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2020 Nov 15, 1:45pm   3,886 views  76 comments

by joshuatrio   ➕follow (4)   💰tip   ignore  



"Attorney Sidney Powell is on Trump’s legal team for the election fight, and she appeared on ‘Sunday Morning Futures’ today for an explosive interview with Maria Bartiromo in which she made certainly some of the boldest claims so far by the Trump team.

She began talking about a particular individual: Peter Neffinger. He is “president and on the board of directors of Smartmatic. And it just so happens he’s on Mr. Biden’s presidential transition team, that’s going to be non-existent, because we’re fixing to overturn the results of the election in multiple states,” claimed Powell. And that was just to start. She connected Neffinger to the software she said was used to alter or remove votes in some way.



“President Trump won by not just hundreds of thousands of votes, but by millions of votes that were shifted by this software that was designed expressly for that purpose,” she told Bartiromo. “We have sworn witness testimony of why the software was designed. It was designed to rig elections.”

“They did this on purpose, it was calculated, they’ve done it before. We have evidence from 2016 in California, we have so much evidence I feel like it’s coming in through a firehose,” she continued."

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1   Dholliday126   2020 Nov 15, 1:49pm  

I believe it, the hardcore red parts of California all the sudden went blue in the 2016 congressional election and nobody knew why, very mysterious.
2   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2020 Nov 15, 1:57pm  

Dholliday126 says
I believe it, the hardcore red parts of California all the sudden went blue in the 2016 congressional election and nobody knew why, very mysterious.

I’ve said before that California congressional district 48 is rock solid Republican yet Harley Rouda won in a relative landslide in 2018 and barely lost this year. Additionally a PAC ran false blatantly racist attack ads nearly non stop against his Korean American opponent with nary a word about it in the main stream media. Had the situation been reversed, it would have been nationwide news.

Something reeks, and badly so.
3   joshuatrio   2020 Nov 15, 2:17pm  

Which makes COMPLETE sense why Give Brian Kemp in GA is completely silent right now.

He was previous secretary of state of GA and was responsible for bringing Dominion systems to GA. It'll be interesting to see if he was one of the ones who got kickbacks.

He also beat Stacy Abrams, by enough votes to avoid a recount. Wonder if he's in on it.
5   clambo   2020 Nov 15, 2:23pm  

holy shit.
Throw them all in jail.
6   CBOEtrader   2020 Nov 15, 2:56pm  

joshuatrio says
“We have sworn witness testimony of why the software was designed. It was designed to rig elections.”

Correct me if I'm wrong, but shouldn't there be easily accessible copies of this code if it was designed to defraud?

Why was it there in the first place? Our federal government can develop technology to hear you breath through your phone but they can't audit code that manages voting machines?

This should either be easy to prove or they're full of shit . I wish I knew which
7   mell   2020 Nov 15, 3:00pm  

CBOEtrader says
Correct me if I'm wrong, but shouldn't there be easily accessible copies of this code if it was designed to defraud?

Why was it there in the first place? Our federal government can develop technology to hear you breath through your phone but they can't audit code that manages voting machines?

True but it's not that easy, code can be disguised as maintenance or other routines. even in open-sourced code it takes a while to find backdoors or vulnerabilities, and this one surely is private. Also if you don't have anybody with interest prosecuting at the rank and file agencies then there is no crime ;) We shall see.
8   CBOEtrader   2020 Nov 15, 3:15pm  

mell says
and this one surely is private.

I don't get it. Independent auditors check digital gambling machines, digital poker sites, etc... to make sure they are fair.

Are we operating from the trust and handshake method for voting machines? If so, its willful which is the part that seems too brazen to be true.

Sydney Powell is a straight shooter. I want to believe her that she can prove it. This all just sounds too good to be true.
9   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Nov 15, 3:17pm  

TX did, they found scores of vulnerabilities and strongly recommended against adoption. AZ and GA did not.
10   Ceffer   2020 Nov 15, 3:37pm  

If they invalidate the election, with no clear path to retro verification due to the software hacking, then the vote will either go to directed votes by electors for Trump, or to the House.

Either way, Trump wins. I would say that recounts and audits will not result in verifiable vote counts. So many guilty will be diving for the exits and trying to activate the virtual shredders. Likely audits will only reveal the fraud, and show that the election results need to be thrown out because no meaningful tally remains.

I think they say Trump is gunning for House election. That seems to be the trend, or a complete re-election with strict monitoring by Federal agents in the fraudulent states.

They are even pointing to the fraud in California from at least 2016. Like I said, I have trouble believing that even LibbyFucks would elect some of the political clowns that 'won' office here.
11   mell   2020 Nov 15, 3:44pm  

CBOEtrader says
mell says
and this one surely is private.

I don't get it. Independent auditors check digital gambling machines, digital poker sites, etc... to make sure they are fair.

Are we operating from the trust and handshake method for voting machines? If so, its willful which is the part that seems too brazen to be true.

Sydney Powell is a straight shooter. I want to believe her that she can prove it. This all just sounds too good to be true.

Agreed but the reason I can believe it is that the system has been broken for a while. Any country that doesn't require valid ID for their voters likely also has rampant election fraud everywhere, doesn't certify machines and harvests ballots from the dead and unfit. There is not even one reason not to require ID unless you're full of shit and a banana republic. So yes, I totally believe nobody checked the code and there's no reason not to have brazen code fraud if you have brazen voter fraud outside of the code as well.
12   Robert Sproul   2020 Nov 15, 3:58pm  

Attorney Sidney Powell is a fearless woman.
It makes me nervous just hearing her say Bloody Gina should be fired, never mind the rest of it.
13   Ceffer   2020 Nov 15, 3:58pm  

I would imagine the 'rationale' behind the CIA's deep involvement in election fraud throughout the world, and now here, is that is preferable to the 'wet job' revolutionary bloodletting that has been traditionally used. Much easier, less expensive, and more covert to just overturn elections at the machines, with a lower unseemly body count.

Of course, they show that even here they are not above promulgating civic unrest and rioting to accentuate their efforts.

i suppose my question is how deep into the rabbit hole will the expose go, or (Barr style), not at all outside of the Potemkin posturing?
14   Dholliday126   2020 Nov 15, 4:19pm  

Well's all I can say it get fucking to it
15   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Nov 15, 4:25pm  

I tire of the Q drops and the reveals without actual action too.

The truth is, Trump doesn't even need the courts. IF, and only IF he has some kind of firm and sweeping proof - I hope electronic intercepts from conspirators - that Joe Schmoe will accept without having to delve into Benford's Law or a multitude of eyewitness testimony each about a small fraction of the steal.

If (I think When) he drops that big Proof, the States can nominate electors for him, even if he lost the fraudulent vote. It doesn't even need to be heard by a high court (not even necessarily SCOTUS), although that will probably only help as a high court can make a statement "There is a preponderance of evidence of extensive vote fraud" which helps the State Houses justify their action. The most likely remedy is to kick it back to the State House per Article II.

But if the evidence is good enough, the whole Court System Ride isn't necessary, or can be completed later at leisure.
16   Ceffer   2020 Nov 15, 4:33pm  

TrumpingTits says
We rip into Woketards for being so stupid to fall for shit w/o proof. Why can't we apply the same standards to ourselves?

Yes, getting everybody's panties in a twist is a shallow media ploy to incite ongoing interest and click baits. 'The arrests are starting TOMORROW!' 'Barr is winding up for the kill shot!' 'It's all coming to a head, the torpedos are in place!' followed by a deafening radio silence, or just different distractions to change the subject.

This news by 'fevered anticipation' is annoying, but probably less annoying than the Woketard foghorns of overt deception.
17   GNL   2020 Nov 15, 5:57pm  

Ceffer says
TrumpingTits says
We rip into Woketards for being so stupid to fall for shit w/o proof. Why can't we apply the same standards to ourselves?

Yes, getting everybody's panties in a twist is a shallow media ploy to incite ongoing interest and click baits. 'The arrests are starting TOMORROW!' 'Barr is winding up for the kill shot!' 'It's all coming to a head, the torpedos are in place!' followed by a deafening radio silence, or just different distractions to change the subject.

This news by 'fevered anticipation' is annoying, but probably less annoying than the Woketard foghorns of overt deception.

Damn, that's a BIG prediction.
18   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Nov 15, 6:03pm  

Giuliani, the guy who made his bones busting Gotti, and Sydney Powell who unfucked Flynn's case (his first lawyers were throwing the case for the Deep State). Linn Wood, I trust.

Those, I trust. I trust Bannon (who is skeptical of Q type shit) and Stone and a few others who have proven their reliability and loyalty to the cause.

The Hoft Brothers I take with a grain of salt.

People who write or promote those CINCATLFLT SENDS 1040EZ WAR WARNING type Red Storm Rising style comms based on my uncle's buddy works for the NSA filled with cryptic Buddhist Koans on 4chan I will skip entirely.
19   Patrick   2020 Nov 15, 7:33pm  

Trump one hour ago:

Donald J Trump
Why does the Fake News Media continuously assume that Joe Biden will ascend to the Presidency, not even allowing our side to show, which we are just getting ready to do, how badly shattered and violated our great Constitution has been in the 2020 Election. It was attacked,..

20   SoTex   2020 Nov 15, 8:46pm  

Crazy world.
21   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Nov 15, 8:57pm  

There is NO FRAUD, MAGAts!

There is some fraud, but it's minimal.

Those are just glitches, it not widespread.

Well, it might be in a few cities but you are losing the court battles! <<<<<< YOU ARE HERE

SCOTUS might end up hearing on appeal, but nothing will change.

Gorsuch, ACB, and Kavanaugh must recuse themselves or it's a TRAVESTY of Justice. Thomas too, just because CNN and the NYT say so. Give up on YOUR coup attempt

Travesty of Justice! Give up on YOUR coup attempt. They found fraud, but it got Kicked back to the states so Biden-Kamala will win anyway as there's no time to have another election, besides Republicans love America and will simply accept Biden-Kamala so what will happen is that -----

22   richwicks   2020 Nov 15, 9:04pm  

NoCoupForYou says
There is NO FRAUD, MAGAts!

There is some fraud, but it's minimal.

Yes, Joe Biden got the largest number of votes in history, larger than Barack Obama did in 2008 after the last president lied the nation into an unpopular war, larger than Nixon did when he promised to end (and did end) the Vietnam war, and larger than FDR who brought the nation through the Depression and ended WWII with two nuclear bombs.

Yes, a man that couldn't get 50 people to show up to a campaign event beat a president that regularly filled stadiums, and overflow parking lots of people, was demolished by a man that has run for president 3 times, is senile, and blatantly corrupt.

And if you don't believe it, well you're just a conspiracy theorist.
23   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Nov 15, 9:14pm  

C'mon you litte shit hicks, concede!

Trump, just before 9PM PST, Sunday, November 15th:
24   REpro   2020 Nov 15, 9:23pm  

Pelosi told you: Expect blue wave
25   Ceffer   2020 Nov 15, 10:36pm  

Like I said, the pride of the Deep State and Globalists is that they could get a tomato plant 'elected'. Their arrogance signals they don't even think they need to generate a Manchurian like Obama any more.

Canadian company making the election machines, software company owned and invested in by Globalists and friends of Soros, servers in Germany and Spain outside of USA, trial tested in Venezuela to prop up a failed socialist state and 'elect' Maduro, putting a senile sociopathic relic into the US Presidency. What could possibly go wrong?
26   SoTex   2020 Nov 15, 10:38pm  

APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostakovitch says
Some of dem even have toofs!

Fixed it for ya.
27   richwicks   2020 Nov 15, 10:51pm  

NoCoupForYou says
C'mon you litte shit hicks, concede!

Trump, just before 9PM PST, Sunday, November 15th:

He DID win the election.

But it doesn't matter. The election system is a complete fraud, and our governmental institutions are ruled by morons and/or complicit scum.
28   Shaman   2020 Nov 16, 8:03am  

richwicks says
The election system is a complete fraud, and our governmental institutions are ruled by morons and/or complicit scum.

Quoting the MSM: “You’re trying to undermine the INTEGRITY of our Elections!!!”
29   GNL   2020 Nov 16, 9:13am  

30   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Nov 16, 11:00am  

The Great Reset is Globalism on Steroids.
31   Dholliday126   2020 Nov 16, 11:11am  

k, k, k, NOW!

32   richwicks   2020 Nov 16, 11:14am  

NoCoupForYou says
The Great Reset is Globalism on Steroids.

No, it's the bankruptcy of the United States, and the end of the US dollar as a world reserve currency. I've shown the math many times, the national debt doubles every 8 years (on average) and has since 1971 - when the US "temporarily" suspended gold convertibility.

You can do the math yourself, I'm sick of doing it. Our national debt is $26 trillion or so now. In 8 years, it will be more than 50 trillion. We won't make it that far.

If Trump is president when this happens, there's hope that the nation will bring back manufacturing to the United States and supply the world and rebuild itself. If Biden is president, we're just going to do without. Chinese goods will be unaffordable.

Remember when a computer was a MAJOR investment of money? We're going back to that again. A $200 laptop is going back to being $2000. That's going to be a piece of crap. Top of the line computer will be like $10K.
33   SunnyvaleCA   2020 Nov 16, 12:54pm  

Dholliday126 says
I believe it, the hardcore red parts of California all the sudden went blue in the 2016 congressional election and nobody knew why, very mysterious.

Are you talking about the places where republican candidate was clear winner on election night and then, over the course of the next few weeks, the vote harvesting tipped the balance?
34   Dholliday126   2020 Nov 16, 1:44pm  

Maybe I didn't follow it too closely, but I thought it was weird that all of the OC went blue out of nowhere in 2018:

35   RWSGFY   2020 Nov 16, 1:54pm  

Dholliday126 says
Maybe I didn't follow it too closely, but I thought it was weird that all of the OC went blue out of nowhere in 2018:


Yep, these were the races which flipped solely on harvested mail-in ballots.
36   Dholliday126   2020 Nov 16, 2:29pm  

Sounds like a warm up to 2020. DISTGUSTING
38   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Nov 16, 4:18pm  

Did you know Brian Kemp of Georgia signed an agreement with Stacey Abrams about "Voter Suppression" - but never advertised it?

He's vanished from twitter since Thursday.

The president also took aim at Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, who is a Republican, and 2018 gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams, a Democrat.

"The Consent Decree signed by the Georgia Secretary of State, with the approval of Governor @BrianKempGA, at the urging of @staceyabrams, makes it impossible to check & match signatures on ballots and envelopes, etc," Trump wrote.


Note that under the US Constitution, SOS and Governors have no right to make any policies or laws regarding elections, the sole power is in the State House.
40   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Nov 16, 4:35pm  

The comments are hilariously ignorant: "That was just a downballot race". Uh, duhhhh.....

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