Flatten the Curve

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2020 Jul 15, 3:31am   36,411 views  720 comments

by Onvacation   ➕follow (4)   💰tip   ignore  

As the numbers of cases, hospitalizations, and deaths surge to record levels in multiple epicenters, local and state officials are struggling with whether and how much to reverse the rollback of restrictions on individuals and businesses. For example, following a gradual reopening over about a month, on Monday, California Gov. Gavin Newsom announced the reintroduction of statewide restrictions that would again shut down bars, all indoor dining, family entertainment, zoos and museums following a surge in coronavirus cases. The governors of Florida, Texas, and Arizona, all now epicenters of infection, have also slowed or reversed reopening, but their actions have been tepid. Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is even insisting on opening schools in the face of record-high numbers of infections.

These officials would do well to recall the observation of The Great One. No, not Dr. Tony Fauci of the National Institutes of Health—the other one, hockey legend Wayne Gretzky, who once explained, “I skate to where the puck is going to be, not where it has been.”

Anticipating what’s coming is important in confronting an infectious disease, especially one whose dynamics are what many infectious disease experts consider their worst nightmare. COVID-19 is highly infectious, has a lengthy incubation period (during which asymptomatic infected persons can unwittingly shed virus and infect other people), and causes serious, sometimes fatal illness.

Those unusual characteristics of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, which causes COVID-19, and the idiosyncrasies and spectrum of presentations of the illness—from pulmonary symptoms (including pneumonia and pulmonary fibrosis) to a range of non-respiratory manifestations, (including loss of sense of smell or taste, confusion and cognitive impairments, fainting, sudden muscle weakness or paralysis, seizures, ischemic strokes, kidney damage, and, rarely, a severe pediatric inflammatory syndrome) mean that we are on a steep learning curve.

The problem is: if we react too slowly to changing circumstances, we can fall off a metaphorical cliff.

There’s an old brain teaser that perfectly illustrates this point. Consider a pond of a certain size, on which there is a single lily pad. This particular species of lily pad reproduces and duplicates itself once a day, so that on day 2, you have two lily pads. On day 3, you have four; on day 4, you have eight; and so on. Here’s the teaser: if it takes the lily pads 48 days to cover the pond completely, how long will it take for the pond to be covered halfway?

The answer? 47 days. In just 24 hours, between day 47 and day 48, the lily pads would double in size and overtake the pond. Moreover, on day 40, the pond would still appear to be relatively clear; just eight days from the pond being completely covered, you’d hardly know the lily pads were there.

If the same thing happens with a virulent and highly contagious infectious agent, like the SARS-CoV-2 virus, you don’t know you’re in trouble until you wake up one morning to find that you’re overwhelmed. Like the lily pad example, the daily number of confirmed COVID-19 cases in the U.S. was 18,577 on June 15th—just three weeks later, on July 10th, the number had shot up to 66,281.

Dr. Anthony Fauci
Dr. Anthony Fauci


From early in the pandemic, the public health mantra worldwide has been: “flatten the curve.” That important concept, which was in vogue several months ago, seems largely forgotten today.

In the above graphic from the University of Michigan, the blue curve is the viral equivalent of the lily pads, suddenly covering the pond. It represents a large number of people (shown on the vertical axis) becoming infected over a short time (horizontal axis), and, in turn, overwhelming our health care system with people who need hospitalization, or even an Intensive Care Unit (ICU).

People won’t shop for non-essentials, fly, go to restaurants, theaters, and athletic events, or send their kids to school, when numbers of new cases are soaring.

If, however, political officials, individuals, and communities take steps to slow the virus’s spread, the cases of COVID-19 will stretch out across a more extended period, as depicted by the flatter, yellow curve. As long as the number of cases at any given time doesn’t bleed past the dotted line marking the capacity of our nation’s health care system, we’ll be able to accommodate everyone who is very sick.

Curve-flattening has fallen out of focus in recent months, in part because some political leaders reopened too aggressively and prematurely, basing policy on their constituents’ “pandemic fatigue,” instead of on the advice of epidemiologists and infectious disease experts.

But it’s still critical to avoid the pattern of the blue curve, not only to spare hospitals and ICUs—which are especially under stress in parts of Arizona, Florida, and Texas—but also so that we can continue the gradual reopening of the nation’s businesses and schools. Reopening relies on curve-flattening. As the NIH’s Dr. Tony Fauci says frequently, public health and economic considerations are not in opposition but are opposite sides of the same coin; we can’t fully restart and resume commerce until the pandemic is under some measure of control. People won’t shop for non-essentials, fly, go to restaurants, theaters, and athletic events, or send their kids to school, when numbers of new cases are soaring.

That means we need to start anticipating and stop playing catch-up—as the governors of Florida, Arizona, and Texas have been doing, relying on a combination of magical thinking, Happy Talk, and too-little-too-late remedies, instead of aggressive, evidence-based public health policies.

Arizona Governor Doug Ducey, for instance, has offered no strategy for blunting the spike in COVID-19 cases other than to keep repeating that there were enough hospital beds to treat those who fall ill. And yet, ICU beds and ventilators in use by suspected and confirmed COVID-19 patients in Arizona both hit new records on July 12th and were under stress, according to data reported by hospitals to the state.

On July 10th, a physicians group gathered outside Florida Governor DeSantis’s mansion in Tallahassee to urge him to issue an order mandating the use of face masks statewide, which arguably should have been done months ago. Masks have long been considered essential to slowing the spread of COVID-19, but, inexplicably, the Governor resisted. And only on July 10th did Texas Governor Greg Abbott finally mandate the wearing of face masks, and demand the prohibition of large gatherings and the closing of bars across the state.

Elected officials must heed Wayne Gretzky’s admonition and stay ahead of the coronavirus, in order to lower its rate of transmission. That’s the only way to slow the rise of new cases.

Evidence-based policies, such as requiring masks in public, prohibiting large indoor gatherings, and indoor dining at restaurants, are important. But as we’ve seen with California, even aggressive imposition of those kinds of strictures has not been sufficient—in large part because many people, especially younger ones, have failed to comply. As California allowed businesses and public places to reopen, bars, boardwalks, and beaches became crowded with large numbers of maskless patrons. It’s no wonder, then, that as of July 13th, hospitals in the state reported a 27.8% increase in hospitalized patients over the previous 14 days and a 19.9% increase in ICU patients over that same period. In fact, as a result of noncompliance, many local governments in the Golden State have had to coordinate with law enforcement agencies to issue citations and explore civil alternatives through code enforcement, environmental health, or other local government personnel.

Of course, the need for heightened consequences for noncompliance is unfortunate, but it will help to re-flatten the curve. That will spread out the demands on hospitals, which must have sufficient space, supplies, and healthy staff to care for all those who need hospital-level care—whether for COVID-19, a stroke, trauma, emergency surgery, or childbirth. It’s strong, but necessary, medicine—which possibly could have been avoided with more intense efforts to get the public to comply with wearing masks, social distancing, and frequent hand-washing.

If politicians properly understood their role in flattening the curve, they wouldn’t have to resort to policing and ticketing. They would instead launch a tsunami of public service announcements from all manner of dignitaries and celebrities, including prominent politicians, actors, rock stars, and athletes—maybe even The Great One himself—demonstrating how we can anticipate instead of falling behind the curve.

That non-coercive strategy could be a winner.

In this article:Coronavirus, Featured, large
Don't Miss:
For Coronavirus, the Name of the Game Is Minimizing the Probability of Infection.

Written By
Henry I. Miller, M.S., M.D.
Henry I. Miller, a physician and molecular biologist, is a Senior Fellow at the Pacific Research Institute. He was the founding director of the FDA’s Office of Biotechnology.


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90   prodigy   2020 Jul 21, 4:32pm  

I'm trying to hammer in your head the definition of the word "dangerous", so you can apply it properly...

WookieMan says
I'm not sure where you're going with your comments.
91   Shaman   2020 Jul 21, 4:33pm  

5% of total annual deaths this year are from Covid.
Five percent of deaths, and the average age of Covid deaths is 85. The life expectancy in the USA is 78.
This disease isn’t responsible for any statistically significant increase of expected deaths.

Keep in mind that every year we lose around 2.8 MILLION people in the USA alone.
140,000 is 5% of that.

This isn’t a pandemic. It’s a rounding error.
92   prodigy   2020 Jul 21, 4:34pm  

I'm pretty sure I've proven you don't know the definition of the word "dangerous"...

WookieMan says
You haven't proven anything.
93   Shaman   2020 Jul 21, 4:35pm  

prodigy says
I'm pretty sure I've proven you don't know the definition of the word "dangerous"...

WookieMan says
You haven't proven anything.

When you’re 85, taking a bath is dangerous.
Of course you’re going to be in more danger from a common cold.
This is just obvious.
94   prodigy   2020 Jul 21, 4:43pm  

Well that is nice.
It doesn't change the fact, and the point of the argument, that COVID IS DANGEROUS.
Do you think ALL those 85 year olds that died from covid would be dead today if covid did not exist?

Shaman says
5% of total annual deaths this year are from Covid.
Five percent of deaths, and the average age of Covid deaths is 85. The life expectancy in the USA is 78.
This disease isn’t responsible for any statistically significant increase of expected deaths.

Keep in mind that every year we lose around 2.8 MILLION people in the USA alone.
140,000 is 5% of that.

This isn’t a pandemic. It’s a rounding error.
95   WookieMan   2020 Jul 21, 4:47pm  

prodigy says
Well that is nice.
It doesn't change the fact, and the point of the argument, that COVID IS DANGEROUS.
Do you think ALL those 85 year olds that died from covid would be dead today if covid did not exist?

Yes, I do think most the people that have died were close to dead and some even died of other things, but they just happened to be in a nursing home and had Covid. It didn't actually kill them. Talk to some honest nurses and docs, and don't read the media. Actually talk to people that know what's going on.
96   CBOEtrader   2020 Jul 21, 4:52pm  

prodigy says
One has to know someone with a specific disease to believe it is dangerous?

a disease? no. a pandemic? yeah by the definition of the word, most should know many sick and/or dying for it be a pandemic.

My sister claims she has it. I dont believe her. She's a drama queen
97   CBOEtrader   2020 Jul 21, 4:54pm  

prodigy says
Fauci was right on both of his positions given the available scientific data at the time each position was expressed.

Total horseshit. Is fauci right on saying NY's strategy is the right approach? you know, the place that had more than 2 times the deaths per million as Italy?
98   WookieMan   2020 Jul 21, 5:01pm  

CBOEtrader says
prodigy says
Fauci was right on both of his positions given the available scientific data at the time each position was expressed.

Total horseshit. Is fauci right on saying NY's strategy is the right approach? you know, the place that had more than 2 times the deaths per million as Italy?

It's also easy to be right when Fauci is constantly moving the goalpost and saying "science" told him. Well.... no it didn't. He was wrong. Substantially wrong on the mask front if even current recommendations are valid.

And New York, talking about danger, they fucked that up so bad that it's damn near 30% of the deaths in this country. First state to have a positive case was Washington on the West Coast. CA has 4x's the number of people as NY yet substantially fewer deaths. The danger is in the morons that have no business governing, not a virus.
99   Onvacation   2020 Jul 21, 5:45pm  

WookieMan says
you're likely a boomer

I'm a boomer and I'm not afraid of a fucking cold.

But this is not about a fucking cold. It's about controlling the narrative. I can see a civil war coming and unless we call bullshit on the bullshit we have little chance.

Having ranted that, I am not quite ready to fight, openly. I live in California and feel too outnumbered to make a public stand, yet.
100   SoTex   2020 Jul 21, 7:08pm  

Onvacation says
I live in California and feel too outnumbered to make a public stand, yet.

Why dude? I'm just planning on leaving when that happens. Then, if shit gets worse, you'll be someplace where you have compadres.

That sort of shit is: leave it all behind if you can't take it with you. You're in danger and behind enemy lines.

Truth is a beotch.
101   ignoreme   2020 Jul 21, 7:18pm  

prodigy says
Who cares about age...

Sorry, you invalidated you argument. What’s more dangerous. a disease that kills 20% of people under 5 or one that kills 20% over 85?

Objectively it is the former. People under 5 had far greater life expectancy and those deaths are going to reduce the life expectancy of the total population far more.
102   prodigy   2020 Jul 22, 11:28am  

It's a stupid question.
Any disease that kills is dangerous.

ignoreme says
prodigy says
Who cares about age...

Sorry, you invalidated you argument. What’s more dangerous. a disease that kills 20% of people under 5 or one that kills 20% over 85?
103   Shaman   2020 Jul 22, 11:34am  

prodigy says
Any disease that kills is dangerous.

Including old fucking age, grandpa.
You’re going to die!
Get used to it.
104   prodigy   2020 Jul 22, 11:35am  

Your response is not directed at the question under review:
1- fauci did not recommend wearing facemasks, then
2- fauci did recommend wearing facemasks.

Question: Was fauci right.
My answer: yes in both instances, based on available data at the time.

Data used for each instance:
1- Fauci knew facemasks would help versus any orally transmitted virus, but at the time due to a shortage of N95 facemasks, the available ones needed to be directed to medical staff servicing virus patients. Thus he correctly recommended that the public should not wear facemasks so as to not have the medical staff infected to the point where there were not enough caregivers available for the truly sick.

2- Improvements in facemask availability,along with rapidly increasing infections, allowed him to change his recommendation to facemask wearing.

CBOEtrader says
prodigy says
Fauci was right on both of his positions given the available scientific data at the time each position was expressed.

Total horseshit. Is fauci right on saying NY's strategy is the right approach?
105   prodigy   2020 Jul 22, 11:36am  

So you agree that any disease that kills is dangerous.
Welcome Aboard!

Shaman says
prodigy says
Any disease that kills is dangerous.

Including old fucking age, grandpa.
You’re going to die!
Get used to it.
106   prodigy   2020 Jul 22, 11:38am  

The goalposts are always moving in regards to an unknown disease.
One can be "right" at any moment in time, given the available data at that time.
To judge if someone is "right", you should use the available data available at the time under judgement.

WookieMan says
It's also easy to be right when Fauci is constantly moving the goalpost and saying "science" told him.
107   Ceffer   2020 Jul 22, 11:38am  

108   Ceffer   2020 Jul 22, 11:40am  

I think soothsayers and chicken bones are better than Fauci these days, and cheaper, too. If you are going to make shit up about a faked pandemic, may as well go full Witch Doctor.
109   prodigy   2020 Jul 22, 11:40am  

1 billion chinese / south korean folks would disagree.
Waiting for your data to support your comment below.
Waiting for you to define "dangerous" from your POV.

WookieMan says
Substantially wrong on the mask front if even current recommendations are valid.
110   prodigy   2020 Jul 22, 11:44am  

So you are so freaked out that trump might lose that you would have 10's of thousands of people die prematurely due to no implementation of facemask wearing, enabling the virus to propogate at warp speed.
The issue is medical in nature, your response is political in nature.

Onvacation says
WookieMan says
you're likely a boomer

I'm a boomer and I'm not afraid of a fucking cold.

But this is not about a fucking cold. It's about controlling the narrative.
111   socal2   2020 Jul 22, 11:58am  

prodigy says
So you are so freaked out that trump might lose that you would have 10's of thousands of people die prematurely due to no implementation of facemask wearing, enabling the virus to propogate at warp speed.

California mandated face masks weeks ago, was the first state to lock down and has some of the strictest lock down rules in the country. Yet California's infection rate is skyrocketing.

So what do you attribute the warp speed at which the virus is spreading in California?
112   joshuatrio   2020 Jul 22, 12:14pm  

socal2 says

California mandated face masks weeks ago, was the first state to lock down and has some of the strictest lock down rules in the country. Yet California's infection rate is skyrocketing.

So what do you attribute the warp speed at which the virus is spreading in California?

113   mell   2020 Jul 22, 12:15pm  

socal2 says
prodigy says
So you are so freaked out that trump might lose that you would have 10's of thousands of people die prematurely due to no implementation of facemask wearing, enabling the virus to propogate at warp speed.

California mandated face masks weeks ago, was the first state to lock down and has some of the strictest lock down rules in the country. Yet California's infection rate is skyrocketing.

So what do you attribute the warp speed at which the virus is spreading in California?

The answer is simple. Masks don't help much and increased testing uncovers many more positives, probably many false positives as well. If you look at the death rate it has been trending down. The fact is big government is mandating now testing for everything from travel to visiting your MD for something completely unrelated. It's making many testing/vaccine companies a fortune but achieving little except for hyping the leftoid fear porn and keeping small business owners and workers unemployed. Clown world.
114   mell   2020 Jul 22, 12:17pm  

joshuatrio says
socal2 says

California mandated face masks weeks ago, was the first state to lock down and has some of the strictest lock down rules in the country. Yet California's infection rate is skyrocketing.

So what do you attribute the warp speed at which the virus is spreading in California?


Yep probably half of them is asymptomatic which should qualify you as healthy. It's utter bullshit and blatantly unconstitutional to demand healthy people who test positive to stay at home against their will.
115   socal2   2020 Jul 22, 12:24pm  

mell says

Yep probably half of them is asymptomatic which should qualify you as healthy. It's utter bullshit and blatantly unconstitutional to demand healthy people who test positive to stay at home against their will.

Yep - I agree with all of that.

Just pointing out the silly claim that many Lefties seem to be making this week that "if only Trump wore a mask, places like California wouldn't have skyrocketing infection rates"

As if the Liberals in California would listen to Trump anyway.
116   mell   2020 Jul 22, 12:27pm  

socal2 says
mell says

Yep probably half of them is asymptomatic which should qualify you as healthy. It's utter bullshit and blatantly unconstitutional to demand healthy people who test positive to stay at home against their will.

Yep - I agree with all of that.

Just pointing out the silly claim that many Lefties seem to be making this week that "if only Trump wore a mask, places like California wouldn't have skyrocketing infection rates"

As if the Liberals in California would listen to Trump anyway.

Right this is all TDS and utter leftoid BS. So NY and CA now have comparable number if infections. Nothing about that is "skyrocketing". CA has double the population and now increased testing. So NY has still done far worse and it's only testimony to the fact that eventually the virus spreads evenly no matter what the fuck you do.
117   prodigy   2020 Jul 22, 12:27pm  

When california locked down heavy volume indoor businesses were shuttered.
Remaining open businesses took recommended precautions, primarily social distancing and facemasks.
Infection rates leveled off but never went down due to ever increasing testing

When california opened up, obviously home gatherings without facemasks, and densely populated public places with partial facemasks restarted the upward trend.
But lack of mask wearing during the reopening amplified the increasing numbers

socal2 says
California mandated face masks weeks ago, was the first state to lock down and has some of the strictest lock down rules in the country. Yet California's infection rate is skyrocketing.

So what do you attribute the warp speed at which the virus is spreading in California?
118   prodigy   2020 Jul 22, 12:31pm  

Yes, testing increased, but so did the infection rate due to mask abandonment in densely populated places ( see BARS ).
A double whammy making cali look a lot worse than it should have with testing alone.

joshuatrio says
socal2 says

119   mell   2020 Jul 22, 12:32pm  

prodigy says
When california locked down heavy volume indoor businesses were shuttered.
Remaining open businesses took recommended precautions, primarily social distancing and facemasks.
Infection rates leveled off but never went down due to ever increasing testing

When california opened up, obviously home gatherings without facemasks, and densely populated public places with partial facemasks restarted the upward trend.
But lack of mask wearing during the reopening amplified the increasing numbers

socal2 says
California mandated face masks weeks ago, was the first state to lock down and has some of the strictest lock down rules in the country. Yet California's infection rate is skyrocketing.

So what do you attribute the warp speed at which the virus is spreading in California?

There is zero proof that any mask under N95 slows the spread at all. And it causes many issues due to bacterial infections and reduced oxygen intake.
120   Patrick   2020 Jul 22, 12:35pm  

mell says
There is zero proof that any mask under N95 slows the spread at all.

Especially outdoors.

It is extremely difficult to pass on Wuhan virus outdoors. The Chinese published a study of thousands of known transmission. Only one was outdoors, and that was two guys sitting next to each other and talking.
121   prodigy   2020 Jul 22, 12:36pm  

"most should know many sick and/or dying for it be a pandemic"

Thats a nice opinion.
Care to back it up with something? Anything?

CBOEtrader says
prodigy says
One has to know someone with a specific disease to believe it is dangerous?

a disease? no. a pandemic? yeah by the definition of the word, most should know many sick and/or dying for it be a pandemic.
122   mell   2020 Jul 22, 12:40pm  

Patrick says
mell says
There is zero proof that any mask under N95 slows the spread at all.

Especially outdoors.

It is extremely difficult to pass on Wuhan virus outdoors. The Chinese published a study of thousands of known transmission. Only one was outdoors, and that was two guys sitting next to each other and talking.

Right, also indoors the owner/renter can mandate whatever they want, people can choose to go in and comply or not. The interesting thing is that they really still don't know what the main action of spread is. But the current consensus of droplet (only) is becoming more and more unlikely. It's either aerosol and/or touch or some other mechanism such as unfiltered sewage (vapors/particles) in addition to having a symptomatic person cough on you.
123   prodigy   2020 Jul 22, 12:45pm  

Here ya go.
This is as obvious as it gets...

mell says
There is zero proof that any mask under N95 slows the spread at all. And it causes many issues due to bacterial infections and reduced oxygen intake
124   prodigy   2020 Jul 22, 12:46pm  

stitched cotton baby...nomovoro...
125   prodigy   2020 Jul 22, 12:47pm  

Agreed, unless you are in an outdoor stadium squashed into a seat and the person beside you is spitting virus.
over 3 hours you might accumulate enough to get sick.

Patrick says
Especially outdoors.

It is extremely difficult to pass on Wuhan virus outdoors. The Chinese published a study of thousands of known transmission. Only one was outdoors, and that was two guys sitting next to each other and talking.
126   prodigy   2020 Jul 22, 12:48pm  

It's mainly an indoor plague.
127   prodigy   2020 Jul 22, 12:53pm  

A billion or two chinese would tend to disagree with this statement.
These people have to wear masks or get shot.
How do you explain their ridiculously low infection rate given the population count?

Not something that one would want to hear, but living under communist rule during a pandemic may be the most effective way to eliminate it.
Freedom always extracts a price, this time from mother nature.

mell says
The answer is simple. Masks don't help much and increased testing uncovers many more positives
128   prodigy   2020 Jul 22, 1:00pm  

All of which moves a whopping 2 inches out of your cotton stitched mask when worn.

mell says
But the current consensus of droplet (only) is becoming more and more unlikely. It's either aerosol and/or touch or some other mechanism such as unfiltered sewage (vapors/particles) in addition to having a symptomatic person cough on you.
129   mell   2020 Jul 22, 1:05pm  

prodigy says
A billion or two chinese would tend to disagree with this statement.
These people have to wear masks or get shot.
How do you explain their ridiculously low infection rate given the population count?

Not something that one would want to hear, but living under communist rule during a pandemic may be the most effective way to eliminate it.
Freedom always extracts a price, this time from mother nature.

mell says
The answer is simple. Masks don't help much and increased testing uncovers many more positives

The Chinese don't know anything about it and apply any measure - effective or not. Also in densely populated areas and with their worse sanitary system there are a lot of other infections going around, so making them wear masks will help surely with something but not necessarily Covid-19. For a free country rooted on science though it's not a proven or effective measure at all. Generally it's nice and effective if sick people don't go out or to the office until they are asymptomatic and if they go out into indoor or crowded spaces they should wear masks as a courtesy, but making everyone making a face mask accomplishes nothing, is highly ineffective and likely will cause worse health effects down the line. The science is clear.

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