Rumor: GOP is blackmailing Trump over Impeachment Vote

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2021 Feb 2, 8:29pm   1,111 views  17 comments

by MisdemeanorRebel   ➕follow (13)   💰tip   ignore  

Trump wants to discuss Election Fraud at Impeachment.

GOPe is saying they WILL vote to Impeach if he mentions Impeachment Fraud.

Explains the meeting with McCarthy.

I think Trump should just fucking do it. Let's separate the wheat from the chaff.

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1   HeadSet   2021 Feb 2, 8:48pm  

Exactly why would Trump fear impeachment? If Trump were to be able to convincingly show election fraud, that would do some serious damage to the deep staters.
2   MisdemeanorRebel   2021 Feb 2, 9:49pm  

HeadSet says
Exactly why would Trump fear impeachment? If Trump were to be able to convincingly show election fraud, that would do some serious damage to the deep staters.

He Couldn't Run Again, AFAIK.

Looks like the "Stop the Steal" Fundraising was all stolen by the GOPe. Now that I think about it, pretty interesting that the same GOPe that shamelessly raised money using the "Election Fraud Fight" narrative, has instantly turned against that narrative.
3   Ceffer   2021 Feb 2, 10:19pm  

Sounds like they have each other over the barrel. If Trump presents the evidence and enters it into the Congressional Record, then any impeachment vote would a priori be meaningless and would even count as criminal behavior by the Senate. Not that it would stop them since blatant, brazen, shameless corruption and criminal behavior seems to be de rigueur in high politics these days.

One of the online pundits said she was in D.C. and asked a couple of NG troops on the outside of the fence who they were protecting. She said they told her they were not there protecting the politicians behind the fence, they were there to protect the people and the Constitution. That's a bit of hopium if true.
4   Patrick   2021 Feb 2, 10:34pm  

NoCoupForYou says

Had to look it up:

Stands for Grand Old Party Elites (or establishment)
5   REpro   2021 Feb 2, 10:39pm  

Ceffer says
Sounds like they have each other over the barrel. If Trump presents the evidence and enters it into the Congressional Record, then any impeachment vote would a priori be meaningless and would even count as criminal behavior by the Senate. Not that it would stop them since blatant, brazen, shameless corruption and criminal behavior seems to be de rigueur in high politics these days.

One of the online pundits said she was in D.C. and asked a couple of NG troops on the outside of the fence who they were protecting. She said they told her they were not protecting the politicians behind the fence, they were protecting the people and the Constitution. That's a bit of hopium if true.

Ha, So no politicians be able to escape, when the people will come.
6   WookieMan   2021 Feb 3, 7:16am  

HunterTits says
Impeachment already happened. There's nothing criminal at all involved in Senate trials to remove impeached officials. Constitution is rather explicit on this point.

Yes, but it's not a typical trial. They're giving Trump an open mic to potentially fuck over a lot of people with no consequence to him. He'll be almost 80 by the time 2024 rolls around. I don't care if you've never drank and feel great, 80 is fucking old as shit. He doesn't have to run again to fuck shit up. He has all the leverage to torch whoever he wants with no legal consequence outside of not running again. Oh well...?

He could have been fed lies as POTUS, but he most certainly has some dirt that he can dump if he's going to claim election fraud for the Capitol gathering. He can throw around a ton with it being that open ended. Inciting a riot? lol. The House just gave Trump an open mic to trash everything. It's hysterical in all honesty. We'll see what he does with this opportunity. He might do nothing, which I think is a 50/50 chance. I personally want to see him go scorched earth over both parties and get convicted by the Senate. Fuck 'em all.

He seems like a family guy though, so I'm not sure he'll do that. His kids, grandkids will be blacklisted forever. So he's got to factor that in. It could destroy their lives. Hence why I think it's a 50/50 chance he burns the place down. I think he picks family unfortunately.
7   Tenpoundbass   2021 Feb 3, 8:00am  

Trump has nothing to lose, if they do impeach him, it would go to SCOTUS, if SCOTUS upheld it, they would be irrelevant from then on out. Not like they haven't already done damage to their image. But for now, it's nothing that getting rid of Edwards wouldn't solve.

Also another option Trump would have, would be to run Mike Lindel for 2024, then have him overturn everything they did, and give Trump a full pardon.

They are petty losers with nothing, they are grasping straws. The people have spoken, all of their days are numbered. Or they can go full openly Dictators, and try to oppress Americans. But they will be met in their sleep with a lead filled snow shoe.(ala Braveheart) Not a good way to go. But people with nothing to lose, have nothing to lose.
No Dictators have ever tried to take over a crazy country armed to the teeth with deep psychological and emotional issues.

It wont be fucking pretty for them. Especially when they are getting rid of all of the Men Soldiers that are wiling to defend them.
8   HeadSet   2021 Feb 3, 9:01am  

Tenpoundbass says
But people with nothing to lose, have nothing to lose.

Yes, but "nothing to lose" is only talking about your vote not counting and having politicians who sell influence. But even under the new PRI dictatorship, the average Joe will still have a decent standard of living and not be in jail. Attacking the PRI will cause the PRI to threaten your livelihood, harass you with phony charges to run up legal fees or even put you in jail. People are not going to risk this just because the election was stolen, they have to wear masks, and they are being censored by PRI proxies like Facebook and Twitter.
9   WookieMan   2021 Feb 3, 10:45am  

HunterTits says
They will close those parts from the public, no cameras, etc. Or something like that. Trust me.

Yes and no. Sure it's possible they hide the proceedings, so you're right. Just a little harder when there's more on the line. Either way they simply don't have the votes. Partisanship aside, it's really not even close (currently). There's no benefit to hiding the proceedings and convicting. All it does is feed the fire in reality or in conspiracy world. The dems/left are on a lose/lose path at this point. Makes me giggle. Not much more foot to be shot off.
10   Tenpoundbass   2021 Feb 3, 10:49am  

HunterTits says
They already impeached him. Didn't go to SCOTUS.

A Congressional impeachment without a Senate Conviction is no more of a detriment, than an admonishment or censure.
11   Ceffer   2021 Feb 3, 10:57am  

So, threatening Trump with a specified, targeted trial outcome even before the trial if he presents particular evidence in his own behalf Isn't a crime? Why would Trump 'trust' such an allegedly pre-negotiated process. He might as well present everything he has rather than give them an opportunity to stab him in the back again.

The theoretical Insurrection Act and military option, if they were enacted, make any deliberations of the Senate moot, anyway. The whole process just gets weirder.
12   Tenpoundbass   2021 Feb 3, 11:12am  

The Republicans have already lied to him anyway. They told him to back off on something before the impeachment, and Trump did, but he got impeached anyway.

They have no credibility, Trump needs to put the truth on Historical record, and that's what they are scared of.
Also they know Trump owns the party, this is about forcing Trump to say he will back off and leave the Republican party alone. Let them continue to cheat lie and steal alongside the Democrats.
13   WookieMan   2021 Feb 3, 11:24am  

Tenpoundbass says
They have no credibility, Trump needs to put the truth on Historical record, and that's what they are scared of.
Also they know Trump owns the party, this is about forcing Trump to say he will back off and leave the Republican party alone. Let them continue to cheat lie and steal alongside the Democrats.

Yup. Both parties are in the cross hairs. And they should be. I hope he acts on it too. But I think he'll destroy his family in the process, so I'm 50/50 on what he does moving forward. His kids being blacklisted as a 74/75 year old man is of concern for him. The end game of truly draining the swamp likely isn't coming. I don't know what the alternative is at this point. It should have happened already.
14   Onvacation   2021 Feb 3, 11:46am  

WookieMan says
The end game of truly draining the swamp likely isn't coming. I don't know what the alternative is at this point. It should have happened already.

BUT! The swamp has been exposed. Even people that we thought were on the side of liberty have shown themselves to be corrupted.
15   Ceffer   2021 Feb 3, 11:47am  

Military does not follow Biden on Twitter? LOL!
16   Patrick   2021 Feb 3, 9:08pm  

WookieMan says
His kids, grandkids will be blacklisted forever.

Trump doesn't need to worry about that. His kids and grandkids already are blacklisted forever, absolutely.

So he's free to speak as far as that goes.
17   WookieMan   2021 Feb 3, 9:24pm  

Patrick says
Trump doesn't need to worry about that. His kids and grandkids already are blacklisted forever, absolutely.

So he's free to speak as far as that goes.

That's where I think you're wrong. He has dirt. Yes, Trump has exposed a lot. He knows substantially more though. And he hasn't bus tossed the GOPe yet. Powerful people can do powerful things. Trump has information, but theoretically he's not as powerful as those he can accuse. It's a slippery slope. The Trump kids/family are fine now, but if he goes scorched earth they could literally be fucked regardless of what has happened to date.

I'm optimistic, but have low expectations. I really want him to burn it all to the ground. There's a reason big tech censored him. We'll see if he acts on the biggest stage at the biggest moment. This is his last chance outside of creating a network or media platform. He fades into history if there's no big surprise here.

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