End Leftist Violence

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2020 Jul 12, 8:55pm   39,053 views  275 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (60)   💰tip   ignore  

All political violence of that last few decades comes from the left alone, not from the right.

If you attempt to wear a red MAGA hat in leftist-controlled states, you will likely be beaten or spat on.
There is nothing political that you can wear which would cause anyone on the right to beat you or spit on you in any state.

Matt Taibbi: The left has become exactly what they accused the right of being

Leftists violence threatens us all, and threatens the existence of the country.

The Unabomber, for all his faults, described leftism perfectly:

Leftists may claim that their activism is motivated by compassion or by moral principles, and moral principle does play a role for the leftist of the oversocialized type. But compassion and moral principle cannot be the main motives for leftist activism. Hostility is too prominent a component of leftist behavior; so is the drive for power. Moreover, much leftist behavior is not rationally calculated to be of benefit to the people whom the leftists claim to be trying to help. For example, if one believes that affirmative action is good for black people, does it make sense to demand affirmative action in hostile or dogmatic terms? Obviously it would be more productive to take a diplomatic and conciliatory approach that would make at least verbal and symbolic concessions to white people who think that affirmative action discriminates against them. But leftist activists do not take such an approach because it would not satisfy their emotional needs. Helping black people is not their real goal. Instead, race problems serve as an excuse for them to express their own hostility and frustrated need for power. In doing so they actually harm black people, because the activists’ hostile attitude toward the white majority tends to intensify race hatred.

Academia incites leftist violence, billionaires abet it, and the media excuses it, if they report on it at all.

The left is rioting, looting, tearing down statues of all political figures, even abolitionists, and worst of all, murdering those who disagree. No one on the right is doing any such thing.

We need to speak up and remove all BLM cult signs, which are incitements to violence. Those signs promote hate, beatings, riots, lootings, and murder.

BLM and violent leftists are a cult which murders innocent people.

All the hate for Trump has become hate for orderly civil life, hate for mutual respect, and hate for calm reasoned debate. All TDS is incitement to violence.

To end leftist violence we first have to tell the truth about it (please mail p@patrick.net with more):

Leftist cancellations, boycotts, and threats:

  1. Louis CK

  2. Roseanne Barr

  3. J.K. Rowling (ironic since did the same thing to others)

  4. Ricky Gervais

  5. Miss Swimsuit UK stripped of title after 'all lives matter' post

  6. Google bans ad revenue for any story which questions the official Wuhan virus narrative

  7. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8535907/Petition-demands-Trader-Joes-change-racist-food-packaging-uses-harmful-stereotypes.html for using "Trader Jose's" and "Trader Ming's" etc

  8. https://nypost.com/2020/07/01/harvard-grad-threatens-to-stab-anyone-who-says-all-lives-matter/

Leftist firings and school suspensions:

  1. James Damore, fired from Google

  2. https://patrick.net/post/1333940/2020-07-18-fordham-university-openly-violates-student-s-right-to-free-speech

  3. Cisco fires employees for saying "All lives matter"

  4. AZ professor threatened with violence for teaching the truth about Islam's clear incitement to terrorism

  5. Teacher fired for Tweet in support of Trump

Leftist beatings and shootings:

  1. https://ktrh.iheart.com/featured/michael-berry/content/2020-07-01-blm-activist-arrested-for-shooting-innocent-driver-in-utah-during-march/

  2. https://www.waynedupree.com/2020/05/man-wearing-maga-hat-attacked-by-protesters/

  3. https://www.breitbart.com/crime/2019/04/16/black-man-wearing-donald-trump-maga-hat-beaten-maryland/

  4. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8527275/NYPD-COD-three-cops-injured-attacked-protesters-Brooklyn-Bridge.html

  5. https://patrick.net/post/1333953/2020-07-19-angry-leftist-attacks-black-man-for-tearing-down-blm-signs

  6. https://therightscoop.com/black-trump-supporter-stabbed-in-portland-cnn-withholds-the-facts-says-cops-tear-gassed-peaceful-protesters/

  7. Armed leftist attempted to fire at a car, hits another leftist in the leg

Leftist murders:

  1. Dallas sniper who gunned down 5 cops 'wanted to kill white people'

  2. Retired St. Louis police captain, David Dorn, killed by looters during the George Floyd riots

  3. https://patrick.net/post/1333827/2020-07-13-all-violence-comes-from-the-left-young-mother-jessica-doty-whitaker-murdered-by-blm-fanatics

  4. https://www.foxnews.com/us/wisconsin-man-targeting-white-person-killed-motorcyclist

  5. https://theconservativetreehouse.com/2020/07/05/domestic-terrorism-black-lives-matter-protestors-murder-8-year-old-black-child/comment-page-1/

  6. 15 July 2020, Black man targets and kills two white men at random, media silence

  7. https://www.nationalreview.com/news/body-found-in-wreckage-of-minneapolis-pawn-shop-burned-in-george-floyd-riots/

  8. 60-YEAR-old Donald Trump supporter was shot dead in broad daylight near his "Vote Trump" banners as cops investigate a "political motive."

Special bonus deaths due to leftists:

  1. Another thousand dead of Wuhan virus after leftist riots.

  2. How many additional blacks murdered by other blacks since the police were told by liberal mayors to withdraw the police and let them kill each other?

How we got here.

We need to start a class action suit against BLM, NPR, the NY Times, and all of those leftists who have contributed toward making America a far more hateful and violent place. Incitement to violence is a crime.

The goal of all of this leftist discrimination and violence is ultimately genocide.

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116   Patrick   2022 Sep 19, 10:47am  


It's always the leftists who are making threats and committing acts of violence. Literally never the MAGA crowd.
118   Patrick   2022 Sep 20, 2:09pm  


The fatal vehicle-pedestrian incident happened early Sunday morning, Sept. 18, in McHenry, North Dakota, about 120 miles northwest of Fargo and 54 miles north of Jamestown.

Prosecutors allege moments before he was killed, 18-year-old Cayler Ellingson called his mom to come rescue him because 41-year-old Shannon Brandt was chasing him in the city of McHenry, where the street dance had just wrapped up.

By the time she could get there, her son was dead.

Brandt was officially charged Monday with vehicular homicide and leaving the scene of a deadly accident.

He was the one who called 911 to report the crash,” said North Dakota Highway Patrol Capt. Bryan Niewind.

Court papers show Brandt called 911 around 2:30 a.m. Sunday and told the 911 dispatcher that he just hit Ellingson, claiming the teen was part of a Republican extremist group and was calling people to come get Brandt after a political argument.
119   Patrick   2022 Sep 27, 4:13pm  


THREAD: The danger of radicalized progressives. In just the last few weeks, Democrats have upped the rhetorical ante to a level all-but-begging for violence. Following Biden's infamous "blood red" speech, here are how others are following his lead & recklessly hyping conflict...
120   Patrick   2022 Oct 7, 2:18pm  


Kayne West Was ‘Bullied by Hollywood’: ‘Mob’ of ‘Liberal Nazis’ ‘Threatened My Life’ over Trump Support
123   Patrick   2022 Oct 28, 10:38am  


An SNP equalities officer has apologised for a series of social media outbursts including one threatening violence against women. In now deleted posts, Cameron Downing, 23, said he wanted to “beat the f* out of some terfs and transphobes”.

In another, he claimed: “I f** hate terfs and transphobes with such a passion they make me want to SCREAM!” Terf – meaning trans-exclusionary radical feminist – is a derogatory term used against women who do not recognise the gender identity of trans women.
130   gabbar   2022 Nov 9, 9:11am  

Patrick says

While leftist violence may be new in our country, these fuckers have been doing it, in my experience, goes back to 4 decades back, for political power.
132   richwicks   2022 Dec 15, 10:18am  

Patrick says

It's always the leftists who are making threats and committing acts of violence. Literally never the MAGA crowd.

Could be a bunch of bots.
133   HeadSet   2022 Dec 15, 10:43am  

Patrick says

The wire services are still implying that the Pelosi attack was a right wing hit job. They no longer blatantly lie about MAGA, but have issues no retractions and current articles omit any reference to the attacker being a left leaning flower child illegal immigrant from Canada.

135   gabbar   2023 Jan 12, 3:31am  

The question should be, who is/are the leaders and financiers of these leftists? Without knowing this, the discussion is futile.
136   PeopleUnited   2023 Jan 12, 7:04am  

gabbar says

The question should be, who is/are the leaders and financiers of these leftists? Without knowing this, the discussion is futile.

The narrative is that leftist violence is justified, but J6 violence and “right wing” violence is terrorism. The problem is not who funds the violence, the problem is that leftist violence gets a pass.

There is no justice when violence of one type is applauded/condoned while other violence is vilified. The government needs to defend against and prosecute all violence equally, regardless of the source, motivation or political affiliation.

If we don’t have equal protection and equal prosecution the constitutional Republic does not exist.
137   Patrick   2023 Jan 12, 11:31am  

gabbar says

The question should be, who is/are the leaders and financiers of these leftists? Without knowing this, the discussion is futile.

@gabbar George Soros is the top funder of leftists.

The Pritzker family of Chicago is also high on that list.

SBF from FTX used to be a major donor to insanity, but now they have a bit of a problem with him because of his outright criminality.
138   Patrick   2023 Jan 13, 8:51pm  



George Soros Has Pumped $21 Billion into Leftist Politics since 2000, Filings Show
140   Patrick   2023 Jan 22, 12:09pm  


Antifa dweebs are currently attempting to burn down Atlanta

Jan 21, 2023 · NottheBee.com
This is going to be a story told in videos and pictures. Violence and language warning
142   AmericanKulak   2023 Feb 2, 1:00pm  

Patrick says

This story disappeared fast.
143   Patrick   2023 Feb 9, 10:40am  


NJ councilman Russell Heller shot dead just a week after slaying of Eunice Dwumfour

The councilman’s murder came exactly a week after Sayreville Councilwoman Dwumfour — also a Republican — was gunned down in her SUV outside her home about 15 miles away. Her murder remains unsolved.

Huh, two Republican politicians shot dead in a week in NJ.
145   Patrick   2023 Mar 22, 7:34pm  

From a while ago, but a classic example of leftist violence:


Man suspected of attacking Dave Chappelle onstage says show was 'triggering'
“I identify as bisexual … and I wanted him to know what he said was triggering,” Isaiah Lee told the New York Post from the Twin Towers Correctional Facility in Los Angeles.

... But it wasn't Chappelle who ultimately set Lee off. He said that another comedian in the show made a joke about pedophilia and that, having been molested, was triggered.

Ah, yet another guy who was fucked up by having been molested as a boy.
146   Patrick   2023 Mar 26, 10:09pm  


WON’T LET HER REST ‘Black Lives Matter activists’ flood murdered ‘All Lives Matter’ mom’s social media pages with mocking messages
Nicole Darrah, News Reporter
New YorkPublished: 14:00 ET, Jul 14 2020

Old, but I don't think I posted this particular murder by leftists before.
147   Patrick   2023 Mar 28, 10:29pm  


A professor at a Michigan university has been suspended after a disturbing Facebook post that encouraged killing “right-wing” speakers who spout racist, homophobic or anti-transgender viewpoints.

Steven Shaviro, who taught English and film studies at Wayne State University in Detroit, took to Facebook this week to say that it was ineffective for students to simply protest speakers they disagree with because it gives the orators “publicity and validation.”

“Although I do not advocate violating federal and state criminal codes, I think it is far more admirable to kill a racist, homophobic, or transphobic speaker than it is to shout them down, ” Shaviro explained in a since-deleted post.

In an email to students Monday, Wayne State president Dr. M. Roy Wilson said the university found Shaviro’s comments “at best, morally reprehensible and, at worst, criminal.”

151   Patrick   2023 Mar 29, 10:58am  


Rukshan Fernando

Wow first time I’m seeing this perspective of the elderly lady being punched in NZ. The trans rights extremists actually broke through the barriers around the women’s rights march, ganged up on her and then bashed her. It’s horrific. Has @nzpolice laid charges yet, or is this a “mostly peaceful” gang bashing?

Mickey the Fish

Trans Nazis bash an older woman.
She was about to speak about women’s safety.
But a man bashed her.
Easy to see why LGB is walking away from the T.
I hope that lady recovers OK.
152   Patrick   2023 Apr 1, 7:42pm  


Billboard Chris 🇨🇦🇺🇸
Another angle of the assault on me today. Police did nothing.

The investigating officer says I instigated, and she told me it was a mutual fight.

153   Karloff   2023 Apr 2, 7:34pm  

That man keeps his composure in the same manner that workers in mental hospitals (assuming any of those still exist) do when dealing with patients who swear constantly, throw feces, and get violent.

The infuriating part that is hard to keep composure over is the role that "law enforcement" is playing in this. Reprehensible.
154   mell   2023 Apr 2, 8:07pm  

These people are mentally ill and the only reason they are protected by LEOs and govt is because it's much easier to control a bunch of mentally ill retards who gang up on the productive members of society, but are literally too stupid to organize any protests against corrupt and fascist government policies actually affecting them. Panem et circenses.

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