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The ones who flew into the United States on H1B visas, however, were a far different
story, and begins the modern saga of ethno-narcissism and shameless cheating. While
our team in India was the utmost of professionalism, that can't be said for many of
their compatriots. The 2010's saw a huge influx of Indian visa holders flying into the
country, largely ones who had no business doing so. One H1B contractor we received
a was a whole different level of incompetence. His first code check-ins were SO
wrongheaded they didn't even compile, seemingly just copy-pasted from Stack
Overflow. We had to constantly hold his hand through solving the issues in the code
review until someone had enough and just did it himself. We asked our lead to
delegate him more menial tasks, which he obliged. His next task was to update a JIRA
script to automatically change status when an item was filled out. It was literally a
two-line code change. He made no progress for two weeks, stating he was "looking at
the documentation". Then he called in sick for a week. Then we guided him through
the solution, and he still fucked it up. Then he called in sick for another week. Again,
we did the job for him, and he asked us to email the code so he could check it into
Github under his own name. We refused.
Pericles 'Perry' Abbasi @ElectionLegal • Dec 29, 2024
I love being lectured on meritocracy by people who come from a country with a caste system
At first everything was fine. Their output was consistently solid, and the contractors were cordial and communicative, even the remote ones with the time difference, and everything was on time. It wasn’t to last though. The competence level on the on-site contractors was all over the map, ranging from excellent to barely being able to code. Worse, the quality of work from the engineers in India dropped dramatically, and we later found out they are notorious for putting their best employees on a project, then shifting to their B-Team after six months once they felt like they were locked in.
At first everything was fine. Their output was consistently solid, and the contractors were cordial and communicative, even the remote ones with the time difference, and everything was on time. It wasn’t to last though. The competence level on the on-site contractors was all over the map, ranging from excellent to barely being able to code. Worse, the quality of work from the engineers in India dropped dramatically, and we later found out they are notorious for putting their best employees on a project, then shifting to their B-Team after six months once they felt like they were locked in.
Well, folks, just when you thought the immigration debate couldn’t get any spicier, another nightmare program takes center stage. Forget the drama around H-1B visas or student visa scams—turns out there’s an even bigger culprit lurking in the shadows. Meet OPT, the granddaddy of them all, and trust me, every American needs to know how this scam operates. ...
The F-1 student visa program, intended for education, has morphed into a system that actively hurts American college grads. Some shady schools exploit the system by offering minimal or no real education, letting foreign students qualify for the government’s Optional Practical Training (OPT) program. OPT allows these students to work full-time jobs under the guise of being “students,” giving employers massive tax breaks—up to $12,000 per worker—for hiring them over equally or more qualified Americans. See how this works? It’s all tied together.
And this cycle creates an unfair advantage for foreign grads, costs Social Security and Medicare well over a billion dollars each year, and also serves as a backdoor pipeline to H-1B visas, leaving American grads at the bottom of the priority list. ...
You thought the H-1B visa was bad? Wait until you hear about the largest guest worker program killing jobs for new American college grads—the Optional Practical Training (OPT):
• No caps
• Employers get payroll tax exemptions
• No wage requirements
OPT was originally a 1-year work permit for international students graduating from U.S. colleges to gain U.S. work experience to take back to their home countries. It was never meant as a permanent immigration pathway, but rather a short-term opportunity for skill development ...
After Bill Gates failed to get Congress to pass an immigration bill expanding H-1B visas, he enlisted lobbyist Jack Krumholtz to devise a plan using the OPT program to bypass the H-1B caps.
At a cocktail party, lobbyist Jack Krumholtz met then-DHS Secretary Michael Chertoff under George W. Bush and pitched his proposal to expand the OPT program. He suggested extending its duration beyond 1 year, effectively creating a workaround for H-1B visa caps.
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