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Patrick says
I am suspicious of France's election system. Macron is such a piece of garbage, he's like Newsom. I have a sort-of friend in France, and my impression is that he doesn't really have much trust in the government. He's outside of Paris.
Seems like nobody catches on to the bald headed nuclear freak show's spy drop. How would he know what was in the suitcase he was stealing? Why does the suitcase he is 'stealing' look just like his luggage that he doesn't have any more (leaves with only one suitcase). Hasn't anybody seen the spy movies where they drop the look alike valise with the spy info?
He is a sicko freak appointed as a ritual humiliation of the American population. The fact he would immediately start selling every state secret he had access to should be no surprise.
Sam Bankman-Fried's MOTHER Barbara Fried Founded + Ran Two Massive Democrat Vote Harvesting Operations, Sent 15 Million Partially Completed Ballots to Swing State Voters
Sam Bankman-Fried is the #2 Political Donor to Democrat Candidates this Century (behind George Soros). NO ONE is Making the Connection to his Leftist Mom Barbara Fried's Illegal Ballot Harvesting Ops ...
No one in November 2022 is mentioning SBF’s election-stealing criminal MOM.
How is Barbara Bankman Fried breaking the law by mailing 15 million partially completed ballots to steal our elections?
IRS laws state:
“The IRS permits 501(c)(3) nonprofits to conduct nonpartisan voter registration drives, but not registration drives that have the effect of favoring one party over another.”
150,000 Votes In The 2020 Election Not Tied To A Valid Address In Wisconsin: Election Watchdog
FOIA Requests Reveal There Were No DOJ Investigations on Election Fraud After 2020 Election as Bill Barr Claimed
This past week, as the House Transportation committee heard HF 4 which would provide driver's licenses to illegal aliens, this testifier told members:
"We are voting. Our people are voting. If you don't pass this bill, people are going to vote you all out."
Pretty audacious.
Arizona Senate Presentation Reveals That Hundreds Of Failed Tabulators In Maricopa County Likely Misread A QUARTER MILLION Ballots During 2022 Election – Lake’s Team Says “MORE EVIDENCE TO COME”
Let's Build a Parallel, Open, Decentralized, Democratic System Online that Plugs into Our Existing One ...
The framers of the Constitution wanted to form a government that did not allow one person or entity to have too much control or authority. They knew that centralization was one of the most important ingredients for tyranny to arise. This is why - for the technology they had at the time - they decentralized by spreading the power out over the states and many representatives. ...
The one safe and proven way to regain power back to the individuals in a system is this: Instead of attacking with another centralized entity, you instead create a new decentralized platform to compete against it - or in this case, integrate with it. ...
Audrey was born in Taipei in 1981 and was considered a child prodigy. By eight months old she was already speaking. By 14 she had quit school and was programming full time for a leading IT tech company.
As the 2014 protests unfolded, Audrey realized the occupying protestors had no Wi-Fi. So, she showed up with 350 meters of ethernet cables and installed a communications hub that was transparent, open, and responsive to the demands of the public, making sure that truth was spreading faster than rumors and propaganda. She set up a live stream to a large projector screen out in the street where tens of thousands of people could see in real time what was being debated in Parliament as it was occupied.
It was so successful that after the protests were peacefully resolved, Taiwan’s government invited Audrey to build a system of communication for the entire country that she now calls “a Listening Society.”
“It transformed our society,” says Audrey. “If you asked a random person in 2010 on the streets of Taiwan: ‘Would the people somehow unite under the banner (of this movement), people would look at you like you are crazy.”
“Transparency (in government) creates trust” is one of her mantras. And she lives by it. Every Wednesday from 10am to 10pm she meets with people in her government office. Like the police who wear body cameras, anyone is allowed to come and talk as long as they agree that their conversation will be video recorded and posted online in real time for everyone to see. Imagine if this was how government officials met in America or elsewhere?
She swears by the philosophy - what she calls “radical transparency” - where nearly all information concerning government (except the ultra sensitive) is disclosed online so that citizens can engage with the government on an even ground. She combines this with the principles of civic participation, and rough consensus using upvoting and downvoting platforms and polls.
Audrey adds, “The most important thing of course is trust… So through radical transparency, through open government… we make sure that people understand the context - the ‘why’ of policy making. Not just the ‘what’ of the result of the policy. We ensure that everybody is included in the discussion. And that makes it possible for Democracy to truly work.” ...
Imagine downloading an iGov app that had everything you needed for participatory government. Picture a virtual town hall for ideas to percolate, and instant feedback loops from up-voting and down-voting by voters. Imagine representatives following that feedback with their actions. Envision a video platform for those running to debate on, and a way for voters to generate questions to ask in the debates. Imagine having a newsfeed of all of the bills and actions your representatives are considering and voting on in the near future, along with Town Hall ideas of how to fix problems generated by your fellow citizens.
Visualize a truly transparent government - representatives that video record every meeting, every bill that is voted on, and posts them online in real time for constituents to check, review, dissect, and give feedback on. ...
Imagine a system providing real-time accurate polling and grading of representatives - graded by the voters and the constituents participating. Are the representatives doing what the people want? Are they doing what they promised? Are they acting with transparency? How do their actions line up with the desires of the constituents? Picture a similar decentralized way to how we review products online, but for our representatives. ...
But, you might be asking…. with all this, why would a representative want to join this iGov platform?
Well, because if we all agreed to it - across party lines - it would be impossible for any representative to get elected through normal elections unless they volunteered to be part of the new digital system. The iGov system would be a check and balance against voter fraud as our blockchain ledgers and open sourced transparency would be eons harder to corrupt than the current one. ...
Could also be placed by Democrats to suppress donations to the RNC.
But there was indeed massive election fraud in 2020, and the Republic Party utterly failed to call it out.
I don't see how it solves the fundamental problem of voter fraud though.
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Trump continues to insist there was mass fraud, but all media simply dismisses his claim as "false" without any reasoning or evidence.
I'm pretty damn sure Biden's election was fraudulent.
Update: after 2000 Mules presented the evidence, I'm 100% sure that Biden's election was fraudulent. See https://2000mules.com/