Election is over.

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2020 Oct 23, 6:16pm   47,937 views  820 comments

by MisdemeanorRebel   ➕follow (13)   💰tip   ignore  

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152   WookieMan   2020 Nov 2, 4:12am  

TrumpingTits says
In Michigan, this phenomenon is even more of a Booger erection on Viagra because every normal, non-TDS crazed Woketard in Michigan is royally pissed at Pritzker but he's not up for re-election until 2022. So Trump serves as a Proxy Middle Finger on top of his normal Middle Finger aspect.

Pritzker is IL. I know the MI governor is on the hot seat too for doing the nursing home shit like NY, so your sentiment still stands and is true the voters will go towards Trump. I'm also convinced IL is in play for Trump because of Pritzker. No one likes Biden. I see more "Pritzker Sucks" signs driving around than Biden or Trump signs. People are not happy with Dem governors and I do think that will translate to Trump votes as you say.

I frankly just want this all to be over with. The politicizing of a virus, similar to the flu has been nauseating. Everyone wears more masks and cases are "spiking" a day before an election? Do they think people are stupid? Not sure how it translates to votes, but vocal support for Trump in my peer group has been double to triple what it was in 2016.
153   Dholliday126   2020 Nov 2, 8:25am  

This looks like a problem? 51% already voted??
154   WookieMan   2020 Nov 2, 8:52am  

Dholliday126 says
This looks like a problem? 51% already voted??

Not really. Atlanta voted it looks like from this map. Also, what does "Party is based on the most recent ballot" mean? That was likely from the spring just as Covid kicked in. Seems very loose with the criteria. Remember, people on this forum voted in the CA primary as Dems. If these stats are based off similar data, it's pure crap.
155   Patrick   2020 Nov 2, 8:56am  


Monday, November 02, 2020

President Trump and Democrat Joe Biden are in a near tie in Rasmussen Reports’ final White House Watch survey before Election Day.

The latest national telephone and online survey of Likely U.S. Voters shows Biden edging the president 48% to 47%. Three percent (3%) like some other candidate, and two percent (2%) are still undecided. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

On Friday, Biden had a three-point advantage – 49% to 46% - after the lead had seesawed up and down between the two men for the previous four days. The race has been tightening since early last month.

Of course we know:

1. the polls are corrupt, attempting to favor Biden at all times
2. people are not even telling the truth to the corrupt polls, because the TDS crowd is violent
3. Trump does not need a majority to win
160   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Nov 2, 10:16am  

Another reason Trump might win and not Biden: The Media didn't pump up the Libertarians and viciously attack the Greens as much as in 2016.
161   Ceffer   2020 Nov 2, 10:20am  

Going to vote today. Kiss my ass, California Liberal FuckTards! Won't count for shit, but too bad. I hope they don't have IHLs with secretary glasses and cudgels at the voting place, ready to 're-educate' Republican voters.
162   Bitcoin   2020 Nov 2, 10:32am  

not sure when we will have the final result but I cant wait to see the radical left cry, bitch, complain and cry some more.....soon, very soon.
163   zzyzzx   2020 Nov 2, 10:37am  

1:18 - 1:33 in particular
164   Tenpoundbass   2020 Nov 2, 11:55am  

Leaked Zoom calls: Federal workers conspiring to shut down White House in contested election

166   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Nov 2, 12:28pm  

Wisconsin is a win. Republicans are leading in early voting - which is why the Governor suddenly said Thursday NOT to vote by mail anymore but try to vote in person.

Wisconsin went into 2016 with polling saying it was D+12. D+9 today.

167   WookieMan   2020 Nov 2, 12:54pm  

TrumpingTits says
Don't believe this is real. Ain't no way CA will go Red. For them, "Better Dead Than Red" is a religious conviction.

That's extreme. With boots on the ground in IL, it definitely is going to be close and maybe in play. No way CA is. CO would be before CA. The vast majority of gamblers are not very intelligent either. So I take betting odds with a bit of skepticism. The map is going to be the most red we've seen since Regan though, that I'm convinced of. I'm just hoping it's enough to take the House, but I don't think that will happen.
168   thenuttyneutron   2020 Nov 2, 12:56pm  

Tenpoundbass says
Leaked Zoom calls: Federal workers conspiring to shut down White House in contested election


If these people are federal workers, they must have missed their Hatch Act training!
169   Booger   2020 Nov 2, 1:37pm  

How much is the market going to jump when Trump gets re-elected?
171   WookieMan   2020 Nov 2, 1:41pm  

Booger says
How much is the market going to jump when Trump gets re-elected?

I don't think it's going to jump much. I think it's already built in considering we've had a single quarter with 30% plus loss in GDP. We'll see. Hearing rumors from business owners though that think 2021 is going to fucking smash records. I'm personally not seeing it, but who knows.
173   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Nov 2, 3:33pm  

D's lead going into Election Day in NC 2016 was 10 pts.

It's about 1% going into Election Day 2020.

GA, FL, NC, OH aren't Swing States. It's Trump Country.

FL Dems only have 5% of their Supervoters (voted in 4 of 4 past General Elections). Republicans 13% left to vote. Then you have unaffiliated and the Dems that will swing for Trump - esp. Old Floridians and Retired Northerners who previously voted Dem by habit - that will vote Trump.

After the Dems had politicized the Black Churches (because we all know Dems are against religion and politics except when it favors them) on Sunday, and got about 12,000 more votes than going into 2016. BUT, Florida's population is almost one million larger, and the participation is through the roof - with the most enthusiastic counties being the Trump Powercenters. Furthermore, turnout in MDC and Palm Beach is way below 2016 for Dems. The Cubans abandoned them.
174   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Nov 2, 3:46pm  

Final Prediction:
Senate stays Republican.
House stays Democrat but they lose several seats and barely retain control.

NC - Trump by 4-5%
FL - Trump by 1.5-3%
PA - Trump by 0.5-1%
GA - Trump by 4-6%
AZ - Trump by 3-5%
WI - Trump by 2-3%
MN - Trump by .5-1% - 1st SHOCK OF THE NIGHT
MI - Trump by .5-1.5%
TX and IA - comfortable 5%+ victory.

Games might be played in Arizona over McSally/Kelly and 'magic ballots' that appear out of nowhere but oddly only have the Senate selection but not the President marked. McSally-Kelly Senate race with be much closer than the Trump-Biden race in AZ and 'stealable'

Chances of two individual senate races:
John James: 45% chance of winning
Susan Collins: 55% Chance of winning (she took that seat in a blue wave and has held on to it; Do Maine Lobstermen and Lumberjacks care more about Kavanagh or Busting EU Trade Barriers?)
McSally: 45% Chance of Winning, let's face it, she's not Charismatic. She'd be better in an executive office than a legislative one.

My hope:
NY, MA, CA, IL, don't go Trump, but the margin of victory versus previous general elections are eaten away and is the second SHOCK OF THE NIGHT. I mean like a high single/double digit swings. Because of this, Trump wins the popular vote.
175   Booger   2020 Nov 2, 4:10pm  

NoCoupForYou says
PA - Trump by 0.5-1%

I'm having trouble believing that Trump's margin in PA is going to be that small.

And Trump should win in NH. He only lost by 3000 votes and this time no out of state college kids are going to vote there.
176   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Nov 2, 4:13pm  

Booger says
I'm having trouble believing that Trump's margin in PA is going to be that small.

I was going to say 2-3%, but I don't know how much the Governor will manufacture, or uh, "Find" fake ballots. Or if the Philly lumpenproles come out tomorrow.
178   WookieMan   2020 Nov 2, 4:55pm  

NoCoupForYou says
My hope:
NY, MA, CA, IL, don't go Trump, but the margin of victory versus previous general elections are eaten away and is the second SHOCK OF THE NIGHT. I mean like a high single/double digit swings. Because of this, Trump wins the popular vote.

IL is barely in play. I still think it's possible. I think many forget that Hillary and Obama had roots here in IL. So 3 of the last 4 elections had hometown advantages. Nixon to HW Bush was Republican though. Before Pritzker we had a Republican governor. IL is more of a swing state when you take out the fact Obama and Clinton both lived here for whatever that is worth. I don't think it swings to Trump for sure, but it's going to be close and potentially a surprise.
179   AD   2020 Nov 2, 5:01pm  


So far 67.25% turnout in Bay County, FL (home of Panama City Beach) or 83,829 votes...there are 124,653 registered voters in Bay County, FL.... This Florida panhandle county is 77% White (non Hispanic), 11% African American, 6% Hispanic, and the rest Asian, Native American, etc....

There was 75% voter turnout in 2016 when Trump got about 62,000 votes or 71% of the votes and Hilary got 24% (21,700 votes)

So far for 2020 early voting in Bay County, FL:

a) 48,987 Republican votes cast so far (58.4% of the total votes cast early, and 73.6% of the registered republicans in the county)
b) 20,248 Democrat votes cast so far (24.1% of the total votes cast early, and 68% of the registered democrats in the county)
c) 13,292 No Party Affiliation + 1,302 Minor Party Affiliation cast so far (51% of the registered "independent" or "other" voters in the county)

In Bay County, a vast majority of independent voters lean Republican so if even 60% of the 14,594 independent voters are for Trump, then 8756 votes are added to the 48,987 votes. so 69% of the early votes are for Trump.
180   Booger   2020 Nov 2, 5:16pm  

The Trump campaign just said on a press call that they have the following projected breakdown in Pennsylvania:

- Biden leads by approx 750,000 votes heading into Election Day
- Trump gets 2.6 million votes in Election Day
- Biden gets 1.5 million votes on election day
4:35 PM · Nov 2, 2020
182   AD   2020 Nov 2, 5:34pm  

Booger says
The Trump campaign just said on a press call that they have the following projected breakdown in Pennsylvania:

- Biden leads by approx 750,000 votes heading into Election Day

Link: https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2020-elections/pennsylvania-results

For Pennsylvania so far, the only early voting is by mail - in

3,043,864 million mail-in votes requested (63% Dem, 26% Rep, and 11% Indep)
2,383,062 million mail-in votes returned (66% Dem, 23% Rep, and 11% Indep)

If 50% of the independent votes are for Dems, then Dems got a 33% lead so far ... 33% x 2,383,062 is 786,411 vote lead by Dems in Pennsylania early voting...

That's not far off from the Republican conference call estimate (750,000 lead) that you cited... Maybe the independents are only 40% for Dems and 60% for Repubs ?

I can tell you in the Florida panhandle that about 70% of the independents vote reliably Republican....

183   AD   2020 Nov 2, 5:47pm  

ad says
I can tell you in the Florida panhandle that about 70% of the independents vote reliably Republican....

I say this cause even if all the registered Repubs voted for Trump in Bay County, Florida (home of Panama City Beach), then it would be 53% for Trump.

With 78% of the independent voters voting for Trump, that is how Trump got 71% of the total vote in the 2016 election in Bay County, Florida.

That is why I wonder if in Pennsylvania that we can say that no more than 50% of the independent voters will cast a vote for Trump, especially since a lot of those independent voters are in counties that represent the same demographics as Bay County (i.e., 77% white (non Hispanic)).

185   Booger   2020 Nov 2, 6:12pm  

ad says
That is why I wonder if in Pennsylvania that we can say that no more than 50% of the independent voters will cast a vote for Trump, especially since a lot of those independent voters are in counties that represent the same demographics as Bay County (i.e., 77% white (non Hispanic)).

Large portions of PA are pretty much Alabama. Yes, this is based on personal observations.
186   AD   2020 Nov 2, 6:31pm  

Booger says

Large portions of PA are pretty much Alabama. Yes, this is based on personal observations.

That is what I am wondering about the "non party affiliation" or "independent" voters in Pennsylvania.

I suspect they are a very small % of the total voters in Philadelphia and Pittsburgh metro areas.

So they are more in rural counties of Pennsylvania, that resemble more Alabama and the Florida panhandle. If that is the case, then at least 62% of the independent voters in Pennsylvania should vote for Trump.

187   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Nov 2, 8:34pm  

Media is selling this like TRUMP needs to win states.

Once Trump wins Florida again-

Biden MUST get Pennsylvania AND Michigan AND at least ONE other state Trump had in 2016 to win

Even if Biden takes PA, MI, and holds MN, he still needs another flip somewhere. If WI and AZ stay Trump, he has no other likely gains that could put him over the top
188   WookieMan   2020 Nov 3, 12:34am  

NoCoupForYou says
Even if Biden takes PA, MI, and holds MN

I'll probably eat my words later, but I don't think Biden wins any of the states in the comment I'm quoting from you. I didn't think the polling could be any worse than '16, but I think we might be seeing the worst polling data ever. I'm not talking 3.5 margin of error. Wouldn't be shocked if some of this data is off 7-10%.

It's rare to find a Biden voter even here in IL and Pritzker may have squashed the down ballot Dems here in IL. I'm hopeful, but the IL Republican party is pure trash, so I always 2nd guess my gut feeling here. If Trump gets within 5 point in IL, then states like AZ and NV are most certainly going to Trump and we can be in bed by 9-10pm central time and wake up to news of the temper tantrums for a day or two and then move on with life. Hopefully.
189   richwicks   2020 Nov 3, 1:06am  

WookieMan says
It's rare to find a Biden voter even here in IL and Pritzker may have squashed the down ballot Dems here in IL. I'm hopeful, but the IL Republican party is pure trash, so I always 2nd guess my gut feeling here. If Trump gets within 5 point in IL, then states like AZ and NV are most certainly going to Trump and we can be in bed by 9-10pm central time and wake up to news of the temper tantrums for a day or two and then move on with life. Hopefully.

I am surprised at how Americans trust their voting system. Why do you suppose such a weak candidate like Biden was run? He makes Walter Mondale look like a god in comparison. The election will be stolen, Kamala Harris is our next president.
190   WookieMan   2020 Nov 3, 1:15am  

richwicks says
Why do you suppose such a weak candidate like Biden was run?

Why was Hillary run and Trump defeated her? It's about organization. Democrats have failed miserably for about 2 decades now. Obama was a fluke and fucked up the "plan" for the party knocking Hillary off. They haven't recovered since then. There will have to be massive and identifiable voter fraud for Biden to win in my opinion.

While I don't trust the system 100%, I just can't and don't see Biden winning. No one likes the guy, and that's saying something running against Trump.
191   richwicks   2020 Nov 3, 1:50am  

WookieMan says
While I don't trust the system 100%, I just can't and don't see Biden winning. No one likes the guy, and that's saying something running against Trump.

Who cares if nobody likes Biden? Harris was thrown out of the race when Tulsi Gabbard ripped her a brand new asshole. Here, the salient parts are the beginning:


Where she lied about benefiting from busing for desegregation. I doubt she's EVER gone to a public skool.


And 3:50 is when Tulsi Gabbard knocked her right out the race. So why was Kamala Harris picked? Because she'll be a loyal puppet. Nobody likes either of them, they're still going to "win". Hope to eat my own words in a few days, but I don't think I will be. I've given up on the country.

We're not a republic, we're not a democracy. We're in an oligarchical dictatorship. Kiss the country goodbye - it's gone.

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