Things that are racist

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2020 Jul 9, 2:33pm   118,152 views  1,064 comments

by Bd6r   ➕follow (2)   💰tip   ignore  

Keeping in line with current year, I will post here things that are known to be RACIST! so we all here can become more enlightened Biden/Democrat voters, e.i. antifa/progressives/etc.
Feel free to add if you find something interesting.

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95   Eric Holder   2020 Jul 15, 10:29am  


"A statue of an elk dating to 1900 has been removed for safekeeping after protesters in Portland, Oregon, set fire to its base, The Oregonian reports."
96   Karloff   2020 Jul 15, 10:41am  


And then they'll complain about having one of their names associated with something destructive.

Appeasing the Marxists just results in more complaining and demands. Solution: Never capitulate to any of their demands.
97   georgeliberte   2020 Jul 15, 11:03am  

"A statue of an elk dating to 1900 has been removed for safekeeping after protesters in Portland, Oregon, set fire to its base, The Oregonian reports."
Yes,when I grew up in the Cascades in Washington Elk told the most racist and sexist jokes.
98   CBOEtrader   2020 Jul 15, 11:07am  

georgeliberte says
Elk told the most racist and sexist jokes.

Remember, the great outdoors are racist! So is humor and good convo. That elk was obviously a nazi
99   Hircus   2020 Jul 15, 1:01pm  

Beware the Whiteness

100   georgeliberte   2020 Jul 15, 2:06pm  

I do not exemplify some of the values, and do not hold all the opinions; but, an advanced, productive, livable society is dependent on many (scientific method, time, future orientation). If you prefer starvation, pestilence, and poverty reject them. The blacks ai work with, successful on the whole, also exemplify these values. Of course, leftists believe they will be exempt from starvation, pestilence, and poverty;just not the masses whose name they rule in (see Venezuela).
101   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Jul 15, 3:20pm  

Thanks for the tips, Judith!

Whiteness is proven effective, responsible for 99% of the quality of life improvements in the past 200 years.

The only thing in modern experience, and very distant second from European Civilization would be Russo-Communist Civilization 1946-1966 in terms of quality of life, science progress, etc. And that itself was a mutant branch of Western Civilization.

Very distant second.
102   Eric Holder   2020 Jul 15, 3:37pm  

Hircus says

Reads like an advertisement.
103   georgeliberte   2020 Jul 15, 4:06pm  

Most of the positives in White Culture are Asian Cultures X10. Oh there is not merely one White Culture.
105   Karloff   2020 Jul 16, 7:16am  

These organizations are doing a stand-up job advertising "whiteness" as a positive trait. I wonder if they realize that?
107   NDrLoR   2020 Jul 16, 8:31am  

Booger says
It's all the fault of that brutalist stack of ugliness in the background!
108   NDrLoR   2020 Jul 16, 8:37am  

Karloff says
Never capitulate to any of their demands.
110   CBOEtrader   2020 Jul 16, 10:51am  

111   CBOEtrader   2020 Jul 16, 10:53am  

Pulled pork was invented by slaves who were thrown the leftovers after the masters ate the "high on the hog" terderloin.

113   Tenpoundbass   2020 Jul 16, 12:28pm  

All circa 20's, 30's 40's and 50's cartoons were a mix of Vaudeville and Minstrel shows.

There was no other inspiration to grab animation from, cartoons weren't to be dramas.

Even before animation there were puppet shows, they were based on Punch and Judy puppet skitts, where Vaudeville and Minstrel shows got their inspiration.

Nothing in history will ever be inspired by this useless Generation of fucksticks and assbags.

They will still be laughing at turn of the century animation and comedy from the early 1900's til the end of time.

At one point in History Fagetry was mainstream, I would bet there many masterpiece works of art depicting Greek and Roman fags doing faggy shit.
After they wore the last layer of the world's patience thin, and the world pushed back and said it was unacceptable again. All of that art was destroyed, every last bit.
I see no reason to suspect that people 100 years or more from now, will have a very fuzzy recollection just how bad the modern Liberal, Commie and Leftist scumbags really were. They will be erased just like in the past. Deviance never knows when to be satisfied with the acceptance of their behavior they champion. They keep pushing the envelope until humanity is pushed back into piety and virtue.

Everything is cyclic, even trendy fags.
114   georgeliberte   2020 Jul 16, 3:24pm  

The value of Aspects of Whiteness further explored-
116   Booger   2020 Jul 17, 5:56pm  

Electricity is now racist:
117   georgeliberte   2020 Jul 18, 5:00am  

Trader Joes, I mean after all, he is cheating those POCs he trades with.
118   NDrLoR   2020 Jul 18, 8:13am  

Tenpoundbass says
They keep pushing the envelope
It's LCD--Lowest Common Denominator of human behavior. The people who live on the streets of Portland and Seattle are the logical end of progressiveism.
119   NDrLoR   2020 Jul 18, 8:18am  

Tenpoundbass says
40's and 50's cartoons were a mix of Vaudeville and Minstrel shows
1:44 She's called "Mammy two-shoes" today.

120   Tenpoundbass   2020 Jul 18, 12:47pm  

georgeliberte says

That top meme, well the bottom well but especially that bottom one is spot on.
In my early life, when I did menial work and labor. I remember a few people that would be on work crews. Myself and other coworkers would laugh at some skinflints, that would bring a boiled egg, or just a can of sardines and crackers every day for lunch. They slept in their car, and saved every penny they made. After a year or so, they saved enough money to buy a house, move their family to the town, or even start a business. With that pittance of wages we made, they still somehow managed to save up enough to make a life altering move with the money they saved.
This was back when savings accounts awarded people, and why I'm a full proponent of bring back the S&L institutions.
It's also why I have never been sold on "The Rich get richer and the poor get poorer" and other commie anti capitalism mantras.
And why I've never sweated what someone else makes compared to me.

I've seen way to many people pull themselves up by the bootstrap, even making shit wages.
122   Karloff   2020 Jul 18, 7:04pm  

The people pushing this agenda aren't even intelligent enough make it past their first sentence without an obvious falsehood that nullifies their entire article. Ensembles do not exist to "reflect the community". They exist to play music that people enjoy.
123   Maga_Chaos_Monkey   2020 Jul 18, 7:08pm  

We should make things more complicated for people and start calling them ethnicitists!
124   Misc   2020 Jul 20, 11:17pm  

The BMI.

There are obviously differences between the races. Who'd have guessed there were biological differences?

125   CBOEtrader   2020 Jul 20, 11:43pm  

Poor diet choices are racist!
126   georgeliberte   2020 Jul 21, 8:07am  

This has something to do with COVID deaths being higher in some groups than others. Or maybe COVID-19 is racist?
127   HeadSet   2020 Jul 22, 7:24am  

georgeliberte says
This has something to do with COVID deaths being higher in some groups than others. Or maybe COVID-19 is racist?

New conspiracy - CV-19 was ENGINEERED to kill minorities. They just goofed and it is killing some old and sickly whites as collateral damage.
128   georgeliberte   2020 Jul 22, 8:13am  

New conspiracy - CV-19 was ENGINEERED to kill minorities. They just goofed and it is killing some old and sickly whites as collateral damage.
No, that was part of the design. Revitalize SSN fund so we can hand it over to Wall Street to invest.
129   SunnyvaleCA   2020 Jul 22, 11:29am  

Misc says
The BMI.

There are obviously differences between the races. Who'd have guessed there were biological differences?


Summary: BMI is racist because it uses the same standards for all races.

Wait, what? I thought "racist" was treating people differently based on race. I'm so confused! Oh, I get it: BMI needs to accommodate inherent differences between races. Wait, what? I thought all the races are just the same and that differences in outcomes are due to racism because there are no differences between races. You know, as Quid Pro Joe says: "Poor kids are just as bright as white kids."
132   Hircus   2020 Jul 22, 4:10pm  

georgeliberte says

A month ago I saw my first article calling for Gandhi statues to be torn down because he was "racist".

These people just hate everything. No matter how much good you do, no matter the scale, if you're a racist, or don't support their grievance ideals, then down with you. Because clearly, these unaccomplished losers who live in their parents basement know better.
133   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Jul 22, 7:20pm  

Ghandi was indeed a racist, and a religious fanatic, he particularly hated Sikhs but also Jews and "Kaffirs" (Blacks) - note Ghandi spent much time in South Africa, in his youth.

He was also a disgusting pervert who liked to give and receive enemas while refusing sex with everybody including his wife for decades.

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