Election Fraud News

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2021 Feb 2, 10:07pm   205,661 views  1,803 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (61)   💰tip   ignore  

Can't find anything at all in the media anymore, except wildly biased yellow journalism.

Trump continues to insist there was mass fraud, but all media simply dismisses his claim as "false" without any reasoning or evidence.

I'm pretty damn sure Biden's election was fraudulent.

Update: after 2000 Mules presented the evidence, I'm 100% sure that Biden's election was fraudulent. See https://2000mules.com/

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1780   AmericanKulak   2024 Oct 15, 9:15pm  

Patrick says

Yep. Counting ballots is an additive exercise. There should never be any subtraction.
1783   RayAmerica   2024 Oct 17, 8:06am  

But there really won't be any election fraud in favor of the Democrats. You can bank on that one!

Fulton Judge Strikes Down Seven New Election Rules, Including Hand-Counting of Ballots After Polls Close and Mandatory Video Surveillance of Drop Boxes, Claiming It is “Illegal, Unconstitutional and Void”

1785   Ceffer   2024 Oct 17, 2:17pm  

The fraud is on in California. No ID voting, rigged voting machines, mail in ballots encouraged and, of course, the DROP BOXES for reimbursed ghetto apparatchiks to drop multiple faked ballots from dead people, illegal hordes and non existent buildings or existent nursing homes. They don't need the extended counting in California because the fraud is so generic and so baked in. They announce winners early, and I doubt they even count the paper ballots filled out on election day, no need.

Maybe at our polling place this year, they will have the Dem Karen of Doom Kommie Bitch overlooking as usual with decrepit old people (maybe they will be legally blind this time) and fresh faced CCP young Chinese manning the ballot printing machines.

I sure hopium there is a karma boomerang for these traitors, but I'm not holding my breath. They don't hide the rigged voting any more, just waft the breath of threat on you if you comment. I think that the 'white hats' are saving California for last due to the severity of the infestation and rot.

1788   Ceffer   2024 Oct 17, 10:32pm  

Well, rampant, purposeful, flagrant, audacious, mocking, ostentatious, oppressive, obvious, in your face voter fraud IS a conceivable reason.

1790   RC2006   2024 Oct 19, 6:54pm  

Does Michigan have more registered voters than it has eligible voters?
1791   Patrick   2024 Oct 20, 10:45am  


U.S. — Early voting polls from swing states like Pennsylvania and Michigan indicated that Democrats are clinging to a slight lead in early vote-rigging.

According to election officials in key counties across the two states, the news is rather surprising, given the Democrats' strong performance in vote-rigging in the last several election cycles.

"The Democrats are still leading in early vote-rigging, but just barely," said ballot counter Dan Kratz, who was in charge of putting up posterboards to block people from watching the ballots being counted in 2020. "Honestly, I'm just intrigued to see the Republicans putting up more of a fight. Usually, the Democrats just run away with everything by rigging the election, but this year could be a close one."

Sources cited several factors for the Democrats' failure to rig the election more easily, including the fact that even the people who are normally in charge of forging Democrat ballots are having a hard time bringing themselves to write in "Kamala Harris" on ballots cast for dead people and nursing home residents.

"It's honestly getting harder — I just hate that cackle," said Democrat election operative Jimmy Jackson. "I keep pushing anyway. Another day, another few hundred forged Kamala ballots."

At publishing time, the Democrats had begun to take a more commanding lead in early vote-rigging after bringing several truckloads of illegal immigrants across the border to help fill out ballots.

I was reading in Plutarch that Cato the Younger oversaw a Roman election in which he noted that a large number of votes were submitted with the same handwriting, so he had the election invalidated. There is nothing new under the sun. Well, maybe the new thing is that the 2020 election was obviously fraudulent, but the law is not being enforced, with the novel excuse that no one protesting the fraud has any legal standing.
1792   Patrick   2024 Oct 20, 12:44pm  


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1793   Ceffer   2024 Oct 20, 1:03pm  

Election train wreck incoming. If they can't defraud it, they'll blow it up and hope the frauds can be resurrected from the ashes. However, Trump wants the votes, so get out there and vote into the Storm no matter what.

1795   Patrick   2024 Oct 20, 4:19pm  


Do you really think they’d allow the endless prosecutions they deserve? Do you really think they want to give back the money they stole?

Do you think they would allow a landslide which gave us the power to investigate?

No and no and no and no.

Instead, for the past 12 years, we have been undergoing something called a Parallel Election. This happens everywhere, up and down ticket, but most particularly in swing states which determine the direction of the country, and drilling down, in the Pivot Counties within those states that decide the direction of the state.

During the 2016 election, the old tricks which could move an election between 6% and 10% failed, given the surge for Trump. Therefore, a new more organized and fiendish scheme was devised[1]. Hitherto, the thieves had moved the country by increments into “equally divided”, bouncing back and forth between one side and another, making sure that, whatever happened, the Uniparty stayed in power.

Trump destroyed that.

The country is not evenly divided between right and left. It is easily 60-65% populist (right and left) now. Easily. This is probably true in every Western democracy. Every Western democracy is stolen. Every single one. ...

After the 2016 election, fresh Soros money flooded into State and local Attorney’s offices, and new legislation, written by Soros money was brought forward in every single swing state. In Pennsylvania, the dismantling of election regulation wasn’t driven by the DNC, it was driven and effected by RINO Never Trumpers, including Doug Mastriano. 31 Senate bills were introduced that weakened election laws, the bills written by “Democracy PAC”, a Soros-funded outfit.

In Pivot Counties, the day-to-day steal was run by the people who sit on County Councils or who work for the Board of Electors. The 2020 con demanded a conspiracy so huge that afterwards, the famed con, the Mississippi Hustle took place where elected officials at all levels “lost” reelection, resigned or retired. As if by magic, they all received job offers from private outfits with lucrative and unusually hefty signing bonuses for turning against President Trump.[2]

This is what happened in Arizona, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Georgia and Nevada. And into their places moved highly paid operators who refined the scam for the ‘22 and ‘24 elections.

A few weeks ago, I described the magic glitch programmed into Dominion voting machines, discovered on machines in Colorado:

“This is how it worked. A few thousand votes into the process, the machine was programmed to create a new database and it moved most already cast votes into that database, after which it began to change votes using the 2010 census. Prior, the operators had identified people whose records showed on said 2010 census, had never voted. They registered them to vote and they voted for them. The packet traffic into every single precinct from China (mostly) during the night of November 3rd was massive, hundreds of thousands of trackers into every precinct, checking totals, altering votes thousands of times in every single county.”

A parallel election. Effected on machines invented, made and sold by literal communists. The software of which we are not allowed to view because it is “proprietary”. ...

All the little local precincts that used to count votes were decommissioned. All votes were brought in and counted in the Big Store, a warehouse out of the public eye, with few windows

120,000 fake votes were manufactured and brought into the Big Store by Post Office contractors. (We all saw the photographs.)


They were held back until they found out how many votes Biden required.

The "Pidgeon Drop" in most basic terms, is substituting one item, or container, for another item, or container.

The “Kansas Shuffle”. Stenstrom observed pallets of ballots moving up and down the three elevator banks, over and over again.

He asked: “What practical reason could there be for moving tens of thousands of ballots on dozens of rolling racks going up and down multiple elevator banks to manually inspect the signature blocks of mail-in ballots to ensure there was something scribbled there, when a multimillion-dollar machine was purchased (by Zuckerberg) and configured to automagically scan tens of thousands of envelopes per hour and inspect, image, and evaluate all aspects of the exterior envelope?”

The shuffling of votes up and down elevators made it possible for the 100,000 fake votes to be added into the system, and counted on the first floor BlueCrest sorter ballot intake.

All the ballot images were destroyed. Against regulation. The one woman, Tina Peters, who saved the ballot images was just jailed in October 2024, for ten years. She is a 69 year old grandmother with a record of impeccable community service.

This same thing happened in in Delaware County, Philadelphia, Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin, Arizona, Ohio, Florida and North Carolina.
1796   Patrick   2024 Oct 20, 6:49pm  


Since the Democrats have not disbanded the criminal wing of their party, we have to assume they are going to try the same tricks they used to ‘fortify’ the 2020/2 elections and then some.

Election theft is an anti-story, which is to say, if you are employed by Baghdad Bob, (Sundance’s name for the corporate media), if you mention suspicions, you are not only fired, you are blacklisted for all time. Driven out of the cult, and mocked.

If you type the word: Dominion, a bot picks you up and down-ranks your post or story.

The absence of the legacy media means that citizens have stepped up. In Pennsylvania, Leah Hoopes and Greg Stenstrom were Republican poll watchers in 2020 in Delaware County, Penn, from here on called Delco. The agonizingly delayed vote in Delco gave Pennsylvania to Biden, which gave Biden the win. It was a hot spot, a pivot county, a must win county for Biden.

So it was stolen.

Stenstrom, a fraud investigator and former naval officer, was brought into the fray by Hoopes, a business owner and Republican committee woman who was suspicious of the Zuckerberg money flooding the county. She recruited law enforcement and former military to be involved as poll watchers. Which means that the description of the process of the steal was detailed and ordered.

Afterwards, Stenstrom and Hoopes, wrote, in my opinion, the best book on election fraud. Called The Parallel Election, A Blueprint for Deception, they build a detailed, sourced drama that has elements of Oceans 11.

Eight days ago they released The Big Con. https://vimeo.com/1018791025

... These six categories form the skeleton of the steal.

1. Mail-in ballots and ballot harvesting:
In 2016 Delaware County sent out 12,439 mail-in ballots. In 2020, they sent out 124,114, an 898% increase. In 2019 Pennsylvania passed Act 77, which eliminated requirements for mail-in ballots. Anyone who wanted one, got one.

France did away with mail-in ballots because citizens were losing trust in their elections. ...

2. USB Drives and Tabulators
USB drives are used to transfer data from precinct voting machines to central tabulating systems. For the 2020 election, Attorney-General Josh Shapiro, now Governor of Pennsylvania, groomed early by the Clinton machine for political glory, moved central counting in Delco to the Wharf Building, a former headquarters of Fidelity. It had a confusing layout, many floors, included elevators secreted behind doors and proved impossible to surveil by poll workers.

The tab machines have firmware that can be hacked to manipulate vote counts or change the vote.

3. Dirty Voter Rolls
As below. Dead, moved away, at camp ground, at commercial building, bulk drop, out of state, out of county, felon, migrant halfway house, etc. Ballot harvesters submit fraudulent ballots for individuals long gone. Again, these fraudulent voter registrations are enough to overwhelm any Trump vote in the swing states. You will see listed the categories of illegal addresses. These votes will not be voted by the registrant. ...

4. Bluecrest Sorters - Process Mail-in Ballots
Bluecrest Sorters were purchased by Zuckerberg. Parascript software is installed to automatically verify most signatures. This was deemed necessary to “save” the poll workers fingers. Some of these are equipped with a ballot extraction module, a Pitney Bowles program that opens the envelope and removes the ballots. Those extracted are taken into a back room, out of the supervision of poll watchers, and further checked.

a) Signature verification means Bluecrest Sorters are illegally connected to the internet. ...

b) Opened envelopes are taken into a room and “adjudicated” in secret. Hoopes and Stenstrom have videos from a whistleblower that show the ballots trashed, and new ballots being filled out.

5. Decentralization
The Democrats want to federalize voting in the U.S., so that there is a single system. Therefore, you will come across “random” “citizen” videos on social media, stating the voting must be federalized because every state and county has its own methodology. This is an attempt to centralize ballots so that chain of custody can be more easily over-written.

This takes supervision of vote counting out of individual precincts and takes the process into a massive system which is vulnerable to hacking at each step of the process.

Paper votes counted by local volunteers gives us clear chains of custody and post-election verification. Every vote is handled by an individual, the counts and recounts, checked and the boxes firmly sealed before being sent on. ...

6.Election Officials.
If you run through the various states where theft has been reported, as I have, including Michigan, Colorado, Arizona, you will run into a certain type of woman. There is a name for these types, but I call them the Long Bobs, or Lobs, which is a haircut that stylists have decided suits executive women who are of childbearing age. The haircut also signifies their belonging, their integration into the mainstream. But it is a fake integration. Time after time after time, these Soros funded, WEF trained women have used vicious tactics to silence operatives, pitilessly jailing people. Last month, Jenna Griswold, in Colorado put Tina Peters, a 69 year old grandmother with an exemplary record of community service, in jail for ten years. I think they are chosen because they look like teachers or principals of an elementary school. Harmless. They are anything but. In every single state, they have been carefully placed to turn back challenges. This is crude identity politics with Marxist purpose and a transparent political tactic of the hard left.

There are 3143 counties in the U.S., but you only need 20 counties to steal the election. States which have turned blue recently, have these women in power. It’s like an order went out on the Soros/WEFer/Clinton hotline. Get me a young hot mom-type. Make sure she is a rabid leftie but looks like the teacher you fancied when you were 12. ...

If everything Hoopes and Stenstrom assert in the Big Con and The Parallel Election - and their theory and evidence have been tested in the fire of an 890 day court battle - then the conspiracy to steal the election involves the highest ranking Democrats in the country. In the case of Reid Hoffman, Josh Shapiro, Stephan Pachikov, Kevin Madden, and Ashley Biden’s husband, Dr. Howard Krein, they are engaged in a criminal conspiracy against the fundamental right of the citizens of the United States of America. Or, in plain language, treason.

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