How 25%-50% of Covid-19 deaths could have been avoided: HCQ

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2020 Jul 4, 9:24am   3,003 views  67 comments

by mell   ➕follow (10)   💰tip   ignore  

Fauxci and the CDC knew it was effective against Sars, cheap and easy to stock. if we had stockpiled it and immediately imprisoned TDSsed leftoids who blocked access to it we could look at up to half the death rate.

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46   theoakman   2020 Jul 5, 6:46pm  

There's absolutely no reason they shouldn't be combining this with Zinc in this study. It's been proven in the scientific literature that HCQ increases Zinc concentration and it's also proven that Zinc inhibits other coronaviruses ability to replicate. It's akin to going into battle with a jeep and body armor, but forgetting your machine gun.
47   richwicks   2020 Jul 5, 6:59pm  

marcus says
richwicks says
recognize you're electing a puppet

Sadly that may be the case, and historically has been, including with Trump, even if in his case he didn't expect to win and didn't fully decide who all his puppet masters were until after he was elected.

Will you give me a break?

Hillary Clinton made a deal in Uranium One. She received 145 million dollars from various Russian sources after the deal was completed as "donations" to the Clinton Foundation. Bill Clinton made a speech for a Russian bank and was paid $500,000 for that under 1 hour effort.

And you have the temerity to accuse Trump of collusion with Russia? How hypocritical can you get?

I know that the saying is "Accuse Your Enemy Of What You Are Doing, As You Are Doing It" - but sheesh - give it a rest.

And for the record, if Russia was controlling the United States, it couldn't be any worse than our MIC controlling it.
48   rdm   2020 Jul 5, 9:56pm  

richwicks says

Hillary Clinton made a deal in Uranium One. She received 145 million dollars from various Russian sources after the deal was completed as "donations" to the Clinton Foundatio

Which she used to start up a pediphile ring operating out of pizza parler that Seth Rich used to frequent just before he was killed by Hillary for giving the Ukranians the password to the DNC server and they had it hijacked to the Ukraine on Hunter Biden's orders. Better believe it, as this Top Sekret info came straight from Devin Nunes cow.
49   richwicks   2020 Jul 5, 11:01pm  

rdm says
richwicks says

Hillary Clinton made a deal in Uranium One. She received 145 million dollars from various Russian sources after the deal was completed as "donations" to the Clinton Foundatio

Which she used to start up a pediphile ring operating out of pizza parler that Seth Rich used to frequent just before he was killed by Hillary for giving the Ukranians the password to the DNC server and they had it hijacked to the Ukraine on Hunter Biden's orders. Better believe it, as this Top Sekret info came straight from Devin Nunes cow.

Um, I'm doubtful of that.

First of all, I have implemented FAT32 and Binney is right, the data was copied to a FAT32 file system which IMPLIES her server wasn't hacked by the Russians. The modification dates on files on FAT32 are every 2 seconds. That showed up in the files.

However, they could have been copied to a remote server, then copied to a FAT32 file system there, then transferred.

So it isn't conclusive. Bill Binney isn't giving complete information.

But it seems likely that Seth Rich was the source:


I have no idea how you conclude he frequented the pizza parlor - and I consider that irrelevant even if he did. I like pizza myself, but merely actual pizza. I think it's largely a distraction.
50   Eric Holder   2020 Jul 6, 10:08am  


A team at Henry Ford Health System in Southeast Michigan said Thursday
its study of 2,541 hospitalized patients found that those given
hydroxychloroquine were much less likely to die.

Dr. Marcus Zervos, division head of infectious disease for Henry Ford
Health System, said 26% of those not given hydroxychloroquine died,
compared to 13% of those who got the drug.

"Our results do differ from some other studies," Zervos told a news
conference. "What we think was important in ours ... is that patients
were treated early. For hydroxychloroquine to have a benefit, it needs
to begin before the patients begin to suffer some of the severe immune
reactions that patients can have with Covid," he added.
51   rdm   2020 Jul 6, 12:21pm  

"The World Health Organization (WHO) on Saturday said that it discontinued studies evaluating hydroxychloroquine and AbbVie's ABBV, -0.16% HIV drug Kaletra as potential treatments for COVID-19. The WHO has been conducting a multi-pronged clinical trial testing a handful of potential treatments in hospitalized COVID-19 patients since late March. "These interim trial results show that hydroxychloroquine and lopinavir/ritonavir produce little or no reduction in the mortality of hospitalized COVID-19 patients when compared to standard of care," the organization said in a news release. The WHO had previously halted the hydroxychloroquine arm over safety concerns, restarted it, and then stopped it again; however, there is mounting clinical evidence that hydroxychloroquine, a decades-old antimalarial, is not effective treatment for severely ill COVID-19 patients. The Food and Drug Administration on June 15 withdrew its emergency use authorization for hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine, and the National Institutes of Health also stopped its own study of the drug."
52   HeadSet   2020 Jul 6, 12:26pm  

WHO also said no clear evidence of human-to-human transmission of the novel #coronavirus (2019-nCoV) in a Jan 14th official tweet.
53   Rin   2020 Jul 6, 6:52pm  

theoakman says
There's absolutely no reason they shouldn't be combining this with Zinc in this study. It's been proven in the scientific literature that HCQ increases Zinc concentration and it's also proven that Zinc inhibits other coronaviruses ability to replicate. It's akin to going into battle with a jeep and body armor, but forgetting your machine gun.

I've been screaming the same thing for ages.

My thesis was on membranes, the core specialty which meshes applied chemistry/chemistry engineering to the bio sciences.

My low tech undergrad work was using affinity ligands on polymer surfaces to assist in moving key ingredients to the other side. In other words, the basis for purifying drugs or in this case, getting something into the cell itself for medicinal purposes.

How come NO ONE gets it? If you have HCQ in the blood stream, you need it to transport something. Well, that something is the Zinc ion which is a viral inhibitor and only works if it's in the cell itself. Otherwise, you're hoping that the person has a steady diet of oysters.

But rdm already knows this (since I'm repeating myself) and is now, kowtowing to the political types at the NIH, which is all of them.
55   theoakman   2020 Jul 6, 8:12pm  

Dr. Zelenko gave another great interview with Dr. Drew a few days ago. You really get a great view of a doctor on the front lines to see how to deal with this disease.

Basically, he says, the viral load explodes around day 6. A patient coming to a doctor on day 4 or 5, gets tested, gets the results on Day 7 or 8 which is late in the game where hospitalization is necessary. And, many of the tests are giving false negatives. Intervening as quickly as possible to avoid hospitalization entirely. Wow...preventative medicine...what a thought. I have a feeling doctors on the forefront are just doing this and not giving public interviews about it. We have cases rising in all kinds of states without the corresponding mass deaths.

Basically, anyone coming in should get the $20 HCQ, Zinc treatment just based on symptoms. They address the politicization of the drug along with the fact that big pharma would not want you to take this as opposed to a much much more expensive treatment. He says he submitted his results for publication and peer review.

56   rdm   2020 Jul 6, 9:58pm  

Rin says

But rdm already knows this (since I'm repeating myself)

Yes you are, the thing is there are some very smart people trying to find ways to treat this virus. Why does everyone on this site think they are smarter? This friggin drug may or may not help but it isn't the "game changer" that it was promoted as, that much we do know. There are many therapeutics to try and most docs. and scientists are moving on to other therapies and seem to be having success. The death rate is not increasing in tandem with the number of cases, and hospitalizations are having better outcomes. Some of this is certainly due to the declining ages of the infected populations but not all. They are learning how to better treat seriously ill patients by treating seriously ill patients.
57   Rin   2020 Jul 6, 10:19pm  

rdm says
Rin says

But rdm already knows this (since I'm repeating myself)

Yes you are, the thing is there are some very smart people trying to find ways to treat this virus. Why does everyone on this site think they are smarter? This friggin drug may or may not help but it isn't the "game changer" that it was promoted as, that much we do know. There are many therapeutics to try and most docs. and scientists are moving on to other therapies and seem to be having success. The death rate is not increasing in tandem with the number of cases, and hospitalizations are having better outcomes. Some of this is certainly due to the declining ages of the infected populations but not all. They are learning how to better treat seriously ill patients by treating seriously ill patients.

Let me see ... Remdesivir, the first full treatment for Hepatitis-C, was touted by Dr Fauci for Covid-19, at roughly the same time as HCQ was being advocated by the amateurs. The difference is that the full Hep-C treatment of Remdesivir costs some $900K (w/ insurance picking up a lot of that tab) and today, there are a lot fewer Hep-C patients than they were in the past so the Gilead Pharma doesn't make much money on their Hep-C crowd.

Yes, these appear to be really "smart ppl". BTW, I'd also scored a 34 on the MCAT (before the re-scaling) so I'm really convinced that these are "Isaac Newtons (not corrupt corportists) and I'm just an ordinary guy in finance", who'd left STEM for the real money.

And at the same time, I haven't heard anything about anything else.

Here's another one of my threads ...


Excerpt: "I've actually done my own "amateur" clinical trial on this subject.

I have a dozen persons, all over 45, taking a cocktail of R-Lipoic Acid (200 mg/day), Turmeric w/ peppercorn (not standardized as each have their own favorite vendor), Quercetin (split into 2, 250 mg servings, day vs evening), Allisure's Allicin (from Garlic, 150 mg/day), a chelated ionic mineral supplement which has both zinc and copper.

From having regular colds, flus, and sore joints, all of them were symptom free for the past year. In other words, aside from one martial artist, who overexercises & injures himself regularly, none of the others have had any of the ordinary signs of aging. And as of now, none have had Covid-19, as their bodies areas quite capable of fighting off many infections. One person appears to have reversed all signs of gum disease.

I'm waiting for Brix and Fauci to fund a bigger study on a several 1000 persons. LOL!"
58   Onvacation   2020 Jul 6, 10:43pm  

marcus says
How and why was he elected in the first place ?

59   Onvacation   2020 Jul 6, 10:45pm  

marcus says
What does it say about the state of America and the character of it's people that they not only elected him, but they didn't reject him either, as he embarrassed the majority of it's citizens on a daily basis ?

Smart people who dodged the bullet of having an evil warmongering witch for president. We probably wouldn't have covid as we would be busy fighting a war.
60   Onvacation   2020 Jul 6, 10:49pm  

marcus says

And then finally, who cares ? If you are treating people as individuals, why obsess about group differences ? This is why to me, your point seems so racist.

So all lives do matter?
61   WookieMan   2020 Jul 7, 6:00am  

rdm says
Why does everyone on this site think they are smarter?

It's a forum dude. You're doing the same by saying it's not working. No one is also claiming to be smarter either. Most are opinions and some are educated opinions whether you like it or not.

If no one puts a thought out there, nothing gets questioned. As long as it stays civil it's good to question things and have some back and forth with people that have opinions and sometimes have actual knowledge of a topic. No one is 100% right or educated on a topic. I learn a lot from this site to be honest. What I've hated is that something not political at all, gets turned political. It makes no sense.
62   theoakman   2020 Jul 7, 7:32am  

rdm says
Yes you are, the thing is there are some very smart people trying to find ways to treat this virus. Why does everyone on this site think they are smarter? This friggin drug may or may not help but it isn't the "game changer" that it was promoted as, that much we do know. There are many therapeutics to try and most docs. and scientists are moving on to other therapies and seem to be having success. The death rate is not increasing in tandem with the number of cases, and hospitalizations are having better outcomes. Some of this is certainly due to the declining ages of the infected populations but not all. They are learning how to better treat seriously ill patients by treating seriously ill patients.

A little bit of background.

BS in Chemistry
PhD in Physical Chemistry
I was involved on the research end of the development of the most effective HIV drugs to date, Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors. I've worked on the synthesis of those same drugs and my research was in Biophysics. Specifically, I looked at the biophysics of the drugs interacting with the Reverse Transcriptase enzyme.
I now teach Physics for a living.

Given that I understand chemistry and the physics of interactions of drugs at the molecular level, I've done far far more than your average physician in terms of drug development or disease treatment.

That being said, I do not assume to be smarter than everyone in this fight. What you fail to realize that there is literature the past 20 years studying both Hydroxychloroquine's effectiveness as a Zinc Ionophore and Zinc's effectiveness at inhibiting various viral replication, SPECIFICALLY CORONAVIRUSES!. These protocols of HCQ combined with Zinc were developed by pathologists!

That being said, yes, I am smarter than everyone in the media reporting on this, including cracks like Sanjay Gupta. Most definitely smarter than Anderson Cooper or Joy Behar. The fact of the matter is, the media hysteria that surrounded the drug is entirely owned by the left and what they did was scare patients from performing in planned clinical trials. They've also prevented doctors from coming out publicly with their results because they don't want to deal with the mob. I suggest you watch the interview with Dr. Zelenko, you might learn a lot.

Specifically, you would learn that HCQ + Zinc appears to be a great treatment in the earliest stages of the virus while other things such as Remdesivir and Steroids are more appropriate in the latter stages. Furthermore, the goal is likely going to be a magic bullet consisting of a cocktail of medications. That's how they were able to reign in HIV.
63   porkchopXpress   2020 Jul 7, 7:41am  

theoakman says
I am smarter than everyone in the media reporting on this, including cracks like Sanjay Gupta. Most definitely smarter than Anderson Cooper or Joy Behar.
But you don't tell them what they want to hear :(
64   rdm   2020 Jul 7, 9:26am  

Rin says

Excerpt: "I've actually done my own "amateur" clinical trial on this subject

Pass as to your medical advice. However, I do acknowledge your are an expert in the specialized field of titty fucking. ;-)
65   Rin   2020 Jul 7, 10:11am  

theoakman says
That being said, I do not assume to be smarter than everyone in this fight.

In this case, being humble is not the case. You probably are smarter than 90% of those in this fight because you're no longer 'controlled' by XYZ pharma or one of Fauci's grants to continue your academic work.

Years ago in Britain, at the Univ of London, the researchers who'd first shown that Allisure Allicin (not the baked garlic in the faux hypertension Stanford study) inhibited MRSA growth in vivo (not just in vitro), have been facing all kinds of political hurdles in trying to opt for a wider scale test.

And if you think about it, the South Korean HCQ + Zinc study is not being reproduced here. Instead, it's a HCQ + some antibiotic (which does nothing for a virus) and no separation of the patient populations. So how are these ppl smarter than you? If anything, they have a vested interest in failing in order to kowtow to a more expensive protocol.

At least I'm in finance to make money and fuck hoes. No one can accuse me of being a hypocrite.
66   theoakman   2020 Jul 8, 6:00pm  

Dr. Zelenko releases his work: https://www.preprints.org/manuscript/202007.0025/v1

He specifically calls out the fact that all these studies conveniently fail to include Zinc.

Antiviral effects of HCQ are well-documented.19It is also known that chloroquine and probably HCQ have zinc ionophore characteristics, increasing intracellular zinc concentrations.20Zinc itself is able to inhibit coronavirus RNA-dependent RNA polymerase activity (RdRp).21It has beenhypothesized that zinc may enhance the efficacy of HCQ in treating COVID-19 patients.22The first clinical trial results confirmingthis hypothesis wererecently published as preprint.23Nevertheless, many studies with HCQ in monotherapy or in combination with the antibiotic azithromycin have been inconclusive so far.13-16In all of these studies, HCQ was used later than 5days after onset of symptoms when hospitalized patients most likely had already progressed to stage II or III of the disease.6Regardless of the established antiviral effects of zinc and that many COVID-19 patients are prone to zinc deficiencies, dependent on comorbidities and drug treatments,22none of these studies were designed to include zinc supplementation as combination treatment.
67   Rin   2020 Jul 8, 6:35pm  

theoakman says
He specifically calls out the fact that all these studies conveniently fail to include Zinc.

Thank you. Now, you've dropped that unneeded humility.

The so-called smart ppl in this fight against Covid-19 and any of its future derivatives are paid for by Fauci's NIH grants or big pharma's coffers.

And thus, they are not smart but hypocritical academic/corporate stooges (with just enough intelligence to get through their programs), doing their masters' biddings.

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