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How about mass civil disobedience, Ghandi-style?
Those million people who showed up in DC have enough human mass to stop all kinds of things.
People should join the Knights of Columbus, VFW, American Legion, Loyal Orange Order, JFPO, whatever the case may be and go to at least a few meetings a year. We have to preserve these patriotic organizations instead of spanking it on the internet all the time.
Jim Trageser8 hr ago
SPLC put me on their "Hate Watch List" in the early 1990s, or so they told me, when I wrote a series of editorials for the Oceanside Blade-Citizen newspaper in San Diego County arguing that people should be able to view files kept on them by any organization - and challenge what they feel is inaccurate information. We argued that your political and moral reputation was even more important than your credit score, and yet these various advocacy groups can keep and maintain huge secret files on individuals who have no access to those files, no recourse to challenge them.
For authoring that series of unsigned editorials, myself and my late managing editor were threatened by the SPLC in a phone call.
Cole6 hr ago
The SPLC is a cancer. The last time I checked their hate watch page for my home state of MN, the SPLC had several Catholic organizations. Yet in Minneapolis, home of little Mogadishu where FBI has busted many terrorist plots, there were no such jihadist groups on their watchlist. That says it all. SPLC is in itself a danger to our democracy and the lapdog corporations keep shoveling money their way to prove their liberal bona fides.
Daniel Pennell9 hr ago
The left is DOING what it accused TRUMP of WANTING to do but never did.
Becoming an autocratic, dictatorial, thought controlling, speech controlling bunch of violent, paranoid fruitcakes that are prepared to punish, harass, drive into unemployment, arrest and persecute anyone who deviates from their perspective in any frigging way.
They have become what it is they feared.
Also to refer to a commenter below who's upset about the threat of White Supremacists - please, grow up. Take a driving trip around this country as I have. You aren't going to find enough White Supremacists to overthrow a tractor, not even in Idaho. The threat of Woke Supremacists is much greater.
Polly8 hr ago
I now live back in my hometown, a lovely city in SoCal with too many wealthy white liberals. The people I know here who have been yakking for the last four years about the dangers of White Supremacists are all white liberals with an unseemly masochism about their race which they project onto anyone who is white and proud of their heritage and call them “White Supremacists.” We have a botanic garden here that's very sweet. The current director issued a bulletin last summer about the dangers of White Supremacism at the garden, and that there would be no tolerance of any racial threats. I asked him (he's white as is his board) to give me a specific White Supremacist incident and he said “it's systemic.” I told him if he really wanted to do good to become a paramedic on the South Side of Chicago, but he feels his real work fighting the Nazi/racists/slavery terrorism is here. Okay, the better weather is really what he's talking about. But there has been this War on White Terrorism in CA now for some time. And the wealthy liberals here just love it. Sometimes I suggest they think about the genocide of the Uyghurs and how their iPhone is made by slave Uyghurs but of course they just look blank.
Shea10 hr ago
I used to work for an intel Agency. I just had to retire early after 18 years for medical reasons. I can honestly say I am ashamed to have believed the BS that was fed to us. I feel like I was brainwashed almost to justify things that I find myself sickened by now. I went to work there after 9/11. I believed in what I did at first, but things changed. Employees who questioned things suffered in their careers. Literally before I started separating myself from there and reading things on my own, I would hear ‘Glenn Greenwald’ and think ‘Snowden’ who i was led to believe was the devil. Once away from the IC cult, I realize where the truth is, where the bravery is. It’s with journalists like Glenn. Thank you for your courage and bravery taking on the national security apparatus that has played us for too long.
Lee10 hr ago
Thank you for your honesty. Please continue to advocate for liberty.
Shea9 hr ago
Thank you. I have a lot of truth to share, but when you work there, they make you paranoid and put so much fear in you. To this day, I am terrified. All I can say is always question when you hear people cite an “intel source.” Or a “high-ranking official.” And you can safely assume that whatever Adam Schiff or someone like John Brennan claims is true, it is probably the exact opposite.
Dissenting Opinion6 hr ago
Fantastic piece. Have to say I am finding myself agreeing with you on more and more issues.
I tried to speak with a group of friends who are all left of center in their political views, well educated and upper, upper middle class. Every single one remains so blinded by their rage against the yellow-haired devil, that they are unwilling to see the drift into totalitarian dictatorship occurring right before their eyes. I even conceded that Facebook, Twitter and the like booting Trump off their platform is arguably well within those firms purview, no matter how damaging this move is to their platform. But, and this to me is absolutely a fundamentally different and more ominous set of actions, the clearly coordinated attack on Parler by Apple, Google and Amazon is a direct frontal assault on the 1st Amendment rights of every American citizen. Any academic, journalist, editor, publisher or public interest group (hey ACLU where have you been) who does not rise-up and openly denounce and fight this blatant assault is a complete and utter fraud.
Here's another thought, Patrick: People should join the Knights of Columbus, VFW, American Legion, Loyal Orange Order, JFPO, whatever the case may be and go to at least a few meetings a year. We have to preserve these patriotic organizations instead of spanking it on the internet all the time.
Those students should demand that teacher give up their power to the students.
I was just thinking that maybe the pandemic was planned to move financial and government operations more online to make it harder for civil disobedience to stop them.
But that's the left. They are violently intolerant.
Shouldn't we be better?
How about mass civil disobedience, Ghandi-style?
Those million people who showed up in DC have enough human mass to stop all kinds of things.
I was just thinking that maybe the pandemic was planned to move financial and government operations more online to make it harder for civil disobedience to stop them.
Get 20 guys, show up and chant "Racist Pigs Out of Springfield" till you're hoarse.
And if they don't get the message, go back at the next board meeting and throw cream pies and tomatoes.
I'm dead serious. Make their lives a misery. Have them come out the meeting to see a "Pigasus" on their car with "Racist" written on it. Bumper sticker their car with "I'm a proud racist".
That's how the Left started, and it works.