Romney Supports Holding A Vote On Next Supreme Court Nominee

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2020 Sep 22, 7:23am   3,273 views  33 comments

by WookieMan   ➕follow (1)   💰tip   ignore  


Damn. Looks like this is going to happen. The left can't tar and feather a women, so this is likely a done deal at this point.

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2   Dholliday126   2020 Sep 22, 7:45am  

I don't believe it, that snake is the biggest RINO. There must be an alternative strategy going on.

He said he supports a "vote", that's not a yes.
3   Tenpoundbass   2020 Sep 22, 7:50am  

I have mixed feelings about this.
Trump has a terrible track record of picking people with a Crocodile smile. He appoints snakes in the grass time and time again.
I have a gut feeling, the GOP holdouts and those that would normally drag this out for 4 months. Have been in contact with Trump's front runner, and She has assured them, She will throw Trump under the bus.

I think the Cuban gal from Miami is the safest bet. Cubans know what's at stake with the commies.
4   clambo   2020 Sep 22, 8:25am  

Romney is looking to the future when Trump finishes his second term.
He’s giving up stabbing Trump in the back on this one, he knows people will remember that he’s a dick if he fucks up the Supreme Court situation.
Romney is a nut, he just can’t stand being a rich guy with a house in La Jolla, he still has presidential aspirations.
5   WookieMan   2020 Sep 22, 8:49am  

TrumpingTits says
WookieMan says
The left can't tar and feather a women, so this is likely a done deal at this point.

Hahahaha. Remember Paula Jones? What about Betsy DeVoss? Sarah Palin? Candace Owens? Kim Klacik?

I understand, but I think the front runner ACB is clean as can be. Being Catholic and the whole abortion thing is it. Good luck to the Dems dying on that hill. It will for sure get dragged into the mud, but I don't think there's anything that stops it. Collins and the other gal from Alaska will change their tune at some point. Romney personally wants a conservative SCOTUS regardless of his past Trump thoughts. They'll likely get all 53 votes in my opinion.

Remember, RBG has been dying forever. If Trump hasn't vetted and had this planned for months if not years, he did a shit job plain and simple. If you push this through before the election, it will disenfranchise Democrat voters big time. They don't like Biden. RBG was replaced so why vote for Biden? What's the point of voting after that? I see more advertising for Senate seats than for Biden. They know POTUS is lost at this point. The 29th is going to be interesting if Joe shows.
6   SoTex   2020 Sep 22, 8:56am  

WookieMan says
RBG was replaced so why vote for Biden?

My thoughts exactly...
7   Shaman   2020 Sep 22, 9:14am  

WookieMan says
They don't like Biden. RBG was replaced so why vote for Biden? What's the point of voting after that?

Let’s hope the Democrats are very demoralized by this appointment, confused by their leaders supporting the mobs that are burning down their cities, and tired of the endless propaganda, race baiting, and HATE coming from their party. Too tired to think of going to vote, the poor things need another three bottles of wine and a good long cry.
8   rocketjoe79   2020 Sep 22, 9:37am  

Shaman says
WookieMan says
They don't like Biden. RBG was replaced so why vote for Biden? What's the point of voting after that?

Let’s hope the Democrats are very demoralized by this appointment, confused by their leaders supporting the mobs that are burning down their cities, and tired of the endless propaganda, race baiting, and HATE coming from their party. Too tired to think of going to vote, the poor things need another three bottles of wine and a good long cry.

Shaman, you're brought a tear to my eye today. [sniff!]

Perhaps a few who work their way through the pain will take a hard look at what their affiliation to the left has actually brought them and theirs. One can hope.
9   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2020 Sep 22, 9:43am  

Left hates women. It’s why they push trans shit, to erase women. Only women left supports are pink haired harpies.
10   ignoreme   2020 Sep 22, 9:44am  

WookieMan says
The left can't tar and feather a women

Watch them.
11   Bd6r   2020 Sep 22, 9:51am  

WookieMan says
The left can't tar and feather a women

you are so charmingly naive, my young friend
they would tar and feather an indigenous transgendered lesbian if that person would express conservative views
12   ignoreme   2020 Sep 22, 11:11am  

The beauty of this is that they WILL tar and feather her even though they know they should not. They can’t help themselves.

This plus the riots is going to give Trump the soccer mom vote. I get hard thinking about a Democrat senator or even just a talking head insinuating Barrett can’t balance the needs of 7 children with the Supreme Court position.
13   Al_Sharpton_for_President   2020 Sep 22, 11:15am  

ignoreme says
The beauty of this is that they WILL tar and feather her even though they know they should not. They can’t help themselves.
They'll probably dig up some unverifiable source that she descended from slave owners. That will disualify anybody, wouldn't it?
14   WookieMan   2020 Sep 22, 11:28am  

ignoreme says
The beauty of this is that they WILL tar and feather her even though they know they should not. They can’t help themselves.

Can it happen, yes. I'm just not seeing it here. This would be the ultimate nuke to the foot for Democrats. Strategically they'd be better off conceding and trying to win the Senate back. POTUS ain't happening and they know it. The party is crumbling as we type here and I think they're starting to see that. They can't block the nomination, so dragging this into the mud is suicide.

There will be a democratic party after this election, but the power grab after it implodes will be interesting. You simply can not go after a woman nominee and come out unscathed being the party of minorities. Lots of folks will get woke to the sham that the party is.
15   Eric Holder   2020 Sep 22, 11:31am  

16   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2020 Sep 22, 3:05pm  

ignoreme says
WookieMan says
The left can't tar and feather a women

Watch them.

They are doing it to Candace Owens right now. Their bullshit and double standards are permanent, their voters believe anything.
17   Ceffer   2020 Sep 22, 3:56pm  

If Trump nominated Kamala, they'd dig up Willie Brown to testify she raped him.
18   WookieMan   2020 Sep 22, 4:39pm  

Fortwaynemobile says
They are doing it to Candace Owens right now. Their bullshit and double standards are permanent, their voters believe anything.

I understand, and this doesn't make their attacks appropriated, but she (Candace) does attack left leaning people, media and orgs. We're talking about a judge here that very likely is clean as can be. Has religious affiliation, which doesn't disqualify her. If they want to attack that, the Dem Senators in the committee are going to look like shit and light even more fire under Republican voters.

Their best bet is to roll over and take it at this point. Politicizing rona, riots, impeachments, investigations, etc haven't worked. Trump is polling well and he won in '16 being behind in pretty much every poll. Biden is not as hated as Hillary, but not even remotely close to being loved by the base. Kamala inspires nothing. Trump is higher with hispanics and blacks than '16. This has every indication of being a historic blow out.

Dems throwing a pity party and reminiscing of Garland doesn't help their cause. If they want high Republican voter turn out and independents to shift towards the right, then having a hissy fit over this SCOTUS appointment will do exactly that. This is purely a comment on strategy too. I kind of want to see them fuck themselves over for the next decade or two.
19   cynn   2020 Sep 22, 4:45pm  

Uh, where do you live? We aren't politicizing anything. We're looking at gross misconduct. I have no problem hearing from a conservative judge. I have resigned myself to the fact that the Republican senators dropped their balls and are going forward with a hypocritical minstrel show. We'll see what happens from here. You guys are getting way too exercised about this than necessary.,
20   Bd6r   2020 Sep 22, 5:47pm  

aaaaaaaannnnnnnddd...here comes so-called "gross misconduct", or in reality smears of potential Supreme Court candidate.

Step 1: make up crap.
Step 2: publish it.
Step 3: correction.
Step 4: other outlets pick it up despite the correction.

A false Newsweek story that had be corrected spread to Yahoo, Reginery 29 and now Reuters even after the correction.

21   WookieMan   2020 Sep 22, 6:13pm  

cynn says
We're looking at gross misconduct.

Where can you find this misconduct? I'm interested.
23   Patrick   2020 Sep 22, 8:37pm  

Brd6 says
Step 1: make up crap.
Step 2: publish it.
Step 3: correction.
Step 4: other outlets pick it up despite the correction.

THIS is exactly what happened to HCQ after the fraudulent Lancet study.

It was fraud, they retracted it, but too late, now I keep hearing how bad HCQ is, you know your heart will EXPLODE.

You mention that it's still routinely prescribed for rheumatism, and you get a blank look. They cannot comprehend just how badly they have been lied to, or just how utterly stupid they are for having fallen for it. So they choose not to comprehend.
24   ignoreme   2020 Sep 22, 9:00pm  

Patrick says
So they choose not to comprehend.

Yup. The D base never comprehends, that is the source of their power. Everyday they check in with Maddow or whoever and that’s their opinion of the day. They are pure media consumers with no critical thinking ability.

Which is why the D establishment will trash the nominee. They can say whatever they want, their base will support them. In fact their base demands they criticize the nominee, they are so deep into TDS at this point.

Just going to eat my popcorn and watch the riots, corona overreaction, and soon to be woman bashing push Trump and the Rs to probably a supermajority. The Ds will cheat for sure, but we have 6 Supreme Court justices now which should shut it down quick.
25   Patrick   2020 Sep 22, 9:27pm  

ignoreme says
they are so deep into TDS at this point

Absolutely. I like Trump but have some reservations (Saudi Arabia, and that he doesn't talk about the employers of illegals).

The TDS crowd, however, has nothing but hate, 100%, no thought involved. If you ask for coherent reasons for their hate, they are even more outraged.

ignoreme says
we have 6 Supreme Court justices now

I am going to enjoy that. Looking forward to the confirmation.
26   ignoreme   2020 Sep 23, 4:43am  

Patrick says
I like Trump but have some reservations

Most Trump supporters are like this. It’s how you know we aren’t fanatics.

Compare that to your typical TDS sufferer. Everything Trump does is bad. He just signed a peace deal in the Middle East and they criticized him for not social distancing at the ceremony.
27   Tenpoundbass   2020 Sep 23, 6:24am  

Trump always goes the other way. He sends the Hounds of Hell barking down the wrong path, then wallops them with a glorious change of direction. By time they correct their course, Trump has already accomplished his goal. My money is on Barbara Lagoa. He will use the confirmation process to bludgeon the Communist over their heads, into a bloody pulp.

The Goya owner, and the other Miami business leaders gave very powerful rebukes of the Communist and a powerful warning of what happens when they get in power.
Trump is going to put Logoa up there, to actually battle with the Commies for all of America to see. The commies are preparing to do battle with Jesus and the Catholic faith. But they will be ill prepared to defend themselves against a Cuban labeling them all Communist and She will say She's seen it before.
28   HeadSet   2020 Sep 23, 7:48am  

ignoreme says
The beauty of this is that they WILL tar and feather her even though they know they should not. They can’t help themselves.

This plus the riots is going to give Trump the soccer mom vote. I get hard thinking about a Democrat senator or even just a talking head insinuating Barrett can’t balance the needs of 7 children with the Supreme Court position.

They will threaten those 7 children, hoping the mom (and future nominees) will not want their children to go through that mess. Like what happened to Gen Flynn. The General could take the heat, but did not want his kid to have to suffer.
29   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2020 Sep 23, 9:02am  

WookieMan says
Fortwaynemobile says
They are doing it to Candace Owens right now. Their bullshit and double standards are permanent, their voters believe anything.

I understand, and this doesn't make their attacks appropriated, but she (Candace) does attack left leaning people, media and orgs. We're talking about a judge here that very likely is clean as can be. Has religious affiliation, which doesn't disqualify her. If they want to attack that, the Dem Senators in the committee are going to look like shit and light even more fire under Republican voters.

Their best bet is to roll over and take it at this point. Politicizing rona, riots, impeachments, investigations, etc haven't worked. Trump is polling well and he won in '16 being behind in pretty much every poll. Biden is not as hated as Hillary, but not even remotely close to being loved by the base. Kamala inspires nothing. Trump is higher with...

You severely underestimate length those assholes will go. They’ll burn America down and kill every child if it gets them White House.
30   Bd6r   2020 Sep 23, 9:05am  

WookieMan says
Where can you find this misconduct?

Biden son Ukraine dealings, but that is OK even though perp is a Fucking White male, since he subscribes to correct ideology.
31   Tenpoundbass   2020 Sep 23, 9:19am  

Trump is already setting up the narrative for it to be a battle against communism, and our failure at the Bay of Pigs.

32   clambo   2020 Sep 23, 9:56am  

I think the lady from Florida will be Trump’s pick for the Supreme Court.

Florida is a crucial state with many electoral votes, and this is likely going to influence his decision.
33   Tenpoundbass   2020 Sep 23, 10:09am  

I can't wait for her confirmation hearing. I am almost 100% she will Troll the Shit Libs with the following statement.

"As a Latina Woman, I am more qualified to ruled on matters affecting the minority community than everyone else."

Sonia Sotomayor made the liberals gush when She said it, let's see how it flies in the face of this confirmation.

Shove the Obama era race agitation right back down their evil satanic gullets.

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