trump lawyer sound unrealistic

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2020 Nov 20, 1:08pm   4,557 views  139 comments

by TechBrosWon   ➕follow (1)   💰tip   ignore  

I am just hearing on this site and claims, That there were a server in Germany and network ports opened to 3-4 anti-US countries to manipulate votes.It is also claimed that this server is claimed by US forces.
It is very-very-1000x serious allegation.

Frankly not for senior lawyer in Trump's team, I would just discard this as loony conspiracy.
Even from trump's lawyer, It sounds too fantastical.

Looking at numbers and analysis It kind of make sense that something bad happened.
This server business looks very shady, Is over the top claims trick to hide data manipulation?

Assume tomorrow we find this all is untrue, trump will become laughing stock of the world.

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137   richwicks   2020 Nov 28, 2:16am  

election2020 says
Whats the point of exposing corruption but taking no action...

I have spent 2 decades being alive, with people denying there is corruption at all. I am just grateful for it being placed front and center.

I am goddamned sick and tired of being gaslit, if ALL Trump does is demonstrate I'm correct, that's good enough. No other president has done this in 1/2 of a century.

He's simply the president, not a dictator. He can only point out problems, not fix them. He is not in the judicial branch. It is our judicial branch that is most corrupt, they selectively enforce the law, or refuse to enforce the law. It's always the judicial branch that collapses first. He's pointing out the failure, whereas 10 years ago, I'd talk to a common person who would simply deny the failure. I'm just goddamned tired of being able to see obvious corruption alone. I'm fed up with it. Now everybody can see it.

People are uncomfortable with Trump not because he's "bad", but because he picked up a rock and cockroaches have scurried out. People wanted to pretend the cockroaches were never there, and they are uncomfortable with them being there - but I always knew they existed. At least people can't argue about their existence at this point. That, alone, was worth making him president.

Should Biden become president, we will have one of the most corrupt, compromised, criminal scumbags, ever in the executive office, with a news media that protected him and a judicial branch that protected him. Stare front in center of what absolute garbage we have as a "chief executive officer". I've shitted out things more noble and respectable than that thing. He's absolutely reprehensible and that's our "chief executive officer". Take a good whiff. I imagine 1/2 the country, at least, will breathe deeply and claim they smell roses but 10 years ago, it was 90% of the population. Nothing has changed other than people's awareness, and I'm sick and tired of being in the minority. See what I've always seen.
138   TechBrosWon   2020 Dec 17, 11:02pm  


I have always maintained that her evidence looks unrealistic.
the bombastic nature of her allegation are making it a distraction from real issues.

The real issues are "math" make no sense especially near simultaneous batch of communist ratio ballots showing up suspiciously in middle of night for all states where Traitor Joe was behind.Also China Joe getting 81M votes while winning very few counties compared to Obama etc. is big "fraud indicator". I am sure any financial auditor looking at this number will tag it as a highly likely fraudulent before doing full analysis.
Whether Dominion has any role to play or not , It is hard to tell.

This is very good information:

It alludes to what happened late in night, But doesn't try to go in details of "why"? This why is the key to sucecss for trump team.

I believe Sidney Powell arguments are very hard to get behind and anybody on face value will consider it Crazy.
Although nothing is impossible with SW,But If sophisticated cheating algorithms are inserted, they would not be that obvious.
139   TechBrosWon   2020 Dec 17, 11:15pm  

Although It is hard to believe Sidney Powell's allegations , But the results tallied are another level of bullshit.

Section 3:
DateRegistered VotersTotal VotesCastBidenTrumpThird PartyWrite-InTOTAL VOTES for PresidentNov322,08216,0477,7694,5091451412,423Nov 522,08218,0597,2899,7832552017,327Nov 2122,08216,0445,9609,7482412315,949

Lefty media throws so much bullshit that I sometimes feel may be become full time conspiracy theorist and keep them busy in "fact check".

They wrote.. Why not compare on original results on Nov 3rd. Also How Trump lead increase by 12 votes. There should be zero errors when using machines.
Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden's total decreased by one vote, from 5,960 to 5,959, while Trump's increased 11 votes, from 9,748 to 9,759, according to preliminary results from the county's more than seven-hour, livestreamed audit. Biden won the state of Michigan by more than 154,000 votes on Nov. 3, according to certified results.

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