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I love what Don Jr. did when reporters tried to corner him about the rigged and stolen 2020 election
He immediately brought up the fact that Biden LOST 18/19 bellwether counties & bellwether states, LOST house seats, and had ZERO enthusiasm behind his campaign
The fake news fraudsters had no reply. They don't know how to deal with people who choose to DOUBLE DOWN instead of cowering in fear.
I received notice late Sunday from an informant in commercial aviation, with connections to military aviation, that a massive deployment of aircraft is preparing logistics for a major operation set to go down in about a week, probably in the Middle East. I can’t guarantee you that it is for real, but it was a real warning message, at least, from a serious person, and you know that something could be up. . . some humdinger of an October Surprise, like a big fat world war. What else have they got now? Jack Smith’s lame-ass attempt to beef-up an “insurrection” charge against Mr. Trump in Judge Chutkan’s abject facsimile of a federal court? Everything else has been fail, fail, fail all year long . . . the head-cases with rifles. . . all the other court cases contrived by Merrick Garland, Andrew Weissmann, Norm Eisen, and Mary McCord. . . the ineffectual bleatings of The New York Times’s editorial board? They’re plumb out of tricks and they know it. So, yes, Hillary. You lose total control. Totally. For now and forever, amen.
Do you “clean” the voter rolls?
No. We do not remove either a person or address.
Our focus is mail-in ballots to ineligible and preposterous addresses.
We will not disenfranchise anyone, nor will we participate in disenfranchising any person.
If Phineas, who is registered to vote at a park bench, shows up to vote, that’s fine.
Mail cannot be delivered to a park bench, and someone may vote for Phineas – so we protect Phineas and the rest of the electorate
Where do you get your data?
We use mostly publicly available data.
We use the official Secretary of State voter databases whenever possible.
We import property tax records for comparison of the building description whenever possible.
We import public databases like UPS locations, hospital locations, hotel locations etc
What types of FRAUD to you find?
We are not looking for any kind of fraud. Nor do we imply that the anomalies we find are fraudulent.
We find anomalies.
Some may be illegal – like a person registered to vote in a vacant lot.
Some are bad data like 143,000 addresses in Colorado – in the official voter roll – where the zip code does not match the city.
Some are hilarious – like the person in the Midwest registered to vote at a prison – that has been closed for years!
Every such anomaly lowers confidence in U.S. elections.
We expose these anomalies so they are fixed, and voter rolls can become accurate.
Every voter address should be scanned by an artificial intelligence (AI) engine to take the same address, if presented in multiple ways, and bring it into a uniform address type.
CHARLEVOIX COUNTY, Mich., (WPBN/WGTU) -- A 27-year-old Charlevoix man was arrested for larceny after police allegedly found 72 stolen political campaign signs at a home on Tuesday.
Prosecuting Attorney Christopher Tholen said an "adjacent county" has recently been investigating several thefts of signs.
"After reporting one of these thefts a homeowner placed an Apple 'AirTag' into a replacement sign and a camera was installed over the area of the sign," Tholen said.
Tholen said the sign with the Apple AirTag was stolen on Monday and was tracked to a residence in Charlevoix County on Tuesday.
"Police executed a search warrant at that residence and found 72 political campaign signs within that home—all advocating for the same presidential candidate," Tholen said. "The resident of that home was found to drive a vehicle that matches a vehicle shown on camera stealing the campaign sign."
The resident, a 27-year-old Charlevoix man, was arrested on larceny charges, as well as charges of concealing stolen property.
Tholen said that while police were at the residence, the man's aunt arrived at the home.
"She was interviewed by police and stated that she had told the man that she would pay him $10 for each sign he took that belonged to the presidential candidate. She claimed that this was a 'joke,'" Tholen said.
You think the bankers are up to no good? No band of scoundrels has brought more chaos and grief to the life of this republic than the claque that gathers darkly under the banner of “Lawfare.” Its public face is Lawfaremedia.org, run by Benjamin Wittes, a Brookings senior fellow, but that gang functions only to lend a false-front of decorum to the operations of its Democratic Party activist lawyer-army led by Field Marshal Marc Elias, architect of the ballot fraud that has caused Americans to lose faith in their elections.
Marc Elias was the original expeditor of the RussiaGate hoax in 2016 from his perch at Perkins Coie, then Hillary Clinton’s campaign law firm, which laundered payments to Christopher Steele, front-man for Glenn Simpson’s Fusion GPS political PR shop, which concocted the fraudulent “dossier” and set in motion a train of DC intel blob legal shenanigans aimed at defenestrating Donald Trump from the White House — the Mueller Investigation, impeachment, etc.
While all that was going on through the Trump term, and with the Covid-19 Op providing cover, Mr. Elias engineered the 2020 changes in many states’ election laws and bylaws to permit large-scale mail-in voting, organized ballot-harvesting activities, and introduce the use of drop-boxes for receiving bundled votes. He and his George Soros-financed staff lawyers sued states that attempted to require voter-identification, and provided legal protection for Mark Zuckerberg’s $419-million-dollar assault on election precinct staffing in swing states. When the 2020 election concluded suspiciously, Mr. Elias and his gang joined lawsuits in every case where the balloting was contested and got more than sixty of them dismissed on the basis of “standing,” without the merits of the cases being heard. This is Lawfare.
This time around, 2024, Mr. Elias has done everything possible to ensure that millions of illegal aliens stuffed into swing states will have their putative identities attached to harvested mail-in ballots from addresses such as Walmart parking lots and storage units, and has filed lawsuits wherever a state threatens to require proof of citizenship for voting. He has also filed sixty peremptory lawsuits to obstruct attempts to audit any election count after November 5 — as if it is an affront to democracy to even ask questions about official misconduct.
A parallel Lawfare scam underway is the Democratic Party-sponsored 65 Project that seeks to disbar Trump-adjacent lawyers who attempt to challenge any voting irregularities in this year’s election. Its mission statement reads:
"The 65 Project is a bipartisan effort to protect democracy from these once-and-future abuses by holding accountable Big Lie Lawyers who bring fraudulent and malicious lawsuits to overturn legitimate election results, and by working with bar associations to deter future abuses by establishing clear standards for conduct that punish lies about the conduct or results of elections."
Notice the term “Big Lie” to foreclose any inquiry at all into election fraud. That half the people in this country accept such an Orwellian con tells you the vital role played by the perversion of language in the Democratic Party’s war against the citizens of this land. Exactly who is to say, in advance of the event, that any objection to a vote count is fraudulent and malicious? Answer: the people who have maliciously committed fraud. The Democrats have been grooming the public for years with that phrase, the Big Lie, in exactly the same way that pedos groom innocent pubescents who accept the authority of any grown-up, no matter what debauchery they are subjected to.
Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein has filed a lawsuit in federal court over the decision of Ohio election officials not to count votes for her after her running mate was named by the national party after a state administrative deadline.
Cleveland.com reports that the lawsuit was filed Wednesday in U.S. district court in Columbus by Stein, the person named as her running mate on the state ballot and three Ohio voters. It alleges that the decision infringes on their constitutional rights to free speech, association, and equal protection and the voting rights of the Ohio-based plaintiffs.
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Trump continues to insist there was mass fraud, but all media simply dismisses his claim as "false" without any reasoning or evidence.
I'm pretty damn sure Biden's election was fraudulent.
Update: after 2000 Mules presented the evidence, I'm 100% sure that Biden's election was fraudulent. See https://2000mules.com/