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1   georgeliberte   2020 Jul 16, 3:26pm  

I mean if you sleep with dogs, you wake up with fleas. Those are mangy curs he lay with.
2   Ceffer   2020 Jul 16, 4:24pm  

Once there was Pandertarding. Then, came Groveltarding. Now, SpreadCheekstarding.
4   Patrick   2023 Oct 16, 5:30pm

American woman – who spent her life advocating for Palestinian rights – murdered by Hamas in Israel

An American woman – who spent her life advocating for Palestinian rights – was murdered by Hamas terrorists in Israel, according to her family.

More than 1,300 Israelis have been slaughtered ever since Hamas terrorists executed a surprise attack on Israel on Oct. 7. There were also 29 Americans killed in the Hamas attacks in Israel, including 67-year-old Cindy Flash.

Flash – a native of St. Paul, Minnesota – was reportedly murdered by terrorists when she was hiding in a safe room inside her home in Kfar Aza, a southern Israel kibbutz close to the Gaza border.

Cindy's husband, 66-year-old Igal Flash, was also allegedly killed by Hamas terrorists in the safe room. Igal was a son of Holocaust survivors. ...

Keren told USA Today of a message sent from her mother, "They are breaking down the safe room door. We need someone to come by the house right now."

"They managed to break into the safe room," the chilling final text message from last Saturday read.

Keren told CNN, "That was the last time anyone heard from them."

The daughter did know her parents' fate until Thursday when she learned the devastating news that they had been killed.
5   richwicks   2023 Oct 16, 5:33pm  

Patrick says

More than 1,300 Israelis have been slaughtered ever since Hamas terrorists executed a surprise attack on Israel on Oct. 7. There were also 29 Americans killed in the Hamas attacks in Israel, including 67-year-old Cindy Flash.

Why do people care about the deaths in Israel? We have the same atrocities in the United States, and Americans totally ignore them. We should concentrate on this nation first, we can solve these problems here, we cannot solve the Israeli / Palestinian conflict, it's not our problem.
6   Patrick   2023 Oct 26, 5:08pm  

We don't have deliberate, personal, Go-Pro recorded massacres of 1,400 unarmed civilians in the US.

I don't think what happened in Maui was deliberate.

I'm not saying we should be involved in the Middle East. I think we should have absolutely nothing to do with the place, and that AIPAC is causing America a ton of trouble with no benefit at all.
7   Patrick   2023 Oct 26, 5:09pm

Cancel Culture Warriors Get a Taste of Their Own Medicine
Ah, that sweet sweet Schadenfreude ...

It’s not “cancel culture,” they insisted. It’s “consequence culture.” Intent doesn’t matter. Only impact does. Not even Thomas Jefferson was safe from the “Eye of Sauron” that sought to root out the thought criminals wherever they may have been hiding.

If you wrote a headline that said “Buildings Matter Too” and lost your job? Too bad, your words caused harm. Said the “N-word” as clarification on a field trip, and your entire legacy at the New York Times goes up in smoke? Those are necessary consequences for your actions.

Liked the wrong tweet, voted for the wrong candidate, praised the wrong movie, had the wrong opinion about Black Lives Matter, had a bad date, wore the wrong Halloween costume, and that was it. If you defended someone who wore “blackface” on Halloween once, you are a convicted racist, and you must apologize profusely or lose your job, sometimes both.

Who gets to stay and who has to go has been the sick little game we’ve all been playing, like we’re trapped in an episode of the Twilight Zone and are one wrong opinion away from being wished into the cornfield.

The unholy alliance of screeching, infantile, overly sensitive cry bullies on social media and the major institutions that bowed to them has been spreading like a toxic fungus on college campuses and throughout American culture for far too long. Heck, it’s even been exported to other countries.

No one dared stand up to the little tyrants, lest they found themselves wished into the Cornfield too, so they said nothing. All of them said nothing. Even the President of the United States said nothing. That meant the little tyrants grew into adult tyrants who thought they could blame Israel for the attack by Hamas, and everyone would applaud them as brave activists fighting the good fight.

It didn’t quite go that way. Some of them experienced genuine pushback. Some even experienced — gasp — consequences. Just that tiny bit of resistance sent them reeling into safety rooms as they sobbed hysterically because now they couldn’t get a job at their law firm of choice. Oh, the poor little dears!

But guess what, kids? The worm finally turned, and now, all of that power you held in the palms of your hands can be used against you.
9   HeadSet   2023 Oct 28, 8:45pm  

Patrick says

The worm finally turned, and now, all of that power you held in the palms of your hands can be used against you.

Nope. They can still cancel anyone they disagree with, they just learned that Jews are a powerful group that is off limits.
10   Patrick   2023 Nov 22, 6:03pm

“Commie Cluck”: Restaurant That Ejected Sarah Huckabee Sanders and Her Family Closes
11   Tenpoundbass   2023 Nov 23, 11:20am  

90% of all Restaurants are destined to close before they ever become a local tradition or eatery institution. That is why it is foolish to alienate any customer.
Those that do become a local success and the owners go on to retire. Their kids or who ever bought it, will see it closed within a year historically.
12   Patrick   2023 Dec 28, 5:35pm

The Democrats’ legal attacks against President Donald Trump could backfire as partisan political prosecutors continue efforts to break down the protections of presidential immunity. ...

In their zeal to “get Trump,” however, the 45th president’s detractors overlook the fact that if Trump is denied the immunity from prosecution he has claimed, so too would President Joe Biden be opened up to potential prosecution on several different fronts once he has left office.
14   HeadSet   2024 Mar 28, 1:27pm  

Patrick says

In their zeal to “get Trump,” however, the 45th president’s detractors overlook the fact that if Trump is denied the immunity from prosecution he has claimed, so too would President Joe Biden be opened up to potential prosecution on several different fronts once he has left office.

Biden will be dead by then and no Uniparty will ever face any prosecution. Biden could also pardon himself proactively of all possible charges during his last days in office.
15   OkDOGEisAmountingToSomething   2024 Mar 28, 3:50pm  

Patrick says

In their zeal to “get Trump,” however, the 45th president’s detractors overlook the fact that if Trump is denied the immunity from prosecution he has claimed, so too would President Joe Biden be opened up to potential prosecution on several different fronts once he has left office

And Obama and Bush and Clinton and (technically) Carter.

Of those, they'll go after Clinton more likely.
16   HeadSet   2024 Mar 28, 6:31pm  

UkraineIsTotallyFucked says

Patrick says

In their zeal to “get Trump,” however, the 45th president’s detractors overlook the fact that if Trump is denied the immunity from prosecution he has claimed, so too would President Joe Biden be opened up to potential prosecution on several different fronts once he has left office

And Obama and Bush and Clinton and (technically) Carter.

Of those, they'll go after Clinton more likely.

Did they go after Clinton because of the president of nabbing Trump for classified info mishandling? If Trump does not get immunity, they can still excuse Clinton with the "no prosecutor would charge" and excuse Biden with "no jury would convict." They already demonstrated these exact excuses.
17   Patrick   2024 Apr 23, 3:49pm

I do think the recent surge in anti-semitism is a direct result of decades of teaching that anti-white racism is good.
18   HeadSet   2024 Apr 23, 4:41pm  

Patrick says

I do think the recent surge in anti-semitism is a direct result of decades of teaching that anti-white racism is good.

I agree. The Jewish profs pushing that racism are now seeing that policy aimed at them.
19   richwicks   2024 Apr 23, 5:02pm  

Patrick says

I do think the recent surge in anti-semitism is a direct result of decades of teaching that anti-white racism is good.

If you're going to be convicted of a crime regardless of whether you are guilty or not, you may as well be guilty.

Israel has, for decades, accused anybody that spoke out against what they were doing as being "anti-Semites". The reason I speak out against what Israel is doing is that it's bad for Israel and for Jewish people in general and the United States. The United States had moral leadership in the world when I was a kid, it doesn't now.
20   Patrick   2024 Apr 30, 12:47pm

Trump Hints at Looming Biden Prosecutions if Supreme Court Rules against Presidential Immunity

On Truth Social, Trump reposted a quote from his former adviser Stephen Miller. ...

“If they say there’s no immunity for official acts, the moment Joe Biden leaves office, every single red city and red state DA in the country can charge him for financial crimes related to illegal student loan bailouts, can charge him for war crimes related to deaths of service members overseas, can charge him for human trafficking, human smuggling, and by the way, more election interference than you can count.”
22   Ceffer   2024 May 3, 10:10pm  

Patrick says

It's tragic when you can't even hold on to DEI printing press diploma.
23   HeadSet   2024 May 4, 7:29am  

Patrick says

I doubt this is real. I would more believe that the UCLA staff would just want a talk session with this guy, declare their empathy with his struggle as a minority, then try to buy his affection with additional scholarships or other perks.
24   Tenpoundbass   2024 May 5, 3:50pm

NY Dem who voted to lift statue of limitations on rape allegations, for the sole purpose to get Trump.
Now says the law is unconstitutional, that it is being used against him.

This story belongs in so many threads here, but the Karma collection agency best fits.
25   Patrick   2024 May 6, 10:49am

The New York Post ran a delightfully karmic story yesterday headlined, “NYC pol says law allowing rape suit against him was unconstitutional — despite voting for the legislation.” But the story was so much better than the headline promised.

You may recall some of last year’s anti-Trump lawfare, where bizarre cat lady E. Jean Carroll suddenly claimed twenty-five years later that Trump had sexually assaulted her in a Bergdorf Goodman changing room. Despite holes in her story Elon Musk could launch a Dragon Heavy rocket through, the Manhattan jury awarded her $5 million, although it also found that Trump had not raped the colorful Carroll, but had sexually assaulted her instead.

At least in part, Carroll’s antique case was resurrected by a brand-new, automatically-expiring New York law, as fancy a piece of progressive lawfare as ever high-stepped down Broadway. The “Adult Survivors Act” revived ancient sexual assault claims, making them viable — but only during a two-year period — although the statutes of limitation had long since passed.

Carroll filed her lawsuit against Trump right after the new law became effective.

The genius behind the Adult Survivors Act was state senator Kevin Parker, who at the time of passage bragged about his terrific new law, saying “I voted in favor of the Act to ensure all New Yorkers can seek justice and be heard.”

All New Yorkers. All.

Just like E. Jean Carroll, rape survivor Olga Jean-Baptiste also filed a claim — against Senator Parker — right before the Act expired late last year. According to her lawsuit, Olga was working with Parker on Haitian relief efforts twenty years ago in 2004, when Parker grabbed her by the wrists and forcibly raped her at her own home. Governor Kathy Hochul has called Olga’s allegations “deeply disturbing.”

But in a deliciously ironic motion to dismiss the case filed last week, Senator Parker now claims his Adult Survivors Act was unconstitutional. But Senator Parker, remember: no one is above the law.

It’s not just Parker, either. Lorna Beach-Mathura also filed an Adult Survivors claim right under the wire, against New York Mayor Eric Adams, who happens to be running for re-election this year. Also ironically, in Adams’ most recent motion, his lawyers complained the case is taking too long: “any longer a wait will start interfering with New Yorkers’ ability to fairly make a decision in the upcoming mayoral primary.”

Election interference!

Two months ago in mid-March, Lorna filed a ‘bombshell complaint’ accusing Adams of demanding oral sex as consideration for helping her with her budding career while the two worked in the Transit Police Department — all the way back in 1993! According to the lawsuit, when she refused his ungenerous offer, Adams — then leader of the Transit Bureau Association — allegedly whipped out and forced her to touch the little mayor, which promptly and prematurely delivered a seminal address right on her while she was struggling to secede from the salacious encounter.

What’s gooey for the goose, is gooey for the little mayor, too.

Democrats seem have a recurring ‘little mayor’ problem. See, e.g., Mario Cuomo and Jeffrey Toobin. Maybe lawfare like the Adult Survivors Act wasn’t the best idea their sticky little heads ever came up with. I’m just saying. Don’t cancel me.

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