End Leftist Violence

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2020 Jul 12, 8:55pm   40,149 views  290 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (60)   💰tip   ignore  

All political violence of that last few decades comes from the left alone, not from the right.

If you attempt to wear a red MAGA hat in leftist-controlled states, you will likely be beaten or spat on.
There is nothing political that you can wear which would cause anyone on the right to beat you or spit on you in any state.

Matt Taibbi: The left has become exactly what they accused the right of being

Leftists violence threatens us all, and threatens the existence of the country.

The Unabomber, for all his faults, described leftism perfectly:

Leftists may claim that their activism is motivated by compassion or by moral principles, and moral principle does play a role for the leftist of the oversocialized type. But compassion and moral principle cannot be the main motives for leftist activism. Hostility is too prominent a component of leftist behavior; so is the drive for power. Moreover, much leftist behavior is not rationally calculated to be of benefit to the people whom the leftists claim to be trying to help. For example, if one believes that affirmative action is good for black people, does it make sense to demand affirmative action in hostile or dogmatic terms? Obviously it would be more productive to take a diplomatic and conciliatory approach that would make at least verbal and symbolic concessions to white people who think that affirmative action discriminates against them. But leftist activists do not take such an approach because it would not satisfy their emotional needs. Helping black people is not their real goal. Instead, race problems serve as an excuse for them to express their own hostility and frustrated need for power. In doing so they actually harm black people, because the activists’ hostile attitude toward the white majority tends to intensify race hatred.

Academia incites leftist violence, billionaires abet it, and the media excuses it, if they report on it at all.

The left is rioting, looting, tearing down statues of all political figures, even abolitionists, and worst of all, murdering those who disagree. No one on the right is doing any such thing.

We need to speak up and remove all BLM cult signs, which are incitements to violence. Those signs promote hate, beatings, riots, lootings, and murder.

BLM and violent leftists are a cult which murders innocent people.

All the hate for Trump has become hate for orderly civil life, hate for mutual respect, and hate for calm reasoned debate. All TDS is incitement to violence.

To end leftist violence we first have to tell the truth about it (please mail p@patrick.net with more):

Leftist cancellations, boycotts, and threats:

  1. Louis CK

  2. Roseanne Barr

  3. J.K. Rowling (ironic since did the same thing to others)

  4. Ricky Gervais

  5. Miss Swimsuit UK stripped of title after 'all lives matter' post

  6. Google bans ad revenue for any story which questions the official Wuhan virus narrative

  7. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8535907/Petition-demands-Trader-Joes-change-racist-food-packaging-uses-harmful-stereotypes.html for using "Trader Jose's" and "Trader Ming's" etc

  8. https://nypost.com/2020/07/01/harvard-grad-threatens-to-stab-anyone-who-says-all-lives-matter/

Leftist firings and school suspensions:

  1. James Damore, fired from Google

  2. https://patrick.net/post/1333940/2020-07-18-fordham-university-openly-violates-student-s-right-to-free-speech

  3. Cisco fires employees for saying "All lives matter"

  4. AZ professor threatened with violence for teaching the truth about Islam's clear incitement to terrorism

  5. Teacher fired for Tweet in support of Trump

Leftist beatings and shootings:

  1. https://ktrh.iheart.com/featured/michael-berry/content/2020-07-01-blm-activist-arrested-for-shooting-innocent-driver-in-utah-during-march/

  2. https://www.waynedupree.com/2020/05/man-wearing-maga-hat-attacked-by-protesters/

  3. https://www.breitbart.com/crime/2019/04/16/black-man-wearing-donald-trump-maga-hat-beaten-maryland/

  4. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8527275/NYPD-COD-three-cops-injured-attacked-protesters-Brooklyn-Bridge.html

  5. https://patrick.net/post/1333953/2020-07-19-angry-leftist-attacks-black-man-for-tearing-down-blm-signs

  6. https://therightscoop.com/black-trump-supporter-stabbed-in-portland-cnn-withholds-the-facts-says-cops-tear-gassed-peaceful-protesters/

  7. Armed leftist attempted to fire at a car, hits another leftist in the leg

Leftist murders:

  1. Dallas sniper who gunned down 5 cops 'wanted to kill white people'

  2. Retired St. Louis police captain, David Dorn, killed by looters during the George Floyd riots

  3. https://patrick.net/post/1333827/2020-07-13-all-violence-comes-from-the-left-young-mother-jessica-doty-whitaker-murdered-by-blm-fanatics

  4. https://www.foxnews.com/us/wisconsin-man-targeting-white-person-killed-motorcyclist

  5. https://theconservativetreehouse.com/2020/07/05/domestic-terrorism-black-lives-matter-protestors-murder-8-year-old-black-child/comment-page-1/

  6. 15 July 2020, Black man targets and kills two white men at random, media silence

  7. https://www.nationalreview.com/news/body-found-in-wreckage-of-minneapolis-pawn-shop-burned-in-george-floyd-riots/

  8. 60-YEAR-old Donald Trump supporter was shot dead in broad daylight near his "Vote Trump" banners as cops investigate a "political motive."

Special bonus deaths due to leftists:

  1. Another thousand dead of Wuhan virus after leftist riots.

  2. How many additional blacks murdered by other blacks since the police were told by liberal mayors to withdraw the police and let them kill each other?

How we got here.

We need to start a class action suit against BLM, NPR, the NY Times, and all of those leftists who have contributed toward making America a far more hateful and violent place. Incitement to violence is a crime.

The goal of all of this leftist discrimination and violence is ultimately genocide.

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28   Onvacation   2020 Jul 14, 11:37am  

Misc says
More socialism is called for the lower echelons of society

Define socialism. If you mean free clinics, soup kitchens, and dormitories for those down on their luck paid for by taxes, I'm with you. If you mean confiscating wealth from the productive in the name of equity, I'm against you.

The safety net should not be a comfortable place to live and it definitely should not be a multigenerational home.
29   Onvacation   2020 Jul 14, 11:44am  

Patrick says
But Americans do have some responsibility to take care of their fellow Americans.

Free clinics, soup kitchens, and dormitories. It is not fair to the producers to have to compete with the takers via welfare and subsidized housing. It is definitely not fair to the productive to incentivize children out of wedlock.
30   WookieMan   2020 Jul 14, 11:47am  

Onvacation says
If you mean confiscating wealth from the productive in the name of equity, I'm against you.

Too late for that. Half the damn country doesn't pay any meaningful amount in taxes. As in $1k or more. 20-30% of citizens in this country will never pay federal taxes. Yet reap benefits they paid nothing for. One of the few things Mitt Romney was right on.
31   Patrick   2020 Jul 14, 12:14pm  

This is yet another thing that the Georgist land-value tax would fix.


There should be no tax on income, because that discourages work.
There should be no tax on sales, because that discourages commerce.

There should be a single tax on land (and radio spectrum as a more abstract kind of land) because:

1. No one created land. Taxing land does not discourage "land production".
2. It's simple. Everyone can immediately understand it.
3. It's fair. If you don't want to pay a lot of tax, don't own a lot of land, or land in high-value areas which demand more services. But everyone will have to pay something.
4. It's impossible to evade. Everyone has to live somewhere within a country, and that place will have to pay the land value tax.
5. It is the best possible tax for the economy, discouraging only excessive land holding and not discouraging work or commerce.
34   CBOEtrader   2020 Jul 15, 2:10am  

WookieMan says
If you're laid off you're still making $2,500/mo plus normal UE benefits.

Where do you get these numbers? I help recently unemployed people find health insurance daily. I promise the average unemployed is making a fraction of this figure.

Theres a larger % of people w no fucking money than almost any time in memorable US history. I expect a market crash in october as empirical results start to match the direness of the situation.
35   WookieMan   2020 Jul 15, 4:36am  

CBOEtrader says
Where do you get these numbers?

From the only two people I personally know that are unemployed out of maybe 150-200 in my social network. And not FB social network, I'm talking about people that would 100% attend my wedding and that I communicate with at minimum monthly via phone/text/email.

The two are inlaws as well that I physically see on a weekly basis. They both are getting $600/wk. My MIL is only getting maybe $200/wk of normal UE. SIL is getting about $250/wk of normal UE from the state. They both got the $1,200 and SIL got the extra $500 for her son. I help my MIL with her accounting and have access to view her accounts. She 100% is getting what I state.

CBOEtrader says
I promise the average unemployed is making a fraction of this figure.

It's harsh, but it's likely the reason they are unemployed. They're too lazy to go through the UE process or are not educated enough on it to go get it. It takes time and patience to navigate the system in most states. I had the opportunity to get it after being laid off 2-1/2 years ago and said fuck it. Wasn't worth the time and my wife makes great money.

As an IC, I have a real estate license that I still have active, I could have gotten the $600/wk myself even though I earn other income. I've been taught all this by my SIL who frankly is ghetto and has figure out how to legally game these systems. Just takes a lot of time and knowledge of the system, which I admittedly don't know. This SIL is the one who fucked over baby daddy and destroyed his ankle monitoring bracelet knowing he'd go back to jail and the government would pay child support. She brags about this stuff.

CBOEtrader says
I expect a market crash in october as empirical results start to match the direness of the situation.

I don't doubt this could happen at all. Most people I know are in northern IL, but some in other states. I'm personally not seeing the direness from who I know and I know of people getting the stimulus and UE checks. The bad is happening, but I'm just personally not seeing it. Probably a blind spot for me I guess. There's for sure going to be some correction. The major index valuations just don't seem logical. But who knows. I don't have access to information that could point to a quick recovery for some reason.
36   HeadSet   2020 Jul 15, 6:53am  

Anecdotal, but at the Cab Company I work for, we have a few telephone operators and drivers who refuse to come back to work until the $500/week or so benefit runs out. Boss was tempted to mention this to the gov, but in reality such complaints will likely be ignored right now. If a company cuts a worker's hours to part time, that is doubly bad for the worker since it prevents UE benefits. Therefore, employees who get their hours cut are somewhat forced to quit.
37   CBOEtrader   2020 Jul 15, 8:13am  

WookieMan says
They both are getting $600/wk. My MIL is only getting maybe $200/wk of normal UE. SIL is getting about $250/wk of normal UE from the state. They both got the $1,200 and SIL got the extra $500 for her son

I sell a LOT of obamacare. Almost everyone who uses obamacare does so BECAUSE their income and family size qualifies them for subsidies to pay for the insurance (thank obama for that handout to blue cross).

I am not an expert at unemployment benefits, BUT it appears that unemployment insurance from govt is = a % of full employment income. Seems to be about 60% of employed income up to a maximum of about $800/week. The $600 per week bonus is currently planned to end in august, i think. So yeah, many many clients currently making more in unemployment than their previosu jobs. HOWEVER, theres a LOT of part time or restaurant or contract or previously unemployed who either get very little or nothing in unemployment. These people see that $600/wk as their last potential lifeline into a coming famine. Hard to know if these people cant or simply wont pay rent.

Then what about the investors? My landlord isnt a rich guy. He's a normal middle class dude who invested his savings into 3 townhomes, which he uses for income. Who pays him if his rentors dont pay? What about all those business owners with ruined businesses? Who is paying their rent/mortgage/college tuition for the kids?

I know a lot of people are financially fine through this and some (like myself) are seeing business increase. My business is exploding as I am fully digital in my sales and i sell health insurance :) Many, many others arent fine though.

Nv moratorium for business rents ended this month and residential rents are dure again Sep 1. Watch for evictions and foreclosures to pop in Sep. Expect the market to start falling around the middle of Sep as the numbers roll in. (*tin foil hat on*) ...and id expect the powers that be to follow through with the crash for political reasons. (*tin foil hat off*)

Its a speculative forecast, nothing i'd bet the farm on... but im looking for my best leverage bet to take advantage of this crash possibility.
38   WookieMan   2020 Jul 15, 8:25am  

CBOEtrader says
These people see that $600/wk as their last potential lifeline into a coming famine. Hard to know if these people cant or simply wont pay rent.

Agreed. Which is why I've been saying August will be interesting along with September reporting. Lots of unknowns.

Trust me, I'm not some cheerleader saying things are fine. I'm just personally not seeing it and know a few people making bank right now due to the bonus. The struggle has to be real in the high COL areas I assume. So I'm sure rents are rough in those areas. Living in a small town and knowing the restaurant owners, they're all fine. They shut down for a couple months and then started take out and have since opened up fully as no one is enforcing distancing. No one is missing rent here. Big cities where costs are higher, probably a problem.

The markets definitely don't seem logical. But that's also why I don't pay attention to them too much. It can make you crazy.
39   CBOEtrader   2020 Jul 15, 8:31am  

WookieMan says
Which is why I've been saying August will be interesting along with September reporting.

Arent you an investments advisor of some kind?

Are the rich people holding their shit together or no? I dont talk to many rich clients these days. My clients are almost all between $15k and $115k/year type families.
40   JH   2020 Jul 15, 3:15pm  

Misc says
Prior to the COVID lockdowns the unemployment rate was 3.5%.Today the unemployment rate is 11.1%. Including those who have part time jobs, but want full time jobs it is 18%. For July 23% of renters did not make their rent payment (this is about 25 million people), and this was through no fault of their own. They were working prior to government mandated lockdowns.

1. All individuals are responsible for their own actions alone. No one is responsible for anyone else's action.

As a society, we should at this point embrace a certain amount of socialism so as to not economically displace 25 million people. To have the Fed and Federal government bail out the rich and well connected, but let the commoners face homelessness would disintegrate the country. The BLM protests were quaint as very few people died. There is no telling the number of people that could be killed if we just let things take their course.

Dude, don't waste your time on this site. Years ago it was a helpful, informative site filled with renters, buyers, and landlords discussing the economic impacts of the housing markets excesses. Patrick was a cool dude with valuable economic insights that helped people make smart decisions.

Every time I've stopped back here in the past 5 years it has decayed further and further...it's pretty sad. Patrick's deep state antifa bullshit is scary--I can't believe he is on here inciting violence against people who dislike Trump. This circle is growing smaller by the day as not only our country but the rest of the world recognizes the peril Trump is bringing on his country.

@Patrick: you are better than this, dude...I've seen your posts here for years...I cannot believe what I'm reading from you today.
41   Patrick   2020 Jul 16, 9:09am  

Violent BLM cultist beats police with a club:


NYPD hunts protester who beat a Chief of Department and three other officers with a cane during a violent brawl on the Brooklyn Bridge - while critics demand a response from Bill de Blasio

At least four officers - including the city’s highest ranking uniformed cop, Chief of Department Terence Monahan - were hurt and 37 were arrested
In surveillance footage a protester is seen swinging a long object down at the heads of a group of officers from a walkway as they attempt to arrest someone
Photos of the aftermath showed a lieutenant with a bloodied face, a detective holding a bandage to his head, and an officer helping another to dress a wound
Mayor Bill de Blasio, who earlier this month slashed NYPD funding by $1bn, has yet to speak about the incident, despite being active on social media
Elsewhere in Manhattan Wednesday, a marked NYPD van was broken into and torched as police hunt for four suspects

... 'Where is the outrage?' asked NYC Scanner on Twitter. 'The NYPD Chief of Dept along with 3 other officers were brutally attacked today, some needing the hospital, yet [Mayor de Blasio] has tweeted ELEVEN tweets since the incident (7 hours) - all of them about police reform - and not ONE tweet condemning the attack.'
42   Onvacation   2020 Jul 16, 11:58am  

JH says
deep state antifa bullshit is scary

Hella scary.
43   socal2   2020 Jul 16, 12:17pm  

JH says
Patrick was a cool dude with valuable economic insights that helped people make smart decisions.

@Patrick: you are better than this, dude...I've seen your posts here for years...I cannot believe what I'm reading from you today.

Maybe you should be more concerned that the Democrat party has turned bat-shit crazy and has caused sensible moderates like Patrick to be appalled by it?

I know lots of smart dudes in California that have been red-pilled over the last few years by the crazy SJW'rs and Marxists that have taken over the Democrat party. Bill Clinton couldn't get elected in today's Democrat party.

Watching the Democrats single-handedly turn beautiful cities like San Francisco, LA, Seattle and Portland into absolute shit of homeless and lawlessness while they target Conservatives has an impact on one's views. Funny how that happens!
44   RC2006   2020 Jul 16, 12:36pm  

socal2 says

Watching the Democrats single-handedly turn beautiful cities like San Francisco, LA, Seattle and Portland into absolute shit of homeless and lawlessness while they target Conservatives has an impact on one's views. Funny how that happens!

45   Patrick   2020 Jul 16, 1:10pm  

socal2 says
Maybe you should be more concerned that the Democrat party has turned bat-shit crazy and has caused sensible moderates like Patrick to be appalled by it?

I know lots of smart dudes in California that have been red-pilled over the last few years by the crazy SJW'rs and Marxists that have taken over the Democrat party. Bill Clinton couldn't get elected in today's Democrat party.

Watching the Democrats single-handedly turn beautiful cities like San Francisco, LA, Seattle and Portland into absolute shit of homeless and lawlessness while they target Conservatives has an impact on one's views. Funny how that happens!

Thank you @socal2

I could not have said it better myself.

I'm a centrist, a moderate.

The left has become ultra-intolerant and violent.
46   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2020 Jul 16, 1:17pm  

Patrick says
socal2 says
Maybe you should be more concerned that the Democrat party has turned bat-shit crazy and has caused sensible moderates like Patrick to be appalled by it?

I know lots of smart dudes in California that have been red-pilled over the last few years by the crazy SJW'rs and Marxists that have taken over the Democrat party. Bill Clinton couldn't get elected in today's Democrat party.

Watching the Democrats single-handedly turn beautiful cities like San Francisco, LA, Seattle and Portland into absolute shit of homeless and lawlessness while they target Conservatives has an impact on one's views. Funny how that happens!

Thank you @socal2

I could not have said it better myself.

I'm a centrist, a moderate.

The left has become ultra-intolerant and violent.

I think my story is similar. I was a Democrat. But I cannot be anymore, party that destroyed my state, utterly hates me for my skin color. It’s insanity.
47   HeadSet   2020 Jul 16, 6:33pm  

The Dems used to represent labor. Now they team up with Big Corporate to offshore jobs and flood the country with cheap illegal scab workers. The Dems even abandoned the White working class in the early Obama era planning to replace those voters with a collection of non-White voters and LGBTQ. As collateral damage, Black working class were abandoned as well.
48   RWSGFY   2020 Jul 16, 6:59pm  

"On Wednesday 22-year-old black male Joshua Hayes traveled a few miles outside Indianapolis to Brownsbury, a neighboring community. Joshua Hayes stopped his car, got out and started shooting at the first people he saw – two white males working at a cemetery.

One victim was hit, and fell in the road. Shooter Hayes walked up to him and shot him three times point blank in the chest killing him. Hayes then chased the second man down shooting at him and hitting him. Joshua Hayes then approached the wounded man, and as his gun was pointed at the second victim’s head, a man sitting in his car (which was hit by bullets) witnessing all of this and a concealed carry weapon holder, got out of his vehicle and shot the shooter dead.

Police later determined the shooter and the victims did not know each other, and this was 100% random.

The intent was to kill as many people as possible presumably – but that never happened because that with the CCW permit stopped him.

Of course, this did not make any national headlines. Just like the like the young white mother Jessica Whitaker who was shot in Indianapolis by Black Lives Matter protesters."
49   Karloff   2020 Jul 16, 7:15pm  


The MSM are beyond garbage at this point. They're just as evil as the perpetrators of these actions, perhaps more-so. By engaging in biased reporting on such a scale as this, they warp the opinions of their viewers, whipping them into this state of TDS, where they view Trump as the Anti-Christ and all white people as "supremacists", to the point where these lunatics are actually murdering people. It's not hypothetical. It's not theoretical. It's very real.

They then have the gall to accuse Trump of "inciting violence". Always projecting. Always.

There needs to be another HUAC to bring these Marxists out of the shadows and into the light for the public to see who they are and what they've been doing. Until these people are removed from positions of power, things will only get worse.
50   Patrick   2020 Jul 16, 7:39pm  

FuckCCP89 says
Of course, this did not make any national headlines

I added it here:


Going to keep on adding them as leftist keep on murdering people.
53   Karloff   2020 Jul 22, 7:11pm  

Death threats on campus that go ignored because it's barely intelligible Marxists that are hurling them:


Really, look at the threats these people post. It's nothing but profanity and borderline illiterate drivel. These are supposedly college students? This is an example of what the school system is turning out: ignorant, uneducated, violent psychopaths.

These people belong in a mental institution, not an institution of higher learning. Their prior educators should be looked into as well. No doubt a history of indoctrinators.
54   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Jul 22, 7:42pm  

Two women doing laundry attacked by Black Man with handsaw and long history of violence and intimidation in Portland, in broad daylight. Responding police accused of racism by mob.


55   Patrick   2020 Jul 22, 7:53pm  

Graphic: Shane V. Green, who is black, walked inside a NE Portland laundromat & used a sharp handsaw to attack two women. Responding police located him on a nearby street but the arrest was interrupted by Portlanders who screamed at & taunted officers, accusing them of racism.

Shane Vordelmicha Green, was recorded attacking people in Portland with a sharp handsaw on 17 July, 2020. Protesters tried to stop police from arresting him. http://archive.vn/Fl68X
58   Patrick   2020 Jul 22, 10:28pm  

Great quote:

But we took Aunt Jemima out of the pancake box. Why does this keep happening??
59   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Jul 23, 6:38pm  

20 year old Obama son with knee on neck of 2-year old baby arrested, was out on Parole.

60   Maga_Chaos_Monkey   2020 Jul 23, 9:33pm  

I'd like to kick his teeth out. Just to start.
61   RC2006   2020 Jul 23, 10:25pm  

Just an everyday dindu occurrence. If the right responded like the left there would be no left.
62   HeadSet   2020 Jul 24, 6:53am  

NoCoupForYou says
20 year old Obama son with knee on neck of 2-year old baby arrested, was out on Parole.


Wonder why the mom allowed this crook to have time alone with her 2 year old?
63   Patrick   2020 Jul 24, 7:45am  


A Walled Lake teacher maintains he was fired after tweeting his support for President Donald Trump earlier this month, but the school district denies his support for Trump was the reason for his termination.

Justin Kucera, a 28-year-old social studies teacher and baseball coach at Walled Lake Western High School, said he was summoned to a Zoom meeting with district administrators and questioned about three tweets he sent July 6.

Kucera retweeted a Trump tweet, saying "SCHOOLS MUST OPEN IN THE FALL!!!" and also tweeted:

"I'm done being silent. @realDonaldTrump is our president ... Don't @ me
64   NDrLoR   2020 Jul 24, 8:30am  

Patrick says
But we took Aunt Jemima out of the pancake box
And Uncle Ben off the rice box.
65   mell   2020 Jul 24, 9:00am  

Patrick says

A Walled Lake teacher maintains he was fired after tweeting his support for President Donald Trump earlier this month, but the school district denies his support for Trump was the reason for his termination.

Justin Kucera, a 28-year-old social studies teacher and baseball coach at Walled Lake Western High School, said he was summoned to a Zoom meeting with district administrators and questioned about three tweets he sent July 6.

Kucera retweeted a Trump tweet, saying "SCHOOLS MUST OPEN IN THE FALL!!!" and also tweeted:

"I'm done being silent. @realDonaldTrump is our president ... Don't @ me

Leftoids = modern brownshirts

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