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It’s Time for a National Conversation About Left-Wing Violence
David Harsanyi | December 15, 2024
When Black Lives Matter rioting enveloped the nation, causing billions in damage, destroying thousands of lives, one could barely get anyone in the media to admit it was even happening. To the Left, parents who protest school boards over critical race theory and mask mandates are “domestic terrorists,” but those who burn down cities are “mostly peaceful.”
The Left has been prone to violence since Year Zero. In the early 1900s, the United States was awash in communist and anarchist bombings, culminating in the deaths of over 30 people on Wall Street in 1920. Most cultural depictions of the ’60s upheavals were of a genteel, peace-loving movement, but it was imbued with extremists, as well. By the 1970s, left-wing terrorist groups such as the Weather Underground were setting off bombs at the Capitol, police stations, the Pentagon, and state attorneys general offices. In an 18-month period between 1971 and 1972, there were an amazing 2,500 bombings in the U.S. by leftist groups.
Worse, then as now, violence was often ignored or idealized by the “intellectual” Left. When I was young, self-style socialists would sometimes commemorate mass murderers such as Che Guevara or Mao Zedong on T-shirts. Today, feted contemporary public intellectuals such as Ta-Nehisi Coates write bestselling books celebrating terrorism. The late Kathy Boudin, a former Weather Underground member who was involved in a Brinks truck robbery that killed three innocent people, operated Columbia University’s “Center for Justice” for decades.
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If you attempt to wear a red MAGA hat in leftist-controlled states, you will likely be beaten or spat on.
There is nothing political that you can wear which would cause anyone on the right to beat you or spit on you in any state.
Matt Taibbi: The left has become exactly what they accused the right of being
Leftists violence threatens us all, and threatens the existence of the country.
The Unabomber, for all his faults, described leftism perfectly:
Academia incites leftist violence, billionaires abet it, and the media excuses it, if they report on it at all.
The left is rioting, looting, tearing down statues of all political figures, even abolitionists, and worst of all, murdering those who disagree. No one on the right is doing any such thing.
We need to speak up and remove all BLM cult signs, which are incitements to violence. Those signs promote hate, beatings, riots, lootings, and murder.
BLM and violent leftists are a cult which murders innocent people.
All the hate for Trump has become hate for orderly civil life, hate for mutual respect, and hate for calm reasoned debate. All TDS is incitement to violence.
To end leftist violence we first have to tell the truth about it (please mail p@patrick.net with more):
Leftist cancellations, boycotts, and threats:
Leftist firings and school suspensions:
Leftist beatings and shootings:
Leftist murders:
Special bonus deaths due to leftists:
How we got here.
We need to start a class action suit against BLM, NPR, the NY Times, and all of those leftists who have contributed toward making America a far more hateful and violent place. Incitement to violence is a crime.
The goal of all of this leftist discrimination and violence is ultimately genocide.