyed about not starting up another war to steal shit in my name, with my tax money. Tired of this murderous government keeping us in endless wars.


Trump absolutely has that claim to be a good president: not starting wars.

That doesn't make people who object to war into "Trump cultists".
98   Patrick   2020 Jun 2, 5:07pm  

WineHorror1 says
I vote to moderate VERY CAREFULLY.

Have a line that people can't cross (I suggest to block anyone who consistently denigrates the Constitution and/or the Bill of Rights), give X number of warnings and then block their IP address.

If you can use "view source" in a browser, you can see what comments are being blocked now.

Hopefully that will reassure you that no one is being blocked for having an opinion, only for being deliberately divisive, weakening all of us so that we cannot unify against the powers that exploit us.
99   Patrick   2020 Jun 2, 5:09pm  

richwicks says
BTW - we lost 4th amendment rights with the Patriot Act. That's gone.

We should fight to get it back. The game is never over! They will keep taking away rights until people resist one way or another.

And as soon as we slack off, they will start taking away rights again.

The current situation is terrible, but it's not hopeless.
100   Patrick   2020 Jun 2, 5:11pm  

richwicks says
I'd just like to be able to ignore entire topics of discussion.

So are you saying that you want ignore for individual threads? That could be done. But ignore for entire topics is harder. How would I define a topic programmatically?

I could pretty easily make something that ignores threads with certain keywords in them.
101   richwicks   2020 Jun 2, 5:12pm  

jazz_music says
Patrick says
That's divisive. It really is. And personal too.

That comment was to the commenter above that starts right in with “TDS” since the accuser is actually the afflicted.

You wouldn’t overlook that would you?

You often don't quote people so it's difficult to ascertain to whom you are responding to.

I just followed the thread up clicking the "soinso says" part, and ended up with your post - it wasn't even clear to me you were responding to somebody. I thought you were just randomly ranting.

@Patrick - maybe (just as a suggestion), a "reply to" button that is like quote - but it just references who you are replying to, would be nice. I'm sure you have enough work to do though. Let me know if you want a development box. If you're not using any commercial packages, I should be able to give you a near complete system.
102   Patrick   2020 Jun 2, 5:18pm  

richwicks says
Patrick says
WineHorror1 says
What's with all the "false" add-ons at the end of everyone's comment?

Damn, that's was a bug I just introduced. Should be gone now. Thanks for telling me.

Patrick - Are you developing on Apache? I can setup a virtual machine for you to develop on, and mirror your site. I have a GB internet speed.

But I would have access to your code - and you probably don't want that.

If it is Apache, I can setup a raspberry pi 4 for you, clone the enabled mods, and just send you an SD card or even the box. It's only $100. Then you have a local place to develop. You can even duplicate the site. 256GB of space should be enough.

I'm on nginx and node on a Digital Ocean virtual server.

I develop locally on my laptop on node, and just rsync. It works pretty well.

I'm grateful for the offer, but doing ok with laptop to server development. The source code is at https://github.com/killelea/node.patrick.net It's not all that well done and you might run into problems trying to set it up.
103   richwicks   2020 Jun 2, 5:22pm  

Patrick says
The source code is at

You sure you want to leave it open for, well, theft?

Remember, that's how Fuckerberg made his money, stealing code.
104   marcus   2020 Jun 2, 5:22pm  

Patrick says
- There is a new kind of flag called "divisive"

I don't like that. Patrick, Patrck, Patrick. I don't know why I even try to give the awesome suggestions I do.

Your doing that divisive feature becasue you're upset about "Trump Cultist" supposedly being divisive. Not realizing that Trump being President was the most politically divisive thing I've seen in my life. Using the term "Trump cult" is more than anything commenting on how divisive Trump is, something you knowingly chose to support.

It's a mistake. Divisive is in the eyes of the beholder.

Can I flag any comment where you advocate massive deportation of millions of illegal immigrants as divisive ?

What if someone is for strong strong gun control. Isn't that divisive ?
105   rdm   2020 Jun 2, 5:24pm  

Patrick says
How does following a cult make you qualified...

That's divisive. It really is

So I suppose a certain thread that has been around for months, titled only the left is violent is not divisive? Seems to me that the whole idea of the change is to allow the moderators more power to censor the left leaning/anti Trumpists all in the name of civility. Because aren't all the moderators right leaning? My guess is this site which is already 80% right will become the right wing echo chamber that is reflected on multiple threads. But it will be civil and un-divisive because everyone on the right generally agrees with each other as to the main issues. And those on the left will follow those that have already departed. Oh yes there will be a bit of pecking around the edges but mostly mutual oral genital stimulation will prevail. Kumbaya. But prove me wrong.
106   GNL   2020 Jun 2, 5:25pm  

Patrick says
richwicks says
BTW - we lost 4th amendment rights with the Patriot Act. That's gone.

We should fight to get it back. The game is never over! They will keep taking away rights until people resist one way or another.

And as soon as we slack off, they will start taking away rights again.

The current situation is terrible, but it's not hopeless.

I pray you are correct.
107   marcus   2020 Jun 2, 5:26pm  

Patrick says
Still going to work on jazz's idea of extracting links from posts.

He had the idea too. Cool.
108   GNL   2020 Jun 2, 5:29pm  

marcus says
Patrick says
- There is a new kind of flag called "divisive"

I don't like that. Patrick, Patrck, Patrick. I don't know why I even try to give the awesome suggestions I do.

Your doing that divisive feature becasue your upset about Trump Cultist supposedly being divisive.

Divisive is in the eyes of the beholder.

Can I flag any comment where you advocate massive deportation of millions of illegal immigrants as divisive ?

What if someone is for strong strong gun control. Isn't that divisive ?

This is why I suggested any anti Constitution or anti Bill of Rights talk should be banned. This is America, how can pro guns be divisive? How can deporting illegal criminals be divisive? Come on man.
109   marcus   2020 Jun 2, 5:31pm  

Still the funniest
110   Onvacation   2020 Jun 2, 5:35pm  

Patrick says
Onvacation says
Does this mean I cannot mock anyone for spelling and factual errors?

Right, don't mock them. There's no point other than to be cruel.

It's OK to correct them, in fact it's a good deed if you're nice enough about it.

What if I'm the only one who knows I am mocking them?
111   Patrick   2020 Jun 2, 5:37pm  

richwicks says
Patrick says
The source code is at

You sure you want to leave it open for, well, theft?

Remember, that's how Fuckerberg made his money, stealing code.

You're right. Deleted.
112   Patrick   2020 Jun 2, 5:38pm  

rdm says
But prove me wrong.

I do hope to prove you wrong @rdm
113   Patrick   2020 Jun 2, 5:40pm  

APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostakovitch says
But you told me I was OBLIGATED! TO! OFFEND!

I took lessons and everything!

@APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostakovitch we all love you, we really do, but you get the idea.

Let's work together against our owners instead of being divided against each other.

I know you don't like Trump and that's fine. But it would be nice to talk about concrete reasons and things we can do to improve our situation.
114   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2020 Jun 2, 5:41pm  

APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostakovitch says
But you told me I was OBLIGATED! TO! OFFEND!

I took lessons and everything!

115   richwicks   2020 Jun 2, 5:41pm  

Patrick says
richwicks says
Patrick says
The source code is at

You sure you want to leave it open for, well, theft?

Remember, that's how Fuckerberg made his money, stealing code.

You're right. Deleted.

You can just make it private!

You don't want to lose your history.

Shit, I should have copied it. If you're willing, I'll take a copy to develop it. I have a couple of good ideas that are patentable, but not really suitable for this site. If you're willing to allow me have a copy I'll partner with anything I produce.
116   Patrick   2020 Jun 2, 5:45pm  

marcus says
It's a mistake. Divisive is in the eyes of the beholder.

Well, we disagree there too. Maybe some divisive examples will help:

- All Trumpists are retarded and I hate them!
- Only the left is violent (that's me, and I regret it in some ways, but still believe it's pretty much true, especially after these riots)
- Trump sucks donkey dick!

Not divisive:

- Why does anyone support Trump? I don't understand it.
- The majority of political violence seems to emanate from the left lately.
- I don't think Trump is a good president because he is protecting Saudia Arabia, the source of the 9/11 attack.

A modicum of sympathy for the commenter goes a long way too.

We really are all on the same team, team proletariat, but don't see it clearly. Well, maybe someone on here has direct influence over lawmakers via lobbying cash, but it doesn't seem likely.
117   richwicks   2020 Jun 2, 5:47pm  

rdm says
My guess is this site which is already 80% right will become the right wing echo chamber that is reflected on multiple threads. But it will be civil and un-divisive because everyone on the right generally agrees with each other as to the main issues

What are the issues?

When I attempt to engage with somebody on "the left", they seem so steer well clear of what I consider issues. Here's a couple of issues I am concerned with.

1) War - what is our missing in Afghanistan? How about Syria? Yemen? WTF are we are war?
2) misinformation or propaganda in the "mainstream news".
3) corruption in our intelligence agencies. I have seen multiple intelligence officials lie to Congress and not be prosecuted for perjury.
4) corruption in the Department of Justice. Flynn was railroaded, why is nobody held accountable?
5) corruption in the Department of Justice. They refused to prosecute Clinton although they had her dead to rights on placing classified information on an unsecured server. If I had done that, I'd probably just be getting out of jail now.
6) censorship promoted by the government. The internet was specifically created to end censorship, it's been ramped up.

What are your priorities? What do you consider important issues?
118   Patrick   2020 Jun 2, 5:50pm  

richwicks says
You can just make it private!

You don't want to lose your history.

Shit, I should have copied it. If you're willing, I'll take a copy to develop it. I have a couple of good ideas that are patentable, but not really suitable for this site. If you're willing to allow me have a copy I'll partner with anything I produce.

I have the history since it's a git repo. It's all there.

I'll send you a copy if you send me your email, but I don't want to get legally entangled. Limits my options, might be used to shut down the site, and a friend warned me about unwittingly accumulating "business partners". That was actually the basis of the Winklevosses suit against Zuckerberg iirc.

That is, I don't mind it being open source, but I want to keep the copyright.
119   Patrick   2020 Jun 2, 5:52pm  

marcus says
Patrick says
Still going to work on jazz's idea of extracting links from posts.

He had the idea too. Cool.

Oops, might have been you.
120   Onvacation   2020 Jun 2, 5:53pm  

Some people won't be corrected. You can point out the flaws in their reason and they will react emotionally. Instead of debate they attack you personally. They can look at the same numbers but reach different sums.

Patnet's come a long way in the near decade I have been lurking. I have learned a lot about topics I never would have heard about. I've also jumped down rabbit holes that, while plausible, seem impossible.

This place causes cognitive dissonance. It then becomes a free for all of ideas and "evidence". I've watched heads explode.

Don't change too much.
121   Patrick   2020 Jun 2, 5:54pm  

Thank you. I hope to keep it essentially the same, just less acrimony.
122   WookieMan   2020 Jun 2, 6:03pm  

jazz_music says
This is a totally real problem and I guess that’s why it was so important to create it that money was no object.

What does this even mean? Honest question....
123   Patrick   2020 Jun 2, 6:03pm  

richwicks says

I just followed the thread up clicking the "soinso says" part, and ended up with your post - it wasn't even clear to me you were responding to somebody.

The "quote" thing is kind of buggy, so if you select text in one comment and click quote in another, it puts the wrong reference. Need to fix that. But you gave me a new idea: clicking quote without selecting any text should just say "In reply to: " and the link to that comment.
124   Patrick   2020 Jun 2, 6:06pm  

jazz_music says
That comment was to the commenter above that starts right in with “TDS” since the accuser is actually the afflicted.

You're right, that's divisive too.

We're just taking baby steps here so far.
125   Patrick   2020 Jun 2, 6:07pm  

FuckTheMainstreamMedia says
one should be able to simply link and quote an editorial or editorialized(IE Washington post) article and not themselves explain why it’s relevant

That one's hard to fix. There is no input filter really.
126   WookieMan   2020 Jun 2, 6:12pm  

jazz_music says
WookieMan says
What does this even mean? Honest question....
Does the part I just added offer any help?

I'm probably an idiot. No.

I feel like you're trying to be a wordsmith/intellectual instead of just getting to a statement or fact. There's nothing in your comment that makes sense. An opinion, not a knock. Your writing just doesn't and hasn't made sense since I've been here. You're like the English professor trying to justify a bull shit degree. You're trying to write eloquently instead of just getting to the point. My observation, mark it personal. I give zero shits.
127   richwicks   2020 Jun 2, 6:31pm  

Patrick says
This place causes cognitive dissonance. It then becomes a free for all of ideas and "evidence". I've watched heads explode.

When I was a young man an older man had a discussion with me and told me essentially "eliminate your cognitive dissonance - when you encounter it, you have at least one belief that is incorrect - make a point to find out which belief you have that is incorrect, and eliminate it."

20 years later, I barely experience it anymore.

I run into people I disagree with certainly still, but I rarely get into arguments.

I would add two other ideas as well to the advice I was given:

1) don't assume the person is "dumb" or "stupid" - assume they either don't know something you know, or they know something you don't know.
2) don't assume they are being dishonest and arguing something they don't believe to be true.

I'm grateful to that guy. He was one of my mentors when I was an engineer.
128   richwicks   2020 Jun 2, 6:41pm  

Patrick says
I'll send you a copy if you send me your email, but I don't want to get legally entangled. Limits my options, might be used to shut down the site, and a friend warned me about unwittingly accumulating "business partners". That was actually the basis of the Winklevosses suit against Zuckerberg iirc.

That is, I don't mind it being open source, but I want to keep the copyright.

I'll sign an NDA if you like. I don't mind signing one. I want to develop some ideas, and I want to keep those ideas, but I don't want to develop code from scratch, and I'd be happy to share the ideas once I do proof of concept. I intend to patent a few but I'll share the rights to you, if any can be patented. If they can't, of course, they are just yours.

You should create a copyright header in the source. Email isn't secure unless you encrypt it. If you're working with Linux, zip uses AES256.

I think I have a way to eliminate propaganda and spam. That's my idea I want to develop - and I think the method will work to truly make propaganda and spam impossible. My cousin is a patent attorney (a good one) but he won't waste time helping somebody draw up a patent without proof of concept and some sort of business plan, and a portion of the take on profits.

I understand that, I'm an sw engineer. I won't spend 10 minutes on somebody's "great idea". Somehow they think my time is worthless and it doesn't take more than a minute to do whatever "great idea" they have.
129   Patrick   2020 Jun 2, 6:42pm  

jazz_music says
you can gleen a wealth of knowledge by considering what subjects are NOT presented

Agreed. It's hard to see what isn't there, but it's the most important thing.

Every newspaper has a business section. No newspaper has a labor section.

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