Video shows conservative protester shot in cold blood at Denver rally. Security guard for NBC affiliate in custody.

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2020 Oct 11, 11:00pm   1,056 views  19 comments

by WillPowers   ➕follow (4)   💰tip   ignore  

A conservative protester was shot and killed Saturday afternoon in Denver, Colo., at a “Patriot Muster” rally being held by Trump supporters, which was confronted by a group of Antifa and Black Lives Matter supporters.

The shooting was captured on video and spurred plenty of confusion online when the Denver Post originally reported that the suspect was a left-wing demonstrator. It is being reported that the shooter is a private security guard for local NBC News affiliate 9NEWS.

Denver Police Department later tweeted that the suspect “is a private security guard with no affiliation with Antifa.”

Denver Communists, Denver-Boulder Socialist Revolution and other groups held a “Black Lives Matter Anti-Fascist Soup Drive” at the same time as the patriot rally and the two sides were going at each other in the courtyard of the Denver Art Museum, as police stood nearby observing.

WATCH VIDEO on Twitter: https://twitter.com/dailydigger19/status/1315087522414854147

READ Full Article on BPR: https://www.bizpacreview.com/2020/10/11/video-shows-protester-shot-in-cold-blood-at-denver-rally-security-guard-for-nbc-affiliate-in-custody-983045?utm_medium=Newsletter&utm_source=Get+Response&utm_term=EMAIL&utm_content=Newsletter&utm_campaign=bizpac

Comments 1 - 19 of 19        Search these comments

1   Al_Sharpton_for_President   2020 Oct 12, 5:11am  

I would imagine Pinkerton's and 9News' insurers must be feeling a bit nervous. The murderer was not a credentialled security guard, and so Pinkerton, at the least, is liable. But 9News should verify credentials, too. I hope the victim's survivors sue the shit out of these organizations.
3   Al_Sharpton_for_President   2020 Oct 12, 5:38am  

FuckCCP89 says

The victim was backing away, and using the mace as a defensive weapon, while the murderer was already reaching for his handgun. That dude should fry, but if Denver has a whacko liberal AG, anything is possible.
5   BoomAndBustCycle   2020 Oct 12, 12:22pm  

Surprised these rallies on both sides stop at 1-2 deaths. With all the guns and anger I’m shocked we haven’t had a full on battle/skirmish break out with hundreds shot and killed like in actual war zones.
6   Eric Holder   2020 Oct 12, 12:30pm  

BoomAndBustCycle says
Surprised these rallies on both sides stop at 1-2 deaths. With all the guns and anger I’m shocked we haven’t had a full on battle/skirmish break out with hundreds shot and killed like in actual war zones.

The night is young....
7   Dholliday126   2020 Oct 12, 12:49pm  

If you're going to get shot, get shot by someone with big liability insurance policies...
12   stfu   2020 Oct 14, 3:02am  

I think this is defensible. Patriot dude bitch slapped him and then was in the process of macing him too. Not unreasonable to push the narrative that shooter felt his life was being threatened.

Unless investigation finds evidence that this was a premeditated set up - which of course it was - but is that provable?
13   ignoreme   2020 Oct 14, 6:23am  

stfu says
I think this is defensible. Patriot dude bitch slapped him and then was in the process of macing him too.

The shooter had a legal duty to retreat, which he did not do. Based on what I saw on the video, it looked like a homicide.

Shooter will probably argue that he thought the guy he shot pulled out a gun. Tough to prove otherwise.

Anyways, probably shouldn’t be going around to protests slapping people and then pulling stuff out of your pockets. Play stupid games...

I’m guessing that he’ll plead manslaughter and the tv station that hired him, seeing as he is unlicensed, will pay a big fat settlement.
14   RWSGFY   2020 Oct 14, 7:48am  

ignoreme says
Shooter will probably argue that he thought the guy he shot pulled out a gun.

No way: his right hand had a mace can in it through the whole encounter and his left hand was empty and visible. And, btw, it's pretty clear from the pictures that the little Commie shit started drawing before the other guy started to raise his spray can. He was butthurt for being bitchslapped, that's all.
16   Tenpoundbass   2020 Oct 15, 8:17am  

The missing images from the hidef burst photos.
The Agitator, Press dude, did reach for his gun before the Mace was sprayed.

The Denver post photog may get tampering with evidence charges, she intentionally left them out.


17   Eric Holder   2020 Oct 15, 10:36am  

Tenpoundbass says
The missing images from the hidef burst photos.
The Agitator, Press dude, did reach for his gun before the Mace was sprayed.

The Denver post photog may get tampering with evidence charges, she intentionally left them out.


Open and shut.
18   FortWayneAsNancyPelosiHaircut   2020 Oct 15, 12:41pm  

Lets see what happens.
19   epitaph   2020 Oct 15, 5:10pm  

Doesn't look good for him.

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