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2021 Mar 30, 8:11am   393,208 views  5,716 comments

by joshuatrio   ➕follow (4)   💰tip   ignore  

Anyone get vaxxed?

I know a few and they sound like absolute shit, and both feel like absolute crap.

Anyone else?

Why the fuck are people injecting themselves with a non-FDA approved biological agent?

And what the fuck are people afraid of, when this covid has a 99.97% survival rate?

I don't understand this level of retardedness... Or maybe I am just super, over the top, fucking retarded, that I can't understand this shit.

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2253   joshuatrio   2021 Jun 29, 7:58am  

Onvacation says

He clearly misspoke, but that's still funny.

People don't want the shot.
2254   Onvacation   2021 Jun 29, 8:10am  

joshuatrio says
He clearly misspoke, but that's still funny.

Freud would argue.
2255   WookieMan   2021 Jun 29, 8:57am  

Onvacation says
joshuatrio says
He clearly misspoke, but that's still funny.

Freud would argue.

We've got to move away from the vaccine being dangerous. Covid isn't, so what's the point of taking a vaccine for it? Even if a vax was 100% safe and effective? We're talking fractions of 1% that will die from covid. No point in ingesting something that our government hasn't approved and companies are shielded from liability if people start dropping.

But... but.... grandma. Logic no longer exists.
2256   Onvacation   2021 Jun 29, 9:02am  

WookieMan says

At this point grandma is jabbed or dead.
2257   joshuatrio   2021 Jun 29, 9:13am  

Interesting take on the covid test:

2258   Shaman   2021 Jun 29, 9:20am  

“ The number of cases experiencing adverse reactions has been reported to be 700 per 100,000 vaccinations. Currently, we see 16 serious side effects per 100,000 vaccinations, and the number of fatal side effects is at 4.11/100,000 vaccinations. For three deaths prevented by vaccination we have to accept two inflicted by vaccination. Conclusions: This lack of clear benefit should cause governments to rethink their vaccination policy.”

2259   Patrick   2021 Jun 29, 9:59am  

joshuatrio says
Interesting take on the covid test:

Wow, that's weird.

Ethylene oxide itself is a very hazardous substance. At room temperature it is a flammable, carcinogenic, mutagenic, irritating, and anaesthetic gas.[9]

Ethylene oxide is a surface disinfectant that is widely used in hospitals and the medical equipment industry to replace steam in the sterilization of heat-sensitive tools and equipment, such as disposable plastic syringes.

So it's extremely carcinogenic, and yet used to sterilize medical equipment?

Maybe they count on it evaporating off, but still.

I've had a Wuhan Virus test myself. Maybe now I'll get brain cancer.
2260   richwicks   2021 Jun 29, 10:26am  

Patrick says
I've had a Wuhan Virus test myself. Maybe now I'll get brain cancer.

Why did you get the test? I've regarded this whole thing as a bad joke. A year of this, and all that's resulted is that I'm more cynical, and I was pretty cynical a year ago.
2261   Patrick   2021 Jun 29, 10:41am  

I have asthma, and sometimes it can get pretty bad when there is a lot of pollen. So I went in to see a doctor, happened to have a slight fever at the time, and they insisted I get the test as a condition of even seeing me.

Test was negative, but it sure smelled like a solvent of some kind.
2262   richwicks   2021 Jun 29, 10:53am  

Patrick says
I have asthma, and sometimes it can get pretty bad when there is a lot of pollen. So I went in to see a doctor, happened to have a slight fever at the time, and they insisted I get the test as a condition of even seeing me.

Test was negative, but it sure smelled like a solvent of some kind.

OK, I don't have to denounce you then.. :)
2263   Ceffer   2021 Jun 29, 11:07am  

I had to get the test for colonoscopy at Kaiser. She didn't stick it in my brain, though, like a lot of people say, it was reasonably gentle.

Haven't felt any living 5G micro-fibres snaking their way into my brain yet. Maybe all the scar tissue from the lobotomies is in the way.
2264   GNL   2021 Jun 29, 12:32pm  

joshuatrio says
Interesting take on the covid test:

Lots of crazy things are being said. True?
2265   Patrick   2021 Jun 29, 12:52pm  

I did confirm that ethylene oxide is:

1. extremely carcinogenic
2. commonly used to sterilize medical equipment

2266   mell   2021 Jun 29, 1:08pm  

You want to stay away from it so don't take unnecessary cold/flu tests but this guy is wrong about the timeline. That's a long term cumulative effect, you certainly won't get sick within weeks or months, also the amount of exposure is tiny. Still no reason to take an unreliable and unnecessary and potentially harmful test.
2267   porkchopXpress   2021 Jun 29, 1:47pm  

mell says
You want to stay away from it so don't take unnecessary cold/flu tests but this guy is wrong about the timeline. That's a long term cumulative effect, you certainly won't get sick within weeks or months, also the amount of exposure is tiny. Still no reason to take an unreliable and unnecessary and potentially harmful test.
Agreed. If you're exposed to X-ray radiation enough, you'll get cancer. That doesn't mean you never get X-rays.
2268   PeopleUnited   2021 Jun 29, 6:27pm  

Patrick says
I have asthma, and sometimes it can get pretty bad when there is a lot of pollen. So I went in to see a doctor, happened to have a slight fever at the time, and they insisted I get the test as a condition of even seeing me.

Test was negative, but it sure smelled like a solvent of some kind.

My brother in law is pretty mainstream, aka believes the CNN propaganda, but he did go see a Homeopathic doctor a while back and his asthma is almost completely gone. Worth a try, and no Chinavirus tests needed.
2269   Patrick   2021 Jun 29, 6:51pm  

PeopleUnited says
Homeopathic doctor

Thanks, I may try that.
2270   WookieMan   2021 Jun 29, 7:13pm  

Patrick says
PeopleUnited says
Homeopathic doctor

Thanks, I may try that.

We're about to get legal guardianship of my nephew. He has a massive asthma/allergy issues. Daily treatments and pills. SIL just has state insurance, so I don't believe he's getting the best treatment from even big hospitals. Knock on wood, my own kids 10 and 8 have been sick maybe 2-3 times a piece.

We go to a more homeopathic pediatrician, so once we get him on our insurance we're hoping to try something different. SIL is too busy getting high and drunk and getting in fights and DUI's. So pretty sure her health knowledge or wanting to get a 2nd opinion is not a priority. Bitch.
2271   Rin   2021 Jun 29, 7:15pm  

WookieMan says
asthma/allergy issues.

Ppl, have any of you tried Quercetin, in doses above 500 mg per day?
2272   WookieMan   2021 Jun 29, 7:29pm  

Rin says
WookieMan says
asthma/allergy issues.

Ppl, have any of you tried Quercetin, in doses above 500 mg per day?

Is it OTC? Pain in the ass to get medicine without being forced to visit a doctor. My son just got into poison ivy and had to visit a dr to get something more than Benadryl, which wasn't helping. The cream we got was completely benign, but helped almost hours after application. It's a fucking racket.
2273   Rin   2021 Jun 29, 7:55pm  

WookieMan says
Is it OTC?

Have you been asleep at the wheel for the past year?!

Aside from banging hoes, which I can't do now thanks to the Cn border being closed, it's possibly the thing that I talk about the most and it's a vitamin/supplement, available at just about every Vitamin Shoppe or like store in the country and the world.

2274   mell   2021 Jun 29, 8:10pm  

Rin says
WookieMan says
asthma/allergy issues.

Ppl, have any of you tried Quercetin, in doses above 500 mg per day?

No but when I don't forget it I take about 500 mg daily with zinc
2275   richwicks   2021 Jun 29, 8:19pm  

PeopleUnited says
but he did go see a Homeopathic doctor a while back and his asthma is almost completely gone. Worth a try

I don't have asthma, but I'd be curious what the treatment was.

I wade through endless bullshit to find gold nuggets. I'd be curious as to what worked for him, but everything is anecdotal to start with.
2276   PeopleUnited   2021 Jun 29, 8:35pm  

richwicks says
I'd be curious what the treatment was.

That’s a good question, I don’t know but homeopathy is very interesting, the doctor asks you a bunch of questions and asks you to talk about yourself, past and present and then chooses a remedy from something like 200 different options based on your answers and their knowledge of the different remedies. In other words there is no one size fits all remedy for asthma is my understanding. The other interesting thing is the more dilute a remedy is, can actually make it more potent. And they use “like” to treat like.

I read a book awhile ago and it said a homeopath used diluted rabbit gonads to quell a rabbit plague/infestation in Europe so apparently there are many uses for this practice if you know what you are doing.
2277   richwicks   2021 Jun 29, 9:17pm  

PeopleUnited says
That’s a good question, I don’t know but homeopathy is very interesting, the doctor asks you a bunch of questions and asks you to talk about yourself, past and present and then chooses a remedy from something like 200 different options based on your answers and their knowledge of the different remedies. In other words there is no one size fits all remedy for asthma is my understanding.

I'm skeptical that the questions are useful, and are designed to make it feel that whatever advice is given is "expert". If the cure works, well, it works - but people puff themselves up to seem like experts all the time.

PeopleUnited says
I read a book awhile ago and it said a homeopath used diluted rabbit gonads to quell a rabbit plague/infestation in Europe so apparently there are many uses for this practice if you know what you are doing.

I doubt the claims of the book.

I'm very used to shifting through tons of bullshit to find a diamond. My hope is that, in time, I can immediately remove the bullshit and find the diamond. Maybe an impossible goal :)

I listen to any crazy bullshit, but I keep track of what I've been told, and years later, I find out if it was true or untrue. I'm just an neural network, just training myself.
2278   Karloff   2021 Jun 29, 11:04pm  

Homeopathy is complete junk. Dilute some substance in water over and over to the point where it doesn't even exist anymore, and claim the "memory" of the substance is somehow healing you.
2279   Blue   2021 Jun 29, 11:17pm  

The basic homeopathy is a placebo. If something is working means either broken clock or working non-homeopathy stuff added under homeopathy. Its gone everywhere except not so smart places like India.
2282   Patrick   2021 Jun 29, 11:50pm  


But remember, you’re doing all this to force the cells to make some protein that they weren’t making before. That’s the point of all mRNA work. What if that protein is sufficiently foreign-looking that it sets off an immune response of its own? Well, whether you felt like it or not, you have now vaccinated people against it, so if you wanted it to be produced undisturbed to do its work, that’s a problem. There’s going to be a window you can work in: an all-human protein sequence should be fine, but the more modifications you make after that, the greater the chance you might trip one of the alarm systems, at least in a few patients. The immune response is hugely variable from person to person, and the response to a foreign protein can range from nearly silent changes in circulating antibody profiles (at one end) through skin rashes and other allergy symptoms, then into things like the myocarditis and clotting effects seen with the current coronavirus vaccines in small numbers of patients, up to sudden anaphylactic shock and potentially death (think of people who are hugely sensitive to penicillins, peanut antigen proteins, or bee stings). Animal studies can alert you to some of the alarming outcomes, but the only way to really establish the levels of these sorts of things is with human clinical trials.
2283   richwicks   2021 Jun 30, 6:20am  

Karloff says
Homeopathy is complete junk. Dilute some substance in water over and over to the point where it doesn't even exist anymore, and claim the "memory" of the substance is somehow healing you.

The definition of this practice changes with the practitioner. I'm well aware of James Randi's presentations of it, but he's misrepresenting it in that he's buying sleeping pills from Rite Aid but that's not how EVERYBODY simply defines it - that is producing a toxin that duplicates symptoms, and then reducing the toxin to nothing over time.
2284   SumatraBosch   2021 Jun 30, 6:28am  

If Donald Trump says Homeopathy works, that's all I need to know.
2285   Shaman   2021 Jun 30, 8:20am  

Ceffer says
I had to get the test for colonoscopy at Kaiser. She didn't stick it in my brain, though, like a lot of people say, it was reasonably gentle.

Haven't felt any living G5 micro-fibres snaking their way into my brain yet. Maybe all the scar tissue from the lobotomies is in the way.

I had my first one of those earlier this year as well. Male doc did it, and I don’t remember much thanks to the George Floyd cocktail they shot me up with. It was sort of like having drinks at Bill Cosby’s house!
2286   richwicks   2021 Jun 30, 8:28am  

SumatraBosch says
If Donald Trump says Homeopathy works, that's all I need to know.

He WAS right about hydroxychloroquine you know..
2288   richwicks   2021 Jun 30, 1:28pm  

Patrick says
Another huge profit opportunity for Big Pharme:


Hunh, for the first time since I've had to put my 2 dogs down 3 and 5 years ago - I'm glad they're dead and gone..
2289   porkchopXpress   2021 Jun 30, 3:47pm  

My friend's mom, who is in her 50s, just died from "altitude sickness" hiking in the mountains. She was very fit and hiked in the mountains at higher altitudes, and dropped dead on the mountain. You guessed it... she was vaxxed.
2292   WookieMan   2021 Jun 30, 4:55pm  

porkchopexpress says
My friend's mom, who is in her 50s, just died from "altitude sickness" hiking in the mountains. She was very fit and hiked in the mountains at higher altitudes, and dropped dead on the mountain. You guessed it... she was vaxxed.

They always warn of altitude sickness. I just got wasted at 6,200' at Red Rocks with zero issues in CO. We're talking 20 beers throughout the day (light beers). I felt fine. This is why I don't want to get a vaccine. When I'm in my element I'm probably one of the most reckless humans. Covid hasn't killed me. I'll pass on the vax. RR is a place where you hike 5 stories one way just to take a piss or get food. Wasn't phased at all. Live as healthy as you can and have fun while you can. This is all BS.

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