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Is that Jill Biden? If so, is she trying to role-play and relive her old "babysitter does the dad" bit?
Wanna be scared? Read this:
Biggest concern is the vaccine creating auto-immune disorders over the long run by artificially playing with our RNA/DNA. This shit is irreversible.
vaccine creating auto-immune disorders over the long run by artificially playing with our RNA/DNA.
Not going to guilt you i
Wanna be scared? Read this:
Biggest concern is the vaccine creating auto-immune disorders over the long run by artificially playing with our RNA/DNA. This shit is irreversible.
Biggest concern is the vaccine creating auto-immune disorders over the long run by artificially playing with our RNA/DNA. This shit is irreversible.
The good news is that the "vaccine" is going to kill a lot more liberals than conservatives. Maybe even all of the liberals.
My advice? Start taking Vit C and D supplements now.
China, a country with 1.4B+ people has 10k deaths or whatever they're reporting
Cousin said she was pushing 650lbs.
Cousin said she was pushing 650lbs.
You're serious about that weight? Amazing if so.
Yes, they funeral is delayed for lack of a coffin that will fit
porkchopexpress saysBiggest concern is the vaccine creating auto-immune disorders over the long run by artificially playing with our RNA/DNA. This shit is irreversible.
The good news is that the "vaccine" is going to kill a lot more liberals than conservatives. Maybe even all of the liberals.
The bad news is that I have liberal relatives I care about. I'm sad to see them take this "vaccine".
State health officials noted that “in most cases, severe co-morbidities and death after getting the vaccine is normal.”
just_passing_through saysYes, they funeral is delayed for lack of a coffin that will fit
I don't see the coffin as a necessity except to the vendor who routinely overcharges for them. Seriously it's a waste of money.
I like the Jewish tradition, a plain pine box with straw bedding in it:
Have you seen the price of lumber lately? Even a simple pine box is going to cost you.
I really wonder how many adverse reactions aren’t being reported to VAERS. Bet the percentage reported is very small like 1%. That means it’s rough on most people and deadly to a fair number.
A Chinese friend recommended investing in forest stocks. There are companies that mostly just own lumber trees.
He points out it will literally grow in value.
But then, a forest fire could wipe it out.
Now people can't afford to die! Cremation should lower the cost.
Have you seen the price of natural gas lately? Wrapping in saran wrap and lodging in landfills.
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I know a few and they sound like absolute shit, and both feel like absolute crap.
Anyone else?
Why the fuck are people injecting themselves with a non-FDA approved biological agent?
And what the fuck are people afraid of, when this covid has a 99.97% survival rate?
I don't understand this level of retardedness... Or maybe I am just super, over the top, fucking retarded, that I can't understand this shit.