The Covid-19 Smoking Gun

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2020 Jun 18, 2:21pm   1,118 views  20 comments

by Shaman   ➕follow (4)   💰tip   ignore  

According to this nurse who worked at Elmhurst hospital in NYC, the hospital policy was to murder patients with ventilators. It’s quite a story! She said only one of her patients walked out of there alive. And that was because he was a drug user who had built up a resistance to the sedatives they were using to keep the ventilated patients unconscious, woke up, and pulled out his own tube.


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1   Maga_Chaos_Monkey   2020 Jun 18, 6:39pm  

I watched/listened to this today while I was working.

This has to be one of the worse things I've ever heard in my life. Only things like the genocides I've learned about in Europe and Asia are worse.
2   mell   2020 Jun 18, 6:44pm  

just_dregalicious says
I watched/listened to this today while I was working.

This has to be one of the worse things I've ever heard in my life. Only things like the genocides I've learned about in Europe and Asia are worse.

I haven't watched it yet. Do you think there's a decent chance she's telling the truth? This is nuts if so. Will watch it now.
3   mell   2020 Jun 18, 6:53pm  

Ok this is live from the hospital, you can't doctor much here. Fucking outrageous. Not surprised it's in NY. Leftoid governor. Figures.
4   Shaman   2020 Jun 18, 6:54pm  

It sure seems like she believes her own story.
And if it’s true, this is a government sanctioned, doctor-committed holocaust against poor minorities in the inner city.
Half the people who came in didn’t even have the COVID-19, but were put on ventilators anyway until they died from lung damage and the drugs the doctors ordered pumped into them for weeks to keep them sedated.
5   Tenpoundbass   2020 Jun 18, 6:55pm  

Doctor Giggles!

That dude was so good in LA Law, I thought he was a mentally challenged person, playing the role. Like giving a down syndrome person a job at Walmart as a greeter.
I didn't appreciate his talent on LA Law, even though I thought he was good. I just thought he was being himself.
6   Maga_Chaos_Monkey   2020 Jun 18, 6:55pm  

mell says
Do you think there's a decent chance she's telling the truth?

Sadly, yes.
7   theoakman   2020 Jun 18, 7:05pm  

If anyone has ever had an elderly family member who's fallen and hurt themselves, their default treatment is, feeding tube, bed, and let them rot. None of these places were trained in how to deal with this so I can understand when they just go...put em on a ventilator. They don't know what else to do. And they don't really care.

Hospital admins don't care about preventable deaths. My father ran the neonatal unit at two hospitals. At one, they hired a guy who undercut him on salary and promised the world. His first order of business was to hire the 2 guys my father fired for incompetence at a lower salary. A year later, he had lost more kids than my father had in 15 years. This came from the nurses. Then, the guy came for my father's other hospital. He went to the admins and told them that for $150k less, they are going to have X amount of deaths. They didn't care. And they did as well. The nurses ended up transferring out of fear of liability lawsuits.
8   Maga_Chaos_Monkey   2020 Jun 18, 7:11pm  

Yeah, but this hospital was doing this to people in their 30s-40s and killing them.
9   RWSGFY   2020 Jun 18, 8:16pm  

Public hospital, Medicaid ... This is what Dems wish on everybody? Fuck them very much.
10   Al_Sharpton_for_President   2020 Jun 19, 3:55am  

Consider it to be abortion at the other end of the spectrum.
11   Ceffer   2020 Jun 19, 10:35am  

$29-39K profit per Covid corpse is nothing to scoff at. Hit men in the ghetto only charge 2K if they are the expensive ones. BLM!
12   RWSGFY   2020 Jun 19, 11:36am  

jazz_music says
The sign in Times Square tells a different story, over 70,000 dead due to Trump's bungling

The sign knows better than a nurse who worked in the "epicentre". Suuuure.
13   WookieMan   2020 Jun 19, 11:53am  

jazz_music says
This is what that nurse is doing now: "multilevel marketing company that develops and sells personal care products and dietary supplements"


This is not a "Nurse-turned-investigative journalist"

So the Ukrainian whistle blower is all good, this chick no? Hmmm..? I guess we just get to pick and choose our good whistle blowers.

She's attractive, seems intelligent and is probably getting attention. So she capitalizes on that. You and everyone would if they were smart. You can disagree with her for that, but you haven't argued or shown proof of anything she said was not factual.
14   WookieMan   2020 Jun 19, 11:56am  

jazz_music says
Leave it to a conspiracy theory to deflect attention away from Trump's bungling the COVID-19 response.

What could have Trump and the federal government done different? I'd like to know. You claim the response was "bungled" so please explain?
15   WookieMan   2020 Jun 19, 12:13pm  

jazz_music says
remember it's supposed to be propaganda

jazz_music says
Read the stuff presented at the link for the Trump death clock they have in New York above Times Square.

Oh. Okay.... One is propaganda and your source isn't? Trump has nothing to do with COVID. I'm not going to waste my time reading any of it. Cuomo and the NYC mayor are the one's with dead people at their feet. You expect the federal government to be better at local issues? The Northeast coast completely failed in responding at minimum or what that nurse said is correct. I'll take my propaganda over yours with what I know at this point.

People gotta stop running to the federal government to get their ass wiped. They ARE the problem.
16   theoakman   2020 Jun 19, 1:10pm  

I don't believe in conspiracies. What I believe in is that the medical staffs were never trained for some mysterious illness like this and ventilator became the easy, "let the machine do the work" solution.
17   WookieMan   2020 Jun 19, 1:40pm  

theoakman says
I don't believe in conspiracies. What I believe in is that the medical staffs were never trained for some mysterious illness like this and ventilator became the easy, "let the machine do the work" solution.

I'd probably concur with this. Sounds like the doctors the nurses were talking to also may have been a bit unskilled. Or the video was fake. Clearly initial treatment was awful everywhere and it had more to do with an unknown, new illness versus what big brother was supposed to do for you. But apparently Trump is a doctor now?
18   RWSGFY   2020 Jun 19, 1:46pm  

WookieMan says
Or the video was fake.

If the video is fake it should be easy for the hospital to sue that nurse and restore their good name. It's not like she's anonymous.

Have they sued yet?
19   richwicks   2020 Jun 19, 2:16pm  

theoakman says
I don't believe in conspiracies.


Look up The Tuskegee Trials.


Most people, and I mean the VAST MAJORITY of people, simply obey authorities and have no judgement of their own. Stanley Milgram proved this.


People don't generally think, they obey. This is how a "conspiracy" is created. Almost every doctor and nurse, even if they personally felt a ventilator was killing patients, would still place patients on ventilators if they were instructed to do so. You have an incorrect view of the world if you think people generally will stand on their own convictions. Those people are exceedingly rare.

I have stood up to fucking dumb decisions from moron managers because I knew it would harm the company. I've lost contracts as a result. There is high risk in not blindly following orders, and it hurts your career and money making potential. People like me are less than 1% of society. Your boss doesn't want to be told he's wrong, even when your boss is CLEARLY wrong, and if your boss is just taking orders from his boss, he's already capitulated and will defend the directive even more fiercely than if he had actually made the decision himself.

Tell me - what is the sense of placing a Covid-19 case in a nursing home? That's been done in several states. Anybody with 2 braincells to rub together knows that nursing homes are filled with the most vulnerable people in society. It is literally the worst, possible place, to put a Covid-19 positive case. But people obeyed orders and did it. Why? Because, by and large, 99.9% of society are fucking pussies. They don't have morality, they don't have principles, they don't have a backbone.

You don't believe in conspiracies. It's trivial to create one if you're in a position of power. Very trivial.
20   theoakman   2020 Jun 19, 2:22pm  

It's no different than when you go to the doctor, complain of foot pain, he sends you to the podiatrist, he can't figure it out, then you go to the Physical Therapist and they are like...oh it's tightness in your hamstring causing it, and 2 weeks later, you are pain free. Some of the good doctors have been figuring it out rapidly. Moreover, with Remdesivir reducing hospital time by a number of days and increasing survival rate combined with the steroid they verified increasing survival by 30%, it's only a matter of time before we have a cocktail or essentially a magic bullet that makes this just another virus. Sure, some will still die, but I don't think they'll be able to justify massive shutdowns this fall.

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