Election Fraud News

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2021 Feb 2, 10:07pm   204,529 views  1,746 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (60)   💰tip   ignore  

Can't find anything at all in the media anymore, except wildly biased yellow journalism.

Trump continues to insist there was mass fraud, but all media simply dismisses his claim as "false" without any reasoning or evidence.

I'm pretty damn sure Biden's election was fraudulent.

Update: after 2000 Mules presented the evidence, I'm 100% sure that Biden's election was fraudulent. See https://2000mules.com/

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27   porkchopXpress   2021 Feb 5, 5:21pm  

Ceffer says
Now, they are bragging about fixing the election, calling it 'protecting' the election.
28   Patrick   2021 Feb 5, 5:24pm  

We are becoming a third world country very rapidly.

My Turkish roommate in college said "The rich will always oppress everyone else. There is no point in fighting it."
30   Robert Sproul   2021 Feb 6, 7:38pm  

rocketjoe79 says
Younger Chinese don't even know about the guy who stopped a column of tanks.

Tank Man was most likely executed shortly afterward so one has to be prepared for some personal sacrifice.
(Unfortunately we are largely a nation of obese sissy-men now)
31   Patrick   2021 Feb 6, 8:01pm  

Robert Sproul says
(Unfortunately we are largely a nation of obese sissy-men now)

Sadly true. I think all American men need to:

1. Grow a beard if they can. (Women may say they don't like it, but their attention and actions in bed prove they are lying.)
2. Lift weights.
3. Own a gun.

Each one of these is known to boost testosterone, and also alters your attitude for the better, imho.
32   richwicks   2021 Feb 6, 8:24pm  

Patrick says
1. Grow a beard if they can. (Women may say they don't like it, but their attention and actions in bed prove they are lying.)

Growing a beard can't possibly boost testosterone. What would the mechanism for that be?

I used to wear one, but it's just a hassle to maintain.
33   Patrick   2021 Feb 6, 8:31pm  

richwicks says
Growing a beard can't possibly boost testosterone. What would the mechanism for that be?

I think it's the increased respect you get from other men, and the increased attention from women.

Men with beards are generally perceived to be more aggressive and dominant. Something in the hind-brain of humans, probably with good evolutionary reason.
34   HeadSet   2021 Feb 6, 9:04pm  

Men with beards are generally perceived to be more aggressive and dominant.

As are bald men.

Seriously, beards seem to be a popular accessory for gay men, and a lack of beard does not make US Marines, Seal Teams, or Spetsnaz, look less dominant.
35   ThatGuy   2021 Feb 6, 9:34pm  

I once read that Jews believe a freshly shaven face was a sign of 'severe distress'.

It really hit me as true. I'd been shaving daily for years. And personally identified with it.

All my life I've been practically worshipping heavy metal musicians, long hair, big beards, men speaking their truth

And there I was, a pussy-man, looking like I'm 20, but almost 40, taking blades to my face for WHAT FUCKING PURPOSE?

Its an expression of subservience, same bullshit as a tie.

In my mind, a tie is a leash. Its the worst thing you could wear.

Maybe COVID was a good thing for me?

My beard looks like shit, but I feel like a million fucking dollars and I don't give a fuck about any of this shit anymore.
36   Onvacation   2021 Feb 6, 9:46pm  

I keep my beard trimmed but have not had a haircut since the lockdown started.
37   Patrick   2021 Feb 6, 9:55pm  

ThatGuy says
And there I was, a pussy-man, looking like I'm 20, but almost 40, taking blades to my face for WHAT FUCKING PURPOSE?

Its an expression of subservience, same bullshit as a tie.

In my mind, a tie is a leash. Its the worst thing you could wear.

I totally agree. I tried to grow a beard when I was 25 but it looked awful because it wouldn't fill in. But later, about 40, I tried again and it worked out great.

I think beards have some ancient purpose in showing men's status. And shaving is deliberately making yourself look more childish for some reason. Maybe to look non-threatening.

Ties are a total compliance thing, like masks. Guys wear ties to show their conformity. I visited the Yale Club in NYC once, as guest of a friend who went there. Made the mistake of trying to sit in the library without a tie. The asked me to leave because ties were required. Conformity was required.
38   richwicks   2021 Feb 6, 9:59pm  

Onvacation says
I keep my beard trimmed but have not had a haircut since the lockdown started.

I've had two. Your hair must be very long at this point.

I had long hair in college being a bullshit "rebel", but damn, I hate having long hair. I know what split ends are. I feel badly for women dealing with this BS. The longest hair I want on my body is 5 inches.

And if you want to know, a split end is when you hair divides. You can prevent this with hair conditioner, basically grease. If you don't do this your hairs split into parts. I have to deal with this because I'm blond and my hair is far more fine (and numerous) than somebody that has black hair. My hair is actually brown, but it appears to be blond because of the diffraction of light. I have something like 4 times the number of hair follicles than a man with black hair. When my hair is wet, it's clear I have brown hair.
39   Patrick   2021 Feb 6, 10:25pm  

Yes, I've read that blond people have much thinner hair and many more follicles because that was better for conserving warmth in the cold areas where that evolved. But it's a disadvantage when you need to dissipate heat.

I wonder about Eskimos. They have black hair, but need to conserve heat. Maybe they haven't been up north long enough for their hair to get thin and densely packed yet. It's been only 5,000 years for them.

the Inuit have been in the far north for only about 5,000 years. This may not have been enough time for significantly lower melanin production to have been selected for by nature.

40   REpro   2021 Feb 6, 10:53pm  

"We're in a situation where we have put together, and you guys did it for President Obama's administration before this, we have put together, I think, the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics," Biden said during a campaign event.
41   HeadSet   2021 Feb 7, 8:36am  

the Inuit have been in the far north for only about 5,000 years. This may not have been enough time for significantly lower melanin production to have been selected for by nature.

Odd, because they have been there long enough to evolve the barrel torso and thick banana fingers that provide less surface area to volume to better conserve heat.
42   Patrick   2021 Feb 7, 9:42am  

I've also heard they are adapted to eating seal meat and blubber. Other people would die on their diet alone.
43   fdhfoiehfeoi   2021 Feb 7, 10:08am  

For the lawsuits where evidence has been heard, Trump has won 2/3rds so far. There are still lawsuits in process.
44   porkchopXpress   2021 Feb 7, 11:01am  

I maintain a Sasquatch-grade man-bush down below. My wife claims she doesn't like it, but her compliance to be impaled without mercy says otherwise.
45   Ceffer   2021 Feb 7, 11:29am  

porkchopexpress says
I maintain a Sasquatch-grade man-bush down below. My wife claims she doesn't like it, but her compliance to be impaled without mercy says otherwise.

You should corn row it so your manhood looks like Cthulhu. She'll be too afraid to say no.
46   HeadSet   2021 Feb 7, 12:02pm  

porkchopexpress says
I maintain a Sasquatch-grade man-bush down below. My wife claims she doesn't like it, but her compliance to be impaled without mercy says otherwise.

Yes, but what about being "impaled without mercy" by you?
47   porkchopXpress   2021 Feb 7, 2:06pm  

HeadSet says
porkchopexpress says
I maintain a Sasquatch-grade man-bush down below. My wife claims she doesn't like it, but her compliance to be impaled without mercy says otherwise.

Yes, but what about being "impaled without mercy" by you?
Well, that's a different story.
48   porkchopXpress   2021 Feb 7, 2:07pm  

Ceffer says
porkchopexpress says
I maintain a Sasquatch-grade man-bush down below. My wife claims she doesn't like it, but her compliance to be impaled without mercy says otherwise.

You should corn row it so your manhood looks like Cthulhu. She'll be too afraid to say no.
Keen idea, but who says I don't want her to say no.
49   Onvacation   2021 Feb 7, 9:50pm  

Patrick says
I'm pretty damn sure Biden's election was fraudulent.

The whole fucking federal government is fraudulent. The President, the congress, the FBI, CIA, Federal Reserve, Etc. No wonder they put a fucking wall around the capital. They are prepared for an assault of outraged populace if the evidence gets out.
just watched this video. This one gets right to the point about the fraud
50   Patrick   2021 Feb 7, 10:46pm  

How can the FBI not investigate these multiple large instances of screamingly obvious fraud?

Oh, they hate Trump and don't care about the constitution or our right to vote.

So we have no vote anymore. We have no democracy anymore. We have criminals in office, and criminals in the FBI protecting them.
51   Onvacation   2021 Feb 7, 11:02pm  

New chalk note:
You hated Trump more than you loved America.
52   Patrick   2021 Feb 7, 11:05pm  

Thanks, that's pretty good. And very true.
53   Patrick   2021 Feb 8, 1:34am  

Some evidence:

So in this batch 23,277 philly votes were counted and not a single ballot among them for Donald Trump? https://t.co/eUBsX6fMRU

— TheLastRefuge (@TheLastRefuge2) November 4, 2020

These are some astounding absentee voting results.

Joe Biden is +57.7 in PA and +37.9 in MI, compared to being up only single digits in absentee voting in most other battleground states. WI is not reported, but would be interesting. Source is NYT. pic.twitter.com/DPRiJpj3mz

— Yinon Weiss (@yinonw) November 5, 2020

This is outright voter fraud. Twitter will no doubt block direct video evidence. https://t.co/CQLdODH6xQ

— James Woods (@RealJamesWoods) November 5, 2020

So in this batch 23,277 philly votes were counted and not a single ballot among them for Donald Trump? https://t.co/eUBsX6fMRU

— TheLastRefuge (@TheLastRefuge2) November 4, 2020

My wife just sent this video of Detroit election workers cheering every time a @migop attorney is removed from the TCF Center, where absentee ballot counting is happening. She says they do this every time they eject a GOP poll watcher & that Dem watchers outnumber GOP 3:1. pic.twitter.com/Sx1aHCoChY

— Aric Nesbitt (@aricnesbitt) November 4, 2020

Here's the moment where #CNNElection shows #Biden gaining 110,000 votes in #Wisconsin INSTANTLY. See how confused they are? They know this is BS. #Elections2020 pic.twitter.com/iBZA1UItML

— OffGuardian (@OffGuardian0) November 4, 2020

Wisconsin voter turnout by year:

2000 – 67.01%
2004 – 73.24%
2008 – 69.20%
2012 – 70.14%
2016 – 67.34%
2020 – 89.25%


They’re stealing this! https://t.co/ORa07il5SH

— HARLAN Z. HILL 🇺🇸 (@Harlan) November 4, 2020

Translation: North Carolina is refusing to concede the state to Donald Trump. Will keep the state in play with the perfect margin of dead people ballots on standby. https://t.co/x65bTV15m4

— The Red-Headed libertarian ™ (@TRHLofficial) November 5, 2020

Foreign interference in our elections? We are actually experiencing it. Since reporting on video showing suspicious activity at a Detroit vote-counting center, @TexasScorecard’s website has been attacked by computers in China, Vietnam, Indonesia, & Korea. #StopTheSteal

— Michael Quinn Sullivan (@MQSullivan) November 4, 2020

What is more likely, a six sigma event? Or corrupt Dems stealing the election? https://t.co/oRdON5JklM

— au ng (@athein1) November 5, 2020

Then there’s the county where Biden and Trump numbers were briefly transposed. It’s entirely possible that was just an error.

54   Patrick   2021 Feb 8, 1:38am  

But more than an election has been stolen. The deep state, Democratic National Committee, and media whores did not steal the election because they don’t like Trump’s hair, or because he is a racist, a misogynist, a Russian agent or caused Covid, or for any of the other false accusations raised against him for four years. Trump is hated because he is anti-establishment. Trump opposes the elite’s sacrifice of Americans’ jobs and hopes to globalism and the elites’ own bulging pocketbooks. Trump opposes the elite’s erasure of American monuments and history, such as the New York Times 1619 Project that paints all white Americans racist. Trump objects to the elite’s demonization of white Americans and the discrimination that elites enforce against heterosexual white males in schools and employment. Trump stands against Identity Politics, the hate-filled ideology of liberal America. When liberals call Trump a racist, they mean he doesn’t share their demonization of white people. If you don’t demonize white Americans, you are a racist.

Trump is a populist, a president of ordinary people. Trump is hated, because he was intent on rescuing ordinary Americans from subservience to the agendas of the elite. Unfortunately, being a populist is not enough to overthrow an entrenched elite. Only a revolutionary can do that, and Trump is not a revolutionary leader.

The elite are getting rid of Trump in a way that makes it clear to all presidential candidates in the future that their only choice is to represent the elite. If somehow an anti-establishment person slips in, he will experience the same fate as Trump’s four years. The Dominion machines and corrupt Democrat big city regimes will steal his reelection even if enough voters have escaped their intended brainwashing to defend their champion in the voting booths.

Trump’s Department of Justice has failed him. So has the FBI, CIA, NSA, and Homeland Security. This is easy to understand. These are establishment institutions. They protect the establishment, not law and justice. Will the judiciary be the next to fail the president and American democracy?

If the stolen election, which is a coup, stands, after Trump no presidential candidate will dare to attempt to represent the American people.

If this stolen election stands, there is no hope that government can be returned to the people.

55   FarmersWon   2021 Feb 8, 8:07am  


All election fraud to serve globalists.
Hindooooo thugs want to sell farmer land to globalists and they use EVM for election fraud as no support at ground level.
57   Onvacation   2021 Feb 26, 9:41pm  

How The 2020 Election Was Hacked by Tony Heller



Even with the massive propaganda and fraud, Trump got more votes than any presidential candidate in history, ten million more than when he won in 2016.

Biden got more? C'mon man!
58   Ceffer   2021 Feb 27, 12:04am  

Everybody in the world outside the USA KNOW the election was fraudulent and stolen and say so, acting as if it is solemn fact. Only the MSM besotted TDSers and Dem tools who believe the end justifies the means don't care. They bragged about the fraud in the Time magazine article because they are so confident of their base, acting to convince that treason and election fraud were acts of public service.
59   RWSGFY   2021 Feb 27, 9:33am  

"What difference does it make at this point?"
61   Patrick   2021 Mar 28, 10:22am  

Summary of The Navarro Report:

VolumeOne finds significant election irregularities across six key battleground states Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. These irregularities range from outright voter fraud, ballot mishandling, and contestable process fouls to Equal Protection Clause violations, voting machine irregularities, and significant statistical anomalies.

Volume Two examines a two pronged Grand “Stuff the Ballot Box” Strategy used by the Democrat Party and its political operatives to flood the battleground states with enough illegal absentee and mail in ballots to turn a decisive Trump victory into a narrow, and arguably illegitimate, Biden “win.” To strategically game the Presidential election, the Democrats and their operatives were found to have at times bent or broken both election rules and laws.

Volume Three provides the most up to date statistical “receipts” with respect to the potential number of illegal votes cast in each battleground state. Volume III thereby provides investigators with a well documented tally of potentially illegal votes on a state by state and category by category basis. A key finding is that the number of potentially illegal votes dwarfs the very thin alleged Biden “victory” margins across all six battleground states.

62   clambo   2021 Mar 28, 12:02pm  

I’m certain Trump won.
Biden won about 500 counties, Trump around 2500.
Trump won Iowa, Ohio, Florida; who won these states in the past won the election.
The purpose of the exercise of creating panic over the fake pandemic was to defraud the American voters.
63   Patrick   2021 Mar 28, 12:22pm  

clambo says
The purpose of the exercise of creating panic over the fake pandemic was to defraud the American voters.


And it worked perfectly. All you have to do is make people fearful and they will obey all authority without question.

Idiots are still walking around outdoors with masks on in large numbers.
64   Patrick   2021 Apr 6, 10:27pm  

Here is an argument that the actual problem was the concerted effort of the elite to suppress information and push voters the way they wanted them to go.

Especially the most evil company - Google.

Time Magazine reveled in this destruction of democracy, proud of it.

65   Misc   2021 Apr 6, 10:38pm  

In other election fraud news, it's been six days since the Amazon workers in Alabama voted on whether to unionize.

The results still haven't been reported. It takes a while to count 6000 votes.

Maybe the FBI can investigate?
66   WookieMan   2021 Apr 7, 2:38am  

Patrick says
Here is an argument that the actual problem was the concerted effort of the elite to suppress information and push voters the way they wanted them to go.

Just had our local election yesterday. Compared to November, turnout was a joke. I'm on the ballot and won :) Although I couldn't lose either, lol. Shoe in position.

Everyone bitches, but it's these elections that are most important if you want less taxes. My neighbor won by 4 votes for school board. He's a perfect fit for the job and will help my kids get a better education. But it was decided by FOUR votes. The other guy he was up against was a human piece of shit. And I'm not biased because I'm friends with my neighbors.

He'll also be $$$ conscious. Schools are our biggest property tax portion of the bill here in IL. One person can make a difference I guess is what I'm getting at.

It was disappointing to see turnout down almost 40% in my town though. National politics that generally only influence big corps, is still more important to the average person I guess. We had lines down the street in November at the polling place. A few election officials didn't wear masks at all. So that was awesome as well.

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