Also the Left; The Great Hypocrisy thread

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2021 Jan 29, 6:34pm   102,400 views  1,042 comments

by Tenpoundbass   ➕follow (9)   💰tip   ignore  

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55   Patrick   2022 Dec 5, 11:46pm  


The left has the largest disconnect in my opinion. They hate capitalism but ignore it with pharma. They want bodily autonomy but are fine with forcing injections into others. These are not coherent positions!
56   GNL   2022 Dec 6, 3:19am  

richwicks says

Patrick says

I have electronic copies of all the Dr. Seuss books.

Book burning won't be allowed this time around. I can store every fucking book I could ever possibly read on an $20 device.

Care to share?
57   richwicks   2022 Dec 6, 5:03am  

GNL says

richwicks says

Patrick says

I have electronic copies of all the Dr. Seuss books.

Book burning won't be allowed this time around. I can store every fucking book I could ever possibly read on an $20 device.

Care to share?


VERY FIRST: I just realized I'm missing a few. I'll fix that within 24 hours.

Second: Sure. Are you willing to install a communication program?


This works differently than any other instant messaging program. First, your ID will be something like this (this is actually my ID)


You'll need to "add me" using that ID. I may not respond immediately. YOUR ID will be generated automatically (and randomly) - you don't need to enter a password if you don't want to, it just encrypts your credentials locally on your computer if you do.

Second, it's a P2P protocol, meaning there is no server. We can talk privately there. Also share files privately there.

Third, the communication program kind of sucks. Audio is awful on it, file transfers are iffy - meaning they fail, about 30% of the time, depending on size.

Or, if you're uncomfortable with installing that, just ask patrick to give you my email and I'll arrange to get you a zip file. I'll have you grab it from a server I run.
58   PeopleUnited   2022 Dec 6, 5:15am  

Patrick says


The left has the largest disconnect in my opinion. They hate capitalism but ignore it with pharma. They want bodily autonomy but are fine with forcing injections into others. These are not coherent positions!

Plus abortion on demand, removing any choice/autonomy for unborn children.
59   HeadSet   2022 Dec 6, 8:28am  

PeopleUnited says

The left has the largest disconnect in my opinion. They hate capitalism but ignore it with pharma. They want bodily autonomy but are fine with forcing injections into others. These are not coherent positions!

Actually, they are consistent. View it in terms of what gives them more power. Pharma gave them great power over the masses, but free markets do not. Supporting LGBTXX gives a distraction for the masses to fight over while the elites steal behind the scenes.
61   richwicks   2022 Dec 7, 3:37am  

Misc says

We have to exclude the right because they are not inclusive.


Israel has been run by Likud forever. They ARE the fascist party. It wasn't a problem for Israel 20 years ago, it's not a problem today.
69   Patrick   2022 Dec 16, 10:47am  


72   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2022 Dec 16, 5:12pm  

Patrick says

they treat us like worthless underlings
74   AmericanKulak   2022 Dec 17, 4:18pm  

FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden says

Patrick says

they treat us like worthless underlings

We are the carbon they want to reduce.
75   Patrick   2022 Dec 17, 9:07pm  


The Left is freaking out after journalists like Keith Olbermann and Aaron Rupar, are being held to the same standard as everyone else when it comes to doxxing.

But Sean Davis's of The Federalist has a great thread on the hypocrisy of those who only get upset when their team gets a penalty:


All we wanted was one set of rules. Rules that allowed us to say things like, "Men can't become women," or "universal mail-in balloting seems sketchy," or linking a New York Post story about the corrupt foreign business dealing's of a Democrat candidate's 50-year-old son. (1/x)

While we were feverishly fighting that battle, scores of court eunuchs on the Right joined hands with the Left and screeched about how Twitter and Facebook and Google can ban and censor whoever they want because muh private company and also because Trump is icky. (2/x)

When the New York Post, which was founded by Alexander Hamilton, was banned (along with anyone who shared its reporting on Hunter Biden), many of these same people shrugged at best or sided with the Left and its lies about NYP's reporting at worst. (3/x)

When the sitting president of the United States was banned from Twitter and Facebook after posting a video calling for peace and denouncing violence, the self-declared free speech warriors busted out their soapboxes and lectured on the propriety of Big Tech's censorship. (4/x)

The Babylon Bee ban, in which a Christian satire site was banned for calling a man a man, was also illustrative. Oh, sure it's troubling, they tut-tutted. Bu
t what can you do? Twitter's a private company, and also mocking insane trans ideology is mean. (5/x)

And then there's the ongoing, coordinated banning and shadow-banning of millions of normal people whose only crime is not going along with whatever narrative
is being jammed down the country's throat by the current regime. Where was the plea for fairness for them? (6/x)

Years and years of censorship of their own readers and contributors barely rated a yawn, but when suddenly a handful of left-wing journos get busted for doxx
ing that led to Musk's kid getting attacked? WELL NOW. Suddenly their principles require them to say something. (7/x)

When people describe conservatism as a defeat mechanism, or as progressivism driving the speed limit, this is what they are talking about. Standing athwart h
istory, yelling, "I'm not like those other icky people on the right. I'm one of the Good Ones™." (8/x)

Auron MacIntyre explains this phenomenon further:

Conservatives can't be the party of controlled opposition. Stop playing defense by letting the Left define reality.
77   AmericanKulak   2022 Dec 17, 10:39pm  

Teachers, 1980s: "If you're invited somewhere by a stranger, who shows you adult material, or tries to talk to you about sexual stuff, run away tell your parents!"

Teachers, 20202s: "We've invited a stranger to the school to show you adult material and talk to you about sexual stuff. Don't run away or tell your parents!"
78   Patrick   2022 Dec 17, 11:35pm  

@AmericanKulak That's great meme material. Had to abbreviate a bit to fit it in.

79   Patrick   2022 Dec 22, 7:49pm  


Wow! China is ruled by a party that never apologizes! How unusual. China is so different from New Zealand, Australia, Canada, and the USA, right? Did NY Times ever apologize for lying about Covid, vaccines, and so on? Not that I remember. ...

I applaud Chinese people for wanting to keep Covid Criminals accountable. I am surprised that NY Times is so blind as not to see me, you, and thousands of people like us asking for Covid justice and reckoning right here.

We are crazy right-wing conspiracy theorists asking for Nuremberg 2.0. We do not deserve justice, accountability, reckoning, and apologies, according to NY Times and our censors.

The Chinese people, of course, do deserve apologies and reckoning, says NY Times.

We demand censorship and need to have misinformation stamped out, say NY Times censors while thanking the Biden administration for taking care of the social networks...
80   richwicks   2022 Dec 22, 7:53pm  

Patrick says

Did NY Times ever apologize for lying about Covid, vaccines, and so on? Not that I remember. ...

Did they apologize for being "mistaken" about a weapons of mass destruction program in Iraq? Did they apologize for re-introducing slavery to Libya? Did they apologize for claiming, falsely, there was a chemicals weapons attack in Douma, Syria after 2 OPCW experts blew the whistle? Did they apologize for overthrowing Ukraine in 2014, or even admit it? Did they apologize for bailing out criminals in our financial sector in 2007?

They have a pretty clear pattern if you just open your eyes and dare to look.

Our government is a mafia, and our "news" media is their PR firm.
81   AmericanKulak   2022 Dec 23, 9:53am  

Patrick says

AmericanKulak That's great meme material. Had to abbreviate a bit to fit it in.

Nice Pat! Don't know how I missed this one. Am Stealing.
83   richwicks   2022 Dec 23, 12:24pm  

AmericanKulak says

You know, this was probably written by an FBI propagandist, and not a real person.

The whole "I love the intelligence agencies!!" on the left, is probably 90% PR firms as well.
85   mell   2022 Dec 24, 11:39am  

Patrick says

Pretty sure these easily spottable contradictions are by design in preparing people for the modern day 1984. The more people they can get to say "we're at war with Oceania!" just a few weeks after it was "we're at war with Eurasia!" the better for them, it means the conditioning is working. Never criticize your own government, always turn on the Emmanuel Goldsteins and foreign nations! This is full on orwellian npc shit.
86   richwicks   2022 Dec 24, 11:41am  

mell says

Pretty sure these easily spottable contradictions are by design in preparing people for the modern day 1984. The more people they can get to say "we're at war with Oceania!" just a few weeks after it was "we're at war with Eurasia!" the better for them, it means the conditioning is working. Never criticize your own government, always turn on the Emmanuel Goldsteins and foreign nations! This is full on orwellian npc shit.

In the book 1984, this was accomplished by destroying the past. That was the job of Winston Smith at the Ministry of Truth.

But what we have today, is the ability for any individual to store any amount of content, permanently. Winston Smith had a little diary, which was illegal. I have a little SD Card, which can contain more books than the NYC library.
87   mell   2022 Dec 24, 11:52am  

richwicks says

mell says

Pretty sure these easily spottable contradictions are by design in preparing people for the modern day 1984. The more people they can get to say "we're at war with Oceania!" just a few weeks after it was "we're at war with Eurasia!" the better for them, it means the conditioning is working. Never criticize your own government, always turn on the Emmanuel Goldsteins and foreign nations! This is full on orwellian npc shit.

In the book 1984, this was accomplished by destroying the past. That was the job of Winston Smith at the Ministry of Truth.

But what we have today, is the ability for any individual to store any amount of content, permanently. Winston Smith had a little diary, which was illegal. I have a little SD Card, which can contain more books than the NYC library.

True, but the majority of people do still get their newest from major outlets and they are drowned by the sheer amount of information so they don't do research and are happy to accept 180 degrees "course corrections" as truth. Even in 1984 people had the truth in their memories despite the erasing/altering of the past, but they were conditioned to truly believe that 2+2 can be 5.
89   richwicks   2022 Dec 24, 12:05pm  

mell says

True, but the majority of people do still get their newest from major outlets and they are drowned by the sheer amount of information so they don't do research and are happy to accept 180 degrees "course corrections" as truth. Even in 1984 people had the truth in their memories despite the erasing/altering of the past, but they were conditioned to truly believe that 2+2 can be 5.

There were 3 classes remember. The Proles - the lowest class, the Outer Party - the middle class, and The Inner Party - the upper class.

The slogans for the Inner Party are all correct and not contradictory. War is Peace, Ignorance is Strength, Freedom is Slavery. Provided the country was at war, the Inner Party had peace, provided that the Outer Party and Proles were Ignorant, the Inner Party had strength, provided the that Outer Party and Proles were slaves, the Inner Party had freedom.

What 1984 didn't have, was a technological society. IF we lose our access to technology, the Inner Party won't, and then we really will be slaves. The white collar twats, they're the Outer Party.

This is the REAL reason we have things like Linux, Raspberry PI boxes, SD Cards, flash drives, encryption, open source FPGA chips, etc. You don't need a fancy machine to communicate and store information. A $5 box is just fine.

It is VITALLY important to use open standards, UNLICENSED programs, and Open Source operating systems. We knew this 30 years ago, and we've been warning ever since. People won't listen until they realize they should have listened. They all think "oh, you're being paranoid" - I've SEEN what companies will do. The whole purpose of Facebook, Twitter, and Google is mind control - control what you see, and control what you can find - still people whine that Facebook, Twitter, and Google do censorship - of course they do, that's why they were built.

You know why you can get a "free email" account so easily? Because it's monitored, by a computer, or an individual if you set off some flags. Don't you ever wonder why P2P encryption in email isn't standard? Because companies are paid not to implement it, although it's been around for 25 years. Still, it DOES exist, just not in MS Office, or Google email, or Yahoo! email, or Apple - for SOME reason. Why do you think that is?

Until people actually are FORCED to see the problem, they won't be proactive to adopt a solution. It's fucking maddening. This was all foreseen decades ago, but the EXTENT of it, I never imagined. I never imagined that political censorship would be in the open. That's OK though, it's easy to go underground.

BTW - what do you think the Democratic Party means when they say "Diversity is Strength"? Pretty easy to figure out when you realize that another saying is "Divide and Conquer"... Unity against them is a threat to them.
91   mell   2022 Dec 24, 12:25pm  

richwicks says

mell says

True, but the majority of people do still get their newest from major outlets and they are drowned by the sheer amount of information so they don't do research and are happy to accept 180 degrees "course corrections" as truth. Even in 1984 people had the truth in their memories despite the erasing/altering of the past, but they were conditioned to truly believe that 2+2 can be 5.

There were 3 classes remember. The Proles - the lowest class, the Outer Party - the middle class, and The Inner Party - the upper class.

The slogans for the Inner Party are all correct and not contradictory. War is Peace, Ignorance is Strength, Freedom is Slavery. Provided the country was at war, the Inner Party had peace, provided that the Outer Party and Proles were Ignorant, the Inner Party had strength, provided the that Outer Party and Proles were slaves, the Inner Party h...

Technology is a double edged sword but we should never restrict it as it also helps people to find and preserve truth for next to nothing. I just think that it's difficult to set people free when center educational chokepoints are staffed with party handlers to indoctrinate kids. Think about how difficult it is for a school kid to go against the grain and not support the current thing. Here the party has been modeling from 1984 pretty well in the past decades with political diversity among the modern youth comparable to that of the hitler youth at its time, i.e. hardly existent. The slogans definitely make sense depending on who is looking at them

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