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I watched/listened to this today while I was working.
This has to be one of the worse things I've ever heard in my life. Only things like the genocides I've learned about in Europe and Asia are worse.
The sign in Times Square tells a different story, over 70,000 dead due to Trump's bungling
This is what that nurse is doing now: "multilevel marketing company that develops and sells personal care products and dietary supplements"
This is not a "Nurse-turned-investigative journalist"
Leave it to a conspiracy theory to deflect attention away from Trump's bungling the COVID-19 response.
remember it's supposed to be propaganda
Read the stuff presented at the link for the Trump death clock they have in New York above Times Square.
I don't believe in conspiracies. What I believe in is that the medical staffs were never trained for some mysterious illness like this and ventilator became the easy, "let the machine do the work" solution.
Or the video was fake.
I don't believe in conspiracies.